Chapter 2649: Secret law level of the strongest quasi-universe

The continuous massive amount of phantom attacks made the scalp numb of a group of human experts, especially the spreading special power that confuses the spiritual consciousness, making them very heart palpitations.
If this was done just now, would Chaos City Lord...have only been able to use his tricks to resist?
Once he performed his tricks, then...Will Cheng Buyun, who was waiting for an opportunity in the dark, attacked the last secret ‘phantom killing’?
There is no answer!
But just think about it, the result is not hard to guess!
Kind of scary!
It is worthy of the name phantom fan, phantom light, phantom kill, just like the name!
Suddenly, the void shook, and a light and shadow slew out of the world of light, shuttled away at an extremely fast and swift speed, and almost penetrated the space in the blink of an eye.
The Lord of Longxing saw that his whole body was trembling, and he involuntarily screamed, his expression was tightening, he was obviously frightened by Cheng Buyun's powerful secret technique.
Everyone didn't laugh at the Lord of Longxing, why didn't they do the same, they were extremely shocked by the power and powerful effect of Chengbuyun's secret technique.
Cheng Buyun came back again after performing it. He was calm and without any pride. It seemed that creating such a powerful secret technique was just the easiest and most common thing.
His feelings are accumulated and strong.
Especially the mental improvement in the Panlong universe in the Hongmeng realm, it can be described as a lot of gains, and even those who control Hongmeng are moved by it, and it can be seen that it is powerful.
To be honest, the power of the state of mind is never known for killing, but a kind of self-cognition, a kind of realm, and an auxiliary means of perception.
Cheng Buyun can make progress so quickly, and his mood helps a lot.
"This secret technique created by time and space is incredibly powerful, and it should have reached the level of the strongest in the universe!" The Lord of Qingdong said excitedly.
"Yes, the special psychedelic power is very strong, and the general level of the powerhouse, it is estimated that he will sink into it if he can't react." The Frozen Lord is also very excited, and the old coldness at this moment has completely disappeared.
Even the most uncomfortable Lord of Darkness has a rare smile on his face.
All the human powers were talking excitedly, babbled, and the excitement seemed to have seen the rise of mankind again.
Looking forward to the years to come, the peak of the rise of mankind, and the entire universe, even the two holy places are afraid to provoke them.
Human powerhouses, for this, I have been looking forward to it for too long!
Only at the peak, that's why you want to.
The human race is declining, and many foreign races are hostile to hatred. The strong human beings are actually struggling in the universe.
Because there are so many hostile alien races.
Seeing the excitement and admiration of a group of people, the Chaos City Lord's heart was calm and terribly calm, in case Cheng Buyun's pride rose, and he even looked at the savage giant and said, "Great axe, what do you think?"
Everyone didn't understand the meaning of Chaos City Lord's words, and turned their heads to look over.
The savage giant laughed, fully understanding the thoughts in the heart of the Chaos City Lord, and said with a smile: "The secret method of time and space can only be regarded as the strongest level in the universe, only reluctantly."
"Isn't it, such a powerful might is just reluctant?" The Lord of Desolate Jian said unbelievably, with a suspicious expression, suspecting that the giant axe and the chaos wanted to be crushed into a step cloud, lest he be proud.
But Cheng Buyun's character is so steady, how long have you seen him proud!
It's a bit too much!
It's just that it was the creator of the giant axe who said this, and everyone was not good to say anything, and did not dare to overstate in words.
The founder of the Great Axe is the leader of the race, and is a very respected existence.
"Listen to me and analyze it for you."
The savage giant smiled, pointed out the difference and said: "The secret method created by time and space is because the psychedelic power is too strong, so you will feel that it is powerful. In fact, seriously speaking, this trick Shenguang Phantom Killing, the hidden power, can only be regarded as the top level of the Lord of the universe, and there is still a long way from the power level of the strongest in the universe."
"However, because the psychedelic power is too strong, according to my judgment, it is definitely at the strongest level in the universe, so you will think that this magical phantom kill is the strongest level power in the universe."
"Actually not!"
"Of course, you can't underestimate it. Generally speaking, the power is great. If you encounter a strong person at a general level, you will definitely be unable to resist it."
"It is the Secret Technique of the Strongest Level in the Quasi-Universe!"
After the savage giant turned over and explained, everyone also understood the shortcomings of the Divine Light Phantom Killing created by Cheng Buyun.
Generally speaking, there are many special powers, which are not the peak of the master level of the universe, and it is difficult to resist.
Even if it can resist, it will suffer.
But once you adapt, it will turn into a see-saw.
Cheng Buyun's supernatural power level is too weak.
However, the Lord of the Universe has just entered a level, and his divine power is a little too weak.
Of course, these are not problems. What the human race requires is not to climb the sky step by step, but to experience and experience a large number of foreign powers, to accumulate progress.
After that, everyone also exchanged ideas about the creation of the secret method.
But the savage giant left first. He was in the core Jedi of Qingfeng Realm, and he was very dangerous, so he could not stay too much. Especially the exchange of secrets and perceptions was very exhausting.
The universe, the human base temple.
City Lord Chaos was extremely satisfied. He looked at Cheng Buyun with a smile on his face and said affectionately: "Okay, it really didn't disappoint me. This time I gave the teacher a big face, hahaha!"
"The teacher can be satisfied, that is the best compliment for me." Cheng Buyun said.
Being calm is a bit scary, as if getting praise from everyone is the easiest and most common thing.
In other words, Cheng Buyun has always had such a prudent personality, as if he should make any achievements.
That sophistication made Chaos City Lord not know what to say.
At this age, it bears the responsibility of the rise of the entire ethnic group. Is such a big responsibility a bit too much!
The Lord of Longxing glanced at the Chaos City Lord sideways, and when he saw his hidden heavy color, he naturally understood, and even changed the subject and said: "Look at how happy you are, and I don't know who, I almost overturned. "
"What rollover?"
City Lord Chaos stared, and smiled unswervingly: "Can the disciple I teach you watch me roll over?"
Cheng Buyun calmly watched the two quarrel with each other, feeling quite interesting. Both of them were a lot of age, and he was so messy in front of his junior.
Of course, it can also be seen from this that the friendship between the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Longxing is deep.
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