Chapter 66: Choose one

Qinhuang swordsmanship, the winner gets Fengyang?
Su Fengnuan thought for a while, in his memory, he was in a daze when he heard who said it. She frowned and looked at Feng Yang, "What do you mean?"
Feng Yang turned and walked into the house.
Su Fengnuan stepped up to follow him, thinking about the broken ancient sword book dug up by the smelly old way, which turned out to be the Qinhuang sword technique. Do you know the smelly way? Do you still know you didn't tell her on purpose?
After entering the house, Feng Yang picked up a cup of herbal tea from the table, took a breath, put down the tea cup, and said to Su Fengnuan, "What are you looking for today?"
Su Fengnuan sat in a chair and asked leisurely, "Has the emperor sent someone to look for you?"
Feng Yang nodded, "Unexpectedly, the emperor is looking for me."
"Check the prince poisoning?" Su Fengnuan asked.
Fengyang nodded.
"Did you find out what?" Su Fengnuan looked at him.
Feng Yang shook his head, "After the prince came out of Beijing, the only one who followed him was Duke Sheng, except for the imperial army, but Duke Sheng was loyal to the emperor, and it was impossible to attack the prince. After the prince came to Lingyun Town, the people he came in contact with were all but the officials in Lingyun Besides, there is only the little uncle of the Guozhang's Mansion." After the words fell, he said, "Officials of Lingyun Town, do you think anyone can harm the prince under the nose of the father? As for the Xiaoguounun of the Guozhang's mansion, Xu Yunchu is critical of him Prince, with his pride, it will not be this kind of poison behind his back."
Su Fengnuan raised his eyebrows, "So, in other words, no clue?"
Feng Yang nodded, "You can say so."
Su Fengnuan said, "The prince is Wuhuahua, Wuhuahua is said to be the most strange poison in the world. The reason why this poison is called strange poison is because there are three strange things. It’s triggered early, so people can’t find out the specific time of poisoning; second, if the poison is on for three days, if there is no antidote, it will turn bones into mud without a trace; third, it can only be given to men, which is useless to women."
Fengyang nodded.
Su Fengnuan said, "These three wonders seem to have no breakthrough point, but they are not. One wonder is the breakthrough point. If they are released immediately, then they are the people who have been close to the prince in the past few days. Now you thoroughly investigate these people. , There is no possibility. Then, there is only one possibility, this harmless poison was buried in the prince's body long ago, it was triggered by someone in recent days."
Feng Yang looked at her after hearing the words, "So, what caused the non-injury flower poison?"
Su Fengnuan shook his head, "The most strange place for the strange poison is here. If you find out what caused the Wuhuahua, maybe the person who poisoned it will find it."
Feng Yang said, "In other words, in fact, you shouldn't check people, you should check what the prince has been in contact with in the past few days? Or, before leaving Beijing, there is nothing in the prince's palace? Haven't been in contact with anything? "
Su Fengnuan nodded, "Yes."
Feng Yang became interested and smiled, "I also want to know where the strange poison is and what the lead is."
Su Fengnuan saw that he already understood that she had achieved her purpose of coming here today, stood up, and said to him, "I forgot to tell you something. It is the ancient Qin and Phoenix sword that the stinky old Dao got first. The sword book was broken at the time and he wanted to restore it. But half of the restoration was too lazy to do it, and handed it to Ye Chang. Ye Chang gave up the restoration and copied the sword book again. After that, I took the copy of the sword book and looked through it. Once again, I'm back to Smelly Old Tao." After a pause, she said, "In other words, not only me, but also Smelly Old Tao, Ye Chang. You know, they all have seen the Qinhuang Sword Technique. An unforgettable skill."
Fengyang's face suddenly sank again.
Su Fengnuan turned around and walked out of the room, leaving Fengyang Escort with ease.
As soon as she stepped out of the threshold, Feng Yang waved her hand and closed the door. He heard the door "bang" and his extremely angry voice came out, "You woman, let me stay away from now on."
Su Fengnuan glanced back, and the door made a trembling sound, she shrugged and returned to Lingyun Temple.
On the second day, Mrs. Wang woke up early in the morning and sent someone to call Ye Chang to have breakfast. He heard that he had left for Beijing overnight. After a while, she asked Su Fengnuan, "Why did Ye Shizi leave without a rest? After a day, isn't it the day of the prince and the princess? He actually returned to Beijing?"
Su Fengnuan shrugged lazily, showing how she knew.
Mrs. Wang thought for a moment, and then she suddenly said, "I know. This child is a sensible child. Now you and I live in Lingyun Temple. After all, Lingyun Temple is too close to the capital. You go and ask the real person of Yunshan to get the antidote. , Concealed it. Now it is even more important not to live in this Lingyun Temple to make people speculate. After all, the matter with the emperor and the queen mother is still dragging."
Su Fengnuan was noncommittal.
Mrs. Wang also boasted, "This child treats others politely, knows righteousness, takes care of the overall situation, and acts with a degree. It's really good." When the words fell, she asked Su Fengnuan, "Do you think it?"
Su Fengnuan rolled his eyes, "Grandma, do I know the person you are talking about?"
Mrs. Wang reached out and patted her head, smiling and cursing, "Smelly girl, I think Ye Shizi is pretty good."
Su Fengnuan curled his lips.
Mrs. Wang looked at her and saw that she was too lazy to talk about Ye Chang. She said, "As the saying goes, if you don’t die in a catastrophe, you will have a good luck. He survived twelve years ago. It was a miracle. A few days ago, Donghu Painted a boat sinking, he escaped from the dead. This is a blessed person, blessed by heaven."
Su Fengnuan looked at Mrs. Wang and reminded her, "Twelve years ago, he survived until his father found him. A few days ago, the shipwreck of the painting boat in East Lake was also rescued by someone. Why God cares? There are so many people in the world. , God can't help me."
Madam Wang choked and gave Su Fengnuan a look, "Even so, it is a blessed person to meet noble people."
Su Fengnuan was too lazy to pull and changed the subject, "Grandma, hurry up and eat, don't you still have to listen to the old monk chanting after dinner?"
Mrs. Wang nodded quickly, "Okay, eat and eat." When the words fell, she touched Xiaochi's head and said lovingly to him, "Xiaochi, eat more, now the vegetarian food here is a little bit vegetarian, wait for grandma to give you back to Beijing Make it delicious."
Koike nodded obediently.
After eating, Mrs. Wang took Xiaochi to listen to the old monk chanting.
Su Feng Nuan nestled on the soft couch to make up for the rest.
After she woke up, she heard the noise in front of her. It seemed that there were many people talking, and the quiet temple was not at all quiet.
She went out of the room, called a servant of the palace, and asked him, "What's the situation ahead? Why is it so noisy?"
The young man hurriedly replied, "Miss Hui, there are many pilgrims coming to the mountain temple for incense. Tomorrow is the day when Lingyun Temple will do things. There will be many people here in these few days."
Su Fengnuan nodded and waved to him, "Go and find out who wants to live in this temple?"
Xiao Si went quickly.
Su Fengnuan stood at the door, looking at the sky. Today's sky is not very good. There are many clouds in the sky, which obscures the strong sunlight. It looks a bit cool and refreshing.
She thought that since her return to Beijing, it seems that it has not rained. In this ritual at Lingyun Temple, there is also a request for rain in it.
The old monk will look at the celestial phenomena, and the ritual is deliberately set for tomorrow. If it is accompanied by this ritual and the last rain, the name of Lingyun Temple, blessed by the Buddha, will be even louder.
Even Buddhism, for the sake of the prosperity of incense, such calculations, is not really a place of purity.
Good men and believers come here to pray for God to worship Buddha, just for peace of mind.
Not long after, the young man ran back and told Su Fengnuan, "Miss Hui, the servant has inquired clearly. The family members of the Prime Minister’s Mansion, the family members of the Guozhang’s Mansion, the family members of the Anguo Government House, the family members of the Jingyang Hou Mansion, and the Pingjun Prince’s Family Family members, family members of the Jin Palace. And Mother Liu and your mother-in-law are here."
Su Fengnuan frowned, "So many people? Can Lingyun Temple live in it?"
Xiaosi said, "Lingyun Temple was rebuilt not long ago, and the courtyard houses were expanded. They should all be able to live in. The abbot said, except for these distinguished guests, the rest of the pilgrims, Lingyun Temple will no longer accept. Choose a place to live."
Su Fengnuan smiled, "Lingyun Temple should be full of body parts in this ritual."
Xiao Si whispered, "The minion asked, each mansion donated a thousand taels of gold."
Su Fengnuan waved his hand, the young man went down, and she stepped out of the yard. Because she deliberately avoided the main road, she met no other pilgrims except for a few monks who stopped in a hurry.
Came to the back mountain, a Buddhist temple in a Buddhist temple.
The gatekeeper was an old monk. Seeing Su Fengnuan was coming, he bowed his hand to him, his voice was hoarse and old, "Amitabha, Miss Su."
Su Fengnuan nodded, "Master is polite, but according to the old rules, give me three sticks of incense for each position."
The old monk nodded and opened the door for Su Feng Nuan.
Entering the Buddhist hall, there are a row of tablets, from left to right, there are thirty-two tablets in turn.
Su Fengnuan started from the tablet on the left, and burned three sticks of incense in front of each tablet.
After a while, the temple was filled with a strong smell of fireworks.
After finishing the incense of the last tablet, she stood in front of the hall and looked at the tablets quietly.
After about a cup of tea, there was movement outside, like a human voice.
Su Feng Nuan moved his stiff body, slowly turning his head back.
The old monk poked his head out and glanced out. He whispered in a hoarse voice, "It's the family members of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Every year, the family members of the Prime Minister's Mansion also come here to give incense. Just as you left last year, they came. "
"Madam and Miss Prime Minister?" Su Fengnuan asked.
The old monk nodded, "There is also the son of the Prime Minister's Mansion."
Su Fengnuan nodded, and said to him, "The dead are dead, the living remembers. Fortunately, Nan Qi still has a loyal monarch in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Let them come in. Let alone me."
The old monk nodded.
Su Fengnuan got out of the Buddhist hall, jumped on the roof, and left the ancestral hall through the back wall.
As soon as she left, the prime minister's wife brought the grandson of the prime minister's residence Sun Zeyu, the young lady Sun Qingxue, and several servants to the front of the Buddhist hall.
The old monk greeted the door and clasped his hands together.
The prime minister's wife explained her intentions, and the old monk led the prime minister's wife and a group of people into the Buddhist hall.
The incense in the temple had just burned one-third, and the entire temple was filled with smoke.
The prime minister's wife glanced around, except for the old monk, she didn't see anyone else, and asked questioningly, "Master, who has just offered incense?"
The old monk shook his head.
When the prime minister saw nothing to ask, she said to the children around her, "Let's wait, wait until the incense burns out, then go in."
Sun Qingxue whispered, "Mother, will he still be the one who gave incense last year?"
"Perhaps." Madam Prime Minister said.
Sun Qingxue speculated, "Looking at the incense, it hasn't burnt out. It must be the person who was there when we came. Last year, when we came, the incense was just burned out. This year, that person obviously didn't want to be with us. Meet. I don't know who it is?"
Mrs. Prime Minister said, "The prince, the princess and the heroes who died in the battle are admired and mourned by the world. No matter who they are, they are always kind people who come here to get incense. I don't want to meet us, it's probably a man. Female dependents, deliberately avoided."
Sun Qingxue nodded and whispered strangely, "But this place is so big, where did he avoid it?"
The prime minister's wife was also puzzled.
Sun Zeyu said, "It should have gone from the roof."
The prime minister's wife looked at the roof after hearing the words. This Buddhist hall was extremely tall, and ordinary people had to stand up a ladder to go up. Only those with extremely high martial arts could easily walk from the roof.
Sun Zeyu said again, "Besides, my mother is not right, this person who has incense must be a woman."
"Huh?" Madam Prime Minister looked at him, "How can you see?"
Sun Zeyu said, "There are handprints on the incense ash in the incense ash furnace. Such small and delicate handprints can only be left by women."
The prime minister glanced at the incense ash burner and nodded, "Really." When the words fell, she became curious and asked, "Have you ever heard of women who are excellent in martial arts? Can you fly?"
Sun Qingxue said, "I heard that there are many people like this in the rivers and lakes, and they are called heroines."
Mrs. Prime Minister nodded, "Then I don't know."
Sun Qingxue said again, "However, when my mother is talking about a woman who is excellent in martial arts, I think of someone."
The prime minister looked at her, "Who?"
Sun Qingxue said in a low voice, "It is said that Miss Sun's House is making a fuss in the palace, and the dozen or so internal guards are not opponents.
The prime minister said, "Will it be her?" At the end, she shook her head, "If it is Miss Sun Mansion, she will definitely come here with Mrs. Wang or Mrs. Sun. It should not be alone. After all, this is not a place to play."
Sun Qingxue nodded.
While talking, the incense in the incense burner burned out, the prime minister's wife stopped talking, and the group went in and offered incense.
Su Fengnuan left the Buddhist hall. After returning to his residence, he instructed a small servant,
Tell my mother and my grandmother that there are too many people here and it’s very messy. I went back to live in the farm under the mountain. Let them take care of Xiaochi. ."
Xiao Si nodded.
Su Fengnuan took the little fox, avoided the people from the back mountain gate, and left Lingyun Temple.
After going down the mountain, she did not return to the farm, but went to the house in the deep lane.
Seeing her coming, Liu Kai immediately greeted her and said, "Miss, you are here just right, I am looking for you."
Su Fengnuan asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"
Liu Kai whispered, "Ms. Xu from the State Chief's Mansion inquired about the rouge snow in our pharmacy. She came here today and has to buy it with her daughter. Now she is waiting in front of the pharmacy."
"Xu Lingyi wants to buy rouge snow?" Su Fengnuan raised his eyebrows.
Liu Kai nodded, "It's her."
Su Feng Nuan narrowed his eyes, "Rouge Snow is not an ordinary medicine, it is like Chunfeng Drunk, it is more silent than Chunfeng Drunk, colorless, tasteless, and ignorant. She is a daughter's home, and she wants to buy Rouge Snow?"
Liu Kai said, "Especially if you come in person."
Su Fengnuan thought for a moment, and said, "Sell it to her."
Liu Kai looked at her, hesitated for a moment, and whispered, "She bought Rouge Snow for Ye Shizi's thoughts, and was afraid that she would use it on Ye Shizi, miss you..."
Su Fengnuan sneered, "If Ye Chang could easily follow her way, it would be an elegant thing to get drunk in the spring breeze."
Liu Kai suddenly silenced.
Su Fengnuan took the little fox into the yard.
Liu Kai went to the front pharmacy, wrapped Yan Zhixue, and handed it to Xu Lingyi. Xu Lingyi paid an extra 100 gold as a hush fee for this young man. Liu Kai accepted it happily.
Xu Lingyi left the pharmacy, supported by a close-fitting maid, got on the carriage, and went to Lingyun Temple.
As soon as Xu Lingyi left, another person came from the pharmacy, it was Xu Yunchu.
Xu Yunchu stepped into the threshold of the pharmacy and took a look at the pharmacy. Although the facade is small, the medicinal materials are complete, but it is not open in the main street. There are few people here, and it is not public. After he watched it, he asked Liu Kai, "What did the lady just buy?"
Liu Kai looked at him and shook his head. "The medicines sold in this shop are kept secret for the employer, my son forgive me."
Xu Yunchu looked at Liu Kai, "How much did she give you two generations to keep it secret?"
Liu Kai said happily, "Medicinal materials are rich in gold, and Miss Xu gave more than 100 gold."
Xu Yunchu said, "I'll give you a daughter. Just ask what she bought?"
Liu Kai hesitated, and seeing that Xu Yunchu was bound to win, he whispered, "It's Yan Zhixue."
Xu Yunchu's complexion changed slightly.
Liu Kai looked at him. He had never seen the uncle Xiaoguo from a quiet distance before. Today, it seems that the uncle Xiaoguo is not easy.
Xu Yunchu was silent for a moment, yes, "Is there an antidote to Yanzhixue?"
Liu Kai shook his head and said in a low voice, "Yan Zhixue is like a spring breeze. The antidote is a woman. There is no other solution."
Xu Yunchu's complexion changed again, and his thin lips pressed slightly. After a while, he paid the daughter and left the pharmacy.
Seeing that the person had left, Liu Kai hurried back to the back yard and reported the matter to Su Fengnuan.
Su Fengnuan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Your pack of Rouge Xuehe sold for two thousand and one hundred gold? This kind of business is really profitable. Liu Kai, I chose you to stay here to open a pharmacy. It seems to be the most correct choice."
Liu Kaixun, "I met such a brother and sister for the first time."
Su Fengnuan smiled faintly, "The world is so big, there are no surprises. It is not too new. Xu Lingyi is extremely intelligent, but the so-called wisdom is bound to hurt, and the horns of the horns. Xu Yunchu's bones are pure and arrogant, and the so-called elder brother and sister. Both of them were born in Xu's family. One is a daughter, and the other is a man. It is nothing to be proud of, and it is not a big fault. But the daughter's family is different, so one or two mistakes cannot be tolerated in a lifetime. If you make a big mistake, your life will be over."
Liu Kai nodded, "What the lady said is extremely true."
Su Feng Nuan said, "Don't worry about them, let them go."
Liu Kai nodded and said, "When the young lady saved Ye Shizi a few days ago, she brought back that family and that Qingqing. Did the young lady figure out how to arrange it? Or stay here forever?"
"That family sent it to Fengyang Escort and let Fengyang arrange it. After all, he sent Ye Chang back to Beijing, which has been involved in this matter, and it is best to leave it to him. As for that Qingqing..." Su Fengnuan pondered and said. "You call her later, I will ask her."
Liu Kai nodded and went immediately.
Not long after, Liu Kai came with Qingqing.
When Qing Qing saw Su Fengnuan sitting at the table drinking tea, her posture was relaxed and elegant, she bowed her knees, "Miss Su."
Su Fengnuan looked at her with a gentle expression, "Ms. Qingqing, please sit down."
Qing Qing shook her head, "Qing Qing thanked the girl for her life-saving grace. Whatever the girl's order, just say it, Qing Qing will do it."
Su Feng Nuan smiled, "Let you sit down and sit down. In front of me, I will not look down upon anyone, even if you are from Qing Huafang, it is no exception."
Qingqing heard the words, bit her lip slightly, paced slowly, and sat opposite her.
Su Fengnuan poured her a cup of tea and pushed it in front of her, "Ms. Qingqing taste it, maybe you can taste what kind of tea it is?"
Qingqing picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said softly, "This is Tianxiangjin."
Su Fengnuan smiled, "Girl Qingqing is the top brand of Qing Huafang, and she must have learned a lot of skills."
Qing Qing put down the tea cup, lowered her head, and said in a low voice, "The things Qing Qing learns are all the tricks of waiting for the sons and masters.
"It's also a skill to serve good people." Su Fengnuan said slowly, "You are not the most beautiful woman in Qinghuafang, but you sit firmly on the top of Qinghuafang. Naturally, there are advantages and self-defense. Life-saving way. Don’t be humble."
Qingqing still lowered her head, "The girl is kind to me, Qingqing is unforgettable, but the girl has orders, she will die."
Su Fengnuan looked at her well, "Girl Qingqing is serious. Calling you today, I just want to ask you, what are your plans in the future?"
Qing Qing raised her head and looked at Su Fengnuan, then lowered her head, and said softly, "Qing Huafang can never go back. Qing Qing was an orphan since he was a child, without a father or mother, and a wandering person. Qing Huafang is equivalent to Qing Qing. The roots are gone now, and Qingqing really doesn’t know where to go. Ask the girl to show Qingqing a way."
Su Fengnuan looked at her and smiled, "How about following Ye Chang?"
Qingqing was taken aback, suddenly raised her head to look at Su Fengnuan.
Su Feng Nuan only smiled.
Qing Qing seemed to think of something, her face gradually turned pale, and she whispered, "If the girl wants Qingqing to follow Ye Shizi, Qingqing listens to the girl."
Su Fengnuan chuckled lightly, "It's just that you've eaten human flesh, so that makes you so afraid?"
After a while, Qing Qing's face turned whiter. After a while, she slowly shook her head, "Qing Qing suddenly heard that Ye Shizi had eaten human flesh. She was a little scared, but after a few days, she is no longer afraid. There is a lot of admiration. I can't do it for Qingqing. But I'm afraid that Ye Shizi will not like Qingqing and will not tolerate me by his side."
Su Fengnuan looked at her, turned her tone and asked, "What about entering the palace?"
Qing Qing was even more surprised.
Su Fengnuan slowly said, "The queen mother has always been tough, but she's old and she doesn't know her. The queen is not virtuous, and she has not been released after thinking behind closed doors. The concubine Yue Gui has lost the patron of the prince and is about to fall out of favor. The huge harem, No one can spoil the crown now. If you enter the palace, in the future, you may spoil the harem. How?"
Qingqing's face turned paler, and she seemed to be frightened. After a long while, she said, "Can the girl send me to the palace?"
"Today you have three ways to go, one way is to Ye Chang, and the second way is to the palace and the emperor's side. The third way is to change your face since then and hide your name, just like those in the city. Like a woman in, looking for an ordinary man, either a butcher or a hunter, married.
Su Fengnuan analyzed for her,
These three paths are all optional.

Qingqing didn't speak for a while.
Su Fengnuan looked at her, "These three roads are completely different. By Ye Chang's side, you can naturally keep you safe. He escaped from the shipwreck and painted a boat for nine deaths. He liked you and saved you by the way. In the future, Jinwu Cangjiao, relying on him always Outsiders dare not say anything about the ridiculous reputation, let alone reach into the Royal Palace of Rong'an to arrest you and kill you. If you enter the palace, the emperor’s side, in other words, the emperor’s woman, in addition to facing the palace Outside of the sword and the arrow, outsiders naturally dare not move. The third is simple. Walk thousands of miles away and hide your name. I can easily arrange it for you."
Qingqing still did not speak.
Su Fengnuan was not in a hurry, drinking tea, and waiting for her, "Don't be in a hurry, think about it, think about it, and tell me. If you open the bow for the first two roads, there is no turning back arrow. If you take the next road, , There is no such a person in the world."
Qingqing held the teacup tightly, lowered her head, looking at the tips of her fingers. After about a cup of tea, the tea in her hand was already cold, she raised her head and said softly, "If I choose the first way, Ye Shizi is afraid that I won't let me enter the threshold of Rong'an Palace. Will kill me." After that, she added, "especially the one given by the girl."
Su Fengnuan curled his brows slightly, "Why do you think so?"
Qingqing looked at Su Fengnuan, sighed, and finally smiled, "It's not the slaves who think so, but Ye Shizi thinks this way. There are rumors that Ye Shizi is absurd, but Qingqing has contacted twice and understands in her heart. People like Ye Shizi. , Is the person who is least likely to get close. The girl is smart and has known Ye Shizi for a long time, and she doesn't know Ye Shizi's temperament."
Su Fengnuan was speechless for a while, rubbing his eyebrows.
Qingqing looked at her and said, "If the girl really has a way to send me into the palace, please send me into the palace. I was raised in Qinghuafang since I was a child, and I am used to the days when clothes came to stretch out my hands and open my mouth, and what I learned. , But also to please a man. If you marry indifferently, the husband and the son. I am afraid that my husband will feel that he is not good and suffer for nothing. Especially if one day reveals his identity, I am afraid that it will be even more disgusting and abandoned by the husband. There is really no way to survive."
Su Fengnuan nodded, "Okay, if you think about it, I will make arrangements as soon as possible. You will live here for the time being."
Qingqing nodded.
Su Fengnuan poured the cold tea in her cup and poured another one for her.
Qingqing whispered, "Thank you girl, the slave family still said that. If the girl gives instructions in the future, she will die."
Su Fengnuan smiled, "You know my last name is Su, maybe I don’t know my name, my name is Su Fengnuan. I used to run in the rivers and lakes all the year round, saving countless lives, for me, it’s just a matter of effort. Don't ask for anything in return. But Miss Qingqing chooses to enter the palace, and it may be really useful to get you in the future."
Qingqing suddenly opened her mouth wide in shock. She looked at Su Fengnuan for a long time before she seemed to say something, "It turns out that the girl is Miss Su Mansion. Is it Miss Su Mansion whom the Queen Mother and the Emperor want to marry you?"
Su Fengnuan smiled and nodded, "It's me."
Qingqing stayed for a while before reluctantly suppressing the surprise, and said enviously, "The girl is really special. She deserves to be the daughter of General Su, and she is really different from ordinary ladies."
Su Fengnuan laughed, "Do you admire my dad?"
Qingqing nodded, "General Su is a hero, and few people do not admire him."
Su Feng Nuan smiled, "It's a pity that my mother is a jealous jar, otherwise you admire my father so much, I don't mind putting you in the house."
Qing Qing flushed, and laughed, "The girl is really not reserved at all, so she is making jokes about the slave house."
Su Fengnuan didn’t care, and smiled,
The palace is a place of cannibalism. Ye Chang has eaten human flesh, but only to live. In a place like the palace, people not only eat human flesh, but even You can drink all the blood you eat. People there are not only alive, but also for powergreed."
Qingqing nodded.
Su Fengnuan said, "It depends on your ability. To coax a man, the girls in the entire palace are not as good as you. If you lose, you will only be eaten by bones and blood. I am Miss Su Mansion. There are not many places that can help you, especially I hate places like imperial palaces, so I wouldn’t go easily.

Qingqing nodded.
Su Fengnuan poured her another cup of tea.
After Qingqing finished drinking, she stood up and bowed deeply to Su Fengnuan, "A few days ago, the girl saved her life, and it was already a kindness to repay the girl with a grassy ring. Today, the girl did not dislike a slave family as a friend. After three cups of tea, Qingqing will remember it all his life."
Su Fengnuan smiled and waved, "It's serious."
Qingqing stopped talking, and went out of the room, her footsteps seeming easier than before.
Su Fengnuan sat for a while, called Liu Kai, and instructed him, "Who will take over the prince to thoroughly investigate the shipwreck of the East Lake painting boat? Any news?"
Liu Kai immediately said, "Miss Hui, it is King Jin. Two days ago, when the prince caught the wind and cold, King Jin came by the emperor's orders."
Su Fengnuan smiled, "The emperor gave the matter to King Jin. It seems that he wants to thoroughly investigate it, but King Jin is old, I am afraid that I can't find out anything." After the words fell, she said, " Where does King Jin live now?"
"Live with the prince in the county government house." Liu Kai said.
Su Fengnuan nodded, took out a pen and paper from the table, wrote two sentences, folded them, and handed them to Liu Kai, "Tomorrow morning, when Ye Chang comes to Lingyun Town, look for a chance to send this letter paper to him. There will be many people by his side tomorrow, try to keep secret."
Liu Kai nodded and quickly accepted it.
Su Fengnuan yawned and went to bed with the little fox to sleep.
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