Chapter 230: [Tse County Chief's Legs]

In the county magistrate's office.
Huang Li was shocked by the fact that Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan were in love.
I was shocked to not know what to say, and the atmosphere in the office was quietly quiet.
Xie Huilan looked at him and opened her mouth with a smile. "Huang Shuji, I have never told anyone other than my family about Xiao Dong. You also know that there are safe havens in the system. Although I am not directly from Xiao Dong, Leadership, but some things that can be avoided can be avoided or avoided, so I will tell you this person, when we are engaged in marriage, it is not too late to be open."
Just talking to yourself alone?
Huang Li is exposed, this is what kind of trust, indicating that Xie County Chief has completely accepted himself and did not regard himself as an outsider. Huang Li naturally understands that this is a kind of leadership art that Xie County’s leader shows, and he is recruiting himself. Huang Li has shown the expression of this performance. He also understands what to do, although this is not a special taboo. But even if he is his wife and children, Huang Li will not tell.
After a short time, Huang Li left to leave.
Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly: "Xie, how did you tell Huang Shuji?"
Xie Huilan looked at him with a wink. "Huang Shuji is the old man of my dad. I used to follow the regular secretary. When Chang Lei left, he relied on me. He was his own. There is nothing to say. I have to let him. I know my trust in him, so that he can follow me to the water in Yantai County. Also, you work in the Public Security Bureau. Huang Li is the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and your superior leader. I attach importance to you. Naturally, let him know clearly, lest you get rid of temper and sin, and then make any oolong incident."
He didn't like to listen to this. Dong Xuebin snorted. "Is not a sinner."
Xie Huilan looked at him. "From the county party secretary to the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, are you not offended?"
"It is they who bullied me, it is they who harm the interests of the people, they..."
Xie Huilan interrupted: "Oh, you always have reason."
The bell rings, the phone on the table rings, Xie Huilan picks up, "Hey...oh, Xiaohu... who... um, um... well, you let him come in after five minutes." Put down the phone, Xie Huilan laughs Road: "Well, you should go back, there is something to deal with here."
Dong Xuebin was reluctant to say: "Would you like to push it first and let him come back half an hour later?"
Xie Huilan sneered at him with a funny smile. "Does the work thing say that push can push it? Go back."
Dong Xuebin stared at her slim figure and the face of the country, and wanted to see more. The last time I went back to Beijing, I basically went to the hospital with Xie Jie’s mother. There was basically no time for Xie Huilan’s solitude, so Dong Xuebin was very Thinking of her, I don’t know how to think about it. Dong Xuebin estimated that he hadn’t been so embarrassed for a long time, so that he now stares at Xie Huilan’s face for a whole day, and he doesn’t want to see it.
Xie Huilan Mei soft, smiled and opened the drawer to take a bunch of keys to him, "Hey."
Dong Xuebin looked down and said, "What key?"
"The key to my family's house." Xie Huilan said with a smile: "If you are not afraid of breaking my reputation, you will come at night."
Dong Xuebin snorted. "Which line, don't worry, people can't see it."
Xie Huilan pushed the key. "Oh, come on, just avoid some people. I want to talk to you. We can't pass the ditch for a long time." Pick up the pen and write a string of addresses in elegant little letters. And the house number, Xie Huilan stuffed the note to him. "At night, there may be many people in the family. You can go ahead in the afternoon. I can get home at 7 o'clock at the earliest, wait for me to go back to dinner, okay?"
Dong Xuebin, ah, "Well, let me see if I don't mix, I am afraid that your neighbors will see it."
Out of the office, Dong Xuebin went downstairs to pick up the car, went to the supermarket in the commercial street to buy a lot of things, such as potatoes, carrots, chicken, red wine, Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan gathered more and more, this time is hard to delay Taixian County, this first meal has to be carefully prepared, think about it, Dong Xuebin coughed, and exaggeratedly bought a bunch of candles and a large bouquet of red roses, which came out of the supermarket.
County Committee family.
It was a bit windy, and the black clouds rolled over the top of the head. It seemed to be thunderstorms.
Dong Xuebin did not dare to drive into the compound. The main Mercedes-Benz was too conspicuous. He parked the car on the road outside the compound and took out the food and candles from it. The rose was wrapped tightly by him. Really, other packages are not afraid. People think that it is a gift, but the rose can not be seen. After doing this, Dong Xuebin exhaled and strode toward the gates of his family.
The guard did not stop him, Dong Xuebin touched it smoothly.
Several leading family members passed by him, most of them did not know Dong Xuebin, but there was a familiar face in the distance, but if they didn’t go right, they wouldn’t say hello to you, Dong Xuebin’s big bag Take a lot, what do you guys say? Hey, Secretary Dong, are you giving gifts? Obviously can't say that.
After a while, Dong Xuebin finally found the sixth building where Xie Jie is located.
This building is new, the year should not be long, about ten stories high, with elevators.
"Hey, Director Dong?" Behind him, a boy’s voice suddenly came.
Dong Xuebin is a guilty conscience, and he hears his heart is tight. He can look back at the person after he looks back, but he is slightly relieved. "It’s Xiaohua." Xiaohua is the first time that Dong Xuebin came to Yantai County. The boy who should have been arrested, don’t look at Xiaohua’s age, but the hacking skills are very high. Otherwise, he will not attack the county government website several times and no one can find him.
How did you go to school today?

Xiaohua whispered: "Let's go on summer vacation."
Dong Xuebin nodded. "Let's study hard in the future. Don't get things done there."
Xiaohua is very heavy. "My parents locked up the computer. I rarely touch it now." He was very grateful to Dong Xuebin, who thought he was going to jail. Who wants Director Dong to let him go? Since then, Xiaohua has been a lot more honest and no longer dares to attack any website.
"Dong Ge, what are you doing here?" Xiaohua asked.
Dong Xuebin said: "Hey, go to work."
Xiaohua smiled. "Are you going to give gifts?"
Dong Xuebin yelled at him. "Know that you still ask, go go, go home."
Bombing Xiaohua, Dong Xuebin entered the corridor and took the elevator to sit up. Hey, the elevator is here, and Dong Xuebin, who is going out, looks around. He is still afraid of the neighbors. Who wants to turn left here is the house of Xie Jie, and there is a wall at the door of the neighbor’s house on the right, even from the cat’s eyes. I couldn't see myself. Dong Xuebin let go of the heart and touched the key to open the door and entered the Xie sister's house. He put the big bag into the hall.
The house is very clean, and the decoration and furniture are much more luxurious than the Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin still wants to visit Xie Jie's bedroom, but when I look at the watch, I don't have any time. I quickly take out the dishes and put on the apron and enter the kitchen to live. Cut and cut the vegetables, Dong Xuebin suddenly felt that he was too weak in front of Xie, ah, washed her clothes, washed her socks, and now cook for her, but after busy, I Even her little hands have not been pulled, it is true... Dong Xuebin thinks that he can't go on like this anymore, and he has to take the initiative today.
Around seven o'clock, there was a hout, and there was heavy rain outside, and the rain was as big as the beans.
Shortly afterwards, the door lock rang, and Xie Huilan, who was in the soup, slid into the living room.
Dong Xuebin came out of the kitchen and was amazed: "How is it drenched?"
Xie Huilan bent over and took off her shoes. She smiled and said: "I will let the driver go to the door of the hospital. Whoever wants tens of meters will rain, and today is not very smooth."
Dong Xuebin said: "Hey, then take a shower first, I will cook again later."
Xie Huilan Yi, looked at the kitchen code, "Thank you, hard work."
"Hey, what is this hard work, go ahead."
Xie Huilan's trousers were tightly attached to her slender thighs, and the stockings in the slippers were soaked. Then there was a white shirt on the top, and the chest position was faintly revealing a touch of black. The style of the bra can be seen almost everywhere. Embroidered with purple flowers, it seems that Xie Huilan likes this style very much. After she fell into the water, she went to Dong Xuebin's house. The bra and underwear that she took off were similar, but it was safflower.
Dong Xuebin saw it a bit hot and dry.
Xie Huilan yelled at him, hehe smiled, and entered the bathroom without hesitation. After a few minutes, the nozzle snorted.
Dong Xuebin took the rose out, and then lit the candle and turned off the light. The atmosphere was so embarrassing.
The sound of the water in the bathroom gradually stopped, and the rain outside was also a lot smaller. After a while, Xie Huilan’s voice was heard in the bathroom.
Xiao Dong, help me out of the clothes in the cupboard, pajamas, and suits. Oh, yes, don't forget the underwear."
"Okay, wait a minute."
"Thank you."
When Dong Xuebin smashed his hand, he entered the bedroom of Xie Jie and opened the door of the wardrobe. When choosing clothes, Dong Xuebin moved some thoughts on his own. He thought about it. He did not seem to have seen Xie Huilan wearing a skirt. They were all suits and suits. It seems that there is no other clothes except this. Twisted over, Dong Xuebin unexpectedly did not find a long skirt, in addition to the four-five suit, there are several OL equipment inside, mostly black and white, not too bright.
Just this
Dong Xuebin picked up a business suit with a brown skirt and blushing out a set of black underwear and stockings.
"Xie sister, take it, open the door." Dong Xuebin said, holding a dress at the door of the bathroom.
Oops, the door opened, and a fragrant shampoo smell came from the misty bathroom. Followed by Xie Huilan’s slick body appeared in front of her eyes, and she did not hide her cover. She smiled. As soon as I reached out, I took the clothes. Dong Xuebin really took her, the last time, this time, too, there is no woman's holdings. You are wrapped in a towel or licking your chest and opening the door.
Dong Xuebin’s eyes are hiding, pretending to look at other locations, and the heartbeat is faster.
Soon, Xie Huilan, who was in a professional outfit, came out of the toilet. "Oh, I haven’t worn a skirt for a long time."
Dong Xuebin looked a little confused. Xie Huilan’s two legs wrapped in meat stockings were already exposed. Unlike the beautiful legs of the screaming, the sister’s legs were soft and slender, but they were transparent. A skillful, flexible, very sexy, very attractive, Dong Xuebin saw a lot of emotions, could not help but say: "Xie sister, how do you say... Hey, how is it so beautiful?"
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "Is it?"
"Well, pretty is gone."
"Oh, thanks."
Dong Xuebin turned around and took the hidden roses. "Give you, I wish you always beautiful."
Xie Huilan looked at the rose unexpectedly, and looked at the candlelight on the table. She smiled and picked it up. "There are so many preparations that make you bother."
"Then I am cooking?"
"Well, can I help you?"
"No, you are tired for a day, watch TV for a while."
Twenty minutes later, a few dishes were on the table, and Dong Xuebin opened a bottle of red wine to fill the two cups.
Xie Huilan’s eyes were always groaning, her lips were laughing, her mood seemed to be very good, and she touched the goblet and turned.
Dong Xuebin was also infected by the atmosphere. Toasted: "Let's have a drink first, celebrate... well, what to celebrate, I think..."
Xie Huilan smiled dignifiedly and toasted him. "Celebrate me to find a good man."
Dong Xuebin is very embarrassed, "Xie sister, you don't chill me, what is my name." My heart is extremely comfortable, my buddy is not busy this afternoon. After drinking a cup, Dong Xuebin gave her two chopsticks. "I should have eaten western food when I ordered the candle, but I won’t do it. It’s not convenient for the takeaway. It just makes a few Chinese dishes. I don't know if it tastes good."
Xie Huilan chewed, slightly, "very delicious."
"Then eat more, come and taste this."
When eating, Xie Huilan was very reserved, eating vegetables slowly and gracefully.
Dong Xuebin’s small people’s minds are actually very heavy. They are not used to eating on the shelf. However, there is Xie Huilan’s elegant posture at the front. Dong Xuebin is also infected. He becomes very gentleman. After eating two dishes, he is light with Xie. Lightly clinking glasses, sipping a glass of red wine, enjoy this rare atmosphere.
After the meal, the two sat in the leather sofa in the living room and listened to a violin on the TV. Xie Huilan seems to be very fascinated. Dong Xuebin does not have the literacy in this respect. It is like listening to the leadership speech. The more he listens, the more difficult he is. In a short time, he plays a little spirit and thinks that he must take the initiative. Right. Today, I have to give the little hand of Xie Jie first.
Dong Xuebin, Dong Xuebin, it’s time to test your courage.
Dong Xuebin’s heart was strong, biting his teeth, and his left hand went to the left without moving.
But before he could act, suddenly, a soft hand held him. Dong Xuebin was speechless and found that Xie Huilan actually pulled his hand first. Xie Huilan’s eyes were still staring at the TV. Music, but the hand held Dong Xuebin, thumb and slender index finger slowly playing Dong Xuebin's hand, touch his nails, pinch his fingers, rubbing his back.
I finally got it.
Dong Xuebin was very excited. She tightened her hand and felt the temperature of her skin.
Xie Huilan also played with Dong Xuebin's fingers very rhythmically, as if to appreciate an antique.
With this step, Dong Xuebin's courage was much bigger. It seems that Xie Jie still has his own heart. Ever since, Dong Xuebin was already dissatisfied with Lara’s little hand. With the wine of the red wine, he let go of Xie Huilan’s hand and touched the left and right, and tried to touch the elastic thigh of Xie’s sister with his back. The bones of the back of the hand were attached to the meat stockings outside her skirt.
Xie Huilan yelled at him side by side, but he didn't say anything.
Dong Xuebin didn't mean to look at her. When he saw it, his wrist turned and his palm was holding Xie's thigh.
Xie Huilan had a faint smile in her eyes and did not look at him sideways.
Dong Xuebin’s heart was shocked, and his relationship with Xie’s sister finally broke through. This is what a male and female friend meant. Immediately, Dong Xuebin slowly touched her thigh, from top to bottom. From bottom to top, from left to right, from right to left, from time to time, I still pinch a few times. It feels so good, especially when I think that these two legs are not ordinary legs, but the legs of the county magistrate, Dong Xuebin feels more energetic, and most people do not have this blessing.
Xie Huilan's mouth is awkward. "Oh, what's dirty on my leg?"
Dong Xuebin glanced, didn't think she would ask such a sentence, "Nothing."
Xie Huilan squinted at him and smiled. "Is it? Why are you touching it?"
"Cough, that oh, oh, nothing."
"Hehehe, you, it is really welcome." Xie Huilan smiled and put the pleated skirt neatly, smiling on the face, "I went to the bathroom."
Dong Xuebin thought she was angry, and she took the hand on her leg and made a look of a gentleman.
After waiting for a moment, Xie Huilan pushed open the toilet door, holding a small plastic bag in his hand, black opaque. Sitting behind Dong Xuebin, Xie Huilan handed the plastic bag to him with a smile. "If you run out of it, throw it away. If you don't wash it, give it to me."
Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes and didn't understand what it meant.
use? What? Washed?
Dong Xuebin subconsciously opened the bag and looked at it. Suddenly, the expression on his face was more exciting and exciting. Inside, it was a hot romper stockings, and a black-browned bra and Actually they just took Xie Huilan to the bathroom and let her change it. It was just taken off. of
Look at Xie Huilan, and sure enough, there is no binding on the thighs, and the white shirt on the upper body has obvious two points.
I rely on
Dong Xuebin quickly returned the bag to her. "Xie, you give me this cognac, take it back and get it back." He naturally knows why Xie Jie gave him this. In the previous time in Beijing, he took Xie’s sister. The stockings were so stunned, and Xie Huilan seized the current
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "Oh, I can't use the best. The clothes I wear will always be dirty, which is not good for your health."

Dong Xuebin made a gesture of holding,
change a topic and change the subject

Dong Xuebin finally saw the face of Xie Jie, anyway, her face is not thick.
[Second, ask for a ticket]
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