Chapter 1697: [Looking for me? 】

Dong Xuebin came out from the courtyard house and saw Luo Haiting who had just walked out of his family's home on the way to work. He couldn't help but park the car.
"Ross Director." Dong Xuebin pressed the window.
"Well? Director Dong?" Luo Haiting came over.
Dong Xuebin waved, "Get on the bus, and let the way."
"Okay, take your car, huh, huh." Luo Haiting pulled the door and came up.
Just after the door was blocked, I didn’t see it too clearly. When Luo Sister entered the car, Dong Xuebin saw it. She actually wore a long skirt, still red, with black stockings and high heels. The only difference with yesterday is that this one The long skirt is a separate body, with a casual jacket with a lady's suit on it. It is a bit familiar. It seems that Dong Xuebin bought it for her when she went to Wangfujing a while ago. Her hair was also behind her. The hair curtains are also combed up, the whole person looks very mature and mature, and the big red and purple dress is also very beautiful. Although Dong Xuebin always looks at the dress of Luo Haiting, in the heart, Luo Dajie is really suitable for this red. Green and green dress, if you change a light color, some of her dress is really not good.
"Not cold?" Dong Xuebin stepped on the gas pedal and drove.
"Alright, the older sister has not been afraid of cold." Luo Haiting smiled.
Dong Xuebin said: "This day is also getting colder every day, big winter, afraid that you are frozen, um, not cold, is the family hospital still used to it?"
Luo Haiting smiled and said: "Habit, the environment here is quite good, much stronger than that of Chenzhou City. Yesterday, I fell asleep in bed."
"That's good, I am afraid that you are not used to it." Dong Xuebin said.
"No, the big sister can adapt to the ability." Luo Haiting said.
In front of the unit compound, it was not far from the family's home, just a few minutes.
Dong Xuebin suddenly looked at Luo Sister and said: "This time let you come over, it is estimated that you can't go back in a year or two. Do you have this mental preparation?"
Luo Haiting, ah, "I can’t do anything. Big sister doesn’t plan to go back."
Dong Xuebin said: "Then you love someone and your child. It may not be easy to see. Although it is not far from Chenzhou City, it is also two cities after all. Have you never left your home since entering the system? County and city here. Well. I think if you want your lover and your child to come over. I will help you with your activities. Your child’s school is definitely fine. I will say hello. In addition to some first-class key schools, you will pick whatever you like. Your lover's working relationship should not be difficult, I help him find a company?"
Wen Yan, Luo Haiting swayed his hand and said: "Thank you, know that you take care of your eldest sister, but don't use it. If you drag your family, you will be distracted. Let them go with Chenzhou City. It will be a big deal, I will go back a few times on weekends, or Let my lover come with the kids on weekends."
"Are you sure?" Dong Xuebin asked.
Luo Haiting nodded. "I really don't need it, thank you."
Dong Xuebin said: "That line, you need to tell me."
Luo Haiting smiled happily. "Oh, I will definitely trouble you later." After that, she took care of the skirt. "Is this big sister today?"
Dong Xuebin coughed and coughed. "Okay, it looks good."
"Is it really beautiful?" Luo Haiting looked at him.
Dong Xuebin is a bit embarrassed, but still said: "Well, very beautiful, you are suitable for this gorgeous dress, how to wear how to look good."
Luo Haiting opened her eyes and smiled. "Thank you."
The unit is here.
Dong Xuebin didn't go to the second place. After he separated from Luo Sister, he went straight to a conference room at the end of the corridor. He had a meeting in the past. This was the meeting that Fang Wenping had informed yesterday. The staff has now been adjusted. The coming is coming. I am sure to open a few words, such as the tasks and assignments of their ninth room, such as any relevant leaders, such as letting the top leaders of each department know each other. This is a newly established department, even between personnel. It is not familiar to know or meet, and the initial stage must be as close as possible, so today's meeting is particularly important.
When Dong Xuebin entered, he found that several departments had arrived in the first place. Now, there are still more than half an hour to leave. Looking at everyone’s appearance, it is estimated that they have all heard the name of Fang Wenping, the female bastard. People's expressions are more serious and dignified. If possible, Dong Xuebin estimates that they will definitely choose the tenth room and will not come to the ninth room. If it is not forced, who likes to work under a moody woman? Dong Xuebin understands their mentality at the moment. He doesn’t think so. There is Fang Wenping’s top leader hanging on it. Dong Xuebin feels a bit awkward even in his own office because he doesn’t know when Fang Wenping will give himself a moment. Dong Xuebin is absolutely invincible, and he still likes Yin Cheng’s kind and amiable leadership.
"Director Dong?"
"Liu Director, so early?"
"Well, it’s been here for a while."
"What are these?"
"I will introduce you to you."
"Good, trouble."
This Liu was formerly the seventh supervisory office. In the office building with Dong Xuebin, the two of them also spoke. It’s a bit of an understanding. As for others, Dong Xuebin is a bit strange. He is not a Zhongji-Chairman. Old cadres, only a few months have come here.
A few people looked as usual, and they both met Dong Xuebin and got to know each other. Although Dong Xuebin is the youngest person here, everyone is a level cadre, and no one is taller than anyone else, so it is still very common to get along, not to mention. I said that a few people have heard the brilliant deeds of Dong Xuebin. Yang Zhen dared to fight. Fang Wenping dared to swear. In the end, there was nothing to promote. This has already explained the problem. The audience are old comrades, the youngest. There are also more than 30 years old, naturally no one will look down on this Dong Xuebin.
After I got to know each other, everyone sat down and did not speak.
Seeing the atmosphere is a bit silent, Dong Xuebin is not unexpected, this is the style of the discipline inspection department. People like him and Fang Wenping are special cases in the special case of the discipline inspection department. The cadres of Yin Chengan are rare, so they just look for it. Some places have sat down.
"Director Dong." At this time, a 37-year-old man sitting next to Dong Xuebin spoke. "Is your department heard that it is a lesbian?"
This is not a good thing to say.
Speaking out always makes people feel so embarrassed.
This sound also made the meeting room quiet.
Dong Xuebin looked at him and just introduced it. This is Chen Kai'an, the director of the ninth room comprehensive department. This person Dong Xuebin still knows a little bit. He transferred it to the deputy office of the first supervision room. Long, that is, the old man of Fang Wenping, came along with the old party. Dong Xuebin didn’t care, but when he heard this person’s words, he always felt a bit awkward. Dong Xuebin’s heart frowned and suddenly understood. Eighty percent of the people are Fang Wenping's veins. They rely on Fang Wenping. Chen Kai'an is 80% to see Dong Xuebin and Fang Wenping confronting each other. He knows that the two people are too deep in contradiction. At this time, they naturally have to be disgusting and disgusting Dong Xuebin, but also to lead with the leadership. Show it?
When Dong Xuebin heard it, he ignored him. He swayed his legs and played with his mobile phone. He did not hear it, and ignored him directly.
Chen Kaian is somewhat annoyed.
Everyone else is watching the excitement, no one speaks.
After a short time, the footsteps sounded, Fang Wenping walked in, touched the door and closed the door, sitting directly in the forehand position, "Meeting!"
Everyone is sitting right and listening carefully.
Dong Xuebin is the same, he does not want to leave a message.
Fang Wenping did not use the manuscript. If you look at everyone, you will elaborate on the work of the Ninth Office and the division of functions of various departments.
Dong Xuebin rarely saw the state of Fang Wenping at work. This next look is also a further understanding of her. This woman can do this position today. It is definitely not a help in the family or an accidental factor. Fang Wenping's personality is indeed a bit of a jerk, but at work, she also has a lot of extraordinary things, such as this speech, for more than half an hour, Fang Wenping even did not even read a single manuscript, all by himself The eloquence was narrated. Even the pauses and the slaps have not been played once. From beginning to end, the eloquence of Dong Xuebin has to be looked at. Sure enough, no one's success will be just luck and chance. Fang Wenping can do this position. There is definitely her ability. Others are jealous of her female bastard, but some aspects of her character cover her flash. Point, these, Dong Xuebin has a deep understanding, because he is also the controversial master like Fang Wenping. From entering the system to the present, Dong Xuebin did not come in the snoring of others and the voice of doubt? But no one can shake him, because there are some things that they can't do, only Dong Xuebin can do it, this is his ability, no one can say anything!
Sometimes it's just a form of expression!
Dong Xuebin has suffered a lot of doubts, and he has more understanding of this problem than others. So he used it in Fang Wenping. Dong Xuebin found that this old lady also has a lot of shining points. Dong Xuebin can talk freely, and he can, let him say He also said that he had some three days and three nights, but Dong Xuebin couldn’t do it. Fang Wenping didn’t fight Baer’s speech for more than half an hour. Dong Xuebin couldn’t do it unless he used his special ability. . Sure enough, it’s a family that hasn’t fallen behind with Xie’s family for so many years. No one is good at it.
Less than ten o'clock.
When Fang Wenping finished, she was also a more vigorous and popular person, so she said: "The functions of various departments and the tasks of this month are known. What else? Nothing happens!"
But Chen Kaian has spoken at this time! (To be continued.)
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