Chapter 156: [Love with Xie Jie? 】

In the courtyard. No ads~
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There are several white marble tables on the green turf. Xie Laozheng, who is in his 70s, plays chess with a 60-year-old man.
Looking at the general book that I have seen countless times on TV, Dong Xuebin is both nervous and excited, and I can’t believe my eyes. Dong Xuebin certainly knows that Xie Lao is not just the general book of the year. Remember, even today, the influence of the elderly on the Republic is absolutely outrageous. I dare not say that no one can do it right, but at least the top three figures in the Republic will definitely have a thank you.
He is the grandfather of Xie Huilan?
This is the background of Xie Huilan's sky? ?
"Haha, Lao Zhang, you are good at this move!" Xie Laojiao beard, raised his hand and fell.
The old man opposite: "Thank you, huh, huh, your chess is more and more exquisite."
Not far from Xie Huilan whispered: "When the old man plays chess, he doesn't like to be disturbed, Xiao Dong, let's go there and so on."
Xie Hao saw Dong brother a bit dumbfounded, could not help but laugh, "Dong Ge, don't look at my grandfather now retreat to the second line, don't look at him a bit old confused, but the energy is still very big, hey, just yesterday, the current one The head of the number also came to visit my grandfather. I heard my sister say that you want to work at the grassroots level. Hey, simple, that is what my grandfather said in one sentence, and you will be a thank you in the future."
Xie Huilan looked at his brother with a slap in the face. "How many times have you told me! Don't talk nonsense!"
Xie Hao spit the poison head.
Thank you? Dong Xuebin has a sweat and a sweat. There is a political place where there is a struggle. Where there is a struggle, there is a faction. In the branch, Dong Xuebin is a Xu Yan faction. It is often said that Xu is a man, but obviously Xu and Xie are not at all a level, one is limited to the branch, one is to the whole country. Talk? Wait! Thank you? Thank you? Dong Xuebin suddenly thinks from Xie Lao and Xie Huilan’s surname, that 啥The Beijing Municipal Party Committee said... It seems that it is also a thank you name? I rely on it! I rely on it! Isn't it?
Sitting down at a chess table in the distance, Dong Xuebin trembled with trepidation: "Xie, the city council Xie Shu said..." Xie Huilan sank, smiled, " my father."
Dong Xuebin’s heart hit the wall. I went there. The capital is the political center of the Republic. It is a municipality. The head of the capital is to be a member of the Politburo. It’s really a deputy national level. Is Xie Huilan's father? The former general secretary is actually the grandfather of Xie Huilan? No wonder she is so young to be the leader of the Central News Department News Bureau! With this background, you can make a and walk with Jingli! Dong Xuebin blinked at Xie Huilan and his face became awesome. He felt that he and she were really two worlds. Xie Jie’s uncle, Qi Gu, Ba Da, don’t know what the official is! What I saw may be just the tip of the iceberg of Xie’s forces!
For a time, Dong Xuebin’s admiration of Xie Huilan’s heart was deeper, and Xie’s sister did not rise up.
Over there, Xie Lao’s chess has not finished yet.
Xie Huilan saw, the lips evoke a smile. "Xiao Dong" You are not saying that your chess is very good? Come, idle is also idle, let's have the next set."
Xie Hao snorted, "Dong Ge is also a chess master? Is it too powerful? And what you won't?"
Dong Xuebin hurriedly said a word, playing chess, just to ease his nervous nerves, just to show Xie Huilan his superb chess. Hey, after setting the chess piece, Dong Xuebin said: "Ms. priority, thank you, please, please." The first hand certainly has a certain advantage. Dong Xuebin estimates that Xie Huilan’s chess skills are definitely far from their own, so I want to let She also intends to put water in the plate, so that Xie Huilan finally wins with a slight advantage, otherwise if she wins the leader, then there is no face in the family.
Xie Huilan smiled. "Okay, then I am not welcome." After that, he touched the chess piece and took a head shot.
Dong Xuebin thought about jumping without thinking.
Xie Huilan took another step and Dong Xuebin greeted him.
After going back and forth for more than a dozen rounds, Dong Xuebin’s expression gradually became dignified from a light and easy, and finally it was a stunned look, another dumbfounded!
A few minutes later, Xie Huilan smiled and fell for the last time. "General, hehe, it seems that I won?" Xie Hao coughed a scorpion. "So what, Dong Ge, you can't do it?" Xie Huilan smiled: "Xiao Dong is letting me." In fact, Dong Xuebin did his best. Xie Huilan and Xie Hao both can see that this is also to find a step for Xiao Dong to prevent him from being too ugly.
fifteen minutes!
It took only fifteen minutes for Xie Huilan to disarm the body of Dong Xuebin!
Dong Xuebin can't wait to kill him. "I am not like this? He is still pondering the release of water to let Xie Huilan, who wants to use up his full strength and was killed by Xie Jie! I am going! Too shame! I know that Xie Jie chess is so good! I also said what is good for playing chess?
Dong Xuebin’s chess is very good. He has been studying since elementary school. Of course, he only applied for extracurricular activities. He did not participate in formal training and competition. The extracurricular activities of junior high school Dong Xuebin also have chess. Although high school and university did not continue. Next, I can usually play chess with my classmates. Dong Xuebin has rarely lost, so I gradually cultivated confidence in the field of chess and always felt that I was invincible. Now think about it, the one who plays chess with himself is more than a layman. To tell the true master, Dong Xuebin has never handed it over!
Yes, now with the master, the level is immediately exposed!
It turns out that my level is so bad that I am at home!
"Xiao Dong, come back again?" Xie Huilan issued an invitation.
Still have a fart! Dong Xuebin bitterly said: "Xie, you are so high in chess, how can I be your opponent?"
Xie Huilan shook her head with a smile. "What is my level? I play chess with my grandfather. I can't win a game in ten sets. Even if I win, I am lucky. Oh, don't say my grandfather, Wei Nan's chess is better than me. some."
Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes. "Xie Lao is better than you?" No? Xie Jie has already met her highest hand, and such a high level can not win Xie Lao? Is Xie Jie just thinking about herself and I am embarrassed to win, so let the old man?
Xie Huilan’s eyes groaned.
Oh, I know what you are thinking, but I have never let my grandfather once, because the father does not need people to give it. He may not be able to enter the top ten with the chess level, but the top 100 There must be a place where the old man has a place." Seeing Dong Xuebin's a little disbelief, Xie Huilan sneaked up and thanked the old man, "You will not recognize who is playing chess with my grandfather?" Dong Xuebin Look at the past quickly, "Hey, some familiar."
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "It is Zhang Wanxu Zhang Grandpa, a chess master. He once had the best score in the country. He has won the National Chess Open Professional Team Championship, the Chess Masters Championship, the Fast Chess Championship, and the World Chess Competition. Wait a minute, don't look at Zhang Grandpa's 60s now, but the sword is not old, and the average professional player can't win him."
Dong Xuebin was reminded of this name. It turned out to be Master Zhang Wanxu!
Xie Hao answered: "My grandfather's level is not as good as Grandpa Zhang, but the two of them play 10 games, my grandfather can also win two games, Grandpa Zhang can win about four games, the rest are tied with chess, right Wei Nan is not my grandfather's opponent, but it is stronger than my sister. In ten innings, I can barely win my grandfather and two charms. It is also the case that Wei Nan lost his son. Hey, that guy, playing chess is really true. Ok." Dong Xuebin fainted, Xie Laoqie is so high? Khan, I heard that Xie Jie said that her grandfather likes to play chess well, but also remembers to play chess with the old man. Now... smack it, even the first domestic master Zhang lost from time to time. Thanks to the old two games, I am even more unplayed, don't be embarrassed!
"Xiao Dong, come back again." Xie Huilan put on the chess.
Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly, no way, had to bite his head.
This academically, Dong Xuebin was very depressed. After she clearly understood her level, Xie Huilan consciously began to release water. There are a few steps that can obviously make a god-killing move. She gave up, slowly and Dong Xuebin. Fighting, but even so, Dong Xuebin only ended up with her. Hey, I am really not the opponent of Xie Jie, the chess power is too far apart.
After a plate, Xie Huilan got up and said: "I am going back to the house to get some water, huh, huh."
Xie Hao also saw that Dong Ge’s level was a bit worse.
Hey, Dong Ge, do you want to kill a plate?
Dong Xuebin gave him a look, relying on it, even you want to abuse me? I won't win you, then I won't mix!
Suddenly, Wei Nan, who had a green face on her face, did not know when she walked into the backyard of the villa. She saw Xie Lao and Zhang Wanxu, and his eyes fell on Dong Xuebin’s body, his eyes were cold. Dong Xuebin and Xie Hao also saw him, but several people had just had a conflict and did not speak at this time.
A few seconds later, Wei Nan looked at Dong Xuebin sneer and said: "You still play chess?" Dong Xuebin looked back at him and ironically said: "I will do anything, I will not engage in sneak attack!" Xie Huilan went to the villa, thank you The old side can't hear it anymore. Dong Xuebin is no longer so scrupulous in his speech. He will not lose people in his mouth.
Wei Nan was smirked, and there was anger in the pupil. He walked over step by step. "Okay, let's see the next level, I will see your level!"
When Xie Hao heard it, he suddenly said, "Let's go and wait, my Dong brother said that I want to go with me."
Wei Nan looked at Dong Xuebin, "Don't dare?"
Dong Xuebin didn't want to go with Wei Nan. Xie Jie couldn't win him. It was even more impossible. But if he lost anything, he couldn't lose his momentum. Dong Xuebin gratefully patted Xie Hao's shoulder and said: "Xiao Hao, 咱The two chess players will say later, I will follow him first!
Looking at Wei Nan, Dong Xuebin said:
Just playing chess with Xie Huilan was not the best state of Dong Xuebin. After all, I didn’t touch chess for a long time. However, there are always some strangers. After two sets of reconciliation, Dong Xuebin feels that he has slowly entered the state. Whoever wins and wins is not necessarily!
Wei Nan sneered at him across from him and began to kill him.
Vaulting, arching, moving, flying...
After a while, the miracle still did not happen. Dong Xuebin watched his chess pieces being eaten by Wei Nan one by one, but there was no return to heaven. Too strong, even a lot higher than Xie Huilan's level, even if he is in a state of full prosperity, "I am afraid that he can not help him, it is like professional players and amateurs, not a level of contest!
Wei Nan thought that Dong Xuebin had two sons. He didn't expect his level to be so low. He laughed when he arrived. "Is this level?" Dong Xuebin was so angry that he wanted to shoot the table, but Xie Lao was sitting in the distance, he could not Losing his identity, he groaned in his heart and continued to lose his son.
Wei Nan actually can make God win him, but he just won't win, and he eats Dong Xuebin's chess pieces, pawns, gentlemen, elephants, and eats cleanly. In the end, Dong Xuebin is on the chessboard. Only stab one will. Dong Xuebin has a lot of face, knowing that he is teasing himself, and he is not willing to admit defeat.
At this time, Xie Huilan and a maid carrying a tea set came over.
Xie Hao greeted the blame with enthusiasm, "Sister" came soon, and quickly avenged Dongge!

Xie Huilan looked at the board and frowned. "...It’s here! It’s still frozen!"
Wei Nan put down the chess piece, although there was some gas in his heart, but every time he thought of Xie Huilan’s words with Feng Ku, the fire could not be pressed. He couldn’t watch Xie Huilan marry someone else. Wei Nan must pick it up. She is not only for herself, but also for the benefit of her family." This is not to be lost. So when I heard that Xie Huilan said that she would not marry him, Wei Nan was angry at the same time!
"Ha ha ha..."
The chess game on Xie Lao’s side seems to be over. I only see Xie Lao pointing forward to laughing and laughing:
Almost let you drill a hole! It’s good to fight and play chess!

Father Zhang said: "You are pretty beautiful in the last ten steps. I almost can't stand it."
Xie Laodao: "Your middle plate is very powerful! I can't breathe but I can't breathe!" After discussing a few words, Xie Lao suddenly looked sideways at Xie Huilan. "Oh, are you here?"
Wei Nan and Xie Hao both reverently called the grandfather, Dong Xuebin was not so close because of the relationship, only called the old thank you.
Xie Huilan smiled and touched Dong Xuebin's shoulder. "Master, this is Dong Xuebin I mentioned to you."
Xie Laos nodded slightly with a beard. "Well, good, come, kill me with a game of chess!" "How do you want to see who is going to play chess?" Xie Huilan smiled helplessly. "Don't you want to find Xiao Dong talking?" "Xie Lao haha ​​smiled. "Let's talk under the side, talk about it underneath!" Dong Xuebin dare to say no words, hurriedly slammed up and saw Zhang Laozi give up the seat, Dong Xuebin hesitated a few times and did not dare Sitting, until Xie Lao smiled and pressed his hand, Dong Xuebin only sat down with a suspicious look, but his only touched half of the stone pier. "Xie Lao, I, I have a chess level, I am afraid... "Do not hinder, come, let's go!"
Upon seeing it, Xie Huilan and Xie Hao Wei Nan went to the distance to drink tea and play chess.
Although Xie Lao is already over seventy years old, but the momentum is still more than a younger one, Guan Wei is overwhelmed by Xie Huilan, so that Dong Xuebin feels pressure, he has not taken two moves, and the winter is sweating. It is.
No way, sitting opposite is the number one in the Republic!
"Xiao Dong, thank you for saving my granddaughter." Xie Lao took a step from the "horse".
Dong Xuebin's waist plate was quite straight, and he was busy with a few words. He can't talk while playing chess like Xie Lao. Dong Xuebin must first look at Xie Lao and finish his head down. This is the respect for the head.
"...I think you are quite young, not twenty-five years old?"
"I am twenty-four years old when I return to you."
"Oh, Huilan told me that you are less than 30 years old. I thought it was twenty. I didn't expect it to be so young." Xie Lao looked up at him. "How long did it take you to enter the organization?" How do you suddenly want to work at the grassroots level? The environment at the grassroots level is no worse than Jingli. In some places, it is very difficult. You are not affected? "Come on the subject!"
Dong Xuebin immediately stated: "Thank you, no matter how hard the environment is, no matter how difficult it is, I can stand it." The reason why I want to go down is to do something practical for the people. I don’t think the work at the grassroots level is necessarily better than My current job is important, but for me, it will definitely be more meaningful than my current position.

Xie Lao nodded slightly. He did not say anything and continued to play chess.
Dong Xuebin did not know what Xie Lao was thinking, and he carefully watched him play chess.
Xie Lao’s chess is really superb, not looking at anything else. It’s just that the overall situation and control are not crying. Dong Xuebin can only care about two moves, but Xie Lao seems to be able to see the six or seven steps. Chess change, it is simply dripping, impeccable, no wonder Xie Huilan and Wei Nan can not win Xie Lao, the level of people is professional-level "and attitude is also, facing such a weak opponent, Xie Lao is not waterproof, drastic The ground was killed, and Dong Xuebin secretly complained that there was no power to fight back.
Next to Zhang Wanxu and Xie Lao should have a very good relationship. He has been sitting next to the chess game without seeing him. Seeing Xie Lao is so "bullying" a novice player with low chess skills, Zhang Wanxu can only shake his head with a smile, he knows Xie Lao Na Stubborn temper "Xie Lao does not like to be allowed to play chess, nor like to let others play chess, what is the level, so even if the child on the table is not high chess, Xie Lao will not stay.
A game of chess was quickly finished.
Dong Xuebin put his paws down in sweat and sweat... You are so powerful, I will not be your opponent even if I practice for another hundred years. "This is a bit of a flattering, but it is also true that Dong Xuebin has tried hard to express it. As a result, strength is strength, and no one can't."
"Xiao Dong, leave a meal at noon." Xie Laodao.
Dong Xuebin knew that people were not polite, and said: "That, then I will bother." Standing up from Shidun, Dong Xuebin retired back in a respectful manner.
After Xie Lao and Zhang Laozi said a few words, they suddenly said: "Xiao Nan, I feel good about chess today. Come, you will kill me with a game."
Wei Nan hurry up, "Xie Grandpa," you let me two pawns, or I can't win you.

"Oh, what is the meaning of letting the children play? Hey? What's wrong with your face?" Wei Nan smiled bitterly, no snoring.
Zhang Wanxu looked at Wei Nan, and he laughed and got up. He used to play chess with Xie Huilan in the distance. Dong Xuebin began to fight against Xie Hao, and he could not hear what Xie Lao was saying.
Xie Lao handed down Wei Nan to sit down, "Have a fight with people?" Wei Nan hesitated, thought that there was a thank-you old, Xie Huilan must be married to himself, but who wants things to change, can not allow Wei Nan Waiting any longer, "Xie Grandpa, I dare not marry you, my injury is that Dong Xuebin played."
Xie Lao frowned, "... Xiao Dong? What happened?" Wei Nan said: "When I was in the garage, Hui Lan let Dong Xuebin stumble when I got off the bus. I don't know if he was deliberate, but After falling down Huilan, Dong Xuebin went up and hugged Huilan. He also took advantage of Huilan’s hand. I couldn’t see it. When I went up, let him let go. Who knows that he’s coming back is a punch. Playing on my face, not only that, Hui Lan also directed to Dong Xuebin, and actually blamed me, you said this thing..." He did not say that he was the first to go to the foot of Dong Xuebin.
Xie old brows are even tighter.
Wei Nan paid attention to Xie Lao's face and carefully said: "I was beaten by him, but Hui Lan's attitude... I always think that she and Xiao Dong are a little bit... Xie Grandpa, you know that I really like it. Huilan’s dreams are to marry her, but now I’m afraid that if I go on like this, I haven’t waited for me to get engaged with Huilan...that Xiaodong is worthy of Huilan.
If there is no Xie Huilan in the garage. In that case, Wei Nan would not say this to Xie Lao. After all, it took a certain risk, but Wei Nan can't manage so much now. He must win Xie Huilan!
Xie Lao did not speak, and he touched the chess piece and took a step.
Wei Nan obviously didn't feel like playing chess. "...Xie Grandpa!" Xie Lao is very appreciative of Wei Nan's child, but he only appreciates his chess level, but he still does not appreciate the point of marrying his granddaughter to him. The reason is this. Xie Lao also has a full consideration. Xie’s influence in politics has been great. If he is married to a family in politics, the significance is not great. After many things, Xie Lao gradually turned his attention to the business community. No one in Xie's family is doing business. If you marry a commercial family, you dare not say that it is of great significance, but at least it is of great benefit to the future development of Xie's third generation. Based on this consideration, Xie Laocai There is no way for Xie Huilan to decide her own marriage. If she looks at a family that is a business, even if her family is weaker, Xie Lao can reluctantly agree. But her granddaughter wants to go to politics, wants to go to politics. The people make up the family, this thank you old can not agree, he wants to consider for the Xie family!
Now listening to Wei Nan, Xie Huilan may be a bit unclear with Dong Xuebin, and Dong Xuebin also arrogantly beat his granddaughter, and Xie Laoxin is somewhat angry. He is a very stubborn person and also a A very strong person, in Xie's family, his words are orders, and no one else can disagree. Even if Dong Xuebin saved his granddaughter's life, but in the face of Xie's interests, everything has to give in. Xie Lao can't let Xie Huilan By the savage!
"...Xie Grandpa!" Wei Nan anxiously called again.
Xie Lao swings his hand, "Okay, I know, play chess."
Wei Nan’s face suddenly became a joy!
Half an hour later, Xie Lao entered the villa under the help of the health doctor and Wei Nan. Then, he called Xie Huilan Xie Hao and Dong Xuebin all in, and said the first sentence to ruin everyone. Thanks, Xie Lao’s tone is unquestionable: "Hui Lan, you are engaged as soon as possible with Xiao Nan, time next week."
Xie Huilan's face changed, "..."... What did Wei Nan say to you? "Xie Lao did not answer, looked at Xie Huilan's eyes and said: "You have been dragging on this matter for two or three years. When do you want to drag it?" Waiting for you forty? Waiting for you to be fifty? He put his hand in a strong position. "I decided this thing. I don't have to say anything else, get engaged as soon as possible!" "Health doctors may not be outsiders, but servants may not be outsiders, but Dong Xuebin is definitely an outsider. Generally, this controversial thing should not be said in the presence of outsiders, but Xie Lao just deliberately called Dong Xuebin. Come in, I don't know what it means.
Wei Nan said with a good time: "Grandpa" I must be good to Huilan in the future. He called directly to Grandpa.
Thank you, old man, laughing.
Xie Huilan’s eyes are awkward.
Father, the former nephews have talked about it alone.
There was no good day in the first half of this year. I have to wait for the second half of the year to get engaged. Why did it suddenly change?

Xie Laodao: "Don't take the Huangli too heavy, choose a day to hit the sun!" Xie Huilan raised her eyebrows. "I haven't prepared for a family. I am busy at work recently. Father, this is a good thing in the second half of the year." Ok?" Xie Huilan still took the means used in the past few years!
Xie Lao was angry. "Where are so many second half? You count how big you are!" "I..." " Needless to say!"
Dong Xuebin is stunned, grass! Sister Xie wants to marry the bastard?
Looking at Wei Nan's smiling face, Dong Xuebin can't wait to kill him, but this place does not have the right to speak for himself!
Xie Hao was so angry that he was white, but he also knew that no one could change the things that Grandpa had set.
Wei Nan, who wished to pay for it, fell to the ground with a big stone, and finally she was able to reach Xie Huilan!
But the health doctors smiled and congratulated them. When Wei Nan and Xie Lao were engaged in engagement, Xie Huilan, who had endured for so many years, finally turned his face!
bump! A loud noise!
Xie Huilan actually took the table. "...I don't agree!" No one dared to shoot the table with Xie Lao. The people outside the system did not dare. The people in the system did not dare, and the family did not dare!
Only Xie Huilan, dare!
Xie old face sinks, "You say it to me again!" Xie Huilan said with a face: "I don't agree!" Xie Hao is afraid that her old sister is afraid of her. "The old lady always looks like a smile, actually temper. But even more than Grandpa, how big the official, who cares for the many relatives, really want to push the old lady to wait for her to turn over her face, then she is not recognized by the six parents, at home, the older sister is not the first time I took a table with my elders. See Xie Huilan’s hair, Xie Hao bite his teeth.
I also touched the table and patted the table.
I don’t agree!
Xie Lao was so angry that
reverse you!
Xie Haozhuang bravely said: "Grandpa, what is the name of Wei? What is your baby? It’s awesome! I didn’t see my sister doesn’t like him! Now it’s about marriage and self-confidence! Love is self-proclaimed!

Xie Lao said: "Is there anything you can talk about here!"
Xie Hao also went out and pointed to Wei. "If he is my brother-in-law! I see it once!"
"Get out of the way!" Xie Laoteng stood up and stood up!
Xie Huilan went to Xie Hao before him. ", Father, since this is the case, let's make it clear today. How many years have you forced me to marry this and forced me to marry me? Have you considered me? Don't say to marry Wei Nan. For my sake, you are thinking for yourself! You are thinking about the rest of the family! Not for me! I have been forbearing, today, I have to endure! I don’t want to endure! My own things, I can Be the master! Don't care for others to worry about me!"
Xie old gas can not say anything!
Wei Nan did not expect Xie Huilan's reaction to be so fierce. He was busy with Xie Lao and angered Xie Huilan: "Where are you talking to Grandpa?"
Xie Laoyi refers to Dong Xuebin. "Do you choose him if you greet you?"
Xie Hao is stunned!
Dong Xuebin is paralyzed!
Xie Huilan also smashed "", what do you mean? What is the relationship with Xiao Dong?

Xie Laodao: "Your fiancé has let him fight! Are you still facing him? What do you say about him?"
As soon as I heard this, Xie Huilan glanced at Wei Nan and took a look at Wei Nan. "Wei Nan! You gave me nonsense! With the garage, you suddenly sneaked behind Xiao Dong and almost gave the little leg." It’s awkward, how do you still have a reason? What do you chew on your tongue! What happened to me with Xiao Dong? You talked about what happened to us? Ah?
Xie Huilan looked at Xie Lao,
Father, I know that you are relegating to the second line. After the brain is a bit confused, people are old, this is normal, but I did not expect you to be confused to this point! Xiao Dong is my savior! He was almost beaten by Wei Nan for no reason! I don't care for him. Who am I protecting??"
Dong Xuebin slammed on it and said, "Xie Lao, if there is monitoring in Fengku, you can make a out and look at it! Wei Nan sneaked behind me! Can I still not fight back? I have to let him fight? He Kill me?"
Wei Nanfei quickly said: "Grandpa, I didn't want to beat people. He took advantage of Huilan. Is it wrong to go up and open him?"
Xie Huilan angered: "Wei Nan, Wei Nan! I really didn't see that you are such a person! Are you a monk? Is it useful to swear by your legs? Ah?"
Wei Nan snorted. "Hui Lan, I am protecting you. Why don't you understand?"
Xie Hao pointed to Wei Nan’s nose:
Protect your uncle!

Xie Lao’s fire is bigger than them. He touched the table and said,
Give me shut up!
Xie Lao is stubborn and can’t listen to anything.
Xie Huilan! I don’t care if you have any problems with Xiao Dong! That's it! He saved your life! I will find someone to arrange for his work! Your task now is to get engaged with the puppy!"
I am your father! We both have your mother's problem! Dong Xuebin almost screamed out loud!
Xie Huilan’s lips trembled with anger.
Master, you would rather believe in an outsider than to believe in me? Xiao Dong is my savior! It’s the guest I invited! But just after I arrived at the villa today, I’m almost beaten! You are now This kind of attitude is against others? I am also talking to Xiao Dong..." Xie Huilan excitedly gasped on her chest and gasped. "...Is this unfounded, do you actually believe?"
Dong Xuebin gnashed his teeth and said: "Xie Lao" I am absolutely with Xie Jie..."
"I didn't ask you!" Xie Lao interrupted him unceremoniously.
paralysis! Dong Xuebin’s lungs are all blown up!
In fact, Xie Lao said that Wei Nan said that Xie Huilan had problems with Xiao Dong. He is also suspicious of his letter. The most biased thing in his heart is of course his granddaughter. Secondly, Wei Nan is thankful that he is always a stubborn person. He has always said a word, Xie Huilan and Xie. Hao shot the table and hit him. Xie Lao, who started the temper, was too lazy to consider the broken thing. What he had to do was to forcefully suppress all the opposition and let Xie Huilan and Wei Nan get married as soon as possible - this is what the superiors do. Style, don't know right or wrong, you don't have to ask why you have to do what I want! Not negotiable!
Dong Xuebin also saw that Xie Lao did not want to reason at all. The three people who happened to be in the garage did not care that this was just an explosion point. It would be an opportunity for Xie Huilan to drag the unconstrained contradiction out. Without this, Xie Lao will one day lose his temper and will force the two to get engaged. However, Dong Xuebin still feels that this is his responsibility. If he does not ask Xie to do things, if he has not played Wei Nan with Feng Ku, Xie may still be delayed for some time.
paralysis! Too wolf!
One minute... two minutes... The atmosphere gradually stiffened and no one spoke.
Dong Xuebin has never been so upset. "Xie, Sorry, I am relying on me."
Xie Huilan exhales with a sullen face. "It doesn't matter to you. This situation is a matter of time. I have been mentally prepared."
Opposite, the health doctor is taking medicine to thank Xie Lao, Wei Nan is diligently holding the water and waiting on the side, as if he has become the granddaughter of Xie Lao.
Looking at the appearance of Wei Nan's villain, Dong Xuebin has a hateful fist, and there is nowhere to vent his anger!
"Sister! What to do!" Xie Hao knows that if the old man does not change his mind, the old sister is simply unable to resist, and at most, resist.
Xie Huilan laughed. "What can I do? Our grandfather’s eyes are all thanks to the interests of the family. It is useless to say the truth. Wei Nan has played such a mean way. The old man can’t listen to anything now, his temper. You don't know, if you look at it, it will be wrong if you make a mistake.
Xie Hao said with anger: "This is the king of Wei's name! My mother has packed up in the morning and evening!"
Xie Huilan suddenly saw Dong Xuebin glanced at for a second, looked at it for another second, and watched for three seconds.
Dong Xuebin said slightly: "Xie sister, there is something to say."
Xie Huilan said with no expression: "They smashed the trick, not that the trick is unclear, I can't stand this grievance, what about you?"
"I can't stand it anymore!"
"That's it, this grievance can't be accepted."
Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes and didn't understand what it meant.
"Xiao Dong." Xie Huilan made a sigh, 瞅瞅 Dong Xuebin, paused for a long while and then took a shrill from the lips of Hung Hom, "...I don't want to fall in love with me?"
I rely on!
Dong Xuebin and Xie Hao almost fell to the ground with a head! !
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