Chapter 147: [Firefighters will debut again! 】

Chapter 147 [Firefighters come on again! 】(10000, ask for a monthly pass)
甄 Secretary's office.
Xu Yan, who received the phone call from the old classmate, knocked on the door to the Anguo office. The political commissar Cheng Haimei also came. After a while, the director of the Political Department, Pang Bin, also arrived. It seems that all the families of the parties have received it. they. In addition to these leaders, there is also Yan Lei. This battle is like an emergency meeting. Well, it’s true that there is no emergency meeting. It involves so many city leaders and central leaders. The incident is indeed urgent enough.
Zhai Anguo knows what they are doing, and opens the door to see the mountain: "I have already called the six places."
Pang Bin looked at him worriedly. "Director, are the children not injured?"
Pan'an National Road: "No, just handcuffed."
Cheng Haimei and Xu Yan were relieved. If there was another incident of Director Jiang’s nephew, then there would be no way to clean up the mess.
Hey, the door knocks.
Six simple guides came in, followed by an old police officer, the one who just led the team to release.
The Secretary looked at them, "...has the person gone?"
The old police officer wiped the sweat and respectfully said: "I took the people with me, but the children are not going, I have to ask a statement, why do we arrest them, I want to give them a hand, they also Don't do it, don't let us open the key, say what this is evidence, and let their family members come to see it. We don't dare to use brute force, so we don't force the handcuffs, 甄 Secretary, what should I do now?"
The country is stunned. "How can you do something like this?"
Cheng Haimei and Pang Bin are also a little anxious, keep handcuffs? If you really wait for their family to come, then the problem is big.
Cheng Haimei said with a face: "First hand down and say it again"
"Cheng Zhengwei..." The old police officer cried and said: "I have several police officers put their keys on the ground, but they just don't open, I also..."
Jane said: "This group of children eat soft and not hard, if forced to squat, it may have a counter-effect."
Pang Bin frowned fragilely. "That can't wait, do you really want their family members to come and pick them up?" If that is the time, it goes without saying that the West Branch will definitely get a name.
"Then come to soft" Xu Yan, Xu Anguo, "Secretary Xu, are you going to talk about it?"
Xu Yan nodded helplessly.
Cheng Haimei did not feel relieved and stood up and said, "I will go too."
Pang Bin also followed.
Yan Anguo said: "Xiao Yan, you also follow and say and say, remember, you must let them safely go out of the branch door within half an hour, don't move thick." Waiting for Yan Lei to lead out, Zhai Anguo was a headache and frowned. When there were many crimes in the past, there was a lot of cases that I couldn’t wait to put on a table at the table. But I’m doing a good job, I’ve never had such a headache, I’ve been here since. These days of Guoan, although there are not many things, they can be handled without making them awkward. There is always a feeling that they can't make up their strength.
Zhao Anguo went to the window and looked down at the gate of the branch. He knew that this matter was too sensitive. He must handle it as soon as possible and give the above explanation as soon as possible.
In the hut at the gate, the smoke was lingering, and several students smoked cigarettes with one hand.
As soon as Xu Yan and Cheng Haimei entered the room, they coughed a few times and looked at them. Xu Yan said: "Who is Liu Wei?" Seeing that three students have looked at the boy wearing the school uniform, Xu Yan said "Liu Wei, I am an old classmate with your uncle. He just called me and brought me back. Okay, hurry up and walk with me. What is good here?" The key was thrown on the ground. Xu Yan bent over and squatted.
Then Liu Wei threw away the cigarette hand. "Auntie, when was I being bullied so much? No, I can't just leave."
Xu Yan’s face is stretched.
Don’t let your uncle worry.

Liu Wei was also angry, turned his head and did not speak.
Cheng Haimei looked at it and turned around and looked for it in a few people. Finally, his eyes fell on a boy. "Are you a little money? Just open your hand and open it. It’s not so bad to stay here. You also advise your classmates, don’t It’s noisy here, and the family is waiting for you to go back.

The face of the little money is not sold, and it is justifiable: "What are we upset? We are standing on the street and waiting for people to break the law? Why arrest people? Why do you want to use it? We are his prisoners? It is your branch. What people are going to make is that you want to catch the line that we are not letting us go. We are not satisfied with this time?"
Cheng Haimei’s brow suddenly twisted.
You’re just outside the other organs, and you’re not going to know the special nature of Guo’an. Is the gate at the door standing freely?

Another boy grinned: "Don't scare people. I am still waiting for my dad to come here today and let my dad give me a review."
I don’t know who’s cell phone rings.
A boy put his hand into his pocket and answered the phone. "Hey, Dad... I? I was still being tortured by them. It was closed with a little black house..." When he said it, he was wronged, "... You didn't see it, I just stood at their door for a while, but their people came up and mixed my hand, then the handkerchief came up... almost twisted my neck, now my waist is still hurting... Dad I No...I don’ still care about me? Ah? Then you told my mom, I said that I was bullied.
Then I hang up the phone.
Yan Lei feels that this is an opportunity for his own performance. If he can save the fire, he will have a good result, so he hangs his smile and put it together. "Classmates are also coming to lunch. It's time, let's go out for a meal together, pick you up, then sit down and talk slowly, okay?"
When a few people looked at the watch, they immediately turned their eyes to the handsome boy, "Hao Ge..."
The handsome boy sat swaying and squatting. "Are you hungry? Anyway, I am not hungry."
Liu Wei immediately said: "I am not hungry"
"We can wait for us"
Yan Lei saw that the handsome boy was the head of several people, and said to him: "So I will buy some water for you?"
As soon as he heard it, the handsome boy snorted and knew that Yan Lei was not a leader. Of course he would not be as polite as others. He said, "Do you want something, don’t brush him, buy water, let us drink and then Waiting for us to stop going to the toilet?"
The boy in the middle school uniform suddenly angered: "The grass is too bad for you."
Xu Yan frowned and Yan Lei.
Yan Lei is a little embarrassed, and he will not talk back after he retreats.
Pang Bin also went up to find a relative of an old friend, but he was also treated by Xu Yan and Cheng Haimei. Several children were still in a rebellious period, and the family background was so deep. They were spoiled from childhood and their temper was up. Don't go in, don't go anyway.
This can be broken
After waiting for the meal, seeing a few children still do not care, Xu Yan reported the situation with Yan Anguo.
At this time, many people from the West Branch of the city had gone downstairs to go to the cafeteria. They saw that so many leaders were standing around the doorway hut. Everyone knows what happened. Hey, the West Branch is so many disasters. How can you find something bad for yourself in your own branch? The last time I caught the scorpion of Director Jiang, it was only involving Director Jiang. But this time I heard that many relatives of the central leadership have been arrested. This is too serious. The Secretary can’t bear the consequences of the big trouble.
Zhai Anguo can't take it, so after he heard Xu Yan's report, he rushed to this side, and now he can't go out again.
Outside the hut.
"Hey, Secretary, still can't..."
"Hey, don't say how to go"
Yan Anguo gasped and gasped. At the end, he stepped into the house. For a moment, the calm face quickly changed into a faint and gentle smile. "I am the director of the West Branch, and your family has already called several times." I am worried about your business. I am sorry for the parents of the world. It is not a problem for everyone to use it here. First, take off your hand and let us find a place to talk about it, okay?"
One of the students said: "The Secretary, we are not giving you face, but we can't be caught in vain? Are we all law-abiding citizens who have called you to handcuffs? I have never been so young since I was young. Big gas"
Yan Anguo smiled and said: "Well, they work in a problem, I will definitely criticize them when I go back."
Another humanity: "Light criticism can't be done. If you want us to go, you have to come face to face and apologize. Right, you have to call the long-haired sister to us. Liu Wei still wants to have a meal with her."
Zhai Anguo knows that there is no reason to talk to them, and he wants to patiently say to them, but when he hears this, the eyes of Yan’an’s eyes suddenly jump, and the good temper is also irritated. These princelings are all Laozi is spoiled, what is this called? What is this called? However, Ang’an also understands that the Chengxi Branch has just survived the corruption and bribery cases of the top leaders and several cadres. It has just survived the difficulty of grasping the relatives of Director Jiang. It is no longer able to withstand the toss. Otherwise, the Pan’an National University can let go. No matter, you Laozi comes to pick up people to pick up people. This is the problem of your son. The West Branch of the City is in charge of the situation, and at the first time, he asks to release people. It is your son who is not willing to go. It has nothing to do with us. but now……
Yan Anguo can't let Director Jiang be chilled to the leadership team of the West Branch. So I can't wait for their parents and relatives to pick up people. They must solve the problem for the parents of the children before they get into trouble. Speed ​​draws a full stop for this matter
When he came out of the hut, the phone of Dai Anguo rang, which was called by Secretary Jiang.
"Why didn't people put this for a long time?"
"Director Jiang, we said that we let people go, but they don't leave, and they don't even let the handcuffs."
"What happened to your West Branch? Ah? How did the two-day incident call me? No matter what method you use, don't let things happen, and let them go for twenty minutes." The phone was hung up.
The face of Zhai Anguo should be more and more Shen, and the princelings’ demands would of course not be promised. This is related to the face of the branch leaders and the entire branch. They can’t wait to discuss it. They breathe a sigh of relief and Yan Anguo turns his head and shouts at his hand. : "I don't care what method you use. You must take the person away within 20 minutes."
Whether it is a few leaders or a team of people who are behind the bustle, everyone looks at each other and no one is snoring.
Everyone knows that it is necessary to get people away as soon as possible, and it can't cause any negative impact on the West Branch. Otherwise, does God know that Secretary Jiang will give the Chengxi Branch a roasting fire in the personnel adjustment in the future? But the second generation of the gang is not soft and does not eat hard. The characters behind each one are bigger than the official of the sergeant. They can’t fight and can’t fight. How can they let them know how to get out? Branch office?
Not that no one wants to go up and show it, but everyone has a self-knowledge and knows that they don’t have this ability.
At this moment, everyone has no way, and the branch courtyard has fallen into a strange silence.
one second……
Two seconds...
Three seconds...
Pang Bin suddenly coughed, because it was too quiet, so many people looked at him, including the director and Xu Yan Cheng Haimei, Pang Bin indulged for a moment, put forward a person's name, "I see, is it not? Let Director Xiao Dong go downstairs?"
Many talents suddenly realize
Yes, the West Branch of the City and his director Xiao Dong.
How did you forget him?
But just thinking about this, everyone looked at the Secretary, and the top leader only beat the director of Xiao.
Yan Anguo’s eyebrows shrank slightly. He didn’t believe that Xiao Dong’s coming would solve the problem. This is no problem with incompetence. Xiao Dong, who has no background, is estimated to have been ganged by the princeling party. I came out, but when I saw the time passed by, the Ang’an did not want to be so much. I turned back to a few hands and said: "Call Xiao Dong"
Xu Yan looked at Zhao Anguo, but did not take the initiative to call Xiao Dong, now think of Xiao Dong's good?
Someone at the side called the general office, but the people in the room said that Director Xiao Dong did not know where to go and was out of the office.
Zhai Anguo loudly said to Yan Lei: "Go and go upstairs to find"
In fact, Dong Xuebin has been watching the scene in the courtyard on the window sill of the toilet. He knows that this is a fire again. It is still a terrible fire. See Yan Lei and a few young people running over here. Dong Xuebin took off. The trousers crouched down and pretended to be in a large size, and the heart was cold and cold.
Five minutes later, the toilet door was pushed open by people.
Yan Lei gasped and gasped with anger. "How do you talk to Dong Xuebin? Let me go with you, the Secretary is looking for you."
Dong Xuebin squinted and said: "What do you call and don't see if I am getting a big size?"
Yan Lei certainly didn't want to call Dong Xuebin out of the limelight, but he couldn't do anything that the Secretary told him to explain. Moreover, he did not believe that Dong Xuebin could solve this problem that no one could solve. "Give me some leaders to wait for you." Don't grind it out"
"What kind of tone do you have?" Dong Xuebin sighed with anger. "How fast is my stomach hurting?"
Yan Lei pointed to him and said: "Well, you can't move you."
"Go to your mother - don't take the leadership to scare me. What do you do in addition to the tiger skin?"
Yan Lei is angry, "When you go to Dong Xuebin, you can turn around and go."
The clay figurine still has three points of fire, not to mention that Dong Xuebin was really angered this time. Hey, I saved so many fires to the West Branch before and after. Yesterday, because of a conflict with Yan Lei, I forgot all my previous credits, not only gave Yan Lei a Sweet head, and in turn, beat me? Isn’t he so disgusting? Ok, now I have difficulty and think of my Xiao Dong coming? What did you do early and went to the paralyzed fire? Leaders worry about me? But he has a sweet but not my own thing, no one remembers my good, now it is a fire, I still have to go to the ground to give you a break? Grass, I am sick.
Dong Xuebin is ready to pick a child, who loves to go, don't ask him to find me.
There is resentment on the one hand, and on the other hand, Dong Xuebin can't solve this problem. There is a group of princelings in the house. The background is one deeper than the one. Laozi is more than a cow. Hey, you can move your mouth. The handle is untied and the fart is out of the branch? This is not a nonsense.
After a while, Dong Xuebin felt that this was not the right thing. Now all the leaders and staff members of the west branch of the city are waiting for themselves. If they are not tempered, they will offend everyone and they will be deceived. If there is no overall situation, then again, Dong Xuebin is only disgusted with the Secretary’s handling of this matter, but he is not dissatisfied with other people. In any case, he has also come.
Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin quickly took his pants and walked away.
Yan Lei over there has returned to the gate.
The director and Xu Yan and others looked at him. "Xiao Dong? Why didn't you find it?"
"Found it." Yan Lei said with a temper: "He is in the bathroom. I told him that the leaders are waiting for him. There is something for him to solve, but he can't take the shelf."
Not coming? Everyone’s face has changed
Director Xiao Dong must have been tempered. In order not to give him a place to visit, he gave Yan Lei the thing, but this is too much of a big picture. When is the face of the public secretary? When is the face of all leaders?
Xu Yan took a moment and immediately picked up the phone and called Dong Xuebin. But the phone was not answered.
The angry Xu Yan played three times. At this time, she saw Dong Xuebin, who appeared at the entrance of the main building of the branch. Xiao Dong was rushing to run here.
Zhai Anguo was angered by the shelf of Dong Xuebin. "Director Dong is really big enough for you."
Seeing everyone staring at themselves, Dong Xuebin said, "Hey, what is my shelf?"
Xu Yanxi said: "How come you come now?"
Dong Xuebin was arrogant and arrogant: "I have a stomachache, and the toilet is large. When the secretary asked me, I was just half finished. When I heard the leader looking for me, I quickly wiped my and put on my pants and washed my hands. Then I ran over, I didn’t dare to delay for a second, Xu, co-author, can’t I go out without mentioning my pants?

As soon as I heard this, Xu Yan looked at Yan Lei with a brush. "Strict secretary, what can you do casually?"
Yan Lei thought that Dong Xuebin had to go through five or six minutes or simply didn't come. I didn't expect him to arrive so soon, but since he had already said it, Yan Lei certainly couldn't change it, so he said hard: "I When I called Dong Xuebin, he pushed the block and didn’t follow me. He also took me a meal."
Dong Xuebin said: "I haven't rubbed your big yet. You are going to squat. I am leaving now. I am ready to wipe my butt. I haven't waited for me to wipe it. You can't stop you." The big hat will buckle me. I haven't waited for me to talk. Then I turned around. What can I do? I walked with you barely? The secretary didn't have you so much. You are so hearty."
Everyone knows that it is a misunderstanding of Director Xiao Dong. Also, the upper level is halfway up. How did people go with you at that time? It’s true that some strong people are hard.
Yan Lei was anxious. "You said..."
Dong Xuebin: "What do I say?"
"Enough" Xiao Anguo said: "Now is the time to talk about business"
Seeing that Angguo arrived at this time, he still guarded Yan Lei. Xu Yan finally couldn’t help it. He looked at Yan Lei for three or four seconds with a sullen face. Finally, he moved his eyes to the face of Dong Xuebin. You should have heard it in the morning, as long as you can ask the students in the house to leave the city west branch within five minutes, not letting things go awry, then I will give you an account of some things that happened yesterday and today. Anyone who Yan said was understandable. It was the conflict between Yan Secretary and Director Xiao Dong.
Wen Yan, Dong Xuebin was very moved, Xu Bureau was really interesting. He remembered to ask for a fairness.
One of the 甄安国愕, I did not expect Xu Yan to say so.
Several leaders around me were also secretly surprised. What is Xu Yan doing? For the director Xiao Dong actually fired at the director of the bureau?
Are your recent relationships not very close?
Xu Yan relied on the director, but he did not abandon the kind of dignity and abandon the personality. Xu Yan also had a face, Xu Yan also had a temper, and your secretary’s secretary repeatedly provoked me, and your secretary is not only one. The bowl is flat, and it is obviously biased to Yan Lei. This makes Xu Yan feel very uncomfortable. Hey, Xiao Dong and Yan Lei have conflicts. If you don’t know much about the situation, you think it’s Xiao Dong’s fault. Knocked him, now the branch has caused a curse, something happened, but you think of Xiao Dong's good? Do you have anything to do?
However, Xu Yan obviously did not want to worry about the stagnation of the Ang'an country, so he turned his head and said: "Hey, Secretary Xiao Dong can do this beautifully. I want to talk to you about some problems."
When Zhao Anguo heard Xu Yan’s words, the first reaction was that his handling of Xiao Dong’s and Yan Lei’s problems might be a bit hastily yesterday, so Xu Yan’s thoughts were there, and things didn’t seem to be just that Xiao Dong had no reason to put Yan Lei. It’s awkward, otherwise Xu Yan’s short-term protection will not be like this. It seems that there are still some reasons that I don’t know. When I think of it, Yan’an looked at Yan Lei and said,
Other things will be said later. Secretary Jiang’s call will arrive in five minutes. Xiao Dong, within five minutes, can you save this fire?

Dong Xuebin said that I can save a fart. You can see me too much, but the leadership has said this. Dong Xuebin can only bite his teeth: "...I try my best." He said in his heart, I I don’t try my best for you, I’m for Xu.
"Good" Guoan National Road: "Go"
Xu Yan patted Dong Xuebin's shoulder with confidence.
At this moment, Cheng Haimei Pang Bin and other leaders, Guo Panwei, Tan Limei, Chang Juan, and other members of the team are looking at Dong Xuebin. A lot of people don't believe that Director Xiao Dong can smoothly take this gang of princelings away. Guy's business is not the same as the previous fires. A bunch of words can't be heard and are in rebellion. The students in the period are all in a deep background. Unless they are from their families, who can hold them? Director Xiao Dong is not successful, but everyone has to admit that Director Xiao Dong is not an ordinary person. Every incident seems impossible to solve, but what about the end? Director Xiao Dong was successfully completed again and again.
Stress, full of pressure is under the body.
Dong Xuebin’s heart is not smiling, but he’s going to the hut step by step. Of course, he also wants Lili to settle down and solve the problem. He was just thrown into a big face by Zhai Anguo. He was repeatedly found by Yan Lei several times. This performance is the best chance for Dong Xuebin to turn over. Of course, this means If you can do it, the problem is... he didn’t think about it.
Xu Yan went to talk, and Cheng Haimei went to talk, and Yan Anguo also went to talk.
But what about the princelings? Whose face does not give himself if it goes in, it will not work.
When I walked to the door, Dong Xuebin thought that his K had accumulated a lot during the New Year. When his eyes moved, he wanted to come up with a trick. If he didn’t listen to it, then simply give it to the gang. Let’s make a point, let’s be hard. You’ve been guilty of a few small squats at the door of our unit. Now that you have come up with such a big thing, is this too arrogant?
At this time, I only listened to the children in the room talking.
"The sister of Guo'an who looked at Liu Wei is really good. Today, she must send her phone number."
"Rely, you are not allowed to mix, no one should rob me, oh, of course, except for Haoge."
"Cut, there are so many women in Haoge, still care about you?"
Dong Xuebin smashed a lot of fire in the past two days. This sound, the fire suddenly moved to the small scorpions in the house.
Do you still want to pick up a girl at this time? Anxious to find death
The pace of getting faster and faster, the faster and faster, Dong Xuebin came to the door of the house in the blink of an eye, but when everyone in the branch looked at the problem of how to solve the problem, Director Xiao Dong actually raised it. Feet, the one that touched under the gaze of the people slammed the door open. "Where is the country of Guoan, he is going to rush to the wild, what are you doing? Ah? I want you to do what you want."
The people outside are all stunned. I am not doing this. What do you want to do, Director Xiao Dong?
Several students in the house were also embarrassed. "...the grass dare to marry us? You are dying."
Dong Xuebin, who is in the body of K, still manages them. The girl who pointed at the face and pointed at them was a skunk, and sprinkled all the fires of these two days. "Not good, he gave me a place to go to school and run our country." Are you licking your dog's eyes and taking your old man's pressure? They are enough for cattle B. Since you are not afraid of shame, we are not afraid to call your family members immediately to let them come. I tell you that if your family members are not here today, we will not Letting people want to lose people, let your aunt come over to accompany you to see who their son is."
The man named Liu Wei was so overwhelmed by the people. When he jumped up, he jumped up and kicked Dong Xiangbin. However, due to the relationship between the handkerchiefs, this foot was not enough. The grass is abolished
Several boys are angry
Dong Xuebin looked at them coldly, but his eyes swept away and suddenly fell on a boy. This person was different from other students. He didn't keep his head half-faced as if hiding something. Dong Xuebin, this person... a little familiar, pointing at him: "What face do you take off?"
A boy who is away from Dong Xuebin’s nearest fifteenth school uniform will not do it.
Dare to swear with me, my brother, he killed you.
He rushed up. His position is closest to Dong Xuebin, and he is barely able to make God. I kicked Dong Xuebin, so I started to raise my hand.
Dong Xuebin was about to step back to hide. Who knows that the figure on the side of the body flashed, and the boy who had just squinted was actually over, and actually turned the boy in the fifteenth. A few people are all stunned, and I don’t understand what it means to be. The boy named Hao Ge was furious: "He gave me a bright spot." He pointed to Dong Xuebin: "Who are you going to kill? Ah? Is this my brother, my brother knows?"
This person is actually Xie Hao, the younger brother of Xie Huilan.
A few boys were all scared of a spirit, "Hey, Hao Ge, we don't know."
Xie Hao looked at Dong Xuebin and coughed with a sullen face. "Dong Ge, are you also a city west branch? This, misunderstanding, is a misunderstanding, I don't know if you work here, if you know, kill me will not come. what."
Seeing him is, Dong Xuebin stunned, and the fire came up again. "The grassland is the head of your kid. You are brave enough to go to the Guoan branch to make trouble? What are you doing? You have to go crazy. No? Your family will pay you tuition for you to eat and drink for you to go to school for? Ah? You just reward them? Are you not waiting for family members? Don’t you want to make things big? Xue Bin took out his mobile phone when he reached into his pocket.
Xie Hao was frightened and hurriedly grabbed Dong Xuebin's arm. "Dong Ge, you are my brother, don't call my sister, don't." Xie Hao just didn't give it to the family. Calling for help, he thought that there were enough calls from those friends. Xie Hao couldn’t let Xie Huilan know about this. Let the old sister know that she didn’t go to school and ran to Guoan to pick up the girl. Then I will wait for death. .
Dong Xuebin said: "Don't call my brother who is your brother."
Xie Hao cried and said: "Dong Ge, you are not my brother who is my brother." Then turned his head and said: "I will call Dong Ge later."
Liu Wei and a few boys listened to this person even Hao Ge’s sister Xie Huilan knew, and suddenly there was no temper. Who is Xie Hao’s family, they can’t be clear.
"Dong Ge..."
"Dong Ge, just can't help but offend you..."
"Dong Ge, I just owed it, I don't know Taishan."
Dong Xuebin’s heart was amazed. I didn’t expect this Xie Hao’s words to be so good. How many people still listened to him? Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin said with a slap in the face: "Don't want your sister to know? You also understand that you are doing something that you don't show your face. Understand why it is so annoying to our unit. Do you know that you don't know? You give me a mess. Do you know if you are out of trouble? Ah?"
Xie Hao smiled bitterly: "We didn't think that things were too big, just remember to take them and let them worry."
Dong Xuebin touched the ground next to a table where he put the paper. "Do you know what department I am? I am the deputy director of the comprehensive office. The matter is to handle your affairs. We are responsible for you. This is taking me. You are giving I am roasting fire"
"Dong Ge, I am really wrong." Xie Haotian is not afraid of fear, but he is afraid of his sister. If the old sister knows that she has gone to the unit of her savior, she also made Dongge very difficult. One hundred will not have good fruit to eat.
Dong Xuebin took a breath and looked at Xie Hao, slowly taking his mobile phone into his pocket.
Xie Hao immediately opened his eyes and smiled: "Dong Ge, don't tell my sister after this, can't you? Isn't it?"
Dong Xuebin did not agree, and smashed his wrist, "I still don't handle it."
Xie Haoyi promised to open the lock from the ground, and then said to several of his friends: "Wait, wait for the lock to leave, don't let my Dong brother get into trouble."
A few people all took Xie Hao's first look and heard, and they all slammed the keys to unlock them.
In the branch courtyard, everyone is anxiously waiting.
Everyone is not close, and the door is closed. No one knows the situation in the hut. I only know that when the director of the small director went in, he took all the princelings and stunned them. It’s too late to politely ask people to go. How can Director Xiao Dong come up and swear, how can this solve the contradiction? This is to aggravate the contradiction. Director Xiao Dong still suspects that things are not chaotic? Still not too big a thing?
A minute has passed...
Two minutes passed...
Yan Lei whispered in the side of the 甄安国: "Hey, Secretary, Xiao Dong's way of working is too arrogant, how can he open his mouth? How to solve the problem?" It is not Yan Lei who thinks so, see Xiao Dong, director Everyone thinks so.
Zhao Anguo frequently watched the watch, and the time limit of 20 minutes from Director Jiang has arrived.
See the cabin door is closed, everyone, look at me, I see you, my heart is finished.
Director Xiao Dong must have no time waiting for Director Jiang to be angry.
But at this moment, the small house behind the communication room slammed open the door, and Dong Xuebin walked out from inside.
Zhai Anguo, Xu Yan, Cheng Haimei, Tan Limei, Chang Juan and others all looked at the past. Seeing Director Xiao Dong was alone. Everyone sighed with a deep sigh. Also, this princeling party has no reason at all. Let them obey the handcuffs? Let them go out of the branch honestly? This is not realistic from the beginning.
Yan Lei sneered, firefighters? Any difficulties can be made? Finally, there are things you can't solve.
The people who pin their hopes on Director Xiao Dong can’t help but be disappointed.
...Director Dong, inside...

But when someone just wants to say something, the next moment, everyone sees a scene that makes them stunned.
After the director Xiao Dong came out of a student, and then came out one more, and then came out one, but for a moment, the six princelings had come out one after another, and the wrists were clean. Where are the handcuffs? Just when everyone still squinted and didn’t understand what was going on, another scene that almost fainted everyone happened.
Xie Haoyang smiled and said: "Dong Ge, I am sorry for it today."
Liu Wei also said: "Dong Ge, then let's go back?"
Another person called Xiao Qian: "Don brother, don't send it, let's go."
Dong Xuebin said that he wants to send you, look at them, um, whispered: "Hurry back to school, nothing to do, don't talk to the outside, study hard, get the academic results, is it the key?"
Xie Hao said to a few friends: "I heard that Dong Ge said that I should give me a serious job in the afternoon."
Liu Wei smiled bitterly: "Dong Ge, we know."
Xiao Qiandao: "Well, I will review my homework at night."
Xie Hao smiled, "I also study hard every day."
"Okay." Dong Xuebin waved his hand. "Go back, remember to call your family to report peace."
"Hey, know"
"Dong Ge, we are gone"
"Don brother goodbye"
Seeing several people broke out of the branch office, Dong Xuebin turned around and walked toward the leaders. "Yu, the political commissar, Xu, director Pang, the leaders have done the right thing, you have a few What is it?"
The people in the West Branch of the City have one count, and he has been dumbfounded.
No one would have thought that those princelings who did not eat hard, did not even buy the Secretary and the political commissar, even after the director Xiao Xiao entered the house, suddenly came a 180-degree turn, not only a bite. A Dong brother called this kind, even a little princeling’s shelf was gone, they were just picking up girls at the door of the branch... they kept asking him to study hard every day.
I am going to your uncle.
This transformation is too big for him?
For a moment, everyone’s incredible eyes were all stared at Dong Xuebin.
It’s true that he’s so god, he’s gone to his house.
No one knows how Xiao Dong’s director did No one knows what he said to the princelings. Even if Guanyin Bodhisattva came into the world, it’s impossible to put a group in a few minutes. The hooligan who just yelled and yelled instantly became a group of three good young people who should study hard every day.
Everyone looked at each other, stunned, horrified, speechless, shocked...
This is the director of the West Branch of the West Branch.
This is the director of Xiao Dong who is omnipotent.
It’s true that he has sinned the door. Why do you say that no one can solve the problem?
[10,000 words big chapter, urgently ask for a monthly ticket]
[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]
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