Chapter 1340: [Dong County Governor saves people! 】

Less than eleven. [WWw.YZUU point m]
The small meeting room was awesome.
"Does the dormitory collapse?"
"How did it collapse? When did it collapse?"
"How can a good end say that it collapses?"
Several leaders of the monastic system all sat up from the chair!
The county party committee secretary who came in to report the news quickly said: "It was just two minutes ago! I came over the first time I received the news!"
Jiang Fangfang immediately said: "How is the situation?"
Meng Rui also realized the problem "personnel casualties?"
The female cadre said: "The building collapsed! The ambulance and rescue workers have not passed yet!"
Meng Rui took the table and said: "I asked you about the casualties! How many people have been killed?"
The female cadre quickly said: "We are not clear about the specific casualties! There are also messes over there!"
Chu Peng, the director of the Political and Legal Commission, and the director of the bureau, couldn’t sit still. He immediately opened the cell phone and called 97net to rush to ask the situation. Meng Rui and Jiang Fangfang also opened the machine. As soon as the signal came, the phone 97net screamed. For a time, the entire conference room was full of ringtones and 97net voices, and the tone was very fast. This kind of accident was a big accident for their sparsely populated Lishui County!
"Hey, how are you!"
"What is the cause of the collapse?"
"Contact the ambulance right away! You must arrive within three minutes!"
"Don't lend me a loan.! Organize people to save people! Immediately! Immediately!"
After Dong Xuebin opened the mobile phone, he also received the call 97net from Yao Cui, and hanged it. Dong Xuebin said with a deep pain: "I will say it! The old dormitory should have been renovated!"
A few people in the system are almost stunned!
paralysis! At this time, you still say that you are cool!
However, I thought that the dormitory building would collapse before two or three minutes ago. However, Dong Xuebin even proposed a plan to renovate the dormitory building for half an hour ago. Everyone was secretly shocked. At this moment, Pu An and Jian Xiangrong used a kind of shock. Looking at Dong Xuebin for the eyes of the heavenly man, other Mongolian cadres hang up the phone 97net and then stare at Dong Xuebin with all contempt, what is it with this!
Dong Xuebin just raised the safety hazard of the dormitory building...
The Mongolian people just tried to defend the building on the Standing Committee...
Then the building collapsed?
This is too clever!
This is too fucking!
It’s just taking the soles of the shoes on the faces of Meng Rui and the Mongolian cadres!
Even Meng Rui was stunned by this slap. (Look at the novel to the leaves, Yu ~ You M) After so many years in politics, he has never seen such a rogue thing, too, your mother is lacking in this!
Chu Peng can't take care of a lot. "I went to the scene to direct the rescue!"
"Go together." Jiang Fangfang led the way, first out of the meeting room.
Meng Rui also took back the sight of Dong Xuebin’s face and knew that the key issue now is rescue work. So I immediately arranged it. "The meeting is suspended! Cixian County! You go to the hospital to direct the injured! Free a green channel! Zhang〗 〖Book! You stay steady! There is news to report to me at any time! I go On the scene!" After finishing, Meng Rui also took the secretary Zhang Feng out of the conference room.
With such a big accident, the county party committee and the county magistrate must be present.
Several county party committee members have been busy with each other. Dong Xuebin saw it and simply walked down the stairs and went out with everyone.
Jiang County Chief has already boarded the car with Chu Peng.
Meng 〗 〖Book and Zhang Feng and other county party committees are still waiting for the car, the driver has not yet drove the car.
Dong Xuebin went to the Land Rover. He also seemed to have forgotten the martyrdom of the Standing Committee and turned his face and did not recognize people. He drove the car to them in front of them. "Meng 〗 〖Book, go to my car."
Meng Rui did not think, the door went up.
Zhang Feng and several county party cadres also got on the train.
When Dong Xuebin stepped on the gas pedal, Land Rover rushed out of the compound. Although Land Rover was mainly excellent in off-road performance. The speed on the road is certainly not comparable to the speed of Dong Xuebin's Porsche, but the road driving ability of a top-of-the-range Land Rover Range Rover is obviously not comparable to that of a typical Mercedes-Benz BMW. The engine roared a few times, and the Land Rover has already made a few noises. A hundred meters, more than 20 cars over the road!
The bureau of the family. [叶子]【悠悠】
When the car has not arrived, I saw the smoke in the distance!
The high smoke raised the smoke like a thick fog in the air!
See this scene. Meng Rui and Zhang Feng and others all looked tight and more and more dignified. After Dong Xuebin stopped the car at the gate of the hospital, several people rushed out of the car. Dong Xuebin also opened the door and looked inside. The scene was chaotic, crying, shouting, and many people with blood in their arms and thighs were taken to the ambulance by medical staff. Everyone’s face was covered with dust and was very embarrassing.
"Save my son!"
"My love is hurt! Doctor! Doctor!"
"You are going to save people! There are people who are not coming out inside!"
"My old Zhao? Is my old Zhao found?"
"Little Liu, don't worry, your old Zhao has been sent to the hospital, the head is broken, and it is slightly hurt!"
"Really? Great! Is your old princess okay?"
"Pharaoh is fine, he goes to work today, you talk about it, this is how it collapses!"
"After a while, the gas was broken. The old Zhou family seemed to get the gas tank upstairs. As a result, the gas tank exploded just now, and the bombing was loud."
"That's not going to collapse!"
"How many years have we been in the old buildings? All of them are cracks. They have collapsed in the old week, and the whole building has been brought together. Look at the crack!"
"Get out of the way!"
"I haven't had time to take the passbook!"
"What more passbooks! Let's die!"
The collapsed is a dilapidated slab, six stories high, but it did not collapse completely like a blasting building. Dong Xuebin saw that the first floor of the six-story building in front of the slab had no top, even from The color TV and sofa in his home can be seen outside. The occupants underneath it are also stripped from the outer wall. The broken bricks are still falling down. A layer of soil is splashed in the dust downstairs. There is a resident on the fourth floor of the side unit. on fire. Although the fire is not big, but there is still a thick black smoke inside, the whole building has a slight slanting feeling, the three units have a shocking crack from the first floor to the fifth floor, one on the first floor The tilted staircase was crushed and almost disappeared.
Broken bricks and broken glass fall one after another!
"Be careful!"
"It's all far away!"
"Is there anyone still not saved?"
"Is there anyone still inside? Anyone else?"
The fire brigade has not come yet, and some spontaneously organized rescuers are desperately shouting at the crumbling building. When the building said it was not good, it would have collapsed completely!
The situation is critical!
Meng Rui immediately and Jiang Fangfang Dong Xuebin and others touched a head.
The final division of labor, Jiang County Governor and Dong Xuebin are responsible for evacuating the masses, Meng Rui command and rescue!
"How has the fire brigade not yet arrived? Ah?" Meng Rui went back and urged.
Jiang Fangfang and several county government staff members saw a family home behind the building. Afraid of the impact of the collapse of another building, the evacuation work was immediately handed over to Dong Xuebin, and Jiang Fangfang took a few people and went to evacuate the masses.
Dong Xuebin looked up and looked at the board building that could not be done. Immediately grab a few of the bureaus who are not far away: "Get out! Wait outside!"
"My lover is still inside!"
"We will save people! It's not safe! Go out first!"
At this time, a man wearing blood on his arm in his pajamas, shouting at the window on the second floor, was still in the building that was about to collapse.
The woman next to me immediately called: "I love you! Help him! Save him!"
"You go out and wait! There are us here!" Dong Xuebin looked at it and strode up and shouted to him: "Go the stairs! Don't jump!"
The man was a little scared: "The stairs are falling! I can't go out!"
Dong Xuebin has stood downstairs, biting his teeth "You jump! I will go!"
After seeing a few county cadres, he hurriedly called: "Dong County Mayor! Come back! Dangerous downstairs!"
The cadres and family members of some bureaus also recognized Dong Xuebin and rushed to go up and think for him. "Dong County Magistrate! Go back! Let's come!"
One person said: "I am going to find a mattress!"
"No need to spend that power! Only the second floor!" Dong Xuebin shouted at the man above: "Jump!"
This little scene, Dong Xuebin is a commonplace, and he has caught many people who jumped down on the sixth floor. Don't say the second floor, there is no pressure at all.
The man bit his teeth. After breaking the glass, he jumped to Dong Xuebin.
Looking up, Dong Xuebin’s eyes quickly caught him in the air, his body was unloaded, and even his legs were not bent, his hands were not shaking, and the man was firmly placed on the ground. Then continue to evacuate the masses in the past. "Look at what you see! Go out!"
A lot of people watching this scene have jumped their eyes.
I heard that the county magistrate has a strong fighting power, and this is what I saw!
On the second floor, I caught an adult man, and it was as simple as catching a pillow? ?
And everyone knows that the county magistrate had been hospitalized for a serious fracture last month! Has it recovered in a few days? Can you save people so lightly? ?
The family members are almost gone.
But there are still a few family members who are not dead, their families have not been rescued, an old lady has been crying there, and a woman wants to rush in several times, but they have been stopped by the rescue team. .
Dong Xuebin finally rushed "Where is the person?"
"Three units! Third floor!" The woman cried: "My son is still in the house!"
"You wait." Dong Xuebin stalked the board floor that was about to collapse directly from the outside under the horror of many people.
"Dong County Magistrate!"
"You don't!"
"Hey! You are still hurting!"
The cadres in several counties have been flustered to stop Dong Xuebin has gone up.
Second floor...
Three layers...
I touched the broken window!
After a dozen seconds, Dong Xuebin stood on the window with a wowing crying man. He hugged his child and climbed it down. He handed the child to the woman and turned to save the next person!
The women burst into tears and yelled at the back of Dong Xuebin: "Thank you! Thank you, Dong County!"
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