Chapter 1330: [Dong County Governor’s hair! 】

>In the office.彩@虹文¥学%网..
There are five or six people in the sparse!
When you say a word to me, just because of a little broken thing, I went to Dong Xuebin’s office and blinked. The tens of millions of financial funds have already made everyone’s eyes red!
"Dong County Magistrate! You give us a sentence!"
"The money in our village must arrive today!"

The villagers are taking our house down!

"We don't have a face to go back!"
The more the village cadres grew louder and louder, the door did not close, and many people from the county government also came around, and some people called to defend.
Dong Xuebin pressed the fireway: "I will say it again, I don't know what your village is, but you have to apply for a grant or relief. It is useless to come to me. Go to your township government. If necessary, let the township Call me for a report!"
The old man who took the lead said: "It has already been played! The Finance Bureau does not give money!"
Dong Xuebin said: "The Finance Bureau has not passed the examination and approval. Naturally, they have their considerations, and this is not something that you can go down with a single sentence. If you have to go through the examination and approval, go back and wait for the news."
"We can't wait!"
"It's been ten days!"
"You don't give us a town grant in your county! We can't get relief!"
Is this asking for money?
This is clearly stealing money!
I feel that the money in their county is white! All have to take a trip!
Dong Xuebin has been angered, one by one with me? I am going to your mom -!
What kind of temper, Dong Xuebin slammed the table and stood up. "You still have less and nonsense with me! Why didn't you see you shouting this before? Ah? Now the central government has just given the county." I have allotted the money! You all have to die and you can't live any more! How did you come over? How have you been through the past? How can I pass it now? Can't you go through it? It all puts my roll on the go! You can't do it, some people can do it. Have you come to the county government to ask for money? Have you come to the county again? The town government will let you come to you? I will let you go to the center!"
The little old man is also on fire. "There is no way! We can only go to the center!"
Dong Xuebin pointed to him and pointed out to several county government officers who were stunned outside: "Give me the secretary of Yao! Then find a driver from the driver's class!"
After a while, Yao Cui ran up. "Dong County Magistrate, are you looking for me?"
Followed by an old driver of a driver's class, I did not know why.
Dong Xuebin refers to those village cadres. "Xiao Yao! I will give you a mission! Send these village cadres to the center! Drive them to the past!"
The village cadres have all stumbled. ..
Yao Cui and the driver also snorted.
Dong Xuebin pointed coldly at the village cadres. "I still put this here! You can't go to today!" Look at Yao Cui, "Send them!"
The county magistrate is angry!
Several village cadres suddenly became soft.
The little old man is not very angry, but still does not speak.
Yao Cui looked at a few people and was very cooperative: "Please."
It is certainly impossible for several village cadres to go. They say that.
Dong Xuebin did not care about them anymore. To Yao Cuidao: "How much do they call the town mayor! Give it to me!"
Yao Cui simply handed the phone over and pressed a number on his mobile phone. Dong Xuebin took her mobile phone and put it on her ear.
Dudu. pass.
"Hey, Secretary Yao?"
"I Dong Xuebin!"
"Hey, Dong County. Hello, hello."
Dong Xuebin came up and said, "I also condone the village cadres to the county government to make trouble? What do you eat? You can't control the situation? Then give me a early! Let the people in the administrative villages come to the county government to do things? The leapfrog report What do you want the town government to do! Arrangement?"
"No, no. We don't know."
"Don't know? What do you know! Ah?"
"You will eliminate the gas first! I will pass immediately! I will deal with it immediately!" The official level was crushed to death, and the county magistrate was angry, and the mayor also sweated.
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin returned the phone to Yao Cui. Seeing that the village cadres were not snoring, he looked at the Civil Affairs Bureau Director Xu Xuelong again. "And you Xu Director! Don't complain to me here! I know Every department has difficulties in every department! Who is not in trouble? You have no car? There are more departments without cars! Even if several deputy magistrates have to use the car, they have to apply in advance! It is not necessarily possible to turn the wheel! What happened to the car? You can't work without the car? If you don't have a car, you will be embarrassed? If you don't have the car, you can't control your emotions. Then I don't think it's a car or a car! This is a problem with your personal leadership! Civil administration is not my responsibility! But if you feel that you can't control the situation! You can take charge of the leadership resignation report with you! I will pass it to you in the past!"
Xu Xuelong was also somewhat sullen, and he had to retort a stomach. He could see Dong Xuebin’s face. He still ordered a cigarette to smoke silently, without saying a word.
After the end of the man, Dong Xuebin’s anger was also down, but just waiting for him to take a cup of drinking water, his eyes saw a few people downstairs in the county party committee, one of them was Chen Xiaomei who had already left, Chen Sister was People are there. Four or five people were screaming at her. Chen Xiaomei was also helpless and perfunctory, but there seemed to be no way to get out and be entangled.
Don't ask, you know!
Certainly it is money!
Dong Xuebin was so angry that he came up again!
Turn around. Dong Xuebin, regardless of other people, strode out of the office. After a black face, he went downstairs and walked out of the office building.
Yao Cui quickly followed.
Several county government officers are also not at ease, they are following out.
"Director Chen, you have to give me a sentence today?"
"Lao Chen, you know the difficulties there. The county finances so much money, how can it be so difficult to have one million?"
"Xiao Chen, we have a grant on our side to help remind me, why haven't they come down yet?"
"You don't want to play Tai Chi with us. Is there such a small thing to push and push? I have brought the application documents, you can sign a word!"
Chen Xiaomei smiled bitterly: "I can't really do the Lord."
One person was annoyed: "You can't do the Lord who did the Lord?"
Dong Xuebin arrived. "I have done the Lord! What do you say to me!"
When I saw the county magistrate, a few people looked happy, "Dong County magistrate, looking for you!"
"Our department has been applying for several days. When will the money come down? Everyone is waiting." The cadre of a cultural bureau.
Chen Xiaomei sighed and finally got out of the way, "Dong County Magistrate."
Dong Xuebin snorted and looked at a few people. "Is the document brought?"
"All brought it with you." Several cadres came for this matter, and they all came up with the application documents and handed them to them.
Dong Xuebin took a look.
The Cultural Bureau wants to expand the dormitory...
The Agricultural Bureau is going to do planting experiments...
The Science and Technology Bureau wants to relocate to a new workplace...
It’s all about nonsense, and how much money is not enough for them to spoil!
Dong Xuebin didn't even think about it. He reached out with Chen Xiaomei directly. "Is there a pen? Give it to me."
Chen Xiaomei stunned and immediately found a pen to him. ,
Dong Xuebin took the brush and wrote two words on it, then signed the second one, and finally signed the third fourth document.
Several people thought that Dong Xuebin had signed the agreement and smiled.
At the next moment, Dong Xuebin threw the documents back to them.
A few people have seen it erroneously, the bottom signature is actually two words of "return"!
"Dong County Magistrate!"
The movement here has attracted a lot of attention.
The staff members have come over and many county leaders have also taken a look at the window.
I saw Dong Xuebin talking to them and said: "You are very busy? Is this still working time? Every day, even if you don't do the work, you will be blocked to ask for money? Once you forget it! It has been repeated three times and five times! OK! I am doing a good job! Then I will find something for you! Now the province is responding to the call of the Central Committee! It is a matter of rectifying the civil servant’s working hours on a large scale to play the game. I see that all of your departments are very leisurely. Ah! That’s the time to take you as a pilot! I will talk to Pu Shuji in the end! I will come up with the Standing Committee!

Or is it a pilot of the discipline inspection committee? ?
Several people took a deep breath, "Dong County Magistrate, we are..."
Dong Xuebin stopped paying attention to them and looked at Chen Xiaomei: "There will be more than 100,000 yuan for the Finance Bureau! I want to sign all! Who should have problems! Let them come to me!"
This voice is very loud, almost all of them are in the corners of the county party committee!
Chen Xiaomei immediately agreed, "I know."
The bell rings and the phone rings.
Dong Xuebin looked at the number and picked it up. "Hey! Dong Xuebin!"
"Dong County Magistrate, Lao Zheng of the Education Bureau, I want to ask if our money can be put in place these two days? The training of teachers is imminent. The children's things are big events. Are you saying yes? Only The teacher's strength will make progress in our education!" He did take out the words that Dong Xuebin said at the Standing Committee, and he was taking the words to him.
"What about your education grant?"
"It's already used up, not much now."
"Several million! All used up?" is not enough, so I want to apply for funding.

Dong Xuebin was on the fire eyebrows and said: "All the departments in the county are the richest in your education bureau! It has not been long before the funding! Millions of people let you toss for a long time! Even a movement! Nothing to do Dry! I ask where are you going to go? Ah? Where is the hell? There is no plan at all! What do you want to do with the leadership of your education bureau! What do you want to surname Zheng? Ah? Now still squinting Want money with the county? I tell you! There is no money for a penny! I will give me a solution!"
The deputy director of Zheng at that end was stupid!
The people of the county party committee also heard the shock!
The county magistrate is worried!
It’s really awkward! !
[Second, first book a monthly ticket at 12 o'clock in the night! Thank you! 】
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