Chapter 1325: [Dong County Governor is back! 】

>The next day.彩@虹文¥学%网..
Less than 11 am.
Qinghai Province, provincial city airport lobby.
Dong Xuebin, who got off the plane, took the checked baggage, pulled the suitcase and slid out of the hall. He stood under the sun and looked up at the blue sky and the thick clouds. He took a deep breath and took a long spit. Come out, the air here is very fresh, and the sky is particularly high. It is really better than the environment in the capital. It is not a star or a half. After leaving for a month, Dong Xuebin also wants to count the county, and it is poor, but the native land. The atmosphere also has a flavor, staying with the city for a long time, there will always be a few days to think of the urge to stay away from the hustle and bustle.
came back.
It seems to have been away for a long time.
Dong Xuebin clicked on the cigarette and swept his eyes.
"Xue Bin." Suddenly, someone called him not far from the side.
Looking at the past, Yao Cui's figure has entered the line of sight, Dong Xuebin is beckoning, "Cui Er."
Yao Cui, a light-colored floral skirt, took a frog mirror. If it wasn't for so many years old classmates, Dong Xuebin couldn't recognize it. The dress was very fashionable, especially the sunglasses, and it was a bit more mature and heroic.
"How is your injury?"
"It's almost fine, huh, huh."
"So fast? No?"
"I am resilience, the car is there?"
"Yes, let me go, I will give you a suitcase."
"No, I will be able to hold it, it is very heavy."
"I just know that I am taking it seriously. Your body is not all right."
"Where is it so polite, fast, let's go ahead, don't worry."
In front, the black Land Rover quietly stopped, the car has a new look, before the collision of the deputy secretary Zhang’s son’s wedding, and the patent leather that was smashed by the villagers when they returned to the city from the city. They have all recovered, and Dong Xuebin can't help but nod. Yao Cui opened the door and took the suitcase to the back row. Immediately, Dong Xuebin was given a driving force to let him get on the train. At the end, he was on the driver's seat.
Inside the car.
Yao Cui smiled and pulled out a bank card to him. He said, "The car has been repaired for you. I used a card that you left for me. It took a lot of money. I didn't move the rest, hehe."
Dong Xuebin took the card and accepted it. "Thank you."
He returned to Beijing after sick leave. I left the car to Yao Cui. Let her fix it by the way.
Yao Cui looked at him sideways and said: "You don't know how difficult it is to repair. There are several auto repair shops in our county, but at first glance, the Land Rover family repairs are not repaired. Finally, I still run a provincial land park. The shop repaired, there are several parts that have to be transported by air from abroad, too much trouble come to """
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "We have worked hard for our children. In fact, throw it to the following people."
Yao Cui smiled and said: "I can't take care of the task that Dongda County magistrate gave me, or I will come back to wear small shoes for me?"
Dong Xuebin joked: "You really say this, I really have to wear a little shoes for you."
Yao Cui snorted. "I am so busy for a long time to run the place to repair your car. Do you still wear small shoes for me?"
Upon returning, Dong Xuebin opened the trunk on the back seat and took out a shoe box from inside. Handed it to her, "Buy it for you, see if you like it."
Yao Cui Ledao: "What do you really give me?"
"That's not, just don't know if the size is right." Dong Xuebin said.
The box is very delicate, there are several layers of feeling, not the ordinary paper box, there is English in the above. Yao Cui suddenly said: "-k?"
Dong Xuebin said: "Yes, I don't understand."
Yao Cui is busy: "This is a first-line brand, very expensive."
Dong Xuebin smiled. "There is not much money. I saw it in the shopping mall a few days ago. I feel that it is quite suitable for your style. I just bought it. Try it."
"Oh, this is too expensive."
"I can't go back a bit, I have to bring something to my old classmates. My money is all white, so wear it, be polite with me."
"This, but..."
"You don't want me to send someone else?"
" dare, say it to me!"
Yao Cui laughed, and opened it with great enthusiasm. A touch of emerald green suddenly bloomed out. It was a pair of high-heeled shoes, very fashionable and brightly colored.
"how about it?"
"Too beautiful!"
"You like it."
"I will try again!"
Yao Cui couldn't wait to bend down and take off the white high heels on his feet. Because it was wrapped in stockings, it was easy to take off. Then carefully pick up the pair of emerald green high heels and put them on the car. The small feet of the meat stockings. Step on it and then change the other foot.
Dong Xuebin sneaked a few eyes, but her skirt was too long, but she couldn't see anything on her thighs. However, she couldn't see the neckline that Yao Cui showed after she bowed her head. She wore a dress with floral skirts, green and blue, yellow, slings, and the fabric on the chest was very slack. A milk-ditch plunged into the eyes of Dong Xuebin, Yao Cui was not married, and the chest was also Without Jiang Fangfang, their mature women are full, but the ditch is still very deep. The youthful temptation that is inadvertently exuded is also different from the Xu Yanmei Meixia that Dong Xuebin has tasted.
Very quiet.
It is also very moving.
However, when Dong Xuebin wanted to see what color underwear she wore, Yao Cui had happily raised her head, and Dong Xuebin immediately took the line of sight.
"How do you learn Bin?" Yao Cui raised his foot from the side up.
Dong Xuebin looked down and his eyes lit up. "Yes, I am right for you. Especially with your skirt is more beautiful, you still wear green and look good."
Yao Cui said: "I think so, it looks so good."
Dong Xuebin asked: "Is the size right?"
"It's okay, it's quite right." Yao Cui stepped on it.
"Then I didn't buy it, wear it, I don't want to take it off." Dong Xuebin said.
Yao Cui said: "Wearing this unit? Is the color a bit too bright? People say gossip about me."
Dong Xuebin said: "You are a lesbian, it doesn't matter. If I wear it like this, it won't be."
"That line, I just wore it." Yao Cui didn't seem to want to take it off. He took his shoes and put them in the shoe box. "I will accept it. Thank you, Xue Bin, or old classmate." I think about everything."
Dong Xuebin noticed that Yao Cui's own pair of high-heeled shoes, a few of the back are slightly lacquered, the front of the high-heeled tip, the patent leather is also somewhat worn. The living standard in Lishui County is relatively poor. Buying a pair of high-heeled shoes is not cheap for the average family. Yao Cui's family is not rich, and it can be seen from some worn shoes. So when shopping, Dong Xuebin remembered to buy Yao Cui. Things, and Yao Cui likes fashion, there is no big shopping mall here, and it can only be taken from the capital.
"Oh, you're welcome, you have gone to the unit now, I don't know how many people are lost." Although it is just a pair of high heels, but the shoes are very important for women, now Yao Cui becomes charming. A lot, more than usual.
Yao Cui is a little embarrassed, "Look?"
Dong Xuebin continued to look at his eyes. Suddenly he looked for a long time from the bag and finally found a small box. "You are a little inappropriate for sunglasses. Come and change this brown color."
Yao Cui pushed, "I can't ask for it."
Dong Xuebin said: "I just bought it for you, try it."
In fact, this sunglasses is not specially bought for her, but Dong Xuebin really thinks that Yao Cui Dai is suitable, and he temporarily changed his mind. Anyway, who sent it is not sent.
"How much is the sunglasses?"
"Not much, you wear it."
"You can't buy it cheaply, how many thousand? Or tens of thousands? Anyway, the shoes must be tens of thousands. This brand I have seen several times with the Beijing flagship store." Yao Cui is to understand Dong Xuebin, these things are indeed not Cheap, cheap Dong Xuebin will not buy.
After pushing for a long time, Yao Cui was still wearing it.
The brown color is on the face, it is much more beautiful than black, and it is a high-end brand of sunglasses, the style is also very trendy, not a grade. Yao Cui turned down the mirror of the Land Rover baffle and looked at it for a long time. It seemed to like it very much. "I still don't want to wear it. I don't want to pick it up. It's really beautiful. It really is a penny. , then... then I will not be polite with you?"
"That's the best."
"How is I wearing?"
Dong Xuebin focused on the key and praised: "Of course, I think it is tailor-made for you. Don't pick this up, um, let's go?"
Yao Cui sighed, "Where?"
"When is the Standing Committee open?"
"Tomorrow, tomorrow at 10 am."
"Then don't worry, let's eat some food first? Hungry."
"Well, huh, huh, I will please, but I can't please you, but I have to let my old classmate mean what I want to eat?"
"All right, you can fix it."
A restaurant.
When eating, Yao Cui and Dong Xuebin said in detail about the situation in the county where he left this month. Although both of them had passed the phone many times in the past, Dong Xuebin was too busy this month. also did not ask how carefully, this time I listened carefully.
Dong Xuebin gave her a chopsticks dish. "There are hard work for you these days. I am not there. I have to worry about everything, tired?"
Yao Cui smiled and said: "It's okay, it's also exercise and exercise yourself, but I am tired and tired of you. You can be mentally prepared to come back this time."
Dong Xuebin said: "What happened?"
Yao Cui explained: "The people who come to ask for money are about to break the threshold of the Finance Bureau. Everyone knows that you are injured and went to the hospital. This is not to contact you. If you come back, I guess you have to be well. The preparation for blocking the door, our county has been poor for too long, this time the cold is not worth 50 million yuan, who should not watch it? Under the dozens of towns and villages, each county directly commissioned, eyes are staring at this piece Fat meat, change the arrears, remove the expenses, now there are more than 40 million left in 50 million, everyone wants to divide one point, what tricks are made out!"
[One more, I am tired, I am sleeping until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, just wrote, I am fighting for hurry! 】
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