Chapter 238

: Spitting Up Blood
From the moment Prince Chu Huang arrived on his golden cloud, Wanluo had naturally known he was there—Wanluo was just inside a room in the depths of the great hall and didn’t want to be distracted by the troubles of these juniors, so he ignored them. After Fang Xing called out those three questions, however, he finally began to take notice.
Wanluo was shocked for quite a while as he muttered to himself,
What does all that have to do with me? Why does this kid have to drag me into it?
After the shock wore off, however, he felt even though Fang Xing’s words were rude, they weren’t without reason or logic. He even began to feel a faint sense of pride. ‘This little bastard is clearly making an unreasonable scene, but for him to know to uphold my reputation, it looks like he does have a rather high level of respect towards me. To be fair, a grand elder like me is able to speak with Chu’s grand elder Chu Taishang as an equal, yet this little golden turtle egg bastard came to my Wanluo Court without showing me any respect. He didn’t even lower his cloud…. He’s just blathering about the rules for show….’

As an old monster who’d been alive for nearly a thousand years, it was a given that Wanluo knew Fang Xing was intentionally trying to drag him into this mess, but it ultimately didn’t matter; as long as what Fang Xing said was reasonable, so what if it was just to drag him into things? This was what had been on his mind when Prince Chu Huang tried to attack Fang Xing, and it was likely this thought that triggered his anger and caused him to release some force to block Prince Chu Huang’s attack.
Standing atop the roof, Fang Xing stowed away his Flag of Ten Thousand Spirits and put his hands to his waist.
Hahahahaha, golden eggy, even our grand elder said you don’t know the rules. What does that say about you?

All of the elites felt rather awkward hearing Fang Xing refer to Prince Chu Huang as
golden eggy
, but since old Wanluo had already interrupted, no one dared to laugh out loud. Instead, they all looked dazedly at Prince Chu Huang in the air.
Prince Chu Huang’s face was pale, and he was completely silent. Suddenly, a strand of bright red blood began to seep down the edge of his mouth.

Royal Big Brother….

Your Highness….

Both Princess Chu Ci and the red-dressed Yin Servant were startled and rushed forward to support him.
Prince Chu Huang just pushed them aside, his expression extremely calm as he looked towards Fang Xing on the edge of the roof. Although Wanluo had intervened without directly attacking him, how could the attack of a Golden Core be dismissed? When Wanluo forcibly canceled Prince Chu Huang’s spell, it sent his blood and Qi flowing backwards. Most important of all, the old Wanluo had clearly said it was Prince Chu Huang who didn’t understand the rules, causing him to feel as though he’d lost all face.
Prince Chu Huang was the person who adhered to the rules strongest of anyone. Everyone who knew him was aware of that. Even if he did something not explicitly allowed within the rules, he would still skirt along the boundary. He believed that the ruler of the land was the beginning and end of all law, and as next in line, it would one day fall upon him to decide the law of the land. It was only natural for him to thus uphold and maintain all of the rules.
Prince Chu Huang didn’t even mind if Fang Xing called him
golden turtle egg bastard
, but Fang Xing’s accusation that he didn’t know the rules—and to such a degree that he couldn’t even rebut—had caused his murderous desire to grow. When the old bastard Wanluo—a Golden Core Stage cultivator—stopped him and then also told him he didn’t know the rules, it was a direct stab to his heart that left it drenched in blood.
In the end, though, it had still been Fang Xing’s last declaration that had served as a trigger for all of this. It had pushed Prince Chu Huang to the point he lost control of his blood flow and Qi, causing a strand of blood to leak from the edge of his lips. It even looked as though Fang Xing’s cursing had directly caused him to spit up blood. This left all of the elites within Waluo Court speechless; although they’d heard of it before, this was the first time they’d seen someone actually spit up blood out of anger. The gazes they sent towards Fang Xing were now filled with reverence.
‘This is a mighty person who can make someone so angry they literally spew blood!’

These kinds of wounds weren’t actually heavy, however, and it took only a moment before Prince Chu Huang was able to suppress his blood flow and Qi once more. Of course, the loathing he felt towards Fang Xing was even stronger, to the point it couldn’t be described through language or words. It was the kind of hatred that would have him eat his flesh and tear apart his bones. The murderous intent within his eyes had vanished completely and was instead replaced with
I will hunt you down no matter what
murderous intent
had become whimsical by comparison.
After seeing Prince Chu Huang spit up blood, Wanluo stopped pressuring him and coldly demanded,
Leave now, boy! The Wanluo Court is no place for you to behave so atrociously!

Fang Xing, on the other hand, followed up by shouting,
Did you hear that, golden egg? Our grand elder is telling you to get lost!

Near Prince Chu Huang, Chu Ci couldn’t help but to speak up.
You… you’re a bad person. Don’t you dare cross the line….
Although she knew speaking was against her royal big brother’s rules, the words from this little brat were just too vile; she was afraid her big brother would become so upset he would end up spitting blood once more.

Damn girl, is bringing people over here to falsely accuse your little grandpa not crossing the line?
Fang Xing wasn’t afraid of even Prince Chu Huang; there naturally was nothing for him to be afraid of when it came to this princess and her clumsy words, so he directly rebutted her back.
Chu Ci’s eyes reddened with frustration as she loudly yelled,
What false accusation? It’s obvious Royal Servant Qiao was killed after he and his men came looking for you….

Looking for me? Did you order them to try to find and kill me?

Chu Ci was so frustrated she stomped her feet.
I did not!

So you didn’t tell them to kill me just because you say you didn’t? So where’s the proof? Or does having a perky ss mean you’re automatically in the right?

Chu Ci cried out.
Even the red-dressed Yin Servant couldn’t hold it in any longer.
Lit… lit… you little mutt! One day I will break you into a million pieces…
he cursed out while stomping his feet.
Fang Xing turned his attention to him instead.
Damn eunuch, are you a eunuch?

Yes, I am 
a eunuch; so what?
the red-dressed Yin Servant angrily replied.

So you’re automatically in the right because you’re some damn eunuch?

The red-dressed Yin Servant immediately felt dizzy at such nonsense and wasn’t able to respond.
The elites of Wanluo Court—even including the old Wanluo himself within the grand hall—all had the exact same thought flash through their minds: ‘Anyone who becomes an enemy with this kid will definitely want to directly strangle him. I mustn’t quarrel with him….’

Who else?
Fang Xing was filled with pride and still wanted more. He was someone who believed not even those matchmakers from the countryside could beat him when it came to a quarrel, so how could these clumsy-mouthed people compare?

Fellow Daoist Wanluo, why the need to bully the younger generation of my clan like this?
A cold growl rose up from the blackness of the snowy winter sky, and a powerful force soon came crashing over. A cloud appeared, and although its golden coloration wasn’t as bright as the one belonging to Prince Chu Huang, it seemed to be even more majestic and awe-inspiring. By the time the cloud was visible, not even two breaths passed before it had already arrived at the Wanluo Court, its speed so great it was almost as though it had teleported.

Chu Taishang, make sure you speak things clearly. It is this youth who came to my Wanluo Court to behave so atrociously, not I who bullied him!
A dark shadow blinked into existence next to Fang Xing, and the tattered-robed old bastard Wanluo appeared beside him. Right now, this old man didn’t have a single wretched expression within him; his gaze was deep and meaningful and his presence was calm, but his aura covered the entire Wanluo Court.
A stern-faced yellow-robed old man appeared from that new cloud. His glance immediately went to Chu Huang, but when he saw Chu Huang had merely had his flow of blood and Qi momentarily reversed rather than something life-threatening, he felt a sense of relief. He casually threw a pellet over and signaled for Chu Huang to take it before he turned towards the old Wanluo.
This servant of the Myriad Beasts Sect is related to the death of my Royal Court’s two Yin Servants and eight imperial guards. For Chu Huang to come and question him is only reasonable, yet you—a Golden Core—came out and obstructed the interaction between them. What is your reason?

Fang Xing’s guts were so large he was nearly about to curse at a Golden Core Stage cultivator, but before he’d let it out, Wanluo’s hand lightly patted his shoulder and he signed it wasn’t necessary for Fang Xing to speak. Wanluo let out a laugh and said,
Chu Taishang, are you intentionally spewing such rubbish? When the kids were talking nicely, when did I interrupt? It is your clan’s youth that made the first move to bully the weak; I intervened to stop his spell!

Chu Taishang sneered, but didn’t immediately reply. The red-dressed Yin Servant and Princess Chu Ci behind them were also holding in a stomach full of complaints, but they did not dare to speak out.
Was what just happened really
talking nicely
That little brat’s ability to pester and annoy was so great even a dead person would become so enraged as to rise up from death to die again from anger. Who could actually
talk nicely
with him? This teacher-student pair simply had the exact same temperament. Their abilities to muddle things and pester were extremely fine-tuned, and it just so happened it was also difficult to speak out against. In the end, it was true that Fang Xing and Prince Chu Huang had been
at first, and it was also true that Prince Chu Huang had lost his composure and sent out an attack. For someone at the peak of early-Foundation Stage to attack a Spirit Stage pupil was indeed the strong bullying the weak.
Chu Taishang was angry and unwilling to let things settle as they were. Just as he was about to speak further, Prince Chu Huang suddenly glanced at him before drawing in a long inhale. He then lowered his cloud, straightened his clothes, and kneeled towards the hall where Wanluo was standing.
Esteemed Senior Wanluo has imparted wisdom upon me. It is I who let my emotions cloud my mind and then violated the rules. I beg for the esteemed senior’s forgiveness; please do not think ill of this junior.

All of the Wanluo Court disciples erupted into commotion upon seeing Prince Chu Huang’s actions. No one had expected the high and mighty Prince Chu Huang to actually kneel in front of the old Wanluo and admit to his fault. Chu Taishang hadn’t stopped him, either, and there was even a trace of approval in his eyes after some momentary surprise.
A trace of concern settling in Wanluo’s eyes as he watched this.
What a promising young man; what is there for me to think ill of? Next time you do things, don’t be so brazen!

When Prince Chu Huang rose to his feet, the pride appeared on his face once more, as though he’d returned to the same person who’d use rules as his justification.
However, with all due respect, I will still continue investigating this matter. Since the rules were broken, it must be questioned!
he declared in a calm voice.
Fang Xing smirked.
Then make sure to bring some evidence next time!

Prince Chu Huang looked at him expressionlessly.
Thank you for the reminder. Interrogate only when there is evidence. This is also within the rules; I will remember it!

Fang Xing smiled.
The things I just taught you, make sure to remember them well….
In his mind, however, he became considerably more wary. ‘Those people who would do anything to keep up their appearances are the easiest to handle; no matter how powerful they become, they’re still just idiots in the end. This golden turtle egg bastard isn’t easy, though. I angered him so much, yet he was still able to lower himself and apologize, all for the sake of his rules. Seems he’s not just sanctimonious, but a two-faced bastard as well. I’ve underestimated him….’
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