Chapter 1830: 【I? My name is Dong Xuebin.

Under the mountain.
The atmosphere is a bit noisy.
As soon as they swarmed, everyone was stuck in the foothills.
In the sound of screaming, Dong Xuebin ran down the mountain. The two children in his hand all had a look of horror. It was obviously scared by this road. It was not that their psychological quality was poor, but that Dong Xuebin was actually Running too fast, let them have a feeling of falling off the cliff, do you know jumping off the building? Yes, it is similar to this feeling, the two are still children, all face white.
"How come you are alone?"

What about other people? What about other students and teachers?

"How is the rescue situation? How come you are so fast?"
When I saw Dong Xuebin’s one-hundred-thousand-thousand-thousand-year-old student, everyone was shocked, but did not pay much attention to this issue, but first asked the most important one.
At the moment, Dong Xuebin was already thoroughly penetrated by the rain, and it was not transparent. The hair was also on his face. It was covered with rain, and it was only one day. Everyone did not recognize him for a time. Come, I still think that Dong Xuebin is a rescue team. Because Dong Xuebin’s first impression on them is impossible to be a leader. Which leader have you seen so that you can save people? Which leader have you seen so much? Everyone did not think about it. Even when Dong Xuebin was in the mountains, there were reporters and some people who saw him. But now the clouds are still raining, and the implementation is not very good. Dong Xuebin has become wet like this. They did not recognize it.
After the last step, Dong Xuebin saw that his road was blocked, and he saw the ambulances and medical staff behind him. His face could not help but be a plate. "Give me away!"
The rain on his mouth was sprayed on the face of a newspaper reporter opposite.
The newspaper reporter was angry, and said that you can save the individual. What attitude is you, he has not escaped, "What about other students?"
Dong Xuebin no longer cares about him. When he goes up, he will squeeze in the past. What kind of physical quality does Dong Xuebin have? He will give the newspaper reporter a life of more than one meter. It’s a young man, but he’s still very tall. At least half more than Dong Xuebin. But Dong Xuebin tried to force him out without any effort. "I will say it again! Give me away! What mess!"
These reporters saw the momentum of this, and they all flashed.
Dong Xuebin strode up to the medical staff, "Save the students!"
The medical staff was also pushed into the periphery by the reporters and could not get in, and was angry. The young man came directly, and they didn't say anything, and the people hurryed around.
"How is the person? What hurt?" A doctor wearing a raincoat.
Dong Xuebin quickly put the people down to them. The two students’ legs were all soft, and one didn’t stand up and almost fell down. Fortunately, they were hurriedly supported by several guards. Dong Xuebin said to the doctor: "It rains, unexplained high fever. The initial judgment is that it is cold, and there are certain reasons for being scared. It is not good to say that you should go back to the hospital for diagnosis as soon as possible, and you must ensure the safety of personnel."
The old doctor nodded, "Okay."
Dong Xuebin said: "Can I give it to you?"
"You can rest assured that the young man." The old doctor is also very anxious. Immediately let the nurse lift the person into the car, because this fever is a very common morbid situation. But the specific reason is really bad. The students have been drenched in the rain for three or four hours. If the body is weak or there is any disease accumulated earlier, it will actually be transferred to other diseases, which is life-threatening. This young man can rescue people in such a timely manner. The old doctor is also very pleased. Without a delay, there is less danger.
The student was on the ambulance, the boy was okay, and he was still a certain degree of sobriety. It may be terrified, but when the girl saw the doctor on the ambulance, he was fainted and collapsed. Maybe he saw the doctor. Rest assured, the tone in my heart is also loose.
The ambulance immediately drove off and was taken to the nearest hospital.
The old doctor did not leave, stayed, "Other students? Is there a trauma?"
At this time, the reporter saw no more people in the mountains, and they all followed, taking pictures of the camera and taking pictures.
Dong Xuebin just did not take care of these reporters. He said a lot to the doctor. "They are all minor trauma, soft tissue contusions. There are no serious external injuries. The most serious ones are the two high-scoring students. I have already sent them to you. The other students are still on the mountain. It is estimated that it will take more than half an hour to get down. You should first prepare below. It is best to go to several doctors and nurses. The medical staff on our side is not enough. There are too many students, but they can’t take care of them. If there is any unexpected situation in the middle of the road, you should take care of it."
The old doctor immediately said good, and turned around and asked a few people to let them take the medicine chest up the mountain.
A reporter from a TV station saw them finished, and immediately squeezed them in, and the microphone was handed to Dong Xuebin. "Students and teachers have found it?"
Dong Xuebin answered them. "One is not bad, I have found it."
A bunch of reporters over there also came together. "Why are you down the mountain alone?"
Dong Xuebin said: "They are still on the road. These two children are seriously ill. I sent it down first. No problem. No problem, don't block the road." Dong Xuebin squeezed out, he still wants to go up the mountain, after all, the mountain road Too dangerous, he is not at ease when he is not commanding there.
"Etc., etc!"

Is the situation on the mountain dangerous?

"Comrade, what is your name?"
"I see you holding two people down the mountain. This kind of courage is really admirable. Which rescue team are you? Fire department? Or?"
A bunch of problems are overwhelming.
After all, it was the first rescuer who went down the was also the first person to save people. Everyone naturally wants to interview.
When I heard this, Dong Xuebin looked at them and faintly said, "There are too many questions. I will answer you once. I am very dangerous on the mountain. The road is very bad. Second, I have no courage and no admiration. Admire the rescuers who rescued the teachers and students in the mountains in the rain, three..." He paused and said slowly: "I? My name is Dong Xuebin, that's it." Then he left.
Left a group of almost fainted reporters!
Dong Xuebin?
Your name is Dong Xuebin?
I rely on! Is this not the name of the county party secretary? ?
When the reporters saw his face that was sowed with rain, it was faintly recognized, and it was almost horrified to fall to the ground! !
They only know who they just talked to with others!
The medical staff and the onlookers were also stunned. Is it really the county party secretary? ? (To be continued) 8
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