Chapter 167: [Small director Dong took office! 】

Two days later.
Yantai County, county town.
Dong Xuebin has forgotten how long he has not returned to his hometown. He stepped on the long-lost road and looked at the scarce pedestrians and vehicles on both sides of the road. Yantai County is a relatively backward economy. The traffic in front of the Chengguan Guangchang Stadium can hardly see any good cars. It can be seen from the surrounding buildings and the dressing of local people. It is here in the suburb of Beijing. Almost, but the environment is slightly better than the capital, overlooking the distance, a wave of undulating waves like a mountain surrounded by clouds, a quiet natural atmosphere.
Sucked. Fresh air, Dong Xuebin eagerly walked into a patisserie with a brand that faded on the roadside.
The business in the store is ok, the seven or eight tables are filled with three or four tables, and the scent of the meatloaf is swaying around.
Dong Xuebin just turned off the long-distance car when he got off the plane. The things on the plane were too messy. Dong Xuebin was still hungry now, so he found a table where no one was sitting, and gently patted the palm of his hand. Shooting the desktop, facing the kitchen direction: "Boss, come half a catty Jingdong meatloaf.", "Come on!", the proprietress opened the curtain and looked out, went to the back to prepare.
After a while, half of the steaming patties were picked up.
Dong Xuebin tasted it, the skin was thin, the meat was thick, the oil was prosperous, and the food was soft and tender, and the meat was tender and tender. It was much better than Jingli, authentic!
Although Jingdong patties are also sold in Jingli, the source should be in Beihe Province, but because Beihe Province is close to Beijing, it is like Yantai County. It takes less than three hours to drive back to Beijing. It is so close that it is so close that The difference between the two places is not too big. The diet and customs are the same. This is why Dong Xuebin first heard Xie Huilan say that he can give his activities to Yantai County so happy. If he really went to the northwest or south, Dong Xuebin may not really adapt to it. After all, he has lived with the capital for half a lifetime and is too used to it.
One mouth... two mouths... three mouths...
Dong Xuebin ate slowly, and he couldn’t wait to eat half a bit. He is now a deputy director, and he has to pay attention to his demeanor.
After twenty minutes, the guests were mostly clean.
The proprietress walked up with a bowl of hot porridge and smiled: "Young man, your purple rice porridge."
Dong Xuebin looked up, "porridge is delivered? Thank you."
There was no business over there, and the proprietress took off the sleeves and apron on the hand, and smiled at the opposite side of Dong Xuebin. "Listen to your accent is Jingli people? Have you been to Yantai County for a few years?" Work or study?"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said, "Work. "The proprietress accidentally said: ", sipping, seeing you are quite young, I thought you went to high school, so I worked so early? "Dong Xuebin said: "Oh, big sister, I don’t think you are old enough. I really don’t see you are the old machine of this store."
The boss looked open and smiled: "This guy can really talk, I am forty." People who are generally engaged in the catering industry are very talkative, and the boss is no exception, and chats with Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin knows almost nothing about the situation in Yantai County. He is trying to ask people to ask him. When he sees the boss wife coming to the door, he pretends to say it casually: "Yes, what about the security situation here?"
The proprietress snorted. "Where is this place in the world where there is good law and order? It’s all right."
"Listen to what you mean" We are very poor in law and order.

"That can't be said, anyway, in the general county, the protection fee, the meal is messy, every few months have to come last time, the little rabbit scorpion, the old lady packed up them sooner or later!"
Dong Xuebin has no surprises. This kind of thing is also very common in Beijing. "You have no alarm?"
The proprietress sighed: "Is the alarm used? It is nothing more than a change of protection fee, and the price of the offer is much more than that of the group. When I first opened, there were two police officers who came to eat." The meaning of the words is to let me give them some oil. They cover me here, but I pretend not to understand. As a result, I came up with a few bliss the next day and threw a fly into my patties. It’s not that I’m unsanitary here. I suspect they’re all in a group. This is a bastard, not a good thing.

Dong Xuebin said: "You can't say that "individual phenomena, don't kill a stick."

The proprietress certainly does not know that this young man is the new deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. "You are still young, you don't understand things inside, forget it, don't say this.", set her some words, understand from the side Under the situation of the public security system, Dong Xuebin only checked out and left, and took the order and file to the county party committee organization department to report.
The county government office building in Chunjiang Road, a very prosperous location.
He greeted the messenger room and waited until the phone was confirmed. Dong Xuebin was released.
The reception of Dong Xuebin is a deputy minister of the Ministry of Organization, who is surnamed Han. He smiled and shook hands with Dong Xuebin. "Director Dong, I have always heard that you are young and promising. I didn't expect to be so young. We can wait for a long time. I welcome the county party committee. Your arrival. After saying a few words, Vice Minister Han looked at his suitcase and smiled: "I will send you to the Public Security Bureau, let them arrange a guest house to live first."

At this time, the phone on the table of Vice Minister Han rang, he um, a few words, it seems to be something.
When he hangs up, Dong Xuebin said: "Mr. Han, you are busy with something, I will report to the county bureau myself."
"How come that?"
Dong Xuebin excused a few words. Vice Minister Han did not say anything, but he called a driver to wait for Dong Xuebin at the door and drove him to the bureau. Dong Xuebin can see that Vice Foreign Minister Han is not very enthusiastic about his attitude. When he wants to come to Xie Huilan to help him move, he does not show any demeanor. Otherwise, if he knows that he is the relationship of Xie’s family, Vice Minister Han should not be This attitude, of course, is exactly what Dong Xuebin wants to see. Before leaving, Xu Yan and Xie Huilan repeatedly asked themselves to be low-key. Dong Xuebin also planned this way, so he did not let Vice Minister Han send him. He wanted to learn Liu. Deputy Director of China, took the lowest-key approach.
Not long after, Feng Zi stopped at the gate of the county public security bureau.
A few glances at the office buildings inside, Dong Xuebin was somewhat helpless. I thought that the office location of the Guoan system was the most rudimentary. I didn’t expect the county bureau to be the same. Several old office buildings were full of years of vicissitudes. The asphalt on the ground is also cracked. The outer wall is pitted and ruined. It is a little worse than its original office environment. It seems that Yantai County is really a poor county, and the funds are not very rich.
Let the driver go back, Dong Xuebin went in and checked in with his luggage.
I heard that the director from the national security office arrived, the county public security bureau to run the four-year-old Hu Si quickly succumbed out from the office building. This is a young woman who is about fifteen years old. Although there is no way to compare with Xie Huilan Cui Weiying On the same page, but still a little bit of beauty. Hu Silin saw Dong Xuebin's photo and recognized him at a glance. Even though she already knew that the new deputy director was very young, she couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Dong Xuebin so tender. In the past, the smile was full of face: "Are you Director Dong? I am Hu Silin who directs the heart."
The county bureau office has now changed its name to commanding the heart, but everyone is generally willing to call it the office.
Wen Xue, who claimed to be the office, knew that she was not the director or the deputy director, so she smiled and shook hands with her. "He, Director Hu, hello, still trouble you to pick me up, I am sorry."
Hu Silian’s smile is so bright that people can see the ugly eyes.
Director Dong is too polite, talk, are you alone?

Dong Xuebin smiled and said.
Hu Silin is somewhat strange that there is no leader in the organization department to send the director to the board of directors. Generally, the new official will have such a situation. The newcomer to the 23-year-old has long been able to transfer the grassroots deputy-level leadership at the grass-roots level when he is 23 years old. This kind of person is not particularly capable but has a special background. Without paying attention to it, he did not send someone to send Director Dong to take office. That also means that Director Dong’s 80% is the kind of person who relies on the ability to go up. There is not much background.
Hu Silin secretly observed Dong Director Dong, I have already packed up your office, I will take you there.

Shi Xuebin pondered, "Go first to the Secretary and the political commissar.", "The Secretary and the leaders of most departments have gone to the city to meet, and may have to come back tomorrow."
"This way." Dong Xuebin nodded. "Well, let's go to the office."

Hu Silian took Dong Xuebin into an office building directly opposite the courtyard and went directly to the fifth floor. Along the way, many police officers in police uniforms or police officers who did not wear police uniforms guessed who was next to her from the expression of Director Hu, and they greeted Dong Xuebin reverently.
"Director Dong."
"Director Dong..."
Dong Xuebin walked casually, his eyes narrow, smiling and nodding. The attitude of taking the official position was all learned from Xie Huilan. Leadership, naturally, there must be a shelf of leadership. Otherwise, how can people treat you as a leader? leadership? How can you respect you? ! . . !

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