Chapter 254

: The Yin-Yang Sanding Disc
The Chu royal court ended up paying a hefty price. Xiao Xue and Hou Guimen had been dragged into this despite being innocent, so the Dragon Blood Pellets they found were left in their care. The Demon God Valley Hou Guimen belonged to also required them to pay a large compensation. As for Fang Xing, he received an even larger sum: a thousand Supreme-grade Spirit Stones and some other spirit herbs on top of it. This had left him so pleased his eyes formed two thin lines; with this, his entire scam had been worth it.
The five Golden Cores left with Prince Chu Huang afterwards. Before Wanluo left, however, he once more reminded Fang Xing to go back to the Wanluo Court and be good, even going so far as to ask Xiao Xue to escort him there.
After these two events, the old Wanluo simply wasn’t confident in allowing Fang Xing outside alone—this brat simply had a penchant for causing too much trouble! The first time he went out, he’d killed two Yin Servants from the Chu royal court, and this time he not only stole five Dragon Blood Pellets but also framed Hou Guimen and Xiao Xue. It had stirred internal conflict within the Snowy Mountain and even pushed three Golden Cores into a brawl, creating nothing but catastrophe. This boy was just a magnet for chaos. If he was allowed to continue wandering around outside doing as he pleased, who knew what kind of even bigger trouble he would cause!
A proud Golden Core grand elder such as himself had even resorted to mentioning such an ancient debt—which was embarrassing in its own right—yet Fang Xing was acting out the part of the
good guy
who’d just become brothers with Hou Guimen while laughing with Xiao Xue, creating a very tight relationship. The thickness of this boy’s skin couldn’t be compared to even the one-thousand-year-old Wanluo himself.

The five Golden Cores—plus Prince Chu Huang, who’d been serving them on the side—discussed for an entire evening before returning back to their individual courts.
Fang Xing arrived extremely early the next morning to try to ask about what happened, but the old Wanluo didn’t say much, simply telling him the competition within the Snowy Mountain hadn’t stopped. Although the grand opportunity was still uncertain, all of the forces had grown restless and wanted to split the final fruits of success. Originally, the Chu royal court would have ended up taking the largest share, but after an event like this, their share was split up quite substantially. Even then, the only reason the Chu royal court was able to retain a decent amount afterwards was because Prince Chu Huang was serving tea and using the opportunity to hint and quietly advise Chu Taishang on how to progress through the discussion.
It was only now Fang Xing understood the Golden Cores weren’t idiots. Why would they have fought for no reason at all? It had been an extremely simple matter on the surface, but in reality, it had all been for the sake of accruing numerous benefits for themselves.
The person who was least interested in these benefits was old Wanluo; as a lone wolf without any sects, clans, or blood relatives to speak of, his motivations had been the purest of them all. Everyone else had been most concerned as to what their benefits would ultimately be, whereas Wanluo had only been concerned with solving the issue at hand. It was also because he wanted to solve this problem that he was the one most disgusted towards all of the squabbling over how the benefits would be distributed. Utilizing this chance, he was able to put his concerns out into the open and also come to a decision despite the complex situation: the power of those in the Snowy Mountain had to be consolidated.
Of course, Wanluo had also wanted to solve this because he didn’t want to see his old friend of hundreds of years—Hu Qin—be tangled up in all these fights for attributions. As the top cultivator of Chufung, Hu Qin’s hand had been forced time after time, preventing him from living his life freely. Wanluo had wanted to help resolve some potential future issues in advance.
Fang Xing wasn’t interested at all when it came to the internal conflicts within Snowy Mountain, and he completely lost his excitement after hearing only a few sentences. The old Wanluo didn’t force him to continue listening after noticing the disinterest, either; as someone who lived a free and leisurely life with a dislike for schemes and hidden agendas for status and resources, this was a temperament the old Wanluo shared as well. He’d actually become quite fond of Fang Xing’s bandit-like qualities and inclination to plunder when he felt like it. If he died, well, that was that, and he’d continue plundering until the end of time until that happened….

You always mention this ‘grand opportunity’. What exactly is it? Tell me about it!
This was Fang Xing’s only interest.
The old Wanluo held his head high and released a deep sigh.
This is related to the biggest secret of the entire cultivation realm, and even I know only a portion of it. It is difficult for me to explain it all to a little brat like you. Besides, if I were to tell you now, it would only cause you to lose your concentration. It is best I tell you the details after you’ve mastered this skill….

Fang Xing was surprised by this and excitedly asked,
It’s completed?

The old Wanluo snorted.
Do you really think that meeting we just had was in vain? The reason I couldn’t complete it before now was there’d been a few things missing. Using this chance, I was able to get my hands on a number of the secret skills from the Chu royal court, Ephemeral Butterfly, and that kid Mu Longyin. By checking through them all and using the strengths to make up for the weaknesses, it can be said I’ve finally completed it!

When can you teach me?
Fang Xing replied with excitement.
Wanluo laughed.
If my calculations are correct, there shouldn’t be a problem within three days!

Fang Xing was immediately filled with joy and his eyes began to glisten with anticipation.

Fang Xing was rather well-behaved the three days following. He’d earned quite a bit this time; he didn’t need to worry about resources for the time being, and it was unlikely the Chu royal court would allow him another chance to get at them after being so heavily disadvantaged. If he were to truly go seek trouble with them again, it was very possible he’d end up incriminating himself, so he used this opportunity to take something like a small vacation and rest.
During the second evening before the full three days had passed, a haggard-looking Wanluo asked Fang Xing over before handing over a jade talisman. Fang Xing knew this was what Wanluo mentioned could resolve his demonic spirit problem, so he hastily took it with great gratitude. After filling it with his spirit sense, the information recorded within the jade instantly transferred into his mind, leaving him somewhat surprised.

Yin-Yang Sanding Disc?
Fang Xing asked while looking at the old Wanluo with a dumbfounded expression.
Wanluo replied in a serious tone,
Indeed. This skill was based on the incomplete one I found earlier in my life—

The name is terrible!
Fang Xing interrupted.

What do you mean it’s terrible?
Wanluo angrily replied.

Go and think about it for a second, don’t you think it sounds ugly?

Wanluo’s eyes widened for a moment before he sighed.
I had to put all of my effort into this. It’s very different from that incomplete skill and naturally should be given a new name, but I was too lazy to think of one and came up with it randomly!

Fang Xing clicked his tongue.
The name you came up with is really bad; I’ll need to think of one myself!

Whatever, do as you please.

After some serious thought, Fang Xing responded,
How about ‘Yin-Yang Big Wheel’?

Wanluo kicked Fang Xing and shouted,
If you dare name this skill of mine with that stupid name, I promise I’ll bash you to death!

Whether it was a
sanding disc
or a
big wheel
, this skill was finally completed.

Under the old Wanluo’s guidance, Fang Xing began studying and working to understand this skill. After some effort, he realized this skill was genuinely extremely powerful and the theories contained within were extremely mysterious and profound; it was no wonder even someone with as much cultivation and knowledge as the old Wanluo had to use the entirety of his mind. For Fang Xing to understand just the basics of its introduction alone required three full days.
After he understood it all, however, Fang Xing also realized a rather serious problem.

I wouldn’t be able to borrow the powers of the Court of Enlightenment to study this skill!
Fang Xing exclaimed.
Wanluo let out a long sigh and nodded.
Indeed. This is also the point I am most concerned about. I have a premonition there isn’t much time left before that grand opportunity arrives. Inside this Snowy Mountain, you don’t know what’s going on in the outside world and that things have already started to fall into a bit of chaos. Right now, the most important thing to do is increase your battle prowess, but I’m worried that without using the powers of the Court of Enlightenment, you might not be able to master this skill before that grand opportunity arrives….

Based on your estimations, how long would I need in order to master this skill?

The old Wanluo gave it some thought.
At least one year.

Taken aback, Fang Xing asked,
When will that grand opportunity arrive, then?

Any time within this half year,
Wanluo responded with a deep tone.
Fang Xing didn’t reply and simply dipped his head low. Wanluo then continued,
Although your battle prowess isn’t weak right now, this grand opportunity is still extremely dangerous for you. If you are uncertain of your odds, it may be wise to put aside studying this skill and use the Eminent Yin Jade to suppress the curse while using other methods to increase your battle prowess. Once that grand opportunity is finished, you can then study this skill at your leisure.

Can I beat that golden turtle egg bastard Chu Huang using other methods?

Wanluo was left speechless.
Why must you go against him?

It is him who must go against me. That bastard surely won’t let me go anymore….

Wanluo let out a sharp laugh.
So you do 
know the effect you have on others. Well, you don’t stand a chance against Chu Huang without studying this skill!

Fang Xing nodded.
Then this is what I will study. Half a year should be just enough!

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