Chapter 167

: Visitor From the East
Even Sect Master Chen Xuanhua and the other three chief elders were astonished, and they all widened their eyes. The words
Ancient technique
path of the golden core
had overtaken their soul and mind like a deadly curse, and an Ancient technique that could allow someone to study towards the golden core was a treasure that simply could not be purchased. If someone were to obtain the scroll and then form a golden core, wouldn’t that be the same as shooting into the heavens with one shot and finally seeking the truth of Dao?
When Elder Qin’nyao realized this, she immediately dropped to her knees, overjoyed as she thanked Xuan Si’nyang,
Thank you, Your Highness….

Xuan Si’nyang was a little surprised by such a grand gesture.
No need for this, please get up.
After she spoke, an empty jade scroll flew out and a Spirit Sense was sent inside. Only a few short moments later, the scroll was given to Elder Qin’nyao’s still-shivering hands. The remaining elders—even including Sect Master Chen Xuanhua—had faces full of envy, and it was as though flames of jealousy were going to shoot right out of their eyes.
Xuan Si’nyang naturally noticed their expressions.
Techniques from the Fuyao Palace shall not be given to anyone else so easily. Remember this well!
she reminded. Elder Qin’nyao hastily replied,
Yes, I understand! I shall not speak a single word of it!

The sect master and other elders could not help the looks of disappointment visible on their faces, as it was clear Xuan Si’nyang did not want Elder Qin’nyao to pass the technique on to the remaining elders. It was remuneration given in exchange for Xiao Mahn, after all, and she intended to give this to Elder Qin’nyao alone rather than have it given to the sect to be passed on. These were two completely different things.

Alright, let’s watch the tournament now. This matter has ended, and I do not want to give this technique to anyone else!
Xuan Si’nyang emotionlessly commanded, as though trying to force the elders to forget about it.
However, it was because of this event that Xiao Shanhe made his decision. He strengthened his heart, held up his long robe, and dropped to his knees.
Please wait, Your Highness. I still have one more matter to speak of….

Heh, when is this going to end!
Xuan Si’nyang smiled bitterly with a lack of interest as she sat back in her chair.
What is it you have to say?
Next to her, Granny Qian also raised her eyes to look towards Xiao Shanhe, and her gaze was rather awe-inspiring. As for the sect master and remaining chief elders, they all had looks of confusion, all of them unsure what this profit-seeking Xiao Shanhe wanted to do.
Xiao Shanhe seemed to be slightly troubled under so many gazes. He hesitated before lowering his voice and asking,
Shall we speak in private?

Looking trouble, Xuan Si’nyang raised her hand softly to her forehead before waving.
Granny Qian, you go and speak with him in private.

Granny Qian stood up with a smile.
After you, Elder Xiao!

Although somewhat offended, Xiao Shanhe still did not dare to say anything, and there was only a single fleeting moment of hesitation before he had a cloud take both him and Granny Qian towards a quiet valley. Once they landed, Xiao Shanhe appeared quite nervous, and a thin layer of sweat had formed over his forehead.
Granny Qian, if I have guessed correctly, this trip isn’t only to make the Square Diagram of Jambu. Would you happen to be searching for someone as well?
he asked in a low voice.
Granny Qian was surprised and looked at Xiao Shanhe with a half-smile.
How did you know?

Xiao Shanhe wiped the sweat on his forehead and strengthened his courage.
I’m not blind. In the past days, you and your subordinates roamed around all of the Qing-Yun Sect, and although you made it seem as though you were checking our defensive formations, in fact it looked more like you were searching for some sort of trail. Additionally, I asked a fellow Daoist from the Melodic Ice Palace, and I was told Her Highness asked them about a specific person….

There seemed to be the hint of a flicker in Granny Qian’s eyes as she lowered her voice,
It is considerate of you, Elder Xiao. In fact, after searching for so long, our hope has already waned and we’ve stopped treating the search with as much importance. I didn’t expect you to discover our purpose by paying attention to such small details. Well, since you’ve already asked the Melodic Ice Palace, I’m sure you know what we promised the old man there if they were able to help us find that person, right? That an Ancient technique would be exchanged in reward?

Xiao Shanhe’s breathing grew heavier as he replied,
Yes, I have heard of this.

Granny Qian nodded.
Then tell me what you know!

Xiao Shanhe looked towards Xuan Si’nyang from afar, as though still unsure. To this, Granny Qian simply smiled and said,
You don’t have to worry about my lady. It’s only a scroll containing an Ancient technique; I can make the decision on this.

Xiao Shanhe drew in a long breath before nervously pulling out a jade talisman.
Please forgive my boldness, but I’d like to ask for a few favors. First, I’d like you yourself to help protect the safety of my Xiao family. If that person has any connections to anything that could harm my family, I wish to not have my family get involved. Secondly, that Ancient technique… can help me form the golden core, right?

Granny Qian looked to Xiao Shanhe in astonishment, and it took a few moments before she nodded slightly.
You are bold indeed to dare seek conditions from Fuyao Palace!
This caused Xiao Shanhe to immediately lower his head, but the hands holding the jade talisman were still raised. Seeing this, Granny Qian directly took the jade talisman and said,
I can’t make the decision for this one. It’s best that I speak to my lady first.

Granny Qian returned back to Xuan Si’nyang and whispered something into her ears.
The colors of Xuan Si’nyang’s face instantly changed, and she immediately flew in front of Xiao Shanhe to command,
You have information on that person?

Xiao Shanhe lowered his head.
I have a great friend from the Melodic Ice Palace, and I heard from him that Your Highness is seeking a Golden Core Stage cultivator who came from the eastern continent of Videha some seven hundred years ago. This person specializes in the art of seals and formations, and his battle prowess is much higher than any ordinary Golden Core Stage cultivators…. Additionally… he was from the Jiang family, if I’m not mistaken? If that’s the case, then he must have studied the discipline of the Great Limitless Heaven….

Hearing Xiao Shanhe say so much, Xuan Si’nyang’s expression became much more solemn.
Do these criteria match?
she asked.

I do know a person who showed himself five hundred years ago. His history and where he came from was a mystery that no one seemed to know. His temperament was gentle and good-natured, and he would rarely show his battle prowess, but—three hundred years ago—his power did make a single appearance. With a single point of his finger, he sealed a late-stage Golden Core beast king that had caused trouble while roaming through all the small and medium sects within the Chufung Kingdom. From this, his seal and formation abilities can be said to be extremely high…. However, the main discipline he studied seems a little off….

This caused one of Xuan Si’nyang’s brows to raise, and so Xiao Shanhe immediately revealed his hypothesis,
In fact, no one knows what discipline he studies, but he himself has revealed something called ‘The Script of Ravaged Tapestry’. At first I thought I must have imagined it, but then I realized what he said may not necessarily be the truth and could have been to cover his true identity….

Xuan Si’nyang felt what he said was rather logical and grew nervous at his words.
Where is this person now?
she demanded in an authoritative voice.
Xiao Shanhe did not reply.
Xuan Si’nyang studied him. She knew what was on his mind, and she showed a cold smile before taking the jade talisman and sending a bit of Spirit Sense into it before speaking again.
I can promise you that you will not be drawn into any of these troubles, and your Xiao family would be able to safely continue for thousands more years. Furthermore, I can also pass you the Ancient technique, and not only would you be allowed to study it, but you can also pass it on to your future generations to become an inheritance of your family.

Xiao Shanhe was extremely excited, and he received the talisman with shaking hands. Both of his knees fell to the ground as he bowed low,
Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness….

Where is he?
Xuan Si’nyang asked with impatience.
Xiao Shanhe immediately raised his head as he put the jade talisman away.
Your Highness, please follow me.
As he spoke, he directed his flying cloud towards the Peak of Flying Stone, with Xuan Si’nyang following closely behind.
After seeing Xiao Shanhe and Xuan Si’nyang speak of something so secretly before flying towards the Peak of Flying Stone, both the sect master and the three other chief elders felt something was not right, and they quickly followed behind as well.

Your Highness… where are you going?

Xuan Si’nyang looked towards Chen Xuanhua and replied,
I’d like to visit an old acquaintance. Is the sect master wishing to stop me?

I do not dare…
Chen Xuanhua hastily replied, as he felt she appeared a little different. Instead, he looked directly at Xiao Shanhe as though to ask the same question.
How could there be an old acquaintance of Xuan Si’nyang within the Qing-Yun Sect? Who would actually have the capability of being her old acquaintance?
Xiao Shanhe met Chen Xuanhua’s gaze as well, but he merely revealed a cold smile without offering any answers.
In fact, Xiao Shanhe actually couldn’t answer him. Bai Qianzhang had already entered a life-and-death seclusion; if someone were to approach him in the middle of this, it would be considered extremely rude and inconsiderate. Even if Bai Qianzhang had the chance of breaking into the Budding Soul Stage, to be interrupted midway would cause everything he’d achieved so far to go down the drain, or—even worse—cause his death. In this sense, he’d already betrayed Bai Qianzhang.
It didn’t take long before everyone arrived and landed in front of the stone door to the Peak of Flying Stone. Chen Xuanhua already guessed what was happening, and he no longer needed them to answer his earlier question. Extremely surprised, he urgently asked,
Your Highness, please forgive me, but… did our Qing-Yun Elder Bai… did he offend you in any way?

If he truly is an elder from your Qing-Yun Sect, he would not have offended me in any way!
Xuan Si’nyang calmly answered as though slightly ridiculing him, only to continue after a short pause,
But if he’s not, it’ll be hard to say!

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