Chapter 2697: Let Chengbuyun be jealous of wealth

What's so strange about toxins that can harm the soul, but so strange that toxins that can't harm the soul.
The poison that can't threaten the soul has very limited lethality, and it can't even compare with the power damage of the secret method.
That kind of venom can only be considered icing on the cake at best, it can consume more of the opponent's divine body.
Because it can't be lethal, the opponent can abandon that part of the divine body at a cost, and at most it will reduce the opponent's strength and suppress the opponent.
The venom that can threaten the soul, once touched is like a plague, it will spread throughout the body, even if you keep abandoning the divine body, it has no effect and is very scary.
Once caught with this kind of soul venom, there is no timely treatment.
Or if there is no precious material in hand to heal this kind of soul trauma, then...falling down is only a matter of time.
However, for Cheng Buyun, the poison that could threaten the soul had no effect at all.
He is different from the general master of the universe. The soul is not contained in the cell of the body, but is the same as the true god, and even more advanced than the true god. The soul is actually hidden in the inner universe, and it is extremely difficult to detect. .
Even the soul secret method cannot attack his soul, but can only kill his divine body.
Therefore, the toxin smeared on the weapon by the strange alien race was solved by Cheng Buyun abandoning part of the divine body.
As for that special force, such as a wild horse running wild in the gods, he only needs a slight shake of his will, and the special force like the rootless duckweed is immediately dispersed and annihilated.
The venom that can threaten the soul, once touched like a plague, will spread throughout the body
A gloomy laughter entangled and spread, and the breath weakened a lot of the strange aliens. At this moment, a pair of eyes looked at Cheng Buyun viciously and violently, and Jie Jie laughed like a night owl, "Humanity, you are dead for my soul Up!"
"Is it!"
Cheng Buyun said without caring, as for the soul-killing the other party said, it should be the poison. And from the name, you can know how fierce this toxin is.
After all, toxins that can harm the soul are rare special treasures in the universe.
Generally speaking, toxic substances are divided into two categories in the universe, one is formed naturally, and the other is refined.
The two types of poisons, like the treasures, have the same level of power difference, and if the powerful poison is a consumable type, the value is still higher than that of the same grade.
Such poisons are extremely difficult to obtain and are scarce in quantity.
And the venom that can threaten the Lord of the fifth-order universe, in terms of the degree of preciousness, is definitely not below the peak treasure.
"Don't pretend, I'm very confident in my soul-killing power, you will panic in your heart, haha!" The strange alien laughed wildly when he said it, and he hid his mouth and looked towards Cheng Buyun's eyes showed a look of guard, obviously certain that the latter would fall.
I panic? Dead?
Cheng Buyun almost believed it, he didn't bother to pay attention to this guy who felt good about himself.
I didn’t give him one thing, and the shock to him was a bit big. The strange alien in front of me judged from the signs of the fight, and the damage caused to the latter by the secret technique just now, and the loss of the divine body on his body, the other party was the least. Carry more than three peak treasures.
More than three peak treasures, a bit scary!
It can be seen from this that this strange alien race is estimated to have killed a lot of alien powerhouses to have such wealth.
Find a way to keep this strange alien race.
Cheng Buyun said more than three treasures of the highest treasure level, it was absolutely fake.
But how to set up a game to keep this strange alien race is a bit difficult.
He didn't know what was in the hands of the alien in front of him, because the opponent was really a bit weird, especially the opponent's talent secret methods, and he didn't know what restrictions were there, and how much it could be used.
The scope of the Illumination of the Secret Magic God in his domain now has a huge limit in the universe, so it only affects the surrounding millions of kilometers.
Once the opponent is far away from him and can't catch up, even if Xiaohong tries to stop him, I am afraid they will not be able to keep the opponent.
How to do it?
Cheng Buyun was thinking about it, and the strange alien race was not in a hurry, but patiently waiting.
The best hunters must be patient with their prey and must not be impetuous.
The scene calmed down, only the voices that constantly canceled each other out when the two major areas collided softly.
Cheng Buyun frowned directly. He really couldn't think of a good way to do it. He didn't know anything about the alien in front of him.
The strange alien suddenly said, his deep eyes hidden in the black fog looked at Cheng Buyun incredulously, and screamed: "You don't have the soul of me? How is this possible! Can you also have a peak? Soul treasure?"
Judging from this, you also have three characters, and you can see that the strange alien race has the highest level of soul protection.
No wonder he can easily resist Cheng Buyun's psychedelic power.
"What do you say!"
Cheng Buyun sneered, the other party’s soul-killing poison power is very powerful, and there is really no way to change the general strong, but he can only let it spread on the divine body, but his background is strong, even without the will power. That strange power, that soul-killing venom could not let him do anything.
It is nothing more than the amount of divine body spent to carry it.
The soul is hidden in the inner universe, just as the master level of the universe cannot attack the strongest in the universe with the soul secret method.
Just like the domain master and the world master, if you want to kill, you must destroy the core, but the strongest in the universe is more high-end, and the trembling space is more difficult to detect.
The same goes for Cheng Buyun. The universe in his body is hidden in the body. If you want the universe in his body to be exposed, you must break his entire body, and then the universe in his body will be invisible.
Or your soul consciousness is strong enough to detect where the universe in his body is, and then focus a little bit to attack.
Just like the fallen domain master and the world master, destroy his core with the strongest attack.
It is very difficult to imagine this step.
Even strong people like'yuan' may not be able to do this.
Most of the time, when the true falls, the body of the true is broken by being beaten by the strong, and the true space cannot be hidden. It consumes a lot of the body and cannot protect the true space, and then naturally falls.
"Damn it! I don't believe it!"
The strange alien screamed and rushed up like crazy.
Cheng Bu Yunzheng couldn't ask for it. He wanted to keep the opponent's means, only to consume a large amount of the opponent's divine body and reduce the opponent's strength.
When the strength drops, the secret magic power is naturally weak.
The war started again. This time, Cheng Buyun had no reservations, and attacked each other with the strange race.
The secret method attacks of both sides were all attacking towards the parts where the other side did not resist. Soon, the two were constantly attacking each other, and the scene became extremely cruel.
The level of weird alien secrets is only average in the level of the master of the fifth-order universe, but the black dagger in his hand has great power. It is strange that the power of the peak level attack is not big!
Taken together, the power level is more than one level stronger than that of the Lord of Anshui and the Lord of Ernst and Young, and it is much stronger than Cheng Buyun himself.
Especially the soul-killing venom smeared on the opponent's black dagger, once it hits, it will consume a large amount of Bu Yun's divine body, causing him to continuously abandon the poisoned divine body part.
Shit~~ Shit!
The divine power rises and is evaporated again, that is the sound of Cheng Buyun's divine body being melted by the soul-killing venom.
Peng! Peng!
Cheng Buyun was like a Xiaoqiang who could not be killed. His powerful background made the strange aliens a little scared. He couldn't imagine what the human being who was fighting with him was.
The endless and abundant divine body, no matter how you wear it, the other party does not care.
He felt his soul was trembling a little!
Human beings are so terrible, they deserve to be a group of strong people who have come out of ‘Yuan’. It’s really hard to provoke. This time, it’s so troublesome!
Suddenly, when he was struck by the step cloud secret method, the strange alien race didn't even say hello, turned around and fled.
A pair of black wings opened and unfolded behind him, and the speed of the burst instantly made Cheng Buyun talk about it, too fast.
Escaped hundreds of thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye.
It turns out that the strange alien race has always had reservations.
The opponent has more than the Peak Domain Supreme Treasure, Peak Armor Supreme Treasure, Attack Supreme Treasure, etc., there should be a Peak Level Soul Supreme Treasure in his mind, otherwise it is impossible to resist his own psychedelic power.
Now it has exposed a peak-level speed assisting treasure, which can be said to be the whole body, armed to the teeth.
What fortune has such a wealthy background?
It just made him unbelievable.
A not-so-strong alien powerhouse, with such a large number of peak treasures, his wealth is much richer than most ethnic groups.
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