Chapter 233: [Jumping event! 】

Chapter 233 [Jumping event! 】
In the morning, at six o'clock.
It’s early in the summer, this time is also a cool day, the breeze, very refreshing.
After eating breakfast, Dong Xuebin slipped out from Xie Huilan’s house and walked down the corridor as a thief. Seeing no one around, Dong Xuebin did not do the elevator, at least not on the floor of Xie Huilan’s house. It is not easy to have an acquaintance in an elevator. He walked down the stairs of the safe passage and walked out of the corridor. Dong Xuebin secretly went out of the county committee's family, and it was not seen.
In the distance, Mercedes-Benz business is full of tree leaves, and there are traces left by the rain.
Dong Xuebin opened the door and got on the bus. He drove the car to the roadside. It was not a very regular car wash. The ua five yuan cleaned the car, and then went all the way north. He came to the county public security bureau and went to the office. With cigarettes on the spot and a cup of tea, Dong Xuebin began to turn over the previous case file, hoping to break several cases as soon as possible and get his qualifications in order to win the nomination of Zhengke.
I can find it, find it, and I don’t have a case for me to get a political record.
Also, if the case is so good, it will not appear in this file.
Dong Xuebin couldn't help but get upset with his head. What should I do? The case, where is the case?
Xu heard the call of Dong Xuebin, and the telephone bell suddenly screamed. It seems that the electric display is clearly the number of the command center. Often the calls from the command center are 80% new. It is still very urgent. Otherwise, Dong Xuebin, who is only in charge of the Huitian Township Police Station, will generally not receive notification of the case. The usual cases will be handled by the Interpol or the Security Department.
Dong Xuebin answered the phone, "Hey?"
"Director Dong, I am Hao Shun." It is the new office director who replaced Hu Silian.
Dong Xuebin said coldly: "Hey, Director Hao, is there something?"
Hao Shundao: "Some people in the county party committee want to jump off the building. Director Liang asked me to inform you of the past."
Dong Xuebin gave a slight glimpse, "Jumping? Who? What happened?"
Hao Shun didn't like Dong Xuebin very much, because at that meeting, Dong Xuebin argued for Hu Silian, didn't want Hu Silin to be removed, and even blinked with the leader. This obviously is not to see him Hao Shun, let Hao Shun has no face, but Hao Shun’s notoriety Hao Shun is still clear, so he does not show his tone. He does not want to offend this blasphemy. "That is, the staff who want to jump off the building is a cotton mill worker. He may be subject to What was not treated fairly, so I went to the top of the county office building and wanted to threaten the county leaders. I also said that I would like to see the county magistrate and let the county magistrate ask him a statement. Hey, this is not a fool."
Dong Xuebin took a breath, "the county office building? How did he go up?"
"It was broken in. Someone stopped and stopped, and he let him climb the roof from the small door."
Dong Xuebin also knew that the situation was serious. After hanging up the phone, he immediately drove to the county party committee.
In the county committee's compound, there were a lot of people gathered around the village. There were policemen blocking it. Inside the compound, the county office building symbolizing the rights, there were many people standing at the time. There was a county government. The civil servants have leaders, including Hu Yiguo and Zhao Jinsong. The deputy secretary of the county party committee, Cao Xupeng, and the political and legal committee secretary Huang Li are also looking at the six-seven-story building.
On the top of the building, the blur can see a countryman wearing a blue sè overalls, stepping on the edge of the roof.
"I want to see the county magistrate, I want to see the county magistrate."
"You calm down and have something to say and say."
"Don't come over today, if you don't withdraw our factory manager, I will jump."
"You come down first, tell us the problem, we can find a way to solve it for you."
"Let the county magistrate come out and tell her."
The voice clearly passed downstairs. There should be police or fire brigade comrades on the roof to persuade him. The situation is very critical. The workers’ emotions are very unstable and may be at any time to jump. This is the county party committee. The hospital, the place where the county leaders work, if he is allowed to die here, the influence on the public opinion is too bad. This is absolutely not allowed to be born, and the leaders at the bottom are all faceless.
Dong Xuebin parked the car outside and walked in to grab a policeman. "Is the fire brigade here?"
The man looked at Dong Xuebin and immediately respected him: "Director Dong, the fire brigade has just arrived, the air cushion is on the way."
At this time, relying on the rescue air cushion, Dong Xuebin’s face is slightly changed.
How is it so slow?

"It was the time when the fire brigade changed jobs, and it was delayed."
Not far away, Cao Xupeng was scolding the guards of the two county committees, as if they were questioning how they let the workers run into trouble. Hu Yiguo and Zhao Jinsong did not know where to find a small hovercraft by the sea, full of The gas was commanding several firefighters to be placed under the building, but the inflatable boat was too small and too thin to play a role.
The workers are still shouting at them. It seems that there is nothing big. It is because for some reason, their leaders have dismissed him. As a result, he is not convinced, and with a drink in the morning, he will come to the county party committee to discuss his argument. . The police officers behind him said calmly to him that they could face this kind of cultureless countryman. Many reasons are unclear, not to mention the workers still drinking.
"The county magistrate is the county magistrate?"
"Xie County Chief is not in the compound, you should calm down and say it again."
"You call her back to me or I will jump."
What do you think you are? When I lost my job, I went to the county party committee toss? Also see Xie Jie? Dong Xuebin almost screamed.
In another building, Hu Silin walked out anxiously.
Hu Yiguo immediately said: "Hu Secretary, Xie County Chief?"
Hu Silin said: "The county magistrate went to the township to inspect in the morning and is going back, Hu Secretary, how is the worker's mood?"
Hu Yiguo sighed. "It's very bad. If you want to see the county magistrate, you may jump."
At this time, an air-conditioned fire truck quickly drove into the compound, several firefighters removed the air cushion, and others went to the power supply to inflate.
Huang Li, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, urged: "Get a little faster"
Looking at the tense atmosphere, Dong Xuebin quietly retired to a place where no one was there, and gave Xie Huilan a call. The first time he didn't get through, Dududu was busy, and the second time was passed. Dong Xuebin was busy: "Xie The county magistrate, you know about the situation here, what should I do now?"
Xie Huilan said: "Must save people"
Dong Xuebin said: "But it looks like he can't see you..."
"Director Dong, do you think I met him and opened this precedent. After that, the county party committee has stopped disappearing? There are two, there are two, there are three, this mouth can not be opened, um, let me not say, I will soon Go back, the things over there should be handled as much as possible. Remember, you must not let the workers be in danger. "Xie Huilan added some tone. Obviously, if this matter is not handled properly, it will bring her annoyance.
Dong Xuebin’s eyes must be
reassured and guaranteed to save people

"Well, you do things, I am relieved."
Hanging the line, Dong Xuebin is trying to understand the difficulties of Xie Huilan. This matter is not big, but the quality is very bad. If Xie Jie comes back to see the workers, he can put the factory in the name of a dismissal. Long take it off? And still remove the factory manager when the worker threatened his life? Where is the prestige of the government? What if the workers were given an account and the factory manager was removed? With this precedent, whoever meets the troubles in the future will come to the county party committee to jump off a building, or to kill himself outside the county party committee, then the county government will not do anything else, and deal with these suicides every day.
This worker, Xie Jie obviously can't see.
However, if the workers are really dead in the county party committee, the impact is too bad. At least it is a heavy blow to Xie’s reputation. It’s not a matter of reason. The people know that this thing can’t help but think. People have to jump off the building, do you miss the county magistrate? If you see it, then the workers will not die. It is all Xie Huilan’s responsibility. This is called public opinion pressure.
Seeing is not good, not seeing is not good, Xie sister seems to face the first test after coming to Yantai County.
Dong Xuebin felt a lot of pressure, she must solve the problem in front of her sister.
The secretary of the county party committee sat in the office to drink tea, frowning and looking outside, but there was no need to control it. He naturally saw it very clearly, not very easy to handle, and very disgusting, since the worker was crying. Shouting to see the county magistrate, did not go to the road to make this excitement, he wants to see how Xie Huilan handled the immediate incident, and if it is handled well, then it is good to say that once the handling is not good, the workers are really dead in the county party committee. In the hospital, the road does not mind going down the stone, he himself does not quite see the woman Xie Huilan.
At the top of the building, the workers shouted: "The county magistrate is the county magistrate."
Huang Li felt that he could not go on like this any more. He shouted: "If you are dismissed, we will investigate clearly. Let’s go down and tell us what we are going to say slowly."
When the workers saw their tone loose, the lion immediately said: "I must withdraw the factory manager... I want to be the workshop director."
Huang Li’s face changed, Dong Xuebin’s hearing was also on fire, and you’ve got an inch.
The worker shouted: "You promised me to come down and not promise me to jump."
Deputy Secretary Cao Xopeng was also very angry. "This person is drinking too much and getting too much."
Hu Yiguo said: "There is a reporter outside, it seems to be a reporter in the city, taking pictures."
Huang Li pressed the fireway: "Is the air cushion filled?"
", just fine."
The worker said loudly on the top of the building: "Why the county magistrate has not come to let her come over, I want to tell her that if she doesn't come to Laozi within a minute, she will jump." The door is very high, and seems to be courageous.
Dong Xuebin said with anger: "Don't dare to threaten the county government? Do you know what crime you are? Ah?"
The worker was squatting at the top of the building, Dong Xuebin. "Don't scare me. I can't support my family. I am not as alive. I am not afraid of anything."
Hu Yiguo frowned and looked at Dong Xuebin. "What do you do not want to anger him?"
But at this moment, a scene that everyone did not think of was born.
In recent days, the weather in Yantai County is not very good. There are always gusts of wind. From time to time, the winds of the 3rd and 4th grades rush across the roof, bringing up some dust and sand on the roof, and blowing a blow, only seeing the workers’ eyes. Closed, consciously rubbing his eyes, and then suddenly swayed under his feet, as if the center of gravity was not adjusted, tilted, tilted, under the horror of everyone under the sight, the workers fell and fell.
"Ah," the workers in midair yelled again and again.
Broken bad things, many people are jealous.
The rescue inflatable cushion was filled with gas, facing the bottom of the worker, but because of the gust of wind, the workers on the roof struggled to squat under the foot before the fall, and the body immediately shifted its direction, and it was offset. A few meters, coupled with the wind, it is obvious that the position of the worker’s whereabouts has been far away from the inflatable cushion of six or seven meters, where there is a hard concrete cement floor.
The height of the six or seven floors is simply dead
Dong Xuebin’s heart also mentioned the air in the air. Although he hated to gnash his teeth, he did not want this worker to have an accident, because it would be a serious blow to his girlfriend’s official voice. Xie Huilan’s roots in Yantai County are basically thin. It is not conducive to her future work. If the road or other sinister people use the means of media or media to promote it, the impact on Xie Huilan will be even greater.
Dong Xuebin bites the back molars, don't die, don't die.
"The mat is not enough"
Many people have already exclaimed
Ten meters...
Eight meters...
Five meters...
A muffled sound seems to lie in the heart of Dong Xuebin.
The worker fell to the ground, his head seemed to be broken, and blood burst from his body and died on the spot.
When a small staff member saw it, he spit at the time. Many people around him also closed their eyes and did not dare to look at them.
Dong Xuebin’s face was white, and he was still dead. Xie’s sister was in trouble. She thought of Xie Huilan’s words on the phone,
You are relieved to do things
Must save people
, Dong Xuebin’s heart is sinking, I feel I did not handle this well and lived up to the trust of Xie Jie. Dong Xuebin was a face-to-face person. Moreover, the life and death of the workers was related to Xie Jie and even his own interests, so it was almost a moment that Dong Xuebin made a decision.
Can't let this die
The scene flashes and the scene retreats
"There is a reporter outside, it seems to be a reporter in the city, taking pictures."
"Is the air cushion filled?"
", just fine."
"How can the county magistrate not come to let her come over? I want to tell her that if she doesn't come to Laozi within a minute, she will jump."
Time has returned
Dong Xuebin didn't want to go back a little more, but when he was rescued from the school to avoid bullets, k almost used a clean, and now there is only three minutes left for the rest of the body, there is no way. At this time, Dong Xuebin’s face swept over the breeze, apparently a precursor to the wind, and the workers immediately lost their balance and fell from the top of the building. It was already a thousand miles.
What did Xie’s account say?
Dong Xuebin’s cockroach came up, and rushed out when he called out.
Huang Liyi, reminded: "What are you doing for Director Dong? Don't stand under the floor and be dangerous"
There was no one downstairs, and no one was afraid that the workers would fall down and find themselves. Dong Xuebin didn't have the sound of the body. When he ran over, he looked at the inflatable cushion. The rescue cushion was too thick. Now that the position has been fixed, it is too late for people to move. Besides, Dong Xuebin does not let people The reason for moving the mat, a turn of the head, Dong Xuebin’s gaze fell to the earliest small hovercraft that I did not know who brought it.
Although the hovercraft is not thick enough and the size is much different, there is no other way.
The wind is coming
Many people are exclaimed behind them.
Dong Xuebin couldn’t take a look up and flew to the front of the hovercraft, and picked it up and ran to the side.
One step... three steps... five steps... seven steps...
"falling down"
"Director Dong is hiding away"
The police and leaders behind were anxious. I don’t understand what Secretary Xiao Dong ran to do at this time. But the next moment, everyone understood. I saw that Director Xiao Dong looked up and looked as if he had pointed out the position. I threw the hovercraft on the ground, but the area was too small. Unless it was hit by the mighty, how could the workers fall by accident? Probability is almost zero
Ten meters...
Seven meters...
Five meters...
However, what everyone is stunned is that the worker’s body actually fell on the mat in front of Dong Xuebin’s body. From the point of view and the curvature, one meter is not more than one meter. It seems that Director Xiao Dong calculated the position of the other party’s landing.
This is too god, right?
But a new problem has come out again.
The thickness of the mat is not enough. The impact of the height of the 67th floor is how the mat can survive or escape.
The workers screamed in the air, calling for help, getting closer and closer to the hovercraft on the ground, getting closer...
Dong Xuebin’s prestige in the Public Security Bureau is getting higher and higher. Everyone admires him, so when he sees that Director Dong is going to have an accident, many people are anxious.
"The Board of Directors is hiding there."
"Yeah, people can't save, come back, don't leave you alone."
These shouts are almost shouted at the same time. In a blink of an eye, the workers are close at hand.
Dong Xuebin secretly complained, and avoided? If you avoid it, the workers will die, and Xie Jie will be in trouble. Dong Xuebin does not know how much the trouble will be caused in the end. It may be small or large, but in any case, if you can avoid this trouble, Dong Xuebin also tried to die, he still has dozens of seconds of bsp; so, under the horror of everyone, Dong Xuebin stretched out his hands and looked at the sky, he needs to let himself help the workers stop The momentum of the landing is that the hovercraft shares a little pressure so that the hovercraft can withstand the weight of the worker's body.
For a time, everyone understood the intention of Director Dong, and they took a breath of air.
Pick up people by hand? This little director Dong is too embarrassed, right?
Cao Xupeng and other county leaders also squatted on the spot. Who did not understand why Dong Xuebin was so desperate for political achievements? Indeed, if he can really save people, solve problems for the county government and the county magistrate, and count a life, this political performance will certainly not run, at least a third-class merit, but the problem is that it can save people. If you make a little difference, you have to pay for your own life and talk about political achievements?
Really he is a madman
There are still such a dead child in the cadre? ?
Everyone knows that Director Xiao Dong is courageous, but he did not expect him to be so courageous.
Only Huang Li, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, knows the relationship between Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan. Only he understands that Secretary Xiao Dong is not for political achievements, not for the workers, not for fame, but for not giving Xie Huilan trouble, so he has no hesitation. Reaching out to look at this scene, Huang Li’s heart touched a lot. At first, he still thought that Dong Xuebin was worthy of Xie Huilan. The gap was too big, but now he doesn’t think so, he can have a life without even A boyfriend who helps his girlfriend solve problems, Xie County is a good blessing.
one meter……
Half a meter...
The worker fell
Dong Xuebin suddenly gnawed his teeth and dragged his arm.
Too fast, Dong Xuebin wanted to pick it up and let go, but he didn’t even have a blind eye. The worker slammed on Dong Xuebin’s arm and took his hand to the hovercraft. The air cushion netg could not withstand the pressure, suddenly opened, the worker’s head smashed to the ground, and once again died on the spot. Then I saw Dong Xuebin’s two arms, and at the same time, the bones were broken.
Dong Xuebin was almost fainted, paralyzed, bsp;......
Time retreat
one meter……
Half a meter...
The worker’s body returned to midair
Dong Xuebin saw the timing this time. He lifted the hovercraft at the foot and corrected the position. Then the right hand first mentioned it, grabbed the worker’s tu an squat, and let him focus back, so as not to land again, then the left hand was Dragging his back and screaming painfully, trying to ease the pressure of landing
The hovercraft’s angle of rupture again failed to adjust.
Although the worker did not land on the head, but the shoulder hit, the head still collided with the ground.
Another death
Once and twice three times
Dong Xuebin endured the finally corrected the worker’s landing posture when k was about to run out, letting his fall to the hovercraft first, a loud noise, the hovercraft exploded, and Dong Xuebin also quickly Going back, taking out the unconscious hands and leaning down on the ground
a scream from the workforce
not dead
This time the worker is not dead.
Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief. The next moment, Dong Xuebin fainted.
"Director Dong"
[word chapter, ask for a ticket]
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