Chapter 1419: [Operator Xiao Dong]

The next day. [叶子]【悠悠】
Tuesday morning.
The weather warmed up, Dong Xuebin changed his shirt with short sleeves out of the door, did not go to the county party committee, but drove straight to the county investment bureau.
China Merchants Institute.
"Dong County Magistrate."
"Dong County Magistrate."
"Hey, good morning."
This small courtyard has three units.
Some other organizations have also recognized Dong Xuebin and have greeted them.
Because of all kinds of things, Dong Xuebin also played the name of his in Lishui County. The people there are ordinary people, but few people in the organization do not know him. They go to the central government to ask for money, fall in the city, seriously injured. Beat people, a doctor, and so on.
Dong Xuebin also asked them hello.
The second floor office area.
Dong Xuebin came up and found that the four people of the China Merchants Group were inside. They gathered together and headed by the director Zheng Dayou. I don’t know what to discuss.
"Dong County Magistrate."
"Are you here?"
Everyone immediately greeted.
Dong Xuebin nodded. "What are you talking about?"
Zheng Dayou said: "I will talk about how to do a good job in the Merchants Association. [WWw.YZUU point m]"
"Yeah." Dong Xuebin said: "I said it yesterday. Any suggestions for you can be mentioned to me. The main reason is how to use the funds. Lao Zheng, let me talk about it?"
Zheng Dayou sank, "I think, um, still buy a car."
Dong Xuebin looked at Cheng Yujie, "Chengda Sister, what about you?"
Listening to the county magistrate is so polite to call his own big sister. Cheng Yujie was also flattered and busy: "I also think that buying a car is good."
Chen Yunsong also expressed his opinion. "We don't have a car in China Merchants. It's a bit unreasonable. Every time an investor comes, we have to apply with the county. Most of the time we can't apply, we can only manage the health bureau. Borrowing a car with the Education Bureau. Just to make a good impression on investors."
Dong Xuebin looked at the clerk Gong Na, "Xiao Gong?"
Gong Na Zhiwu also suggested buying a car.
"It seems that everyone is negotiating." Dong Xuebin nodded slightly. "Well, then buy a car, about 200,000, the number is temporarily set for two."
Zheng Dayou’s glimpse,
200,000? Two?

Other people were shocked. They also have a total of 200,000 cars in Lishui County. I did not expect that the county magistrate not only agreed. Still starting to be so embarrassed. But what they don't know is. In fact, they and Dong Xuebin thought of going together, and attracting investment, to a large extent, are full of face. Since their objective investment environment in Lishui County can't change, it can only work harder on the face. Dong Xuebin also means buying a car, even if it really gives them millions. [Yezi] [Yuyou] He wants to change the office environment and get a separate working place.
Of course, Zheng Dayou also thinks that the 200,000 car is very good. But hesitated: "This, can the county agree?"
"This does not have to worry about everyone. The county is strongly supportive of our investment promotion activities. There is a standing committee in the afternoon, and I will try to get more policies back." Dong Xuebin looked at them: "But the county supports this. Let's not let the county leaders down, let the people in the county be disappointed, let me put this here, let's just this time... I can't succeed without success!"
Zheng Dayou and several staff members felt pressure.
"Well, let's get started." Dong Xuebin gave a cry and sat directly at a position in the office area. "Give me all the investment projects that our county can get out."
Gong Na is the lowest clerk here. The task of errands is naturally hers. I should immediately find him after I heard it.
Dong Xuebin looked at it.
Gong Na went to the water room to get water.
After watching it for a while, Dong Xuebin looked at Chen Yunsong. "Xiao Chen, you go to book a car, try to get it in place as soon as possible, don't worry about the money, definitely come before the afternoon." After that, he went to Cheng Yujie: "Chengda Sister, Give me a copy of the investor information we have in hand, and then you call one."
Cheng Yujie immediately said: "Okay."
Zheng Dayou, a county magistrate, sat in the office area outside and shared the hardships with everyone. He did not return to his office. The county magistrate did not go. How could he go, so Zheng Dayou took his own things from the office. Moved out and did it in the office area.
A busy one.
Ringing bells, bells and bells.
The phone at the front desk rang.
Gong Na seems to go to get the information, no.
Chen Yunsong went out, Cheng Yujie was on the phone to contact the investor, and Zheng Dayou was busy calling old friends who had previously invested in Lishui County.
Dong Xuebin stunned, simply went to the front desk and picked up the phone: "Hey, Lishui County Investment Promotion Bureau."
"Yunsong is me."
"you are?"
"I am your sister."
"Xiao Chen went out, I am Dong Xuebin."
Then I listened to the voice of the phone and suddenly stunned. "Dong County Chief? Hey, how do you pick up the front desk, I, my Chen Xiaomei."
Dong Xuebin glanced, "Old Chen."
Chen Xiaomei said: "Sorry, Dong County, I got it wrong, I thought my brother."
Chen Yunsong and Dong Xuebin are almost the same age, and the sound is naturally similar. Dong Xuebin does not care: "I let Xiao Chen book a car, you call his cell phone, um, Xiao Chen is your brother?"
"Well, my brother."
"This way, OK."
Wherever there is a joint relationship, Dong Xuebin listened to it and remembered it in his heart. However, he and Chen Xiaomei had some small flaws. Since she is a younger brother, she must take care of some.
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin saw that Gong Na did not go home and continued to answer the phone.
Bell bell.
Bell bell.
Three or four in a row.
See Dong Xuebin really went to be an operator. Zheng Dayou was stunned. After the reaction, he quickly went up and wanted to take over. Let a county leader wiring, this is a bit so embarrassing. But Dong Xuebin did not agree, let them do what they did, "I am busy with you."
The bell rings and the phone rings.
Dong Xuebin picks up, "Hey, hello, Lishui County Merchants."
The head actually came the voice of Jiang Fangfang. "The county party committee has spread, saying that you ran to the China Merchants Bureau as an operator. I still don't believe it. I took a look. I didn't expect it to be true."
Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly. "There are not enough people. I can't always be busy with everyone."
Jiang Fangfang gently said, "You are doing right, Cheng, don't bother you to work."
Dong Xuebin put down the position of the county leader and became an operator. It sounded a bit speechless, but it was because of this kind of personal effort by Dong Xuebin, and all the people in the China Merchants Bureau were infected. Zheng Dayou Cheng Yujie and Gong Na, they looked at the county magistrate as they were, and their enthusiasm was also driven up. They were all serious and put their energy into the work. (Welcome to your support is my greatest motivation.)
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