Chapter 207: [Shen Gun Xiao Dong! 】

County Public Security Bureau Courtyard.
Chu Feng took the three 〗 〖Checkpoints and stood up, and "Director Dong" listened to you.

Dong Xuebin nodded, "Okay, get on the bus!"
"Let's go?" Chu Feng asked a question in confusion.
Dong Xuebin did not answer, "I will know when I arrive, go!"
Dong Xuebin did not reveal a bit of a tone, and no one told the criminals. Hu Yiguo called Zhao Jinsong a little worried. The two of them discussed it and agreed that Dong Xuebin was bluffing. "They asked the people in the detention center." Chen Hailiang did not say a useful sentence. How could Dong Xuebin be able to do this? know? Qin Yong and Hu Silian and others did not know how Dong Xuebin suddenly took people out. Is it really so superb? Chen Hailiang, who hadn’t spoken for two days, did Director Xiao Dong go for a few minutes and let him recruit?
Chu Feng drove, Buick business all the way west.
Dong Xuebin took a few deep breaths in the back seat. "Chu Feng" will hurry again, how fast can you drive?

Chu Feng understands that Director Xiao Dong has moved around and is angry. He also knows that the abducted person is the nanny of Director Dong. He pondered what he meant in his words. Chu Feng’s eyes must be, no matter what the traffic rules, he stepped on the gas pedal. Drive to the neighboring provinces with the fastest speed. "Dong Dong, do you want the local police to help solve the case?

Dong Xuebin said: "No, wait until you are notified."
Chu Feng’s eyes seemed to understand what,
you are afraid

Dong Xuebin snorted and did not speak again. Now the people in the county bureau do not know where they are going. If the traffic of Yan Meixia is related to Hu Yiguo and Jindi Mountain Villa, if the local police in the neighboring provinces are notified and the news is leaked, the criminals are likely to change the route. At that time, Mei Meixia could never find it again. This is the situation that Dong Xuebin didn't want to see!
Looking at the watch, it has been three hours since Miao Meixia was tied up. No, it is the time after Miao Meixia’s departure from the Public Security Bureau’s family office should be more than two hours. For two hours, the other party has to escape the police's pursuit and checkpoint. "The car can't be too fast, it's too conspicuous, and the criminals are likely to choose the mountain road to avoid the police, um! Still have time! Have time!
Big sister! You are waiting for me!
At one o'clock in the afternoon, Buick entered a mountainous area in the neighboring province.
The mountain road is getting harder and harder. Chu Feng controls the steering wheel and says: "Gaojia Village should be in front. I just asked if the car can't get in." It is a concave land. You must go to the village to get to the next mountain. Relatively backward, criminal cases are frequent, but because the villagers are very united and unreasonable, sometimes the local police can't take them. Director Dong, let's just five people, is it..."," Dong Xuebin said with a sullen face: "Five people are not enough?"
Chu Feng and a few of the people's police think that it was also the director of the small director, but a fierce player who played seven.
Chu Feng slowed down the lane: "So, are we going down now?"
Dong Xuebin shook his head. "Go ahead, look for the van here. Look at the time. If the gang really sent the people who had been trafficked here, it should have been short before." Certainly. "So far, Dong Xuebin is also anxious in his heart." Although he inquired about the location of the criminals, who knows if they will send Yan Meixia over? In case there is no...
five minutes……
Eight minutes...
ten minutes……
Finally, in a small forest, a dilapidated van caught everyone's sight!
"Found it! Sure enough!" Chu Feng 〖Xing〗 Fen. This case involves a lot of good opportunities for meritorious service. The other three 〗 〖Police are also coming to the spirit!
Dong Xuebin slammed his fist. "Good! The guns are all ready! Deal with the situation at any time!"
There is no one in the van, the license plate is stuck with a lot of mud.
It’s the same as recorded in the county surveillance video. Dong Xuebin can already confirm that this is the car that tied Qi Meixia, so I got off with Chu Feng and others. After that, Dong Xuebin ordered that all the four tires of the van be smashed to prevent the criminals from escaping, and then several people did not take the mountain road, but went down the mountain in the woods!
Ten minutes later, the village not far away appeared in front of you.
Dong Xuebin went to breathe faster and faster, and according to the impatient impatient, he turned and said: "Chu Feng, you can call the local police!"
"Yes." Chu Feng immediately took out his mobile phone.
At this time, there was a villager with a fight, and carrying something behind him seemed to be leaving the village. The villagers walked along the mountain roads, and Dong Xuebin and others ambushed in the woods and saw the situation. Dong Xuebin gave a look to the policeman next to him. The man immediately noticed and stopped the villager.
"Fellow, ask you something.
"There is a warning.
Because he was dressed in casual clothes, the villagers did not know that he was a police officer and warned him. "What?"

〖People's police showed the documents, and immediately said: "We are investigating the case, just a few foreigners in your village, hey, the owner of the van outside, they are likely to carry a betrayed Women, do you know where those people are going now?"
When the villagers glanced, they immediately took a step back. "What are you doing?"

〖People's police frowning: "Check the case, you just tell me where they are."
When the villagers turned around, they did not go up the mountain, and strode to the village, as if they were going to ventilate the letter. 〖People's stunned for a moment, this only understands that the villager is likely to have bought a child or a woman in the family, or the whole village is really too united, and united to one side is difficult to support. 〗 〖People's police can let him run, he still wants to perform in front of Director Dong, stunned and smashed in the past, grabbed him!
When the villagers saw it, they suddenly shouted: "Beat!" 〖Police〗 hit people!

Dong Xuebin was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. "From the woods, the gun on the hand was already on the shackles. It was a shot at the villager. However, Dong Xuebin’s gunfare was normal. The gun didn’t hit, but it was on the shoulders of the villagers. In the dirt next to it, a few mud points splashed!
The villagers are stupid!
Chu Feng and the three police officers are also shocked!
Dong Xuebin said coldly: "I will ask again, where is the man?"
The villagers panicked and pointed behind them, and they stuttered: "In the village, in the largest yard of the village, you, you can see it as soon as you enter the village!"
Bsp; the picture is back!
The villagers came from afar and slowly went up the mountain.
"Don't you want to ask him to ask him?"
Dong Xuebin pointed to the distance: "No, hey, the biggest yard in the village is where it is."
A few of the people's police officers glimpsed a little, do not understand how Xiao Dong Secretary knows.
Dong Xuebin did not explain that all his thoughts at the moment are on Mei Meixia, and they are all ready! Come in with me and get people! Only success is not allowed to fail! "In a large courtyard of Gaojia Village.
Yan Meixia was wrapped in a hemp bag, and the whole body was inside. The rope was tied on it. Only the head was exposed and stared at by some greedy eyes. Yan Meixia didn't dare to look at their eyes. "When he whispered and whispered, he shivered and was terrified.
Next, the two villagers squinted at each other.
"I said it to Daxie before! This person is mine! I see who dares to grab!"
"Two sticks! You want to buy 50,000 yuan? Don't look at what the ladies look like! Can you afford it?"
"Then, how much do I hear from you?"
"I? I am out 100,000!"
"That is worth 120,000!"
The women and children who are generally trafficked to the mountains, tens of thousands of dollars will come to an end, and there are very few uas bought by hundreds of tens of thousands. The main reason is that the beauty of Yan Meixia is too earth-shattering, let alone these villagers, that is, grabbing A group of people from Meixia came to see it. If you go home and be a wife, you will have fun.
After arguing for a while, there was no result. Both of them looked at the bald side. "What are you saying?"

Daxie took a cigarette from the younger brother's hand and took two words: "Whoever gives more money will sell."
One of the villagers blinked: "What do you mean? Before I said that the price is now changing again?"
Daxie sneered: "Before those who are before, all have eyes to understand, can this girl be like them?" Turned around and looked at the beautiful Meixia in the sack, "Look up and show them!" Do not move, Daxie face a fierce look. When I walked over, I grabbed the head of Yan Meixia and pulled her up. "I want to buy this kind of goods for hundreds of thousands?" If you don't want it, I can find someone else!

The villagers who spoke just frowned. "You loose your hands first, don't hurt people."
Another person said: "Fifty thousand! The most!"
The two villagers in the courtyard are the richest people in the village, otherwise they will not find them.
Listening to their bids, Yan Meixia’s heart is dead. If she is bought, she will not escape this mountain in this life. Not only will she be raped, but she will not be seen in her life. Hey, "I thought of this, the sound of 虞美霞's mouth," cried aloud, pleading: "Please, please... oh... let me go... let me go... Oh.........
Dazzlingly glanced at her, "Cry and cry!"
The appearance of Yan Meixia aroused the desire of a villager. "200,000! No more!"
Daxie looked at another person. When he saw that he didn't speak, he said, "Well, people are yours, enjoy it."

The villager smiled and went up with Yan Meixia.
"No! Hey... only Mei Xia cried in tears. "I still have a daughter, hehe..." Let me go!"
The villager frowned: "I have a child?"
Daxie smiled disapprovingly. "What happened to the child, this woman has strength!" The younger brother behind him also smirked. The villager, um, untied the rope on the sack and smashed Meixia from the inside. "Follow me! Big! You will go back with me to get the money!"
Yan Meixia shook her body in fear, showing her desperate eyes.
Cangling! Suddenly, the courtyard door was opened without warning!
"〗 〖Police check! All my mother gave me a squat!" From the outside, I heard that Dong Xuebin, who was yelling at Yan Meixia, was completely ignited!
The two villagers and the big sisters all have a glimpse. 〖Police〗? 〖Police〗 How come?
When I saw Dong Xuebin's moment, the teardrops of Daimei Xiadou couldn't stop falling and burst into tears. Director Dong is here! Director Dong came to save himself!
A few crazy youngsters looked at each other in a panic, "What should I do?"
Dong Xuebin ignored them, and walked straight toward Yan Meixia. Seeing that a villager was still stupidly pulling the big sister, Dong Xuebin’s face was a yin, and he went straight to the past without a word. On the stomach of the villager, "roll away!" immediately grabbed Yan Meixia. "How are they holding you?"

Yan Meixia cried her nose and said, "Nothing." I am fine, hehe!

Dong Xuebin glanced at the complete clothing of Yan Meixia and let out a sigh of relief. "Nothing is fine, sorry, I am late." Yan Meixia shook her head hard and grabbed Dong Xuebin’s hand and refused to let go. The body is also shaking slightly, apparently scared.
Dong Xuebin fires: "Chu Feng! All my mother gave me a copy!"
"Yes!" Chu Feng several people held a gun and went to Datun and others, and they found out the handcuffs!
Dagu’s heart was tight, and he said to the villagers next to him:
Not so fast! You have bought so many women and children in your village! They are coming to take people away! No one can run! "The next few younger brothers also provoked: "Yes! Being caught is jail! Start with a strong hand! Kill them!

The movement in the courtyard has already attracted a lot of villagers. When I heard that it was 〖Police, I was arrested. Not only did they have to take away the daughter-in-law and son they had just bought, but they also had to catch them. The villagers did not do it. They all shouted that "there is a stick" and there is a cane stick. Everyone lives not far. This time, the work has been surrounded by dozens of people, and they look at Dong Xuebin and others!
"What is the police check! They are afraid to shoot!"
"Yes! Let them go out! Gaojiacun does not need them to control!"
"No one of you today wants to take it away!"
"Kill them!"
The feelings of the crowd are indignant. In the blink of an eye, the compound has been blocked by dozens of villagers, and there is no way out.
Chu Feng and others knew that the situation was serious. They did not dare to go to torture people, so as not to arouse greater conflicts. They quickly returned to the body of Secretary Xiao Dong and held a gun to watch the police around.
Dong Xuebin’s eyes are cold.
Do you know what you are doing? Ah? Kill us? Who just said!?

A few people took advantage of the opportunity to mix in the villagers. "Call the way: "Don't be afraid! They are absolutely afraid to shoot! Let's go together!

"Yes! Together!"
"Kill them!"
The crowds moved to the side of Dong Xuebin with their sticks.
Dong Xuebin raised his gun and pulled the trigger on Tianyi. He fired a warning shot. "Don't dare to shoot?" joke! Cover up the criminals! Strong of women! Trafficking children! Assault the police! Every crime is enough for you! What? Still want to kill us now? Okay! Come and try it! I see who dares to do it!

As soon as I heard the gunshot, everyone was stagnation!
Dad said: "He is bluffing! Are we so afraid of him so many people? Together!"
Chu Feng and the three people's policemen have squeezed a sweat, I don't know how to be good. The main opponent is too much!
The atmosphere stagnated for a few seconds. Suddenly, the villager who had just bought Yan Meixia threw the wooden stick in his hand and threw it over. When he didn’t get to the person, he almost wiped the head of Dong Xuebin from above. The family’s shooting is not as ruling as the police! Everyone!
He has been completely fascinated by the beauty of Yan Meixia. The lambs in the head flew, can you tolerate?
The first one has a second one, and a few have thrown bricks and sticks over!
"Ah!" Chu Feng was injured. "The arm was picked up by a brick!"
Then, a stick licked it and found Dong Xuebin's thigh. The painful Dong Xuebin browed.
I laughed and laughed. "See no! They dare not shoot! On! Kill them!

The villagers are so high that they are arrogant!
A 〖People’s policeman stunned the wound on his arm and said: "Director Dong! What should I do now?"
On this day, Dong Xuebin was bombarded, and Mei Meixia was arrested. Hu Yiguo pushed three resistances and four. Now the villagers are half-satisfied. The other party still counts on their own side and has to take into account the impact, so they dare not shoot, and paralyzed Dong Xuebin. Then, see the villager who just bought Yan Meixia rushing up and holding the bricks and rushing up. Dong Xuebin swears to your mother, and raises his hand is a shot! Touch!
The villager fell to the ground at once. "I can't believe my thighs, and I yell at the place where the blood rushes!"
I was so embarrassed that I didn’t expect him to shoot. He took the opportunity to shout: "The police are murdering! Fight with them!"
Most of the villagers were indignant and rushed up!
Daxie’s purpose was reached, and he hurriedly gave the younger brothers a look.
Dong Xuebin looked at them coldly, and the muzzle suddenly turned around. He pointed at the big cockroach that was not far away and wanted to escape. It was a shot! Although I was trained in firearms with the National Security Party School, but after all, the foundation was unstable. I didn’t touch the gun very much. It’s better to say at a close distance that it’s not far from a distance, so the gun didn’t hit at all, and it’s a lot off!
Bsp; time returned to the time when Dong Xuebin had not pulled the trigger.
Dong Xuebin slightly moved his gun and adjusted the adjustment position. "Take the trigger again, touch..." Still didn't play!
Bsp; adjust again, shoot again! bump! A gunshot! He screamed a scream, and he ran without stopping his momentum. He flew out on his knees and fell heavily on the ground. His face was on the ground.
"Big brother!"
Dong Xuebin’s eyes stunned and turned the muzzle again. He shot a big brother,
. This time, it’s good luck, and the younger brother didn’t move.
It hit the man’s thigh and fell again. One is! These are the people who are selling, and Mei Xuexia, Dong Xuebin’s heart is holding a fire.
The guns warned you to dare to run? Still dare to challenge the villagers to kill us? grass! His mother is looking for death!
The villagers have stopped their stupidity and have not attacked Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin didn't even look at them at a glance. Seeing that there were two younger brothers who saw the situation and left behind, they ran off and left. Dong Xuebin once again raised his gun and touched it! Didn't play! k four seconds! bump! Still not playing! k three seconds! bump! bump! bump! bump! bump! With the support of k, Dong Xuebin has opened more than a dozen grabs! Finally, the other two big brothers have also collapsed!
Dong Xuebin is very happy. With k, he is a sharpshooter, and the feeling of infinite bullets is quite good.
Everyone is dumbfounded, including Chu Feng and several [people] police! The villagers were surprised how the police dared to shoot. The Chu Feng, they are wrong, is the filming method of Director Xiao Dong. In Dong Xuebin’s view,
this shooting is very twists and turns.
The guns can’t be rotten again, but under the eyes of Chu Feng and others, Director Xiao Dong is simply too strong. He raised his hand and smashed four shots in succession. As a result, four people went down to the ground in tandem. "The gun was hit on the leg without a slight deviation!
amazing! Even the sharpshooter of the Armed Police Force is afraid that there is no such thing as the director of the small Dong.
Chu Feng and a few of the people's police officers looked at each other and saw the shock of each other's eyes.
I am relying on it! Who the mother said that Director Xiao Dong is an ordinary university graduate? Who the mother said that Director Xiao Dong used to work in the past! At that time, Director Xiao Dong of Dawang Village played seven people and did not have any effort. "This time it was lifted up and killed several criminals. The shooting method was superb. How can this mother be taught by ordinary universities?" It’s just that the police school in the last two decades can’t train the director’s shooting method.
Chu Feng several people are completely served!
Dozens of villagers did not dare to go up at the moment, and their steps gradually receded, and their faces were covered with fear.
Dong Xuebin said faintly: "Who wants to kill us? Come, let me see."
No one spoke, so many people have already thrown their sticks and ran away.
Dong Xuebin said to the side: "Chu Feng, they gave me all the big sisters."
"Yes." This time, no one dared to stop them, and no one wanted to be the sixth shot.
After a while, the local police came. "With the help of the locals, I quickly found two children and two women who were trafficked. One of the two women was still a college student. After knowing that Dong Xuebin led the team, it was then Cried and gave Dong Xuebin a sigh, and thanked him while gimmicking. What makes Dong Xuebin feel heavy is that the two-year-old boy is okay, but both women have been raped.
The case has been broken, and Chu Feng has a lot of people.
Dong Xuebin called them. "There are a few people who have to go to the hospital to treat gunshot wounds. You are here to wait until they take out the bombs." They are brought back directly to Yantai County, and several women and children are recorded. After completing the transcript, I also asked the individual to send them back to their relatives.

At this time, the deputy captain of the local criminal police team came up. "Director Dong, people are temporarily pressing in our county, we have to investigate."

A few people in Chu Feng have changed their faces, this is to grab the power!
Dong Xuebin sneered: "Are you kidding? The victim is our person in Yantai few people are arrested by us, and still stay in your county?"
The captain said with a face: "This case is also related to us."
Dong Xuebin said: "Yeah, if you are not going to maintain law and order, our folks will not be sold to your county and you will not notice it at all. I would like to ask! How do you handle the case? Ah? We extend So many blind dates in Tai County have been arrested here! You don't know at all?" The two folks were all raped, and Yan Meixia was almost poisoned. Dong Xuebin was in a bad mood.
The captain’s face is not very good-looking.
Dong Xuebin said indiscriminately: "Chu Feng, bring people back to Yantai tomorrow, I see who his mother dares to stop!"
The captain knew the strength of Dong Xuebin after seeing the gunshot wounds of Datun and others and a villager. When he heard this, he said nothing.

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