Chapter 152: [Magic! 】

Chapter 152 [Magic! 】(Seeking a monthly ticket!)
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Dong Xuebin, who was very worried, took the bag and got off work in advance.
This is the first time that Dong Xuebin has retired. It is really a matter of unbearable feelings in this heart.
Leadership is always somewhat privileged, but the leadership of the comprehensive office is rather special. Because of the large logistics of the branch, the above leaders may call to arrange tasks at any time. If you leave, who is the leader? This is not a leisurely department of the Political Department and the Discipline Inspection Commission. There are not a few comprehensive leaders who dare to leave work early, and it is so early in advance that this will leave a bad impression on the leadership. However, the early leaver is Director Xiao Dong, then this has to be said separately. The reason is that there is no reason, because the people are directors of Xiao Dong, so even if it is the Secretary, it is impossible to say anything.
When I walked to the station, Dong Xuebin pondered his eyebrows. If he wanted to jump directly from the national security system to the public security system, it was a bit difficult to operate. The relationship between Dong Xuebin and the leaders of the bureau was okay, but also because of his merits, but because of I have made too much credit for myself, Xu Yan or Yi Anguo, I am afraid that I will not be willing to let go, naturally will not help myself to move to the public security system, I can only find someone else to do this.
Who are you looking for?
I don’t have to think about it. The only person that Dong Xuebin knows has energy to do this. There is only one Xie Huilan.
Yes, no one except Xie Huilan can do it. It is not a simple change of a department, but a system. I am afraid that even if the Secretary and Xu Yan want to help themselves, it seems that they can do nothing. They do not have this energy. Only Xie Huilan can. That time, I went to eat with the Wangfu. Feng Xueliang, the director of the Public Security Bureau of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, took the initiative to say hello to Xie. If there is a force from Director Feng, Dong Xuebin’s transfer should not be a problem.
Who is looking for help, but how to open it has become a problem.
Dong Xuebin saved Xie Huilan's life. If there is nothing else, he immediately called Xie Huilan directly. Where can I use it? Can be biased, there is a piece of stockings in the middle of the episode, I took her stockings to do something unsatisfactory, and was also known by Xie Jie, this time, Dong Xuebin is really difficult to do, always feel that Xie Huilan is asking for help. If you do, it is a bit open.
Thinking about it, Dong Xuebin called Xie Hao's phone. "Hey, Xiaohao, have you finished your class?"
Xie Hao at the end of the mobile phone was excited. "Dong Ge, are you going to fight? No problem, where are you going to take people?"
The last time I agreed, I didn’t expect him to take it seriously. Dong Xuebin said without a word: "What do you know every day? Do you know how to fight and let your sister know that you are still not dying?" Hearing that head came to Xie Hao embarrassedly Laughter, Dong Xuebin said: "Cough, I am looking for you something, if you are out of school, the trick is about a place."
"No problem, Dong Ge, where are you, I am looking for you."
"On the North Latitude Road, it is close to your school."
When I made an appointment, Dong Xuebin took a taxi to the other side. Last time, Dong Xuebin did not tell Xie Huilan about Guo’an’s troubles. Xie Hao made several phone calls to express his gratitude. On the fifteenth day, he sent a blessing message. After this incident, Dong Xuebin and his relationship were close to many. .
North latitude T-junction.
Xie Haojun, a school uniform, smoked on the side of the road.
Dong Xuebin checked out the taxi. When he frowned, he wanted to educate him not to smoke. But when he thought about it, he was not a parent. He did not like to listen to the old people. So when he came to his mouth, he swallowed again. "Xiao Hao, wait a long time?"
"Hey, Dong Ge is coming." Xie Hao stood up and stepped on the cigarette butt. "I have just arrived."
"You are not absent from class? When I passed by, there was no one at the entrance to Yucai Middle School."
Xie Hao smiled. "Dong Ge has something to look for. Of course, I have to come as soon as possible. What are the two classes in one class?"
"You." Dong Xuebin shook his head and smiled: "In fact, there is nothing big, um, I just want to ask you to inquire about your sister, cough, you are blind, go, let's walk and say." Turning around like Dong, see Xie Hao's face suspicious, Dong Xuebin coughed: "Xiao Hao, Xie is the chief of her... Is there anything I like? Is it the kind that she must be particularly happy after she has been sent to her." Xue Bin is planning to give Xie Huilan a gift, send a gift she is satisfied with, and then ask her for help through the atmosphere, which may ease the embarrassment caused by the stockings incident. But the gift is not easy to choose, but it must be Xie Huilan's favorite, and can't exceed two thousand dollars.
Xie Hao blinked. "My sister seems to like antique collections."
This Dong Xuebin knows, but it is too expensive, Xie Jie will not accept, "... Is there still?"
"And...and..." Xie Hao thought for a moment. "Right, she recently likes to watch the magic show."
Become magic? Khan, I don’t have time to learn temporarily. "...Is there still?"
Xie Hao suddenly called me x, "Dong Ge, do you want to give my sister a gift for her?"
Dong Xuebin’s face squinted and nodded slightly.
Cough, forget it.

"Hey, then you are not doing this. My sister's life is saved by you. If you have something, she may not help you? What gift is it?" Xie Hao took out his mobile phone from his pocket. "I give it to my sister." Call"
Dong Xuebin quickly stopped him. "Don't, this is hard to say. If you forget it, I will talk to Mr. Xie again."
Xie Hao is very enthusiastic. "Dong Ge, you are too polite, this is not easy to open, you have to, or I will call my sister to ask her out, let's have a meal, and now it is almost ready to eat. Baby, when you have finished eating, you have to say something, don't say pull down, I don't care, what?"
Dong Xuebin thought for a moment, "...well, Xiaohao, thank you."
"Hey, what are you polite with me, I have already said it, you saved my sister, that is, saved me, you will be my brother in the future." Xie Hao took the number on his mobile phone, "...hey, Sister, I just met Dong Ge. We are looking for a place to eat. You are coming... What? He went to see you again... No, I told Dongge well... He is looking for you to eat? Then where are you booking, I have to go with Dong Ge... I will eat in a down-to-earth manner, really no trouble... well... well... then we will come, sister, you hang Line it."
Seeing that he had put away his mobile phone, Dong Xuebin said: "Is there anyone else to thank the Director for dinner?"
Xie Hao said: "A person named Wei Nan, his father Wei Shushu has a good relationship with our family. The father of our family always wanted to match Wei Nan and my sister. Wei Shushu, I admire, people are a medical The big boss of the equipment industry has a family and a high quality. But Wei Nan... cut, I don’t see him, but I deserve to be my sister. My sister can’t look at him, if it’s not my grandfather. Thinking of marriage and a business-oriented family, Wei Nan was not chosen. I killed him early."
Wei Nan? This name is a bit familiar?
Dong Xuebin listened to Xie Hao and said: "Your sister is not very good at the officialdom. It is less than 30. I am looking for a person in the system."
Xie Haodao: "Who said it is not, my sister also thinks this way, but my grandfather is not optimistic about my sister's politics, saying that my sister is a woman's house, how she is doing, my grandfather is at home. That kind of person can't violate his meaning, so it is not easy for my sister to be dragged to the present and not married, but this time my grandfather moved the real thing, my sister and this Wei Nan, I don't know how to do it.

Dong Xuebin secretly expressed feelings that in Xie’s family with background, many things are involuntarily lost. No wonder Xie Huilan is still not married until she is 30. It turns out that she does not want to listen to her family and marry a business family. I want to find someone in the system. Hey, there are people in this family who have a hard time.
I heard that Xie Huilan may have to marry. Dong Xuebin is very uncomfortable in his heart. This kind of discomfort has reached an unprecedented height after seeing Wei Nan.
In front of the Maxim restaurant.
Xie Hao love replied with a man with long hair, "Sister, Wei Ge." Xie Huilan is here, he dare not make it.
Wei Nan smiled and nodded to him. "Xiao Hao is coming, is this?" Looking at Dong Xuebin, he felt familiar.
Dong Xuebin was a vengeful person, so he recognized him at a glance. Wei Nan was actually the one who was late in the auction of pearls at the Bohai auction, and he and the group of friends. I want to take Dong Xuebin away from the seat, and then they sit. As a result, Dong Xuebin did not agree. Several people still clashed with each other. It’s true that he is a narrow road. What does Xie’s grandfather want her to marry?
Dong Xuebin is a fire. He is very admired by Xie Huilan. The man’s careful thoughts are on his knees. Of course he does not want Xie Huilan to marry, and he does not want her to marry Wei Nan. But how many fires have to be suppressed, and the central leadership of the people can be there. Dong Xuebin can't leave a bad impression on her. He looks at Wei Nan and smiles. "Fortunately, fortunately, how about the pearl necklace? ?"
When listening to the pearl necklace, Wei Nan remembered who he was. After a moment, Wei Nan smiled. "It turned out to be you, I said that I was familiar with it."
Xie Hao snorted.
Xie Huilan Xu was just off work, still wearing a black-colored lady's suit, very capable, very majestic, she smiled dignifiedly, "Xiao Dong, Wei Nan, do you know?"
Wei Nan and Xie Huilan stood very close. "Well, the string of pearl necklaces that sent the aunt, this friend also competed at the auction house."
Dong Xuebin said: "Yes, the seats are also vying."
Wei Nan glanced at Dong Xuebin and his pupil gradually became cold.
Xie Huilan’s eyes glanced at Xiao Dong, Wei Nan, and smiled:
When I enter the restaurant, is it good?

Xie Hao also saw that Dong Ge and Wei Nan had an unpleasant surprise. Before entering the restaurant, they deliberately squatted in Dong Xuebin’s ear:
Is Wei’s name not to be seen? I’m not pleasing to the eye

Dong Xuebin smiled and everyone went into the restaurant together.
This kind of high-end western restaurant is generally required to wear formal attire. Dong Xuebin is okay. Even if he is not wearing a suit, he is wearing a jacket. However, Xie Hao, who just came out of school, is a school uniform. He looks at the opposite customer’s uniform, and Xie Hao is not a one. When I went back, I walked to the front and didn't use the waiter. He opened two chairs. "Sister, Dong Ge, you both sit."
The smile of Xie Huilan's lips is slightly cold.
Xie Hao coughed and reluctantly gave Wei Nan a chair.
After everyone sat down to finish the meal, Wei Nan smiled and said: "Xiao Dong, I just listened to her on the road with Huilan driving. That time, Huilan accidentally fell into the water. Did you save her?" Oh, then I really have to thank you. If you come late, Huilan can..."
A Huilan called Dong Xuebin to blaze again, and there was a sentence from Xiao Dong who didn’t like to listen. It is true that Wei Nan’s age is 30 years old, much bigger than Dong Xuebin, but with the unit, Dong Xue Bin’s men are almost sixty years old. He also used the 30-year-old as his peers. The people in the branch saw himself. Whoever dared to call himself Xiao Dong? Pang Bin, director of the Political Department, met him and he had to call Director Dong. What did you Wei Nan call me Xiao Dong?
Xie Hao didn't know that Dong Xuebin was unhappy, but when he saw him like this, he and his enemies said: "No thanks, my sister and I have already thanked Dong Ge." .
Wei Nan licked the sleeves and said: "Of course, thank you, I am getting engaged with Huilan, if it is not Xiao Dong, hehe..."
Get engaged soon? Dong Xuebin was disgusted, paralyzed
Xie Hao also almost broke his mouth. He really didn't want Wei Nan to be his brother-in-law. At least he had to be a handsome, professional and talented person in the hall. When he listened to the engagement, Xie Hao said yin and yang: "Yes, if so If you say that, then you really have to thank me Dong Ge, if my Dong brother did artificial respiration to my sister, we will not see my sister." He became disgusting.
I went to Dong Xuebin and almost fainted. What kind of artificial respiration did your kid ask?
Wei Nan's hand holding the goblet trembled in vain, stunned, and his face sank with artificial respiration? Artificial respiration? For a moment, Wei Nan seems to have eaten a hundred flies, and he is disgusting. On the day when Xie Huilan’s mother’s pearl necklace was sent, Xie’s mother was happy, and she revealed a few words about Huilan’s childhood. I didn't talk about the object, let Wei Nan cherish it. Wei Nan understands that Xie Huilan not only did not let the man go, but even even the first kiss is there. For this matter, Wei Nan’s pursuit of Xie Huilan’s mood is even higher, but no I thought that just after a few days, I heard the word he didn’t want to hear. The artificial respiration was not Volunteer, but they also kissed each other.
Xie Huilan’s eyes suddenly slammed,
... Xiaohao, is the steak delicious?

Xie Hao coughed, knowing his own words and angering his old sister, he would not dare to say it.
Dong Xuebin is also uneasy. He also wants to be disgusting and disgusting. Wei Nan is so embarrassed, but how can artificial respirators mention it? Don’t let Xie sister think of the stockings incident, I still want to ask her for help.
The atmosphere is stiff.
A few seconds later, Xie Huilan smiled and licked the sleeves and made the goblet in her hand in an elegant posture. "Chateau–Le-n, the 1990 vintage sleeve wine of the French Li Peng Manor, this wine I have only seen it once at the auction. Is it brought from home? Oh, I have a salary of two or three months on this meal. Wei Nan, after that, it’s simpler, home cooking is good. Otherwise, I don't dare to eat with you, okay?"
Wei Nan cleaned up his mind and sighed. "Whenever I go, I will listen to you." Xie Huilan’s speech is always so strong, whether in front of a colleague or in front of a friend, this kind of official prestige makes Wei Nan want to be engaged with her. The people who have been unable to adapt, this does not, involuntarily followed the pace of Xie Huilan, as if he is a subordinate of Xie Huilan. Wei Nan likes Xie Huilan's place. I don't like this. I can't help it. Wei Nan's father is indeed a lot of prestige in the business world. It can be compared with Xie Huilan's family. It is too far away. It’s not too much. If it’s not the Xie’s father who has a good personal relationship with his father, Xie Lao suddenly wants to marry a commercial family. This kind of beauty with Xie’s family is not enough, so even if he is not feeling well, Wei Nan also Had to follow the pace of Xie Huilan.
With the topic, the atmosphere on the table gradually warmed up again. Xie Huilan took the lead in talking about sleeve wine, and she seemed to have a lot of research on this.
After the meal, the waiter started to dessert.
After eating, Xie Huilan picked up the napkin and touched her lips and smiled. "Xiao Dong, is there something?"
Khan, or you can’t thank Xie. But considering the current atmosphere, Dong Xuebin certainly can't say it, but it's fine.
Wei Nan's cold eyes swept Dong Xuebin, and then slowly turned soft, watching Xie Huilan, "Hui Lan, I booked a private room, let's go to the movies?"
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "Look at a movie. You don't have to call my mother in the future?"
Wei Nan smiled, he was afraid that Xie Huilan would not give face, so she told her in advance.
Xie Huilan looked at the watch and said: "Well, I still have an hour and a half. I have work to do at night. The movie may not be finished. If I leave the room, isn’t it what I think of you? Hehe..."
Wei Nan said: "It doesn't matter, work is important."
Dong Xuebin heard that it was a movie and a private room. He was not happy in his heart, but his identity was there, and there was no way to speak at this time.
"Don't, I have a relationship here." Xie Hao did not do it. He also remembered to help Dong brother. "Sister, you have to go with me today. I have a few math problems there. You have to help." I said."
Xie Huilan smiled. "When did you change your face?"
Xie Haodao: "You are not letting me study hard, can't I?"
Xie Huilan, Xie Hao, and Dong Xiangbin, "... change the day, okay?"
Wei Nan interjected: "Xiao Hao, let Xiao Dong tell you, the movie is about to start."
Xie Hao is a little angry. "Is it important to watch a movie or learn important? My Dong brother is not good at mathematics. I have to come to my sister. Sister, you can't do it."
Dong Xuebin nodded secretly, this Xie Hao is still very cute.
Xie Huilan shook her head with a smile, no words, obviously it was a little embarrassing.
Wei Nan has been preparing for a long time today. Xie Huilan said that letting Xie Hao and his savior come together to eat, let Wei Nan feel very uncomfortable. This time, see Xie Hao three times twice against himself, and his brows smashed. I also looked at the lips of Xie Huilan’s sleeves, and the mood was even worse.
one second……
Two seconds...
Three seconds...
Xie Huilan suddenly smiled. "That way, I am more confused about magic. I have watched the magic show of this spring and evening. I watched it three times after replaying. Hehe, Wei Nan didn’t say that I prepared a phone when I called. Magic? My brother's magic has also become very good, or are you two better than one? Whose magic is good, whose magic is unreasonable, I will go with whom, so everyone does not have to be embarrassed, right "Is it right?" Xie Jie had already made an appointment with Wei Nan, but now she has changed her mouth. It is obviously biased towards Xie Hao. One is the problem of pro-disparity. Secondly, Xie Jie probably does not want to watch any movies.
However, Wei Nan smiled, "good"
Xie Hao stunned, "What's wrong? Wei Ge will also become magic? Drink, then I have to see and see."
"Oh, come first." Wei Nan also heard from Xie Hu that Xie Huilan likes magic, so in order to prepare one for today, I still want to give her a show in the cinema, so I want to see it. Can't kiss her, but since Xie Huilan can't watch the complete movie, it's not too bad to be in advance. This magic is very confident. It took a lot of money to learn from a third-rate magician.
"Well, then I will come first." Xie Hao pulled out a box of playing cards from his bag and smiled. He began to shuffle. "Sister, this magic is my new learning, so you can't guess." "The brush brushed the card, Xie Hao did not look at the card face, carrying the card toward Xie Huilan, the card was fanned out. "Sister, you just take a picture, don't show it to me, right, draw one." Zhang."
Xie Huilan smiled and pinched Zhang Fang’s five out.
Xie Hao reached out and took the card back. "Yes, this is it? I didn't see the card." Then he put the card back, shuffled the cards, shuffled the cards, and handed them to Xie Huilan, "Sister. I am sure you don't feel relieved when you wash, you wash, and you want to wash it."
Xie Huilan began to shuffle, "...well."
"Well, now I will find out the one you just selected, hey, don't believe it? Hey, you." Xie Hao proudly took the card and didn't open it. Look at the opposite side of the card. At the beginning of the table, brushing, and after throwing away about a dozen cards, Xie Hao suddenly stopped, and opened the card in his hand: "Look at this is not the case" Zhang Fang tablets five.
Dong Xuebin certainly hopes that Xie Hao won, and people are helping themselves, so they immediately called "good."
But at this time, Wei Nan spoke. "Oh, you didn't look at the time when you picked up the cards from Huilan, but the fingernails made a mark on the back of the card?" I took the square piece, and sure enough, There is a nail print on it, "so you can see which card Huilan chose from the back."
Dong Xuebin sighed in his heart, and there are still two things in this.
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "It turns out."
Xie Hao, who was dismantled, was a little angry and angry. "Then you come, I see what you can change."
Wei Nan smiled confidently, sitting in the chair and turned slightly, facing Xie Huilan, and then pulled a black handkerchief in the pocket of her shirt. It was quite long. "Look clearly, I only have a handkerchief in my hand. What? Didn't you?" He shook with his handkerchief and saw Xie Huilan nodded with interest. Wei Nan smiled and held the handkerchief in his hand. He suddenly shook his wrist and brushed it. The rose actually appeared in his hands without warning.
Xie Huilan snorted.
Xie Hao also groaned, "...who are you hiding the flowers?"
Dong Xuebin knows that the flower must have been hidden in advance, or it will not come out of nowhere, but he did not see it, but he did not call it magic.
Wei Nan smiled and handed the sleeves to the rose. "Hui Lan, send you."
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "Interesting, this is interesting. I can often see it on TV, but I haven't figured out how people have changed. Oh, it's an eye-opener today." A voice, Xie Huilan said: "Okay, Xiaohao You should be convinced, watch the movie, but after reading it, you will tell me how this magic changed, okay?"
Dong Xuebin stared at Wei Nan to see, grass, let this out of the limelight. Xie sister seems to really like magic.
Xie Hao, who lost his face, "waits," is mad at death. "Sister, who do you say that the magic is getting better? Who has to go? My Dong brother has not changed yet." Xie Haoman is looking forward to see Dong Xuebin, "Dong Ge You come one"
Dong Xuebin is dizzy, he wants to change, but he will be a magic.
A look at Dong Xuebin's appearance Xie Huilan and Wei Nan understand, smiled and stood up to leave.
"Wait, etc." Xie Hao did not do it, his eyes turned and suddenly pointed to the table next to them. There was a man and a woman sitting on the table. About 30 years old, it should be a pair of lovers, and their meal has ended. There is a bunch of roses on the tablecloth, and a small box, very delicate, holding the packaging, "On that box, Dong Ge, you guess what is in the box, guess that my sister will go with you."
Wei Nan frowned: "Xiao Hao, I can tell you without Xiao Dong, the diamond ring in the box."
Dong Xuebin also knows that Xie Hao is looking for steps, so a box, in addition to the diamond ring can not be loaded with anything else, it must be the man's preparation for the woman's proposal.
Xie Huilan smiled lightly. "There is definitely a diamond ring in the box. This is also called magic. This is called reasoning."
Xie Hao was so depressed that he couldn’t speak.
Suddenly, Dong Xuebin indulged in a moment and smiled. "In fact, there is not a diamond ring. It is a 1992 dollar coin, huh, huh."
Xie Huilan or Wei Nan, both of them did not take things seriously, smiled and packed up to go out.
Xie Hao whispered: "Dong Ge, I can do my best."
Dong Xuebin patted his shoulder. "Thank you."
A few people stood up and were about to leave. A man and a woman on the table suddenly spoke. The man gently unpacked the outer box of the small box, revealing a small wooden box inside, and immediately smiled at the woman: "Remember how do we know each other?" Seeing a woman's face suspicious, the man smiled and said: "A few years ago, at the top of the road, my things fell, you helped me pick up, our fate is also It is from there, if there is no such thing, we will not go to today. I have saved this thing for five years, for five years. Today, I want to give it to you for safekeeping. This is the testimony of our love. ""
Xie Huilan and Wei Nan arbitrarily went over there, Xie Hao also looked at the past.
Only Dong Xuebin didn't look at it, and he smiled and didn't speak.
Under the watchful eyes of many people, the man opened the box and suddenly, a silver flashed through
The overhead chandelier shines down. The box is not a diamond ring, not an earring, nor a necklace. It is inside... It’s a silvery one dollar coin.
Xie Huilan stunned
Wei Nan lived
Xie Hao also stunned
I remembered that Dong Ge’s sentence seemed to be a joke a dozen seconds ago. Xie Hao couldn’t believe his eyes. For three seconds, he blurted away:
What time was your coin?

The man was shocked and didn't understand how the group of people was surprised. "What are you doing in the age? I forgot." Frowning, or looking down at the coin, he didn't know the coin. When was it made? After reading it, the man turned to a few people: "What happened in 1992?"
A simple number has shocked Xie Hao Wei Nan and others.
Xie Hao immediately shouted: "I am really a dollar coin in 1992."
Xie Huilan and Wei Nan took a breath of cold air and stared at Dong Xuebin.
Xie Hao is going crazy, go up and grab the arm of Dong Xuebin. "Dong Ge, you are too god." Xie Huilan and Wei Nan are also a little unbelievable. The box has not been unpacked, and Dong Xuebin has never communicated with the man. However, it was completely the box that Xie Hao suddenly whispered casually, but who thought that even the owner of the box could not know the age of the coin, how did Dong Xuebin know that it was a dollar coin... and that it was What about him in 1992?
This is really too frivolous.
Out of the restaurant, Xie Hao at the door hurriedly said: "Dong Ge, let me quickly say how do you know?"
Dong Xuebin smiled. "Magic, some skills can never be revealed. I am sorry, I can't say it."
Xie Huilan’s eyes all smiled into a crescent, apparently being very happy by Dong Xuebin’s magic.
You will also become magic?

Dong Xuebin sweated a bit, "cough, will be a little, a little fur."
"It’s really an I’ve never seen such a wonderful magic show since I was a child, or even an impromptu magic show that I didn’t have at all. It’s even more difficult. Those performances in the spring evening. It’s not like you.
Xie Huilan smiled and looked back at Wei Nan.
Sorry, I can’t count the words that I said. Xiaodong’s magic is really amazing. Oh, it seems that I can only go with Xiao Dong today. Already?"
Wei Nan almost screamed out loud
What is magic? The magic is a trick, a blinding method
Dong Xuebin’s performance just now... Where can he call magic?
Dong Xuebin is certainly not a magic. In fact, after Xie Hao pointed out the box, Dong Xuebin used K to see the things inside.
[question for monthly ticket]

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