Chapter 371

: The Young Fairy With Good Taste
When Fang Xing heard the young fairy Qingyan say such a thing with such pride and arrogance, he was left completely dumbstruck. He intuitively felt she was being very serious and that her words weren’t simply to scare him away, but he’d never even spoken with her despite seeing her before; when did he become her man? Did someone pretend to be him again and actually sleep with her?

Do all men belong to you or something?
Fang Xing suspiciously probed,
He’s yours just because you say he is?

When Young Fairy Qingyan saw he didn’t believe her, she began to feel a bit nervous and shrank back on the soft mattress once again.
I don’t care if you believe me or not,
she declared with a serious tone.
I have only one man, and that’s him. If you dare use force, I will cut myself and say it was you who harbored malicious thoughts and wanted to kill me. Both my elder sisters and the eldest princess are all within the hall; do you think they’d forgive you if they saw you wanted to harm me?

Harm you?
Fang Xing looked at her and suddenly acted, causing an Immortal’s Snare to appear in his hands. The young fairy Qingyan was being suppressed by the great amount of Qi and had no means to fight back, and he managed to tie her up with only a few quick turns before sending Qi into her meridians to block off her Qi and keep her from rebelling.
In front of your little grandpa, you think you’ll have the chance to cut yourself?
he snickered.
Qingyan was frightened from top to bottom. The difference in battle prowess was obvious, leaving her without any ability to retaliate. When she thought about how this bastard was going to force himself upon her, she was left embarrassed and anxious to the point tears started to flow.
Fang Xing smirked.
There’s no need for you to cry like someone’s dead just yet. To tell the truth, I also extremely admire that Fang Xing—he’s handsome, loyal, and a great young man who is also so powerful. I’m actually planning on befriending him one day. If you’re truly his woman, I certainly won’t touch you, but I’ll need to confirm whether what you’ve said is true or not. If it’s not true, hehe….

Hearing that there was still a chance, Qingyan quickly raised her head and shouted,
It’s true! I met him within the Mysterious Domain in the past….

Fang Xing nodded.
And then?

Qingyan’s face began to slightly blush.
And then…. Then he became my man….

Fang Xing cracked his knuckles and let out a cold laugh.
If you’re still not going to tell the truth, then today—

Get back! Stay away from me!
Qingyan flinched and quickly shouted.
I’ll tell you the truth!

Fang Xing was naturally quite curious about things involving him, so he cooperated. He backed up three feet and sat himself down in a chair, though not before grabbing a jug of wine from a table in the room on the way. He bit off the cork of the jug and began drinking while listening to her explanation.

The truth is…
Qingyan stammered,
he’s not my man yet, but he will be one day….

There seemed to be some kind of worry and urgency, and her words didn’t string together very well. There was clearly something she wanted to hide, and something else she wanted to make sound more romantic, but Fang Xing wasn’t stupid and he was able to find a few things within her words. He was able to guess pretty much exactly what was going on in her head through some questioning, and he determined all of this was simply the young fairy’s fantasies.
As it so happened, when she first saw Fang Xing in the Mysterious Domain, the three fairies of the northern mountains saw how brave Fang Xing was and were so moved they actually wanted to help their youngest sister bed this little demon. The power of the three of them combined wasn’t enough to truly force Fang Xing, however, and after he robbed them outside the giant cauldron above the immortal’s garden, the enmity between them had been set in stone. Although they’d later agreed to plunder the Sword Mound together, the rift had already been formed and the idea didn’t take hold again.
While the three fairies sought out other opportunities before the agreed-upon time to plunder the Sword Mound, Fang Xing led a group of people to openly rob the Sword Mound, leaving the three of them empty-handed. Hongyan and Biyan were so furious they even thought about capturing and torturing him, but they simply couldn’t find him. What the two didn’t expect was that after those few moments of contact, Fang Xing’s bravery and courage had buried a very tiny seed of admiration within the heart of their youngest sister. Although the three fairies didn’t manage to obtain anything advantageous from him, she subconsciously felt only a man like him would be suitable to be her very first.
Fang Xing’s actions from that point became even more and more shocking. Killing his teacher with a single arrow, assassinating the Huangfu clan’s young master, tricking and killing ten Golden Cores of the Huangfu clan; his name once again shook all of Jambu. In such circumstances, many female cultivators who’d never even met him were impressed by his might and viciousness, to say nothing of a girl like Qingyan who’d already felt some attraction.
After that time, those feelings of admiration were allowed to accumulate and strengthen until they became extremely passionate feelings of love. Such feelings made this young fairy determined to have Fang Xing as her future man, and even though she’d never objected to her Endearment techniques, she was suddenly repulsed by them and decided no other man would be allowed to touch her body.
Her two older sisters had actually seen the changes in her, but they thought it was because it was her very first time. There was certainly a lot of pressure, so they brought her to this Red Convention to help her choose a decent temporary husband, but how would they have known this young fairy had already made up her mind to be with Fang Xing and that she wouldn’t have eyes for any of the men at the Red Convention?
Of course, Qingyan wouldn’t tell Fang Xing such thoughts, and perhaps not even she herself knew where her determination came from, but Fang Xing was able to piece together what she thought about him all the same. He was quite pleased, and the fact this young fairy hadn’t taken notice of anyone except for the little grandpa himself meant she had really good taste worthy of praise….
At the same time, Fang Xing also felt a little regret. What a pity; this was completely useless for the sake of completing all three flames of his True Samadhi Fire.
Fang Xing looked at the young fairy Qingyan. There were a few questions he had, and he asked them rather seriously.
You actually want to bed the mighty Uncle Fang—so ambitious! But he’s already no longer in Jambu; even if you want to bed him, you don’t have the chance. Based on the traditions of your Endearment Sect, are you going to live if you don’t bed any men? You can’t give him second-hand goods, right?

Qingyan rolled her eyes and glared at him in annoyance.
Are you questioning my loyalty?

Is there so-called loyalty with fairies like you?
Fang Xing laughed.
Qingyan’s face began to blush, and she gave a cold reply,
It’s none of your business!

Tch. I’m too lazy to care anyway!
Fang Xing let out a cold snort and retrieved his Immortal’s Snare before turning to leave. Qingyan was surprised to see Fang Xing leaving so easily, but she didn’t say anything to stop him.
‘Seems like all I can do is find another one….’ 
Fang Xing folded his hands behind his back with a helpless sigh and made his way back into the hall. Everyone showed a look of surprise when they saw how quickly he returned, but after the shock wore off, all of them seemed to think of something and began to smile instead. Such smiles were enough to leave Fang Xing feeling a little depressed and he wanted to strangle all these bastards one by one, but he discontentedly sat back at his table, poured himself some wine, and finished the glass in one go.

You’re back so soon?
the golden crow asked with a wink.
Fang Xing rolled his eyes.
Don’t mention it. I’m so depressed….

The golden crow laughed.
Don’t worry, there are plenty of spirit herbs and medicines. I’m sure there’s one that can cure your problem….

Fang Xing suddenly spat out the mouthful of wine he had in his mouth and started tugging at the feathers on the golden crow’s neck.
You’re the one with that kind of problem! That chick threatened to kill herself; I didn’t even get the chance to do anything, alright!
His shout had been rather loud, and it didn’t take long before plenty of people heard this and began snickering or smiling.
He’d received a Red Order and entered the side hall, yet he hadn’t been able to do anything; wasn’t this a huge joke? All the gazes directed towards Fang Xing were sneering and filled with ridicule, and the looks from the people around him were especially filled with the look of
this guy is so bad not even a Red Order is enough
Fang Xing could only restrain his anger and roll his eyes. He needed to find a chance to get another Red Order.
By now, the northern mountains’ Hongyan and Biyan had both chosen their desired men and taken them to the side halls, leaving behind only the master of this place—Ao Yinzhu, the Dragon King’s daughter. All the cultivators were filled with anticipation as they charismatically chatted and spoke to try to please her, and there were even some who presented their carefully-selected gifts to win her attention. However, no matter what they did, she simply showed a sweet smile the entire time and didn’t say a word about what her test was. As for that Yuan 1
 -named cultivator seated just below her, he held a glass of wine while showing no expression, making for a rather awkward atmosphere.
The Dragon King’s daughter didn’t mention the test, so the cultivators were all unsure how to act and could only wait. After a long while, however, the Dragon King’s daughter let out a lazy yawn before calling over a clam-turned-female maid and speaking softly to her. The clam maid held a purple wooden tray, and within it were some jade plates carved with words such as
arrow shooting
jug throwing
Weiqi playing
painting comparing
, and
 Yang 2
—it was filled with all kinds of tests that would often be chosen in the previous Red Conventions. There wasn’t any doubt she intended to choose from them this time as well, and all the cultivators watched on with held breaths.
It was at this time the Yuan-named young man showed a smile. He stood up, bowed towards the Dragon King’s daughter, and said in a soft voice,
Miss Yinzhu, I believe you’ve already read the letter I handed to you? The sincerity I—Bizhan—have can be proven by the heavens and earth. I hope dear Miss Yinzhu is able to accept my proposal to come with me to Videha and be wed with me, where we shall then cultivate the great path of Dao together….

Once such words were spoken, the entire hall became dead silent with only the music of the band continuing.
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