Chapter 1218: [Compared? come! 】

On the road. []
The truck drove past Mercedes.
Mercedes-Benz also ran straight into the direction of the truck under the control of Dong Xuebin.
This scene not only shocked Shen Xiaoyan Shen Xiaomei, but the two people in the opposite truck were also scared of a spirit, and they had already smashed!
In the truck.
"What are they doing?"
"Come here! Come over!"
"Grass! Are these people crazy?"
"They don't dare to hit it? It may be awkward!"
Everyone thought that Mercedes-Benz was strong, and it was on the surface. Actually, it was looking for a gap to escape. Because the fools understood that this Mercedes-Benz was much more expensive than a truck, but it was a heavyweight truck. It’s not a grade at all, the height of the driver’s seat is different. If the two cars hit their faces face to face, the people in the truck seat will not die at such a fast speed, but all in the Mercedes-Benz. People are sure that 100% of them will all die, and the airbags will not be able to bounce off. Even if they are bounced, they can't protect them. This is something you don't want to think about.
Car hit the truck?
You are not kidding!
Is there such a stupid person? No one will be so bold!
But after a few seconds passed, everyone’s face changed!
One hundred meters...
Ninety meters...
Eighty meters...
The two cars can already see each other's drivers, but the Mercedes-Benz still hasn't slowed down. Not only has the speed not gone down, but it has accelerated some more under this distance, and the truck driver and the companion next to him actually saw it shocked. The young man with sunglasses who is running Mercedes. [WWw.YZUU point m] actually a hand with plaster, the other hand even vacated in the cigarette, the finger www.7ket head with a faint smoke, his two hands without the steering wheel are not supported, no Slow down, there is no point to turn the direction, just to hit them!
Really is a madman!
"How to do?"
"Mom-! Who is this driving??"
"He didn't even hold the steering wheel! Really hit it!"
The Mercedes-Benz also fried the pot!
"Xiao Dong! What are you doing!" Shen Xiaomei shouted!
"Quick parking! To hit it!" Shen Xiaoyan also looked white.
Dong Xuebin took another sip with a cigarette. It doesn't matter: "If you hit it, you will hit it, as long as they have this courage to hit us."
"You are a mess!" Shen Xiaomei said.
Dong Xuebin is not nervous at all, nothing is the same. "This is a tactic. They have tossed us for a long time, and we scared them."
Zhang Longjuan in the back seat laughed. "Say well! My sister loves the character of your kid!"
People who have been parked in the back of the business car are also dumbfounded!
Car hit the truck?
Even the eyes are not awkward? ?
Everyone held their breath and the atmosphere solidified to the extreme!
Forty meters!
Thirty meters!
Twenty meters!
The two cars are already close at hand!
Shen Xiaoyan grabbed Zhang Longjuan and pushed her to jump!
But Zhang Longjuan has no eyes in his eyes, and he looks at the truck and does not move!
Everyone thinks so!
Suddenly, the truck driver was horrified with a swearing swearing, hurriedly hitting the steering wheel, screaming at the loud noise of the tires and the ground, the truck turned! Sliding out along the road! Finally, because the weight is unbalanced and the brakes are too urgent! The truck is shaking! I flipped the car when I was awkward! The car body rubbed the ground with a huge spark and sound! The trick is to slide down the of the road!
The truck was lying on the smoke and there was no sound. [叶子]【悠悠】
Mercedes-Benz pointed to the road that was driven away by the truck, but there was no damage at all.
The road here has long been blocked. There were still some private cars parked around, and I was shocked when I saw this picture. Everyone knows that a car can't be hit by a truck, but the final result is that the truck first hides? Everyone also saw that the driver of Mercedes was simply crazy. The Mercedes-Benz, who was in a passive situation, actually frightened the truck driver, causing the truck driver to make a dodge decision!
what is this?
Gangsters? ?
Everyone was watching in the car, didn't dare to go down, and didn't dare to drive.
Mercedes slowly slowed down and stopped.
Shen Xiaomei in the car gave a sigh of relief and glared at Dong Xuebin: "You are crazy! If the truck turns to the next one, we have to finish!"
Too dangerous. Almost all on the edge of life and death!
Dong Xuebin spread his hand. "Is this not okay?"
Shen Xiaomei irritated: "What can I do if something goes wrong?"
"There is nothing wrong with them. They are a group of people, a group of people, who have the courage to hit me? They love it."
Shen Xiaoyan looked at him deeply. "You are not afraid of death?"
Dong Xuebin shrugged his shoulders and did not answer.
In fact, Dong Xuebin did not say a word, this time is really very risky, but even if there is a case, Dong Xuebin can use K to return to the time, so how are you not afraid, experience too much, now this is small The scene will not even bring tension to Dong Xuebin, let alone a small truck, is the military armored vehicle of the M side, Dong Xuebin, not in the eyes, is it still abandoned by himself? Not to mention this, Dong Xuebin is actually standing there and letting the truck hit him, he can't die.
The scene is a bit quiet.
Dong Xuebin looked back at the business car far away, actually turned around and turned back, retrograde and once again crashed into the business car!
The twin sisters almost fainted!
"Xiao Dong!"
"How come you..."
Zhang Longjuan was also amused by him.
Dong Xuebin smiled. "Reassured, I have a few in my heart. I don't have to worry about going back anyway. I am idle and idle, let them play with them."
Where is this fun! This is a life!
Mercedes all the way! Still the momentum is like a rainbow!
The people on the back of the business car looked at Mercedes and smashed them again. They almost all spit out an old blood. They simply refused to get off to see the situation on the truck. They turned back and turned back, but they retired, but Mercedes-Benz seemed to Aiming at them, but also a little change in direction, or directly hit the business car!
The atmosphere is contagious!
The companions on the truck were paralyzed, and they were also affected. They were psychologically disadvantaged and did not dare to fight with Mercedes!
The business car is back again!
Mercedes-Benz continues to catch up!
The reversing is obviously not comfortable to open The result may be that Mercedes is getting closer and scared to the people in the business car. One did not get it right, the business car reversed, and it slipped down after a while. Slope, although there is no rollover, but the people in the car are also being swayed by the seven! A few people have also opened their hearts, paralyzed! Everyone else said that they are dead people, but now I can see who is the dying man!
Mercedes-Benz stopped, as if standing there laughing at them.
After a few seconds, the Mercedes-Benz went away and left the people who were sucking up the air.
Dong Xuebin has never been afraid of anyone!
[Quickly ask for a monthly pass! 】
... (to be continued) RQ
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