Chapter 298

: Foundation Stage Opportunity
By now, the Wanluo disciples’ superiority over others was clear to see. The Snowy Mountain’s five grand elders had gathered all the young elites of Chufung’s seven countries, and this was the end result. Although the Wanluo Court disciples were considered only average in battle prowess compared to the rest of the Snowy Mountain, they were still a good deal stronger than the other areas’ cultivators and it didn’t take them long to root up everything like a swarm of locusts.
In truth, although they weren’t weak, Leng Ziyan’s inability to give them adequate protection had forced them to restrain themselves. Now that they were under Fang Xing’s protection, however, they were able be as bold as they wished to be, and they took full advantage of the opportunity without leaving much behind. They were like vicious beasts baring their sharp fangs during the battles inside the garden, and each of them quickly had the blood of someone’s life on their hands.
All the Foundation Stage cultivators outside watched this with pale faces and hatred in their hearts. In different circumstances, perhaps these Foundation Stage cultivators would have already started planning how to plunder these Snowy Mountain disciples after they’d left the immortal’s garden… but with that vicious little fiend watching from the side, this wasn’t an option. In their minds, it would be good if they 
didn’t wind up plundered by Fang Xing, so it was only natural they didn’t have the guts to try anything themselves.
Fang Xing snickered before turning towards the blue-clothed bandit.
Hehe, seems the gains this time are rather plentiful. I think you might be able to find the three herbs you’ve been looking for, Brother!

The blue-clothed bandit softly laughed.
Even if we are brothers, we still have to keep things equal. I didn’t help this time and it was all your work, so if any of the three herbs can be found this time, I’ll allow you to have a favor from me!

Fang Xing rolled his eyes.
Can’t you be a bit more pragmatic? How much is a favor worth?

The blue-clothed bandit rolled his eyes back at Fang Xing before sighing. So many people in Videha would have loved the chance to receive one of his favors, yet this boy didn’t appreciate it at all. Just as he was about to respond, however, something suddenly caught his attention and he went silent. Fang Xing felt this very slight yet bizarre movement as well, and his brows creased as he looked up towards the sky.
Ghost Prince Li Ying looked coldly towards the combat in the immortal’s garden and commanded in a low voice,
Hmph, that guy’s method of only taking forty percent from people isn’t a bad idea at all. On my orders, we’ll do the same from now on! We don’t need to force all those other cultivators to give up all their gains; I shall allow them to keep thirty percent so they won’t all think of ways to deceive me!

Hahn Longzi’s expression was incredibly poor as he watched the event going on in the garden, and a deep hatred settled in his eyes.
Dammit, by demanding only forty percent of what they get from the garden, he managed to get this group of rather powerful Spirit Stage disciples to accept his protection. Adding the stuff he’ll get from his Snowy Mountain disciples as well, he really is extremely lucky….

The fact Fang Xing was able to successfully use such an arrogant method of offering protection for a forty-percent share left Hahn Longzi anxious and angry, and he lamented the fact the opportunity was only open to Spirit Stage. Although it was unlikely he’d be able to kill Fang Xing, if this opportunity had been open to Foundation Stage as well, he wouldn’t be forced to sit around and watch as Fang Xing receive such a huge number of spirit herbs and plants.
A shame this is an opportunity only for Spirit Stage; if it had been one for Foundation Stage, then he—

Just at that moment, Hahn Longzi suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.
Nn? Something’s not right!

Although the immortal’s garden had already appeared, the spirit clouds that had dissipated before suddenly began to gather once again. Although they were not as thick as before, they were clearly far more concentrated, as though a Jiaolong Dragon was rummaging through the clouds. Qi began to draw in wildly from all directions like a whale sucking in water, and soon it formed a cloud above the garden that became more and more intense….
Fang Xing’s eyes lit up with a great deal of excitement.
There’s another opportunity?

The three fairies of the northern mountains, the Ghost Prince Li Ying, and Hahn Longzi of the western deserts all flew up together when they noticed it. Before long, they arrived at around thirty feet away from the border of the immortal’s garden—the closest they were allowed to get.
The clouds began to grow thicker and thicker, and once it reached a certain point, there was a sudden rumble and a lightning bolt colored a faint purple crashed down towards the ground. A rather exquisite garret in the center of the immortal’s garden was struck by the lightning bolt and exploded, causing something inside it to fly out and shoot straight into the sky.

It’s a cauldron!
someone yelled out after getting a good look at what it was.
It was a rather simple-looking cauldron with four sides, three feet, and numerous spirit beasts and mystical herbs carved into its outer surface. It released a simple scent, but as it floated into the air, a thick and intoxicatingly sweet aroma of pellets began to extend outward. Spirit clouds formed from the cauldron one after another, but the most surprising of all was that the aura it released didn’t suppress the Foundation Stage cultivators—this was an opportunity that was also open to those in Foundation Stage!

Seems like this 
is the real opportunity….

The Foundation Stage cultivators surrounding the area all began to yell as tensions rose. The reaction time of those in Foundation Stage was much faster than Spirit Stage, and they all began using various methods to dash towards the cauldron the moment they noticed it. As it so happened, the cauldron was approximately one hundred feet above the ground, and people who didn’t have a method for flying were unable to gain access to it whatsoever. The Mysterious Domain had forbidden the use of flying clouds and riding on any flying weapons, which meant cultivators had to get close using a different method.

Haha, this grandpa is going to take all of this opportunity!
Li Ying shouted before his blood shadow floated into the air and formed into a pair of bloody wings. He took the lead to fly straight towards the cauldron above, while the three fairies of the northern mountains each rode atop a giant butterfly to draw closer towards the cauldron as well. As for Hahn Longzi, he used the same method as before to create an illusory ice dragon before he stepped on its head to be carried into the sky.

Let’s go too!
Both Fang Xing and the blue-clothed bandit had their own flying methods. They exchanged glances with one another before one materialized a pair of golden wings and the other formed a thunder bird to lift rise up into the sky. Although the Mysterious Domain’s formations prevented them from flying for an extended period of time, it was still enough for them to rush towards where the cauldron was.
Upon reaching the cauldron’s location, it was possible to see that all four sides had a door apiece, and all of them were closed shut to keep anyone from entering. Everyone who arrived was forced to pause mid-air while other Foundation Stage cultivators could be seen using various methods to catch up from below. Only a small number of cultivators didn’t have any methods of flight and were forced to remain on the ground to beat their chests, stomp their feet, and cry with regret and blame towards the unfairness of the heavens. Were they going to be denied a chance at this opportunity just because they were unable to fly?

Four doors, all closed shut. Do we have to fight our way into it?
a cultivator yelled out before toughening himself up and sending out a pulse of Qi to test whether the cauldron door would open from this.
An even stronger pulse of Qi was reflected back, and the cultivator let out a loud scream as he fell from the sky like a kite with a broken string.


All the other cultivators looked down at him in disdain. To act with so much haste and carelessness in front of such a large opportunity, hadn’t he reaped what he sowed?

Since the cauldron has appeared, it will open. There’s no need for us to worry; I’d say the time simply hasn’t arrived yet…
the blue-clothed bandit said in a low voice while focusing his gaze entirely on the cauldron’s doors.
Fang Xing, on the other hand, rolled up his sleeves in anticipation at what unknown pellets would be found inside. This cauldron was incredibly mysterious!
… crack 
Just as the blue-clothed bandit had finished speaking, the door on the cauldron’s southern face suddenly let out a low but awe-inspiring sound from within. The tightly shut door began to open, revealing a small slit that released an extremely dense amount of purple pellet fumes. The fumes covered almost the entire section in front of the cauldron in a mysterious manner, making it look like a cloud covering the sun on a bright day.

It’s open, it’s open!
Although the slit was very narrow, it was still enough to allow someone to enter, and the person who spoke was so excited he immediately dashed towards the narrow entrance to try to seize the opportunity. After he’d moved a dozen or so feet forward, however, he suddenly stopped and turned. Not only had nobody else gotten closer, but everyone had collectively moved back a few feet to avoid the pellet fumes. The cultivator was surprised by this and quickly began to move back as well.
Oh, these fumes could be poisonous….

Although Li Ying was among the group who’d stepped back, he let out a cold snort before flying up and kicking the cultivator right in the rear. The cultivator was sent flying into the cauldron’s interior with a loud cry, and it didn’t take long before even louder cries began to rang out. The cultivator abruptly flew out from the cauldron with a miserable scream and fell towards the ground below, his body covered in the terrifying sight of blue veins as though every single one of his blood vessels had expanded tenfold.
While Li Ying used a single hand to snatch the cultivator from the sky and bring him in for a closer look, the blue-clothed bandit looked at the cultivator from afar with a cold gaze and whispered towards Fang Xing,
The fumes aren’t poisonous, but who knows how many years this cauldron has been crafting some kind of powerful pellets? The fumes within it are too strong, and it’s simply far too concentrated for an ordinary person to withstand. A single breath could cause a person’s blood essence to fall into turmoil and become difficult to control, making it similar to actual poison….

Fang Xing knew the theory behind it. Pellet fumes weren’t poisonous and were actually extremely beneficial, but if they were beyond the maximum limit of what someone could withstand, it would become the same as poison.
Some cultivators became agitated and yelled out,
The fumes are too strong and we cannot withstand it. Do we really have to wait until all of the fumes clear up before we can take the opportunity within?

Hmph, the fumes are so dense it likely won’t be clear even after a few days. How long would we have to wait?
other cultivators called out loudly in disdain at such an obviously stupid idea. The opportunities operated on a case of first come, first served; who would have the patience to actually wait several more days?

The fumes might be very strong, but it’s not too invasive. If someone were to stop their breath, it might still be possible to fend it off with a cultivation level like ours…
someone else spoke their mind on the problem. They looked towards the dense smog flowing out of the cauldron with gleaming eyes, but they did not dare to actually enter inside.

Haha, the bold die full, the timid die starving. How are you going to fight for the opportunity if you’re so restrained in what you do?
someone suddenly declared with a voice full of arrogance. It was none other than Li Ying, and he suddenly rushed straight into the cauldron!
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