Chapter 287

: The Strongest Alliance
There were millions of spirit herbs and plants in the world, and each one had its own unique uses—someone would need to be extremely capable in alchemy to know them all. Fang Xing was neither an alchemist nor herbalist, however; he simply had the Book of Revelation, which allowed him to know the name of an item at a glance.
Everything would have been fine if Grandpa Fang had decided to stay quiet, but this powerful person was instantly surprised once he spoke. This caused Fang Xing to feel nothing but pride, and he brought up his intent of forming an alliance while the blue-clothed bandit was still stunned.
After a short pause, the blue-clothed bandit replied,
Why would I want to form an alliance with you?

Fang Xing grinned.
Am I not eligible to form an alliance with you with my battle prowess?

The bandit laughed at this.
Your battle prowess indeed isn’t low, but why would it be necessary for me to form an alliance with you?

Fang Xing wasn’t bothered by this and simply smirked.
From the looks of things, you’re looking for Stellar Grass?

The blue-clothed bandit nodded.
Yes, and not just Stellar Grass; I’m looking for three extinct spirit herbs. Such herbs might actually appear within the Mysterious Domain, and I’m here this time to see if I’ll get lucky.

Aren’t the people who enter the Mysterious Domain like a bunch of locusts? Everywhere they go, not even weeds are left behind. Since you’ve arrived so late, you might even have to rob each and every person here to find these three herbs. With your speed, do you think you’ll be able to go through all of them, you bastard? But if you ally yourself with me, I can guarantee your speed will increase tenfold!

The blue-clothed bandit was a bit surprised when he heard this and began to think it over.
Fang Xing continued to try to persuade him.
I am an expert in robbing, and with our combined battle prowess, there shouldn’t be too many in this Mysterious Domain we can’t take from. Besides, with me around, you’ll be able to identify spirit herbs much faster as well; this alone will save you a huge amount of time and trouble. This means the odds of you finding those three herbs will greatly improve, right?
Fang Xing’s brows quivered excitedly on his face as he looked at this blue-clothed bandit in front of him.
Fang Xing’s motivations were simple: he’d taken a liking to this bandit’s battle prowess. There was an endless supply of fortune and treasure within this Mysterious Domain, but there was an endless supply of danger as well, and everyone would naturally try to seek some kind of companion or alliance. Some would form their own groups before entering the Mysterious Domain and agree upon an alliance, such as the Snowy Mountain disciples or Grand Elder Jing Guang’s Jing Fu and Yuan Shenglian. Others would form an alliance after entering the Mysterious Domain, like the four Foundation Stage cultivators from the mountain.
Although Fang Xing’s battle prowess was far above average, he didn’t arrogantly believe he was assuredly invincible within this Mysterious Domain, and in fact the problems he needed to deal with definitely weren’t going to be easy. That annoying young master of the Huangfu clan had vowed to capture and kill him, and the decree had already started backing him into a corner. He was still able to deal with it right now since he was still along the outer area of the Mysterious Domain where there were fewer cultivators, but once he went deeper inside, all the elite cultivators of Jambu would band together as one. Together, they’d be as numerous and knit as a school of migrating fish, and even he couldn’t completely guarantee he’d be safe from them.
It would be extremely helpful if he allied with someone with comparable strength, and it just so happened this blue-clothed bandit had come knocking on his door. This person’s battle prowess wasn’t low, and not even Fang Xing would be confident in defeating him if he didn’t have access to the Yin Yang Sanding Disc. From the looks of things, this bandit was only interested in certain types of medicinal herbs as well and didn’t care about the others—wasn’t this simply the perfect ally sent to him by the heavens? This bandit had
to be brought into an alliance.
With these thoughts, Fang Xing began relying on his charisma and didn’t stop trying to persuade this person. Although it was obvious not everything he said was true, it did sound sensible and this blue-clothed bandit was genuinely beginning to be moved by his words.

Something like an alliance isn’t impossible. If you are willing to help me find those three herbs, I will not treat you unfairly!
the blue-clothed bandit spoke with a somber voice; it seemed those three herbs were of particular importance for him.
Fang Xing snickered.
That’s not a problem at all. You keep those three herbs if we find them and I keep the rest?

That’s fine. I have no use for the other herbs anyway. However… what kind of alliance are we forming?
the blue-clothed bandit laughed.
Are we just going to rob together, or are we going to seek the grand opportunity of the Mysterious Domain together?

Fang Xing smirked.
We fight all fights together and chop all fat sheep together. Any opportunities and fortune we find, we split in half?
It was rare for him to finally meet someone else in the same tier as him with such a high battle prowess. He was genuinely moved and didn’t think about trying to get an unfair advantage from this.
The blue-clothed bandit shifted his eyes back and forth behind the mask as though considering the issue, but he purposefully maintained a sense of great calm before suddenly recalling something.
I do not want to lie to you, so there’s something I must tell you beforehand. Aside from seeking the three herbs this trip, I am also looking for a little bastard named Fang Xing. I have to make sure I teach that little bastard a lesson. You’ll help me when we find him, right?

Fang Xing?
This left Fang Xing astonished, and he couldn’t figure out how to respond to this for a long while. Fang Xing sized up this blue-clothed bandit once more, but no matter their aura or physique, they were extremely unfamiliar; this was not someone he knew, so why did this person have to teach him a lesson?
Did he rob you before?
Fang Xing cautiously asked.
The blue-clothed bandit laughed.
Even if that Fang Xing is incredibly strong, how could he rob me?

Then do you hold a grudge against him or something?
Fang Xing continued, trying to test the waters.

No grudge; I haven’t even met him before!
The blue-clothed bandit sighed.
Why are you showing such an expression? Are you really scared of him or something?

That Fang Xing is really, really strong. And handsome, too! Who would want to do something to someone so good-looking as him?

The bandit covered his mouth and snickered.
Is he really as good as you make him out to be?

Fang Xing gave a firm nod.
Yes, and even better!

The bandit nodded in return.
Well then, we shall see. If he’s really as good as you make him out to be, I will be sure to be a little more gentle with him!

What exactly is the relationship between you two?
Fang Xing continued to carefully probe.

That is no business to outsiders and you’d best not ask anymore. But this alliance, I accept.
The blue-clothed bandit laughed and held up his hand, and Fang Xing thought about it before revealing a grin as well. They clapped each other’s hand three times, and thus the alliance was formed.
Since the blue-clothed bandit clearly didn’t recognize him, Fang Xing decided he may as well play along for the time being. He’d borrow his power and try to secretly find out whether he really did intend to do something problematic in the future, and if he did, Fang Xing would act beforehand to kill him off.
The blue-clothed bandit didn’t harbor any suspicions, either. Once the two had finished clapping each other for their vow, they exchanged names and began discussing the details of their partnership. Fang Xing naturally didn’t reveal his real name and simply said he was Fang Xiaojiu of the Snowy Mountain. When it was the blue-robed bandit’s turn to reveal their name, however, he smiled lightly an said,
What lives in a pond?

Fang Xing replied with surprise.
The blue-clothed bandit was caught off guard for a bit but spoke up once more,
What other than toads?

Fang Xing’s eyes lit up.

The blue-clothed bandit was left completely speechless and began to clench his teeth.
There are only toads and turtles in your waters? Do they not have any fish?

Fang Xing lost all interest.
Tch, you mean loach? I thought it was something really interesting….

This nearly caused the blue-clothed bandit to regret ever agreeing to this alliance whatsoever.
Fish! I am called Xiao Yu—little fish!

Ok, Loach, let’s go!

The blue-clothed bandit loudly cracked his knuckles while wondering why he hadn’t punched this kid earlier with his apex skill.

Once the alliance was formed, the remaining journey became much easier. A large flag hung just above the carriage adorned with a name that drew animosity from those nearby. All the young elites with above average battle prowess coveted the opportunity to capture him when they passed by, and they’d met with a group of furious elites before even managing to go more than ten miles. Every opponent he met, Fang Xing had only one response: plunder. No matter who it was, everything would be pushed aside and all their valuables and fortunes taken.
The blue-clothed bandit merely checked each cultivator they came across to see if they had any of the three herbs they were looking for, and he didn’t bother paying attention if they didn’t. This actually made it easy for Fang Xing, and it could be said he made buckets of profit from all of this. In a mere three short days, all the spirit herbs they’d robbed had been enough to help him break through Foundation Stage tier three. He couldn’t help but to grin at all times; to him, this was simply heaven.
Of course, there were still problems. The outer areas of the Mysterious Domain mostly contained opportunities for Spirit Stage cultivators, so Fang Xing and the blue-clothed bandit had no choice but to grab the Foundation Stage guardians who couldn’t enter and threaten their lives to plunder the fellow Spirit Stage disciples. Because of this, the groups without guardians ended up incredibly fortunate, while those with guardians would wind up heavily disadvantaged….
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