Chapter 1178: [I don't care! 】

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In the ward.
The atmosphere is very bad.
However, Dong Xuebin has a few hearts in his heart. He has already contacted Xie Jing. He knows that there must be movements in the Xinhua News Agency. Therefore, the city has come so close. Now the city is in a hurry and wants to suppress the impact and solve the problem as soon as possible. Also in the city, Dong Xuebin can be no hurry.
Quiet for a while.
Zhao Wei simply said: "That is 300,000."
Dong Xuebin is not happy: "You are chilling me."
Zhao Wei looked at him and said, "What do you want to pay for?"
Everyone thought that Dong Xuebin had a big lion's opening and asked for a loss of 500,000 to 600,000. Who knows his voice has turned, "Mr. Zhao, I don't care, I don't want to say anything." Compensation, this time I came to the city to ask for money, I am working for the sake of the people in our county. I also recognized the injured. In addition to the ones that were given to me, I don’t want a penny. I don’t need it. But the central government gave us the appropriation of Lishui County. Can the city return it to us? The people in Shangshui County are waiting for the money. I have nothing to do with my hand. It doesn't matter if the leg is folded, but if If the money is going back, how can we tell the people?"
Meng Rui slightly nodded and said it well.
Yan Yizhi and Chen Xiaomei also pulled their attention and finally said the topic.
Jiang Fangfang said: "Mr. Zhao, this money can be said to be the life-saving money of our county. It is necessary to open cadres to wages, to improve the living standards of ordinary people, to develop the economy, to fill the financial gap, um, we also I know that there is another plan in the city, and it is also good for our county, but this money..."
Dong Xuebin’s words are straight, very hard and very horrible.
Jiang Fangfang gave a step, and probably did not want to be too stiff with the city.
When Zhao Yi heard it, he thought about it and nodded. "We know the situation in your county. I still want to give you a sum of money. Well, how much gap do you have?" He took the city before he came. The phone also guessed that Lishui County said that it is still a matter of thinking about putting money back. He has this mental preparation.
Jiang Fangfang looked sharp.
Meng Rui looked at it and thought about how to speak. They naturally thought about returning the money.
Dong Xuebin gently coughed a scorpion, and said that he also offended the city anyway. There is not much more than one, and the words are surprising: "Mr. Zhao, we are still about 46 million. The gap!"
"46 million?" Zhao Yiyi!
Several cadres and Wei Lin who came to the city also stunned!
Even if you have to go back the money, the city will still be worse than you, 45 million? Your uncle -! How did his mother pull out a 46 million?
Still one more?
Where is the one million?
Everyone is a smart person. I will understand when I think about it. Dong Xuebin not only has to take all their money back, but also your mother has to burn a million from the city!
I rely on!
What do you think about you!
It’s not just Zhao Wei and Wei Lin Lian Yan Yizhi and Chen Xiaomei. They were all shocked by Dong Xuebin’s courage. This is not something that ordinary people can say. Dong Xuebin not only said it, but also a look of a natural look. Let Meng Rui could not help but blinked.
Dong Xuebin certainly said that he was exporting. I ran to the city to ask for money. You guys licked my face. Finally, I forced me to make a wound. The buddy could not hurt this white. Accepted, of course, you have to collect some interest from you, or where will I put this face? Dong Xuebin’s thoughts are not the same as ordinary people. Others are generally difficult to understand!
Zhao Wei couldn’t stand it anymore, but when he thought of the mayor’s embarrassment, he thought that there was still a Xinhua club’s knife hanging on it, and he could only endure the anger.
That’s it, then give it to your county. Tens of millions, the remaining 15 million will be said later, after a few days."
Dong Xuebin looked at him and turned to look directly at Yao Cui.
Xiao Yao, this hospital is in general condition. Help me to contact the hospital in the provincial capital. Transfer to the hospital as soon as possible.
What do you mean? You still have to go to the province?
You want to go to the province with a wounded complaint? ?
Zhao Wei was mad at Dong Xuebin. I am a deputy mayor and I am very focused on solving problems with you. You are not giving me any face!
Zhao Hao’s hand went out of the ward!
When several city cadres saw it, they all went out.
There are several cadres in Lianshui County left in the ward.
Meng Rui reluctantly said: "Dong County magistrate, almost on the line."
Dong Xuebin did not agree. "The book of the 45 million people was originally the money given to us by the Central Committee. It is also appropriate to get it back."
"I said that there are more than one million."
At this time, the ward door opened again.
Into a cadre in the city, they did not go, Zhao Wei has been enough to Dong Xuebin's rogue, and simply sent an individual to come and talk to him.
"Dong County Magistrate..." That humanity.
Dong Xuebin interrupted: "You don't have to say much. I want to know if the money can go to the account of our finance bureau in these two days. If I can, I will transfer to the county hospital after two days. I am still much better. Waiting for work, um, if I can't, I will transfer to the hospital. I heard that the medical environment in the capital is very good. I guess I really have to go to the capital to cure this problem. Hey, the whole body hurts a lot!"
I just said that I have to go to the province, and now I am going to change the central government? ?
The man almost hit the wall, what the is your mom?
It’s just a rogue! Still a rogue in the rogue!
ten minutes later.
In the hospital corridor.
The cadre came out, and smiled bitterly: "I can't make it, or I have killed 46 million people. If I can't do it, I have to go to Beijing to be hospitalized. Obviously I have to go to the complaint."
Zhao Wei did not know what to do. He simply went to the side and dialed a phone number to the to report the situation here to him.
After the mayor finished listening, he was silent for a while, "...give him!"
Zhao Wei hesitated: "The mayor, can't this mouth open?"
"Give him!" The mayor said: "I will end this up as soon as possible! Is it too big enough?"
Zhao Yan sighed, "Okay, I know." Put down the phone, Zhao Wei said to a cadre next to him: "You go in and tell them that the money will be given to them in the near future!" This is almost from the teeth. Come out!
This time, the city wanted to intercept the appropriation of Lishui County to ease the financial pressure. Whoever wants to make a fuss is to lose the wife and the soldiers, not only to return the money to them, but also to pay for it. One million!
paralysis! What is this called!
This Dong Xuebin is too disgusting!
The money in the city also dared to make an idea. How did Lishui County get such a shameless cadre! ?
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