Chapter 1229: [There are people in the world who can't even hit a truck? 】

Quiet and terrible!
After a few shots, there was no sound in the open space in front of the warehouse. Even the little gangsters on the ground who were screaming at the wounds were holding their breath at the same time after seeing the picture. Looking at the eyeballs, I was afraid that I couldn’t believe it. There have been too many incredible things happening today. Everyone is a bit numb, but when they see the scene in front again, everyone can’t help but stunned and almost killed themselves on the ground. Their cognition has been Subverted again and again!
Dong Xuebin’s gun has only six bullets!
Dong Xuebin also just opened six shots easily!
However, the six shots actually hit the guns of the six people who wanted to kill the hostages. There was no deviation at all. All the guns were shot by the bullets of Dong Xuebin.
Six rounds of bullets...
Six pistols...
What kind of shooting is this fucking? ?
You know, Dong Xuebin has just gone a lot far away. That distance, the twisted and twisted posture, not only does not play, but even every shot is hit on the other's gun? How big is the gun? It’s so small! But the man was hit at such a long distance! One time is an accident! Two times is luck! Can be six times! That was a full six times on the gun!
What is this concept?
They feel that this is not what people can do at all!
Do you have a limit to your shooting? How could it be so accurate? ?
And the most erroneous thing is Dong Xuebin’s expression. He seems to have nothing to do at all. The hostage is there. When he shoots, he does not seem to consider the possibility of accidentally injuring the hostages, as if he was shooting himself. There is 100% confidence, no hesitation!
Shen Xiaoyan has already smiled bitterly.
Shen Xiaomei shrank the scorpion and couldn't speak.
They have been professionally trained since childhood, such as shooting, training at least a few dozen days per year, and training in the early days or even 365 days a year. Even so, after seeing Dong Xuebin shooting and shooting six pistols, the two still have the urge to swear. The two of them are very good at shooting, but it is not a level with Dong Xuebin!
This is too accurate!
Even sniper rifles are just like that? ?
Xiao Dong actually took the pistol and shot the sniper rifle! ?
The leader and other people who lost their guns were stupid on the spot, and they forgot all the pain!
Now, they really know the gap between themselves and the young people in front of them. It is not the number of people and the number of guns that can be measured! Even if they have more people. Even if they have more shots. I am afraid it is not the opponent of this young man! He has to deal with himself and others and even his strength is not perfect! It seems that I just took a few shots casually, they are not opponents at all!
The man with the head is black and regrets that the intestines are green!
Who are they offending? ?
What is the sacredness of them? ?
This kind of person is actually just a bodyguard? Where the mother has this kind of bodyguard! You can still be seriously injured now! If you are in the best state of mind and spirit. Then... then... they can’t imagine what kind of combat power Dong Shubin had before he was injured! I can't imagine it! Because the young man’s military value is not a world at all! Not the field they can understand!
Dong Xuebin took a few mouthfuls of cigarettes with his hands in his hands and threw the cigarette butts and went up to step on it. The homeopathic moves toward them in a slow pace.
There are six people left.
But no one dares to resist.
Shen Xiaoyan and Shen Xiaomei were also out of the control of the muzzle at this time, and finally they were free to move, and immediately went up to subdue the five people around!
The two men are very heavy!
Hey! Several people have been interrupted!
"Don't! Don't!"
"Misunderstanding! It's all misunderstanding!"
I only heard the screams and the pleading of a few people.
Shen Xiaomei, they vented their anger and did not fight. They should not want to make a life. After all, they don’t want to reveal their identity, they are afraid of trouble.
The person who stood still, only the last leading man.
Dong Xuebin also came to him at this time. "What do you have to say?"
The lead man is also a bit soft. "This big brother, I am offended today. It is because we don't know Taishan has offended the public. I am sorry! I am sorry!"
Dong Xuebin looked at him and said: "Sorry is over? I almost let you kill."
Leading the man in his heart, almost killed you? fart! A few tons of trucks are all you! The head has been opened for dozens of times and is safe and sound! Who can kill you!
"I am really sorry today, misunderstanding, misunderstanding." The leader took the hurry.
"You are coming to us. Is this also a misunderstanding?" Dong Xuebin stretched his hand and put it on the shoulder of the leading man. The blood on his hand also touched the other side. "Come, tell me. Let's instruct you who is behind the scenes? The Six Lords? Who is Liu Ye?"
The man with the head changed his face and closed his mouth.
"Hey. Is it quite sturdy?" Dong Xuebin slammed his hand and slammed the right hand of the leading man.
The man who took the lead shouted, and the sweat was all down, but he still didn't say it.
Dong Xuebin looked at him, his hand moved, and he slammed his other arm off!
The leader of the man did not call this time, and he endured the pain of biting his teeth. He did not say anything and did not disclose anything.
Dong Xuebin also took the fire, and inexplicably smashed it so much. He just had a painful pain. Of course, he would not let go of this person who threatened to call, and he would have to pack him up.
The leader of the man did not dare to fight back, standing there motionless, facing Dong Xuebin, who is not the master of the person, the leading man understands that no matter how he resists, it is useless. More than 20 people can’t beat him. Not to mention that he is the only one now!
Finally, when Dong Xuebin broke the leg of the leading man with one foot, he turned his eyes and his eyes fainted!
Shen Xiaoyan was busy stopping: "Don't be a human being."
Dong Xuebin, um, a few people, "Are you okay?"
Shen Xiaoyan shook her head and looked at him intricately. "This time, thanks to you, we are fine."
Zhang Longjuan came up with a smile. "You kid, you are more and more able to fight, and my sister has squeezed a sweat for you."
Dong Xuebin smiled. "Let you worry, sorry, but I am fine, more than twenty people. I still do it."
Shen Xiaomei hesitated and said to Dong Xuebin: "Small... Mr. Dong, thank you today, I have been offended in the past, you forgive me."
Dong Xuebin said: "It's okay, polite."
Shen Xiaomei stopped talking and said nothing at the end.
Xiao Dong has been upgraded to Mr. Dong. Obviously, after seeing Dong Xuebin’s skills, Shen Xiaoyan and Shen Xiaomei certainly dare not give him any more face!
Shen Xiaoyan went to a point not far away and took the box that they had handed over to the other party. This must not be forgotten. There are two million dollars in it.
"Zhang Zong?" Shen Xiaomei asked.
Zhang Longjuan waved, "Let's go."
Shen Xiaoyan, um, took the box and got on the bus.
Dong Xuebin stood there and did not move.
Zhang Longjuan turned back and said, "Xiao Dong, go?"
Dong Xuebin was embarrassed and smiled. "I don't want to go, what can I do for me? It's a loose, it's a bit unmovable."
Shen Xiaoyan slammed his head and immediately went down the lane: "I am coming."
Shen Xiaomei also hurriedly helped Dong Xuebin and took him on the bus.
Before Dong Xuebin’s performance, they forgot that this was still a wounded person with a full-body fracture, so gradually there was no such consciousness. Now, when Dong Xuebin said this, the two sisters also smiled and knew that Dong Xuebin’s power was powerful. But in the end, it is still an individual. It is a person who will be hurt. It is a person who will hurt. He is hit by a truck. He is hit by a stick, and he is smashed by a stick. He still has so much blood and can hold it up!
After a few minutes.
At sea, a yacht is on the beach.
The long-haired middle-aged man lazily stretched out and walked out of the yacht and got off the boat. At this moment, when the mobile phone rang, he gently picked it up. "Well."
"Six Ye! It’s an accident!" The panicked voice came.
The middle-aged man frowned. "What happened? Zhang Longjuan, are they not in control?"
There was a pain in the voice of a young man, and his voice trembled: "Run, they are all run!"
The middle-aged man flashed a sigh of relief in his eyes. "You so many people can't see a few old ladies? What to eat!"
The man said bitterly: "Not that we didn't look at it, there is a young bodyguard inside, we... we are not his opponent."
"Can't you shoot?"
"Just shot, can't beat him!"
"You more than 20 people drown him alone! You told me to beat?" The middle-aged man thought he was joking with himself.
The man has a hard time saying, "We really did our best! That person is not a human! Xiaohu drove him in a truck and flew more than ten meters! He did not die!"
The middle-aged man glimpsed, "The trucks are not dead?"
"Yes, and not only that, we have a group of people going up to surround him, and the iron bar squats on his head. He doesn't even scream, he doesn't care."
"Is there still such a thing?"
"We have never seen such awkward people! The ground is all the blood he left! But... no matter how he hits, he didn't fall down! Instead, we were him..."
"How is your casualty?"
"There is no brother sacrificed at the But everyone is hurt, I am the lightest one, and I have been interrupted, and I have eyes left, and there are...hey!"
The middle-aged man with long hair is also overcast, and he did not expect such an accident. After hanging up, he immediately called several people to send people to the scene to save people.
Where is the bodyguard? ?
There are even people in the world who can't even hit a truck! ?
[The fourth is even more! 】
... sixty zero novels have been replaced with domain names
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