Chapter 129: 【auctions! 】

The next morning.
When Tianliang was bright, Dong Xuebin woke up from his sleep, and he stretched his eyes while he was squinting. He yawned and yawned at the end, but he didn’t wait for the yawn to reach the highest peak. Hey, it has been white and tender. The little hand held his mouth and another hand made a squeaking gesture. Dong Xuebin snorted and remembered that he was at home, and the aunt was sleeping on the sofa with the outer house, so he quickly listened to his ears, for a second, two seconds, seeing that there was no movement outside. Heart.
"Hey, are you awake?"
"Cry, no big or small, um, wake up for a while."
"That's all right, what's the name?"
At this time, Yongzheng was squatting on his own, and the hair shattered on his shoulder. Even his head blocked his arm as a pillow, and it was very cute. Dong Xuebin noticed the subtle psychological changes. He couldn’t help but smile. He felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. He sat up with satisfaction and reached out to her naked body.
You have been so stunned since you woke up. My? Hey, are you not acknowledging your mouth? In fact, I always like me in my heart?"
"Smelly, virtue", as soon as he heard it, immediately blushes and pushes him away. "Who is rare?"
"Small cockroach..."
Dong Xuebin whispered a cough. "Hey, are you thinking about it now? Can you be my girlfriend?"
Look at him, smile and twist his nose, "... I have to think about it."
"Halo, are you still thinking like this?" Dong Xuebin depressedly pinched oil on her hips.
"Hey, you don't want to touch it."
"Hey, forget it, think carefully, think about it, depending on you?"
瞿芸萱 Warm smile, a shave his nose said: "Well, think about it, then give you a reply, still can't sleep? My mom shouldn't wake up yet, wait for her to go to the kitchen early to get you early. Sneak away, can't go out now, sleepy, then sleep for a while."
"Not sleepy." Dong Xuebin slammed her soft, hot body. "Do it again."
"I don't want to worry about it."
"It should be fine, fast, try again, then say it if it hurts."
"You are going to die." He glared at his thighs. "I almost let my mother hear it yesterday. It won't work. If you want to get it, you can get it at night."
"...Is it really okay?"
"Absolutely not"
Dong Xuebin’s heart tickles, and once he tasted the taste of a cockroach, he thought about the second time for the second time. However, he did not agree with the death and death, and he was not good enough to force the pressure on the fire. Dong Xuebin had to get rid of the evil. The hot body, I didn’t refuse myself this time, blinked, and raised my hand and fiddled with Dong Xuebin’s hair, and then circled my hand for a while, then took my hair and licked his ears.
The slippers outside sounded, oh, the bedroom door was screwed. "What door? Is it awake?"
Hey hurriedly said: "I was tired yesterday, I will sleep for a while, will you get it or will I get it?"
"You are not nonsense, you can't cook for me to sleep? Get up, look at where to find a job during the day." After that, my aunt went to the bathroom to wash my teeth.
The cockroach in the bedroom opened the hand on her chest, "Hey, go get dressed."
Dong Xuebin reluctantly removed the gaze placed on her, dressed in one piece, and he looked very embarrassed. After coughing and coughing, she climbed out of the bed and went out to find underwear and autumn clothes. Dong Xuebin’s gaze was worn on his body. From time to time, he also looked at Dong Xuebin with a bad look. After she wore the autumn clothes, she walked to Dong Xuebin and gave him a button. It’s like a newlywed wife.
Dong Xuebin’s road:
Hey, do you want me to listen to my husband?

He took a look at the root of his neck and glanced at him. "What is it that is not big or small?"
"Call, just say."
"...not shy." He gave him a collar of clothes, "No."
"Oh, it’s a piece of meat."
瞿芸萱 瞿芸萱 白 白 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不
At this time, the kitchen sounded like a fire in the stove, and the aunt was cooking.
"Come on, go home, don't come too late." He opened the door and went out to see the living room. No one left, he turned back and pulled Dong Xuebin, and quickly walked to the hallway to open the door, and gently opened the door. ""
Dong Xuebin said: "I have something to do in the morning. It is estimated that I will come back in the afternoon. I will come to you at that time."
Hey, "That... I am waiting for you."
"Try to get your mother away at night, trick..."
"Go and go without any seriousness."
Dong Xuebin came back home with great enthusiasm. In this mood, he finally got the cockroaches and finally tasted the taste of the woman. It was simply... Don’t say anything, just swear words--excited. Dong Xuebin took off his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After drying his hair and going out of the toilet, he still wondered if he should watch the film to learn and wait for the evening to change his mind.
The bell rings and the NE4 rings.
Dong Xuebin looked at the number and was the teacher of Sun Auction in Bohai. "Hey, Teacher Sun?"
"Xiao Dong, the auction is about to begin. I will give you the auction card you want. When will it come?"
"Good thank you, is Ya'an Hotel? I will take a taxi now."
"Okay, then I am waiting for you with the parking lot."
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin thought that he should also give a surprise. His pearl necklace will be shot in the morning half of the auction. As long as there is no accident, one million will be stable and ready. What kind of company would you like to open at the time?
Less than ten o'clock in the morning.
Yaan Hotel.
In the open-air parking lot at the entrance of the hotel, Dong Xuebin saw the figure of Sun in a taxi. He was calling in a place not far from the main entrance of the hotel. It seemed to be very busy. When Dong Xuebin walked over, he just put down his mobile phone. When he looked back, he smiled and said to himself: "Come on? Walk away, just two of us go up, on the seventh floor and a small ballroom." Sun teacher walked and found an auction. Come, "Give, thirty-three."
Dong Xuebin took over, "Thank you more."
"You're welcome, you can go in without an auction card. I will say hello to the other side."
"Oh, this way, I thought I had to pay a deposit to get the brand in the auction."
"Oh, you are a seller, of course you can get through, um, brand you take it, see what is good, take a photo and go back to the collection, I saw the order, there are a few good things in this issue."
Dong Xuebin’s hip-hop had two voices, and he said that his buddy’s body had no more than two thousand dollars, and he shot it.
After taking Dong Xuebin to the auction, Sun’s teacher left in a hurry. It is estimated that there are other tasks for him on the Bohai Sea.
Looking into the small ballroom, the place is quite spacious, but there are not many chairs. There are seven or eight rows in the back. Many successful people wearing suit jackets have gone to the auction venue after seeing them. Xuebin and the staff at the door showed the auction card and followed him. In the last row, he found a position to sit down and look at the red carpeted podium, waiting patiently.
Ten minutes later, the auction begins.
The auctioneer walked slowly onto the rostrum and took the microphone to the following: "Ladies and gentlemen, good morning everyone, welcome to the 27th auction of Bohai Auction House. I am honored that today's auction will be hosted by me. Hammer, I am the national registered auctioneer Li Bin, my qualification number is 15337681, please supervise.
The auctioneer is about forty years old. After the opening ceremony, he began to count the number plate.
Soon, the first lot was shot on the screen.
The auctioneer introduced: "This is a mid-Qing dynasty boxwood three-legged tripod, 13 cm high, fine color, exquisite carving, rare in the world, is a rare wood carving boutique, starting price of 2,000 yuan, Every time the placard is fixed, the fare is 500 yuan. Ok, now I am starting to bid."
Dong Xuebin knows that this thing will definitely not work if he adds 500 yuan to the placard.
A chubby woman holds up a sign.
The auctioneer said: "Two thousand five... No. 2 bids two thousand five..."
Another southerner raised the card and shouted the price directly, "four thousand."
"The bid is four thousand... There are no bidders... four thousand..."
Finally, this boxwood tripod was taken by a northerner, and the transaction price was 10,000 yuan.
Two minutes later, the second item was shot.
Dong Xuebin, who came to the auction site for the first time, was watching the excitement with enthusiasm. Suddenly, the door was coming from a distance, and the four young people who came late took the auction card and walked in, and began to find a position in the back. Looking for it, the young man who had a long hair around the age of 30 was heading to Dong Xuebin. Only three seats were available here, and there was no place in other places.
The young man with a long face next to him said to Changfa Youth: "Wei Nan, sit there."
Wei Nan, a long-haired young man, nodded and walked up with three other people, "Friends."
Dong Xuebin had already seen them, and they knew that they had to come to the three vacancies next to them, so they took their legs and let them pass. Who knows that the other party has not moved, Dong Xuebin can not help but sigh, "not past?"
That is called Wei Nan’s youth: "Friends, discuss things, go to the front to find a place."
Dong Xuebin stunned. "What do you say?"
Wei Nandao: "There are still vacancies in front. We are together and want to take a seat."
Dong Xuebin was annoyed when he heard it. I rely on it. Do you sit down and let me escape? What the is, you too take yourself as a personal thing. "If you want to sit together, come early at the next auction. I am sitting here, you can find somewhere else." Dong Xuebin did not take a month to lead, now Speaking up with a son to educate people. In fact, this is the case. If they arrive before the start of the shoot, it is not a big problem for everyone to change seats. How much more? But now it’s all auctioned up. You’re late, and you want to pick and choose the position? Let me look at the seats in front of so many people? It’s my mother who is sick.
"嘿" The long-haired young man is angry. "Is the boy awesome?"
Wei Nan frowned and stared at Dong Xuebin: "Man, do you have a face?"
Dong Xuebin said that you will not even say polite words, but also want me to move the place? Sneeringly said: "I will give you face? Who will give me face?"
Another young man behind the scene touched the table, "Can you change it?"
Dong Xuebin looked at the man’s eyes and said one word: "I will change your grandfather’s mouth to be clean."
The young man was angry, but Wei Nan pulled him, shook his head with a calm face, and looked at Dong Xuebin, he said to a young man next to him: "You go to the front to find a place." Like a class, I nodded and went immediately. Wei Nan and the other two sat next to Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin was too lazy to look at them and continued to pay attention to the rostrum.
The third lot...
The fifth lot...
Wei Nan seems to be waiting for something, and a brand has not been mentioned.
At this time, the auctioneer on the stage said: "The following one is a lot... It must have been a long time for many people. This is the last thing in the morning field - the pearl necklace, the pearl that makes up this necklace. But natural freshwater pearls, but also gold pearls, each of which has a size of 1.4 cm to 1.8 cm, is a very rare boutique jewel." The sound of the meal, the auctioneer specially adjusted his appetite, "OK, now Announce the starting price, the starting price is ... 500,000 yuan, each placard price increase 10,000, and now start bidding"
Come here, Dong Xuebin pays attention to focus on every change on the field.
A middle-aged man with a beard brushed his hand and placarded.
"Fifty thousand... There are no higher bids... fifty thousand..."
A middle-aged woman raised her cards without hesitation, loudly: "...550,000"
A young man sitting in the front row placards - 560,000.
The middle-aged woman shouted again: "600,000"
The auctioneer held the microphone: "600,000...the 6th bid is 600,000... there are no bidders...600,000..."
Looking at the scenes so fiercely contested, Dong Xuebin was also infected by the atmosphere, a little bit excited, he secretly prayed that this time can come to a few rich people, as long as two people are bound to get this necklace, then the deal The price will go up. Can you still be at a high point? Can it be higher?
"No. 21 bid is 620,000... Sixty-two thousand... Hey, the lady over there, the 6th bid is 630,000... The 630,000 is already the highest... 630,000 Times... There is no... Oh, there are 650,000 bids on the 21st... 650,000 once... 650,000 twice... Here, 690,000... There are bids for sixty-nine Ten thousand... Is there any more?"
Middle-aged women on the 6th gave up the competition.
Suddenly, when Dong Xuebin’s spirit was tightly focused on the situation, a voice was heard in his ear,

Dong Xuebin stayed and looked at the side. I saw that the person who asked for the price was a long-haired youth sitting next to him - Wei Nan. Dong Xuebin said that this is a fancy pearl necklace. I wonder if I haven’t asked for a price yet. Hey, it’s quite awkward. It adds 60,000 in one breath, um, and more. When Dong Xuebin saw Wei Nan’s group, the other party was watching him, and the meaning that came out of his gaze seemed to be quite impressive. It’s like saying: Hey, we can get out of the seventy-five. Wan, are you OK?
Paralyzed, the necklace you took is mine. You and I have a fart. Dong Xuebin can see that this group of people is also called Wei Nan’s person. He seems to have a look in his bones. After taking a look at Dong Xuebin, he took back his sight and was very contemptuous.
"Seventy-five thousand ... 36 bid for 750,000... there is no..."
A middle-aged man who had just bidding over there looked back and saw Wei Nan after a slight sigh, then smiled kindly.
Wei Nan also smiled back.
The middle-aged man put down the auction card and no longer competed with him.
Dong Xuebin snorted and said that these two people know each other? by? This is not an issue? Fight, hurry up and ask for the price. Now it’s only 750,000.
A southerner sitting in the middle row suddenly joined the fight, "eight hundred thousand"
Wei Nan didn’t want to make a sign, "...850,000"
The southerners thought for a moment, "... 860,000"
Wei Nan loudly: "eight hundred and eighty thousand"
What surprised Dong Xuebin was that there seemed to be more than one person at the scene who knew Wei Nan, and he was very polite with him. He laughed and laughed. Dong Xuebin knows that Wei Nan may not be simple. Otherwise, he always knows a lot of people in this place. Otherwise, he or his family has a wide network of contacts. Otherwise, the 40-year-old bosses are unlikely to A 30-year-old boy is so polite.
Have you come? What is your head? It’s really 880,000 or too little to hurry up.
Dong Xuebin doesn't care about anything else. He only cares about how much he can shoot this necklace. He is anxious to wait for the money to open a company.
"Eighty-eight thousand and one thousand...and there is no higher bid...eighty-eight thousand..." The auctioneer said: "...eighteen eight thousand twice..."
The most worrying scene of Dong Xuebin still happened.
No one on the auction floor actually no one fights with him.
What am I going to do? Hurry up and increase the price, don't you finish it?
Dong Xuebin’s heart snorted and started the momentum very well because the starting price was low and very worthwhile. But now, if the transaction is 8,000,000, then there is a commission fee, which is one million. This price has already been There is not much difference in the price of private transactions, and the people who may come this time have little interest in pearl necklaces, or other reasons, so this will lead to such awkward situation.
880,000, if you get rid of the commission, you can get 600,000.
Can I get 600,000 yuan for a string of necklaces that I have spent so much effort? Also open a company, it’s too far from a million.

There are no price increases for 880,000?
The auctioneer has lifted the hammer.
Wei Nan showed a smile. This is really an unexpected harvest. It is no problem to say that this necklace has been photographed at 1.2 million. But people who come today may not be particularly interested in it. Oh, this can be saved. A lot of money.
He looked at his smile, and Dong Xuebin followed the flies.
That's it? Let this be so big and cheap? I can only get more than 600,000? White to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces?
"eight hundred and eighty thousand..." The auctioneer’s hammer moved, and slowly fell, "...the third..."
Just at the "third time" to blurt out, at the crucial moment when the transaction was to be made, one person quickly lifted the brand, loudly: " million"
Many people’s eyes brushed their brushes and looked over.
The price of the child is actually Dong Xuebin.
Wei Nan stunned and looked at him unexpectedly.
Dong Xuebin did not look at anyone, and his eyes looked straight ahead.
"One million... thirty-three bids for one million..."
Next to a young man swearing a swearing word, then Xiaoshenger and Wei Nan said something. After a while, Wei Nan raised the auction card, "...100,000". He said that you never dare to call again? Wei Nan's family conditions are extremely superior. The merchant bosses who have seen them countlessly. Naturally, they have a lot of eyesight. From the dress and temperament of Dong Xuebin, he is not a rich master.
However, Dong Xuebin hesitated and did not hesitate to raise the card, and quickly raised the auction price a large piece, "1.2 million."
Wei Nanyi, a few of his friends also stunned, this kid really can afford more than one million?
"Oh... one hundred and twenty thousand... It’s called 1.2 million at once... There are no ones... One hundred and twenty thousand one on the thirty-three... One hundred and two thousand two Times..."
Wei Nan’s eyes glimpsed,
1.3 million
. He said that your kid still dares to call?
Dong Xuebin is really brave, "1.4 million"
Wei Nan’s anger also came up. When he first came to the auction, this kid let himself lose face in front of his friends, and he clearly saw that he would take a necklace with a low price of 880,000 yuan. Is it not more money than Wei Nan’s heart? Who is afraid of who, then opened his mouth and shouted: "1.45 million"
Dong Xuebin said: "1.5 million"
Wei Nan bite his teeth: "1.55 million"
Dong Xuebin looked at him side by side and held the sign high: "1.6 million"
Everyone on the scene had already smelled the smell of gunpowder, and there was no sound at the moment. Everyone was watching Wei Nan and Dong Xuebin. One hundred and six hundred thousand, this is already a less rational price, so buy it so high? Is it necessary to be a marriage affair?
Wei Nan's face changed slightly. After the anger, he calmed down and knew that he couldn't fight any more. It wasn't that he didn't have money, but it wasn't necessary. Thinking of this, Wei Nan sneered in his heart, and bought a string of pearl necklace worth one million for one hundred and six hundred thousand? Are you not stupid? After he bowed his head and said a few words to the two young people next to him, the two also looked at Dong Xuebin with a joke. To add a commission, Dong Xuebin had to pay about 1.8 million yuan.
"One hundred and six hundred thousand once... one hundred and six hundred thousand twice..." The auctioneer lifted the hammer and dropped it. "One hundred and six hundred thousand three times."
Wei Nan Yi Le, my heart smashed his stupid goods.
Dong Xuebin and Wei Nan, my heart is also swearing at his idiots, and immediately shouted with a smile
The picture flashes
Dong Xuebin only felt his hand on it, and looked up, it was an auction card.
The auctioneer who lost the hammer returned to the previous period of high bidding. The auctioneer pointed to the direction of Dong Xuebin: " hundred and twenty thousand... It’s called one hundred and two. 100,000... There are still no ones... One hundred and twenty thousand one on the thirty-three... One hundred and two hundred and two times..."
It’s time to return to the pearl necklace without a deal.
Dong Xuebin’s K has been smashed three times in the past few days, and he has used it twice before.
This is what he thought of in the moment when Wei Nan’s 880,000 yuan was about to be sold. It was useless for several days, and he almost forgot K.
Wei Nan’s eyes were cold and he looked provocatively at Dong Xuebin. The meaning of
one hundred and thirty thousand
seems to be saying: Do you dare to ask for a price?
Of course, Dong Xuebin dares, must dare, surely dare, "...1.4 million"
Wei Nan fired on the eyebrows: "1.45 million"
Dong Xuebin raised the auction card without hesitation, "1.5 million"
Wei Nan and the two friends next to each other looked at each other and finally cried: "11.5 million" Wei Nan gradually calmed down and sighed twice. He had already thought about it. Look at the first few sons. I don’t want to go up and increase the price. I have to add it this time. This will do. I want to add him to it. I want the pearl necklace to let him go. Are you sure? I don't want to be able to spend this money. I don't have to have anything. Oh, let the kid who doesn't know how to be tall and thick eat a dumb loss, so that the pearl necklace can be more deflated than the auction.
"One hundred and fifty-five thousand... Is there a bid? One hundred and fifty-five thousand..."
Wei Nan bowed his head and said something to the two young people.
The two young people also understood, and looked at Dong Xuebin cheerfully, meaning you called, dare not ask for the price?
However, after Dong Xuebin screamed the one hundred and fifty thousand, he did not say a word. The old closed his eyes in the ground.
Wei Nan did not expect him to be this reaction, and he stumbled.
"One hundred and fifty-five thousand times... Is there even higher?" The auctioneer swept his eyes underneath, and paid special attention to Dong Xuebin. Seeing that he seemed to be asleep, the auctioneer was speechless. For a moment, lifted the hammer and said: "One hundred and fifty-five thousand...the third time, the hammer hits the deal"
Wei Nan and his two friends' faces turned out to be extremely ugly. Why didn't he ask for a price? Didn't you just hesitate? How to do it? He is not necessarily a must? Isn't it necessary to get him to 1.5 million? ?
Hey, the scene applauded, it seems to be the palm of Wei Nan’s gong
Dong Xuebin’s heart was happy, and the harvest was too big.
One hundred and five thousand five thousand
Excluding commissions and other expenses, you can get more than 1.3 million more than the estimated one million more than 300,000
[This chapter 7000, the chapter 5000 in the night, today more than 12,000 words, for the 咱 is a cosmic explosion, the monthly ticket is urgently seeking monthly ticket support for the new book monthly ticket list is anxious for rescue]
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