Chapter 1377: [Mother and child are safe! 】

The wife fell!
The child may have to be gone!
This news made Dong Xuebin’s brains blow up!
At two o'clock in the afternoon, Dong Xuebin's Land Rover rushed into the courtyard of the First People's Hospital of Chenggang County with a stunned look on the road!
The car suddenly stopped!
Even slipped out of the traces of a tire!
"How to drive!"
"Don't look at the road, you?"
"What man! What should I do if I hit someone?"
Several cadres of the county government of Chenggang County were smashed up.
Dong Xuebin’s car stop was just a few cars of the county government. Dong Xuebin, who got off the train, also saw the pictures of the front car and the official shelves on those people’s faces. He suddenly knew that it was definitely Huilan’s injury. The leader of Chenggang County, there should be a lot of people coming along, this group of people waiting for the downstairs, it means that there are people who are higher than their level is upstairs.
"How do I drive with my mother to teach?" Dong Xuebin had a fire on Chenggang County. Huilan was still alive and dead. Now he is a state of anger.
A cadre fireway: "You say it again! It's against you!"
Dong Xuebin had no time to take care of him and strode into the hospital building.
The cadres of several Chenggang counties in the back are still counting him. "If you drive a good car, you don't know what the surname is!"
Dong Xuebin has entered the hospital hall, went to the service desk and grabbed a nurse and said: "Where is a pregnant woman just sent?"
When the nurse saw him, "Is the ambulance sent?"
"They came by car!"
"Then go to the emergency department and ask."
"I will ask you again! I am going to the emergency department!" Dong Xuebin is very unstable.
The nurse was also shocked by his momentum. Hesitated and had to use a computer to help him insert it. Then he said, "Is it called Xie Huilan? Who are you?"
"I am her husband! Where are the people?"
"Then go to the emergency room, the second floor!"
"How is the person?"
"I can't see it here. I am being rescued."
The impatient Dong Xuebin is going up the stairs. The nurse behind reminded: "Not there, it is the second floor of the annex building, the end of the westernmost corridor."
Dong Xuebin immediately changed direction.
Annex building.
Second floor corridor.
Just got up. Dong Xuebin saw a lot of people outside the emergency room. They were all cadres and staff members of Chenggang County. They blocked the road there.
"Get out!" Dong Xuebin shouted.
"What are you calling!" said a member of the staff.
Dong Xuebin squeezed him out without saying anything!
A cadre has also been squeezed. The fire is very big: "Look at it! What are you doing!"
"Who are you?" Another cadre shouted: "Rescue inside! What are you squeezing!"
Chenggang County is a relatively popular area of ​​the people, not only ordinary people, but also leading cadres.
But their temper is no bigger than the Dong Xuebin at the moment. He saw someone even stopped in front of him and blinked. When Dong Xuebin went up, he grabbed the collar of the cadre and threw him directly. Aside, the man took a few steps to stop, and he was going to scream!
People in Chenzhou City saw Dong Xuebin.
"Dong County Magistrate!"
"Dong County Magistrate is here!"
Everyone hurriedly greeted.
Dong Xuebin hurriedly said: "Where is Huilan?"
Liao Yimin is also inside, "Mr. Xie is rescued inside! It’s been a long time!"
"Is the injury not heavy? Can you save the rescue?" Dong Xuebin has already reached the door of the rescue room. Pushing the door hard, but locked, did not push open.
Liao Yimin said: "No trauma. But a lot of blood!"
Everyone else is standing. There was only one middle-aged man sitting next to it, and it looked quite calm. He is Li Zhixin, the county magistrate of Chenggang County. About forty years old, with a lot of hair, very dense. Li Zhixin looked at Dong Xuebin and knew that this might be the family of Mr. Xie Mayor, so he also stood up and stood up. He turned to ask a member of the city of Chenzhou: "Is this the family of Mayor Xie?"
The man in Luzhou City ignored him.
Li Zhixin sank his face and said, "Ask you!"
The man still didn't speak, or a female staff member accompanying Chenzhou City, who loved to answer: "It is the husband of Mayor Xie."
"Husband? Dong County Chief?" Li Zhixin wondered.
One person in Chenggang County recognized him and quickly whispered to Li Zhixin: "Li County magistrate, this person... is the last deputy magistrate of the Lishui County, Dong Xuebin."
"Is he?" Li Zhixin's eyes narrowed.
After hearing this, many cadres in Chenggang County have changed their faces. Dong Xuebin’s last time was to beat the faces of their county. After the incident of Jiang’s county magistrate, their county was criticized by the above. Too good, so Dong Xuebin, who had a full-body fracture at the time, also spread the small 20 villagers. The cadres of Chenggang County knew him basically, so they looked at Dong Xuebin with a squint. They are from Chenggang County and Lishui County, but they are old-fashioned. Whoever sees no one is pleasing to the eye. This group of people naturally has no good impression on Dong Xuebin.
This is the person who beat the villagers in their county?
How is it so young? And actually it is the husband of Xie Mayor? ?
Dong Xuebin can take care of their eyes, touch the camera of the rescue room, and want to go inside, he does not look at it without worry!
Li Zhixin frowned and stopped him. "There is being rescued inside. Don't knock it, it will affect their work. You should sit for a while and calm down."
Dong Xuebin looked at him. "I use you?"
"How do you say it!" An affair annoyed.
The people in Chenzhou City did not know why. The eyes of Li Zhixin and other cadres were not very friendly. Liao Yimin was also the same, but he said: "This is Li Zhixin, the county magistrate of Chenggang County."
Seeing the attitude of everyone in Chenzhou City, Dong Xuebin knew that Huilan’s injury was definitely not his own fall. There must be something inside, but he did not look at Li Zhixin. His current thoughts are all on his wife. Others will Besides, he is most concerned about the safety of his wife and children!
One minute……
Two minutes...
three minutes……
The door of the rescue room suddenly opened.
A doctor and two nurses came out. "Is the family coming?"
"I am!" Dong Xuebin stepped up and stepped up. "How is Huilan? Is there any danger to the adult?" The first thought was his wife.
The doctor looked at him. "The grown-up is fine."
People in Chenzhou City are relieved, and people in Chenggang County seem to be the same.
Dong Xuebin’s back was shocked by cold sweats. It’s just a matter of letting go, the adults are fine, but then the heart is raised again.
What about children?

The doctor said: "The child has temporarily saved, but the situation is still uncertain and needs to be observed for a while."
Later, a doctor came out. "Fortunately, it is timely to send it, otherwise adults and children are at risk, especially children, almost..."
Thank goodness!
Dong Xuebin's feet are soft, I am afraid to hear any bad news!
This time, I quickly took the doctor’s hand and thanked Liao Yimin and Chenzhou City once again. They sent Huilan in time.
At that time, it was buried by the landslide, attacked by the Northeast Tiger, and pointed by dozens of soldiers. Dong Xuebin did not have any fears. He experienced too many things. He forgot the feeling of fear. When he heard the wife and the child's accident, Dong Xuebin had a deep fear in his heart. If Huilan really left him, Dong Xuebin couldn't imagine what he should do in the future!
Nothing is fine!
Just be alive!
Although Dong Xuebin’s remaining time was seven or eight minutes during his hospital stay, he used it almost to save people and surgery. It’s just a few minutes. It’s not rich, and reverse is not sure if he will die. Recovery, so now Dong Xuebin is also afraid of one, in case of reverse, he can not save the child!
"Let's let it go." Dafu said.
A moment later, several nurses pushed a bed out of the rescue room. Xie Huilan lying on her face was pale and apparently still in a coma.
Dong Xuebin rushed to the past, "Hui Lan! Huilan!"
"Go to the ward first." The doctor told the nurse to take them to the single ward upstairs. Of course he recognized Li Zhixin, knowing that this woman is not an ordinary person, and naturally everything is green.
In the ward.
In addition to a nurse, there are only two people, Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan. The people in Chenggang County saw the mayor down the danger and went downstairs. The people in Chenzhou City waited outside, not bothering the couple.
"Hui Lan, you wake up, Huilan!" Dong Xuebin did not see her wake up and always do not worry.
"Let the patient take a rest, she is now weak, and the child's situation has to be observed for a while, um, you will call me again." After that, the nurse also left.
Dong Xuebin bit his teeth and simply reached out and touched Huilan’s stomach.
Reverse for a second!
The role of reverse is obviously needless to say, since the child is still in danger, Dong Xuebin does not want to gamble his son's safety in the hospital!
He must ensure that the mother and the child are safe!
Xie Huilan's eyelids moved Woke up.
Dong Xuebin said with excitement: "Wu Lan, can you hear me talking? How do you feel?"
Xie Huilan opened his eyes and looked at him. Suddenly his eyes tightened. The weak palm grasped Dong Xuebin. "Children...what, children...has there anything...?"
Dong Xuebin’s eyes are a bit red.
Nothing, you are all right!

Xie Huilan stared at him and said, "Don't lie to you, thank you... sister."
Dong Xuebin bowed his head and kissed her. "I lied to you what to do, the children are good, they are all saved, you can rest assured!"
Upon hearing, Xie Huilan sighed with a long sigh of relief and reached out to touch her belly with a difficult face. She also showed a kind smile on her face. "Xiaodong...West, you can... scare to death... your mom. It is."
Her wrist was also injured. It may be that her hand was trying to protect her stomach when she fell. Dong Xuebin quickly said: "Show me your hand."
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "The child is fine... OK, you thank the sister... it doesn't matter."
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