Vol 4 Chapter 103: His weakness (one more)

After finding out the cause of Patriarch Lin's death, Su Fengnuan made a circle around Patriarch Lin's room and yard, and found no more suspicious points. So she solved the formation organs of the Lin's main courtyard and ordered a government guard to go to the government office to report the case, and let Wu Zuo come to an autopsy to record the cause of Lin's death.
People from the government office soon came, and when they saw Su Fengnuan, they quickly greeted him.
Su Fengnuan briefly mentioned the cause of Patriarch Lin's death, and after the people in the palace recorded the cause of Patriarch Lin's death, she took Qianhan and left the Lin Mansion.
The government officials chased them out and asked Su Fengnuan cautiously, "Miss Su, Patriarch Lin...how to arrange it?"
Su Fengnuan said, "The second prince is recuperating in the palace, and the head of the Lin family raises the second prince once. Now that he has been murdered, the second prince must be traced. The government will stay here and wait. The second prince will meet him. There are arrangements."
The people of the government office got the reminder and repeatedly agreed.
Su Fengnuan and Qian Han left Lin Mansion.
After exiting the gate of the Lin Mansion, Su Fengnuan said to Qian Han, "Send a mansion guard to find Doctor Meng, and ask Doctor Meng to visit the Lin Mansion to help Lin Yi catch the broken palm."
Qian Han said immediately, "Girl, this Lin Yi is a subordinate. He doesn't know his identity. It is really arrogant. The subordinate cuts his palm, and it is his own responsibility." When the words fell, he lowered his voice again, "Furthermore, Lin Yi Seeing that your detoxification has been achieved, the subordinates were still thinking about whether to kill him."
Su Fengnuan said to him, "Although this person is ignorant, it is important to be loyal. Patriarch Lin was banned by Lin Zhixiao, and he had already lost power in the Lin family, but he did not take refuge in Patriarch Lin, and he was still loyal to Patriarch Lin. It's hard to come by, and now I'll teach him a lesson, that's it." After a pause, he said, "If I kill innocent people just because I hide my martial arts, what is the difference from the treacherous people in this world? "
Qian Han immediately lowered his head, "The girl has taught me the truth, I will send someone to ask Doctor Meng."
Su Fengnuan nodded, "Now he is deeply saddened by the death of Patriarch Lin, and he can't even publicize my return to martial arts."
Qian Han nodded, and immediately recruited the guard who was secretly protecting, and ordered to go down. The guard immediately went to ask the doctor Meng.
Su Fengnuan said to Qian Han, "I will go to the palace again, I'll talk to Lin Zhixiao in person, after all, this matter is of great importance."
Qian Han nodded and drove to the palace.
After the carriage came to the palace gate, Su Fengnuan handed the palace card and entered the palace again.
When he came to Shaode Hall, a little saw Su Fengnuan and was startled, "Miss Su, what are you... why are you here again?"
Su Fengnuan said, "You go report it, I'll see the second prince, and I will find him if I have something to do."
The little replied, daring not to be negligent, he hurried to report it, and after a while, he hurried back and said, "The second prince please come in."
Su Fengnuan entered the inner hall, and saw Lin Zhixiao lying halfway on the bed, his face flushed, and he didn't seem to have cooled off. She walked straight to his window and said to him, "Patriarch Lin died of the palm of flames." When the words fell, she took out the palm print that Qianhan copied and handed it to him, "A black handprint on her chest, all meridians Sudden, it seems to have been burned by a fire, and its meridians are exhausted and die. According to my judgment, it is the flame palm of the flame power."
Lin Zhixiao stretched out his hand to take the piece of rice paper that copied the handprint, looked at it, and said with a deep brow, "This is a woman's hand."
Su Fengnuan said, "Yes, the hand bones are slender, and it is undoubtedly a woman's hand."
Lin Zhixiao pursed his lips, looked at the copied fingerprints, and stopped talking.
Su Fengnuan said to him, "Furthermore, when I saw him, he was lying on the bed, seeming to be asleep. When I found out that he had no breath, he was out of breath. When I checked the cause of his death, his wrist and pulse were smeared. A thin layer of wax was applied, and bone poison was dripped on the thin wax."
Lin Zhixiao looked at her immediately.
Su Fengnuan's hand was hidden in his sleeve and said to him, "It can be seen that the woman did these things after killing Patriarch Lin first. It should be determined that I will give Patriarch Lin a pulse, so I want to take the opportunity. kill me."
Lin Zhixiao said, "I ask you to check Patriarch Lin, is that woman also calculated?"
Su Fengnuan said, "Perhaps, after all, your leg injury is so severe that you cannot leave the palace. I will change the dressing for you. It is not difficult to predict if you take the opportunity to ask me to do this for you. And I am investigating the imperial palace. In the case of the secret path of the agency, Patriarch Lin is dead, I cannot refuse you not to check it."
Lin Zhixiao looked at her, "You... are you not poisoned?"
Su Fengnuan said, "It was discovered in time."
Lin Zhixiao pursed his lips and stopped talking.
Su Fengnuan looked at him, "At the beginning, Fengmeiren was the flame palm who died of the flame art. Do you know that besides Concubine Yue, who else has this kind of flame art?"
Lin Zhixiao said with a solemn expression, "Although Concubine Yue Gui is my mother, I haven't been with her since I was a child. She has no relationship with me. She just gave me a status that looks honorable. I know almost nothing about it."
Su Fengnuan raised her eyebrows when he saw that he didn't seem to be false, "You don't know anything about her, so you accept this identity with pleasure?"
Lin Zhixiao looked at her and laughed at herself, "What if I don't accept it? I originally thought that I was the second son of the Lin family. Although this status is not honorable, it can also allow me to do what I want. However, I didn't expect it. , I turned out to be the prince's identity. She and the Lin Patriarch exchanged different sons until she died, and I didn't call her a mother. In my heart, she was nothing more than the concubine Yue Gui who was favored by the emperor. I'm dead, but I still can't refuse the identity she gave me." After the words fell, he looked at Su Fengnuan, "How can a young man of the Jianghu school compete with Ye Shizi for a woman? With the identity of the prince, he naturally has the capital. Many, I have loved you for many years, but I don’t want to give up easily. I always have to fight."
Su Fengnuan said, "You are wrong, even if you are the second prince, I still love Ye Chang, it has nothing to do with identity."
Lin Zhixiao nodded, "Yes, I can see now that even if you urge the cold poison in your body to live and die together with Xu Yunchu, you are not willing to defile yourself and sorry Ye Shizi. I can't compete with Ye Shizi for this kind of you. I won’t be able to compete for identity, but not for popular support."
Su Fengnuan looked at him, "You can understand the best." The words fell, and said, "So, you don't know who killed Patriarch Lin?"
Lin Zhixiao shook his head, "I don't know much about Concubine Yue Gui. Although I am his biological son, in her eyes, it is no different from a chess piece." When the words fell, he mocked and said, "Otherwise, the forces involved behind her , How can I not care about my life and death? If it weren't for Ye Shizi, I would definitely die in the trap of the secret path that day."
Seeing that he could not ask anything from him, Su Fengnuan gave up and said to him, "I thought you could know something that would benefit my Patriarch Chalin's death. It seems I overestimated you."
Lin Zhixiao pursed his lips, reached into his arms, took out a kit from his arms, and handed it to Su Fengnuan, "Didn't you always suspect that there is someone behind me? This is for you, and now I don't know if it's useful for you." ."
Su Fengnuan took the kit after hearing the words, opened it, and saw that there were seven or eight pieces of straw paper inside. She took it out, took a look, and found that it was a wordless piece of straw paper. Papyrus is very ordinary.
She raised her eyebrows, "Just these ordinary papers?"
Lin Zhixiao said with a calm eyebrow, "It used to be written, but it will disappear after I open it and read it."
Su Fengnuan asked, "What did you write?"
Lin Zhixiaodao, "Instruct me to do things."
Su Fengnuan frowned, "You are the second prince, concubine Yuegui, and someone has ordered you to do something? What do you do?"
Lin Zhixiao said, "In today's view, many things did not end with the death of Concubine Yue, presumably she was just a pawn. After I entered Beijing, the things that the person instructed me to do, just how much paper How many things are there. As for what are the things, for example, that day I will intercept you and publicize your identity." After the words fell, he said, "However, that was the most recent one."
Su Feng Nuan said, "He instructs you, do you follow the instructions?"
Lin Zhixiao said, "I can't refuse."
"Why?" Su Fengnuan asked him.
Lin Zhixiao looked at her, "For you." After the words fell, he said to her, "You never believe my heart for you. There is a portrait of you in the Lin family study. You are my weakness. I want to take you. It's up to people."
Su Fengnuan looked at Lin Zhixiao speechlessly, "I thought that you are the leader of the new generation of the Lin family, and you also have the name of a young man with both talents and appearance in the rivers and lakes. You are a great man, so he is so stubborn. Handle?"
Lin Zhixiao laughed at himself, "Miss Su likes Ye Shizi, is she crazy? If you are like me, you know that even if I have a backbone, I can't pass the barrier that I want you in my heart."
Su Fengnuan felt that the matter could not be said any longer, she stood up and said filially to Lin Zhi, "The handwriting disappeared after you read it. It can be seen that a special medicine was used and it was fixed regularly. However, even if the handwriting is changed. I went, but you still remember what was written on each piece of paper? Did he tell you something? I'll get you a pen, and you will now imitate those handwriting and write it to me."
Lin Zhixiao stopped talking, nodded, "Okay."
Su Fengnuan asked people to fetch paper and pen and hand them to Lin Zhixiao.
Lin Zhixiao wrote seven or eight things on the rice paper according to his memory. After he finished writing, he handed it to Su Fengnuan,
The person who writes uses a correct regular script. It is difficult to identify the person’s handwriting. Although I imitated the nine images, it is generally like this. There is nothing special.

Su Fengnuan reached out and took it, and saw that these seven or eight incidents were indeed involving her, some directly involved her, such as he intercepted her at Yipin Fragrant Tea, and some indirectly involved her, such as several things about dealing with Ye Chang. .
She took a look, put it away, and said to him, "How did these papyri get into your hands?"
Lin Ke said, "Flying pigeons pass on the book. Every time the pigeon finds me and sends the paper, after I read it, the handwriting on the paper will disappear and the pigeon will die."
Su Feng Nuan said, "So, you don't know who that person is? Nothing can be found."
Lin Zhixiao nodded, "Yes."
------Off-topic ------
There will be two more later
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