Chapter 180: [Catch gambling! 】

The second day, Saturday.
The director of the County Education Bureau is Zheng Zhijia.
"Cousin, you are here." Yu Zheng’s wife opened the door and let Hu Yiguo enter the house. Zheng Zhi, who was watching TV, also greeted him.
Hu Yiguo nodded with a smile, and the obese body sat on the sofa. "When the case goes by, look at your two couples, Zheng Zhi, what happened to Huitian Township Middle School yesterday afternoon? Did Director Dong go?" He has heard about it for a long time.
Zheng Zhi politely poured a cup of tea to Hu Yiguo, saying: "That boy asked me to transfer his work to his mother, I did not agree, cousin, the name of Dong is really not knowing how to be tall, not beatting and knocking him, he still does not know himself. What is the surname, a little fart baby." Yu Zhengzhi certainly knows that Hu Yiguo was smashed by Dong Xuebin. In Zheng Zheng’s position, most of them are the strength of this cousin, so he is very respectful to him. When I heard that the Huitian Township police station in charge of Hu Yiguo was robbed by a new deputy director, and then I knew that the deputy director’s mother was in charge of the township middle school, and Zheng Zhi intended to serve the cousin. A bad smell.
Hu Yiguo sighed, "Catch the good size, don't overdo it."
Zheng Zhidao said: "You can rest assured that I will not kick his mother out of school, but it is not so simple to transfer to the county. That teacher, I will stay with my family for the rest of my life. Who is this face? I don’t give it anymore. As long as I don’t speak, the mother of the surname Dong will not want to come to the county middle school.
He said that he had deliberately said that Hu Yiguo had heard it. If the county leader called, he would have to listen to Zheng Zhi. However, he also knows that Dong Xuebin has no background in Yantai County.
Dong Xuebin is awkward, and Hu Yiguo is of course willing to see it. He has a heavy view of power. He has always robbed power from others and was robbed by others for the first time. So Dong Xuebin remembered it in his bones. ... Dong Xuebin, that person, is a little bit blind. If you have done a good job, you should give him some lessons. When he has suffered a loss, he knows that he has a few pounds."
Yu Zheng smiled and said: "I guess he already knows it." Anyone who said that this kind of work is mobilized will give face, but Zheng Zhi is clear that he does not give Dong Xuebin a face. What can you do?
the other side.
Dong Xuebin did not return to the county yesterday, but the night he had spent at home.
In the north house, they also heard about the middle school in the middle school. They were very angry.
He patted the table and said: "This old man who surnamed is very good, and his face is shameless. Even the face of our small bin is not bought? He really thought that the Education Bureau is the Finance Bureau."
Daxie also said: "This old ghost is too much something."
Although Dong Xuebin’s face is awkward and they can’t go, but of course, it’s impossible to forgive them in such a simple way. Seeing that they know, there are some blame for the mother’s mouthfuls, such a faceless thing, what do you say to others?
Yan Xiaoping was afraid of causing trouble to his son and sighed: "Xiao Bin, Mom is not going to the county, and it is quite good with the township."
Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes. "Well, you can't think about it now, Mom, don't worry about it." Dong Xuebin has a lot of cards, but he really doesn't want to move them easily. Some things are going to be Staying at the most critical time, and dealing with one of Zheng Zhi, he is really reluctant.
Celebrity Tang Yan screamed: "The family surnamed Yu was previously notorious for being in the village. I didn't expect it to be like this now."
Dong Xuebin heard a glimpse, "Yujiacun? Yujia Village of Huitian Township? Is Zheng Zhi's home here?"
The second one answered: "He is from Yujia Village."
Dong Xuebin asked: "What is in his family? What are you doing?"
Two widows said: "He went to the county to go to the county, hehe, but Zheng Zhi’s nephew often goes back to his home village. Isn’t a colleague in the Xiaoyan factory not in Yujia Village? I heard that Zheng Zhi’s nephew Nothing is working, and I know how to play mahjong with people all day long."
Dong Xuebin’s eyes lit up,

Two widows said: "It should be, but at most it is a piece of two."
One piece? One hair and two hairs were enough. Dong Xuebin suddenly found a breakthrough. After leaving the house, he took out the phone and called Liu Haihai of Huitian Township Police Station. "Hey, Director Liu, I have something to do here, you help me." I was looking for a familiar village in Huitian Township. The younger policeman asked him to come to me.
The reason why he asked for youth was mainly that Hu Yiguo had been in charge of this. Dong Xuebin was not at ease with those old fritters. It must be kept secret, and no wind can be leaked.
Liu Dahai was suspicious in his heart, but he did not ask much. "Tell Chu Feng to find you, this young man is very smart."
Not long after, a thin, tall, policeman in his twenties came from afar.
Dong Xuebin looked at him in Buick's business and pressed the window of the car: "Chu Feng? Go on the bus and talk."
Chu Feng stayed, busy showing a cautious expression, yelling at Director Dong, and then carefully took the position of the co-pilot. Director Liu did not say anything extra. He only told him that Director Dong had something to ask him to do, so Chu Feng was very embarrassed along the way, but he was also excited by the stock. He knew that this was a rare opportunity.
After observing him for a moment, Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Liu said that you are familiar with the villages? There is just a mission for you."
Chu Feng respectfully said: "You please say, to ensure the completion of the task." He actually has no bottom, but Chu Feng understands that if he is slightly hesitant or embarrassed, he will definitely let the leader look at himself, so he does not care about the three seven twenty-one. I promised to be very happy.
Dong Xuebin nodded. "Yu Wei of Yujia Village, do you know?"
Chu Feng glimpsed, "know, but not familiar. I said a few words when I handled the case."
Dong Xuebin said: "That's it. You give me the touch of Yu Wei's bottom. I heard that he likes to play mahjong? Well, I want him to play the specific time and place of the mahjong, Xiao Chu, this thing does not need me to say Do you know that the secret is going on? Don't be noticed."
Chu Feng jumped up in his heart. "Yu Wei seems to be... the secretary..."
Dong Xuebin looked at him. "If you can't, then I will change someone else?"
Chu Feng bite his teeth, and when he is on the road, he will stand up and say, "I must do it well."
Patting his shoulder, Dong Xuebin said: "Go."
This matter has nothing to do with Dong Xuebin. If it fails, it will fail. But it is very important for Chu Feng. He understands that he is involved in the political struggle between Director Dong and Yu, and understands that Zheng Zhi and Hu Yiguo have a very close relationship. Well, if one is not careful, he is likely to become a victim, but the risk is often accompanied by interests. As long as this is done well, he can win the trust of Director Dong. Director Dong is now the supervisor of Huitian Township Police Station. Leadership
Chu Feng has no choice, he must do a good job of the things that Director Dong confessed.
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Dong Xuebin received a call from Chu Feng. "How is it?"
Liu Dahai really did not recommend him to the monks. Chu Feng’s work efficiency is very high.
Director Dong, check it out. Yu Wei has been living in the old courtyard of Jiacun these days. Every night at seven o'clock in the evening, they are a group. People began to get together to play cards, often hitting three or four o'clock in the morning, but gambling is gambling, but the number is not too big. The win or loss in one go should be no more than a thousand."
Dong Xuebin said: "Is there at 7 o'clock today?"
"for sure?"
"for sure"
Dong Xuebin praised: "Well done, come back, don't be discovered."
It is getting darker.
After dinner, Dong Xuebin called Liu Haihai again. "Liu, look for a few trusted policemen and go out with me to do the case."
Liu Haiyi, "What case?"
"Let's say it later, remember not to drive a police car. I am waiting for you at the intersection of the west side of the police station." Dong Xuebin hanged the phone without responding to him.
Five minutes later, a van drove over.
Dong Xuebin saw Liu Dahai's body shape from the rearview mirror, did not get off the bus, hit two pairs of shackles, drove the Buick business all the way forward, the van paused, and followed the business car. The road in the township was okay. As soon as I entered the village, the road surface was smashed up and down, and the two cars entered the boundary of Yujia Village.
Stopped in a place where no one was, Dong Xuebin and Chu Feng pulled the door down.
There were three or four policemen out of the van. Liu Dahai smiled and greeted him. "Director Dong, what mission is it?"
Dong Xuebin said: "Catch gambling."
Liu Daxin said that gambling is so mysterious? Is it too big a problem?
Dong Xuebin whispered a few words with Chu Feng. Immediately, he pointed to the third courtyard where the lights were on. "The goal is there, leaving a person to guard the village entrance and act fast."
Looking over there, Liu Haihai was shocked. "The yard is..." Is it at the home of Director Zheng Zhi?
Dong Xuebin looked at Liu Dahai, "prepare for action"
Liu Dahai is depressed. When he looks at this posture, he can't understand. He said that Director Xiao Dong is not clear that it is in the home of the director. The ghosts don't believe it. I went there. I knew that Secretary Xiao Dong would like to grab the gambling of the director's family. He will not follow him if he dies. This is good, he also brought in the volume.
Some people in the police also noticed the seriousness of the problem. They looked at each other with a stunned look. They all saw the bitterness in each other’s eyes. But Mr. Xiao’s order was not heard. No one dared to listen to it. Once the emperor was a courtier, now he is a small police station. Director Dong is in charge.
With Dong Xuebin’s order, the first to rush out was Chu Feng, and then the two policemen and Dong Xuebin Liu Dahai also hurried toward the sprint of the courtyard, leaving only one policeman to guard outside, if inside Someone escaped, and people outside can intercept it.
Fifty meters...
Thirty meters...
Ten meters...
A minute later, several people went to the gate of the yard and waited for Dong Xuebin’s instructions.
Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief and said a little, "The door rushed in."
It is still the first one that Chu Feng does not want to cross, and when he is on the door, he will be locked up. Liu Dahai knew that Director Xiao Dong was going to be a real person. He did not dare to show any scornful emotions. He commanded several policemen to surround the room with the lights on the north side.
Dong Xuebin took the lead and slammed his feet and broke into the door.
Chu Feng, who followed, shouted: "Don't move, police..." He stopped when he hadn't finished talking.
Dong Xuebin is also, there is no one in the house, only a pair of mahjong tiles on the table are there. Dong Xuebin’s face sank and looked at Chu Fengdao:
How did you do it?
The big fan came, but no one caught it. Dong Xuebin’s face was very unattractive.
Chu Feng hurriedly said: "No, ah, they are clear today..." He said, he hurried up and touched the ice-cold beer on the table, and keenly noticed the two hundred dollar bills falling under the chair. Director Dong, they just left, the beer is still cold, and the money has not been taken care of, it may be that we are coming."
Dong Xuebin’s face changed slightly.
Is it missing?

Liu Daodao said: "Maybe someone in the village saw us, so I called the airmail."
Dong Xuebin did not believe that they had done enough to cover up. They had not seen any other villagers’ attention. They were paralyzed. It must have been leaked by the police. Everyone worked in the village all the year round. The relationship must be indispensable. Plus, it is the police station that Hu Yiguo once managed. It is said that there is no eyeliner of Hu Yiguo. Dong Xuebin does not believe it.
The grass has been smashed for three times and five times. Dong Xuebin is angry. He wants to see which Wang Ba egg vents.
Is it addictive to me, right? ?
K two minutes
Time retreat
The two minutes of the new accumulation of K was again cleaned by Dong Xuebin.
The surrounding area was dark and the air in the nose changed. There was a smell of mud turf. Dong Xuebin returned to the position of the village at this time. Several policemen hesitated to look at the courtyard where the lights were shining in the distance. Liu Dahai was even more depressed. "The yard is..."
It was the picture before Dong Xuebin ordered the action.
Dong Xuebin quickly observed their expressions, and at the end, whispered, "action"
Liu Dahai and Chu Feng and others rushed past.
Seeing that everyone turned around, the old policeman who stayed behind, Zheng Zheng, twisted his body and hid behind the van. He immediately dialed the phone and dialed a number, toot...beep...beep...but not waiting for the call to be connected. Without warning, a flash of shadow suddenly flashed behind the scene, and the phone was robbed.
Lao Zheng stumbled a bit and looked back in a panic. "Dong, Director Dong?"
Dong Xuebin sneered and hung up the phone and looked at the number. The name shown above was actually Yu Wei.
Lao Zheng panicked completely, and he never thought of why the director Dong, who clearly ran in the past, suddenly came back.
Dong Xuebin saw that Liu Dahai and others had already arrived at the gate of the compound. He was not in a hurry to catch the ghosts. He waved and gestured to them.
"Director Dong, no, I... I..." Lao Zheng had a hard time arguing, and he was so anxious that he was sweating.
Liu Haihai’s several people also ran back inexplicably.
Director Dong, what’s wrong? Isn’t it a gamble?

Dong Xuebin smiled and said, "Beyond catching gambling, first solve the internal problem, Liu, you look at yourself." Dong Xuebin handed him the phone of Lao Zheng, the dialing time and the name of the other party. Then he pointed to Lao Zhengdao: "This is the soldier under your hand? This is our people's police? When the criminals don't want to catch them, they want to give them a ventilating letter? Ah?"
Although Liu Dahai did not want to go to the director's house to take a gamble, he even hated the people who ventilated the other party. His face was heavy and he was so heavy. "You Zheng is also an old policeman."
Zheng Zhengzhen replied: "Director Dong, Director Liu, I don't have it, I just called... Seeing that they are not at home, don't let you be busy."
Dong Xuebin shouted: "Abandon his mother's words and give me a copy"
Chu Feng sighed, and touched the handcuffs from the waist and went to the hands of Lao Zheng.
Dong Xuebin looked at Liu Dahai. "This is your soldier. I don't care how to deal with it, but I don't want to see this person with the Huitian Township police station in the future."
Liu Dahai nodded helplessly.
After this incident, everyone looked at Director Xiao Dong at a glance. Everyone thought that Director Dong had been working in Guoan at a young age. He didn’t know much about the public security environment. But now, it’s not the case at all. The number of people in charge of the small director Dong is so high that it seems that he has to call Yu Wei on the phone. This point, even Liu Dahai, who has been engaged in grassroots work for so many years, has not seen it.

Everyone turns off the phone
Dong Xuebin said:

Once again, I touched the past at the director's house. This time, the courtyard was not as quiet as it was before, and I was faintly able to hear laughter and mahjong cards falling on the table. Dong Xuebin smiled coldly and looked at Liu Dahai and Chu Feng and others, and they gave them a wink.
Chu Feng broke the door
"Who?" North House sent a small young shout, "Look at our house? Don't want to live."
"Grass, Yu Ge, let me go out and see."
But before he came out, Dangdang, Beiwumen was kicked off by Dong Xuebin, "...holding his head and giving me a kneel down"
Chu Feng Yiliang work permit, "police"
Yu Wei and the other three people are all together, "Liu's director? Xiaochu? Hey? What does this mean?"
Liu Dahai no expression: "Catch gambling."
Dong Xuebin glanced at the mahjong table and saw the RMB in the table mats. He went up and flipped over, and the four people added up to a total of more than 3,000 yuan. Well, the coffee table was put on With a 10,000 yuan renminbi, Dong Xuebin also took it over. "Gambling confiscation took people away."
Yu Wei smiled and looked at Liu Daodao: "Director Liu, we have a few friends to play, are you kidding?"
Chu Feng has already ignored several policemen. He has taken people up and one person is responsible for one.
Yu Wei, who was restrained by his arm, changed his face. He also saw that Dong Xuebin was leading the team, but he did not know who he was. "When I call, I think it is a misunderstanding."
Dong Xuebin smiled and said, "Let him play"
Yu Wei touched the phone and dialed the number quickly. "Hey, uncle, the police station person wants to catch me... Huitian just playing mahjong..." After a while, Yu Wei smiled and handed the phone Liu Dahai, "My uncle is looking for you"
Dong Xuebin grabbed the phone and hanged it when he slammed it. "Take it away."
Yu Wei said: "What are you doing?"
Several policemen escorted Yu Wei and others and walked out of the yard.
"Let me open" Yu Wei is a little anxious. "I know the Secretary Hu of your county. Do you know who you are catching? Ah?"
Dong Xuebin’s one pushes Yu Wei’s back,
Catch is you

When I heard this, Yu Wei’s heart stunned. This is... specifically for me? ?
Huitian Township Police Station.
In the interrogation room, Liu Dahai and Dong Xuebin sat near the door, and Yu Wei was opposite.
Yu Wei’s heart is undoubtedly very embarrassing. He didn’t think he would go to the police station one day.
Can I smoke cigarettes?

Dong Xuebin suddenly patted the table, "The attitude gives me the right to explain your problem."
Yu Wei said with a bitter face: "I just play cards with my friends. Isn't that the case? Which family does not have a card in Shili Baxiang?"
Dong Xuebin scared him: "Do you think we are arresting you for gambling?"
Yu Weizhen, for something else? He did a lot of things, but it’s not a big deal. At most, he beats people to gamble on gambling. Is there anyone who has an alarm? Was that kid who was hit hard by them? Yu Wei began to think about it and sweat more and more.
Dong Xuebin touched the shoulders of Liu Dahai. "Old Liu, let Xiao Chu come over and judge, and go out and breathe."
Out of the outside, Chu Feng just came out from another small black house.
Dong Xuebin said: "Xiao Chu, Yu Wei gave it to you, and I will try it out and try to ask something worthwhile."
Chu Feng immediately said: "Yes"
The other end.
Yu Zhizhi, the director of the county education bureau, heard that the nephew was arrested and was already angry. This is playing his face. "What is he doing for the little rabbit named Dong? Who gives him the power to arrest people? Ah? This is abuse of power is abuse of power"
His wife sighed. "I have let you manage Xiaowei. He has been playing with the village to play mahjong gambling sooner or later. Fortunately, the amount of gambling should be small, and the penalty can come out."
Yu Zheng said: "You know what the name of Dong can't easily let people Xiaowei still don't know what to sin inside."
His wife succumbed: "What do you call me? You said that your cousin is competing with Dong Xuebin. What do you have with you? What can you do now? Even now, Xiaowei is also rushing in. I will say it. Where can the leader of the Public Security Bureau be offended?"
"You shut me up" snorted, and Zheng Zhi immediately contacted Hu Yiguo and told him about it.
Dong Xuebin and Liu Dahai are smoking outside, ringing the bell, and Liu Hai’s cell phone suddenly rang.
Dong Xuebin’s eyes pointed out that the caller ID was the name of Hu Yiguo, and he smiled and said:
Press the hands-free.

Liu Dahai knew that Xiao Dong was forced to stand on his own team. He was helpless and pressed the speaker of the mobile phone. "Hey, Secretary Hu."
Hu Yiguo’s angry voice was killed,
I will let people go immediately

Liu Dahai looked bitterly at Dong Xuebin, who was next to him. He said to the phone: "Are you talking about Yu Wei? He is suspected of gathering gambling, and everyone is getting it. It is..."
"Is it fine to use a fine to catch people? Ah? How do you make a fuss about it?"
Dong Xuebin took the phone from Liu Dahai’s hand and smiled and said:
He, we will deal with our work, we don’t need others to intervene. If you feel that we have a problem with the way we handle it, we can report it to you.
After completing Dong Xuebin, he hung up the line. Now that people are getting what they are, no one can say anything.
One minute……
five minutes……
ten minutes……
Bell bell. Dong Xuebin finally waited for Zheng Zhi’s call.
Hey, what about the Secretary? Oh, what's the big night? It’s too late, is there something to say tomorrow?

Yu Zhizhi endured the anger: "You caught Yu Wei?"
"Yu Wei, yeah, caught."
"Director Dong, your police station has no administrative detention"
"Oh, I have not detained him, just interrogating and interrogating, temporarily detained, but I can't talk about administrative detention. Is it early?" Dong Xuebin said: "In addition to gambling, Yu Wei seems to have explained some things, I am Thinking about whether to apply for formal arrest tomorrow?"
In Zheng Zhisheng, "What?"
Dong Xuebin said: "This can't tell you, Yu, what do you care about Wei Wei?"
Zheng Zhi gnashed his teeth: "That is my nephew"
"Hey, why don't you say that early? Look at this thing. It turned out to be your relatives. Hey, Yu, Secretary, I have to talk about you. You are a party member, you have to lead by example. How can you Allow relatives to gather together for gambling? Do you know how much gambling money we have seized? It’s too bad for the impact of this.
What kind of things do you get me to teach me? However, Zheng Zhi is also a little scared. He does not think that gathering gambling can make a big article. He is afraid that his nephew will be scared by Dong Xuebin and say something that is not worth mentioning. After taking two breaths, Zheng Zhi bite the back groove. "Dong Dong, I asked after the head went back. There is still a vacancy in the middle school teacher in the fourth and middle grades. I want to drop your mother... Yu Zheng can only bow temporarily. His wife said that Hu Yiguo and Dong Xuebin are arrogant. What do you mix with yourself? In order to export your cousin to your cousin, it’s not worthwhile. It is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. If he continues to talk to him, he will not know how many times he will be arrested.
Dong Xuebin said: "Yu Forget it, you also said that the school teachers are full, don't give trouble to others."
In Zheng Zhi’s slight glimpse, I didn’t understand what Dong Xuebin meant. After thinking about it, Zheng Zhi took a breath. Mom’s, an ordinary middle school could not satisfy him. The name of Dong’s is to open the lion. I want a key middle school, "but the county is in the middle..."
Dong Xuebin exaggerated: "Hey, is there a shortage in the county? It is so good, thank you, Secretary. Thank you."
When Zheng Zhi almost stumbled on the street, he endured forbearance and bitterly said: "Then I will give it to my teacher as soon as possible."
In fact, Dong Xuebin does not care about key middle schools or ordinary middle schools. It is indifferent, but since Zheng Zhi hit his own face in public, Dong Xuebin still goes back ten times if he doesn’t move. It’s really no face, the first day. I also said that I didn’t transfer it to Xiao Xiaoping. Now I suddenly transferred to the county key middle school. There is no more face than this.
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