Chapter 241: [A sudden disaster! 】

one day……
Two days...
Three days...
A dazzling time, six days passed.
This morning, the black clouds filled the sky, and most of the sky was black and pressed. The rainstorm began in the northwest of Yantai County from midnight, and the rainfall was the biggest in the past decade. Dong Xuebin’s injury has basically healed more than half. Although it has not fully recovered, the weather here is really bad. However, Dong Xuebin drove to the county public security bureau with a torrential rain. The more this kind of ghost weather, the test of the public security organs. The bigger, Dong Xuebin is also annoyed with his family these days, and he is anxious to invest in his work.
It’s smashing, and the rain hits the umbrella and makes a sound.
In the compound of the Public Security Bureau, Dong Xuebin, who was about to enter the office building, met Gong Zongwen who just got off the bus.
"Director Dong? Why is this going to work? How is the body?"
"Small, huh, huh, basically no problem."
"Why is it no problem, the gauze is not tied to the hand, how can this be done?"
"It’s now active, and there’s a bit of skin wound under the gauze. It’s not a problem now.

The two said as they entered the corridor and closed the umbrella and went upstairs. Along the way, I met several leaders of the Public Security Bureau and greeted Dong Xuebin. I was very concerned about his physical condition. Dong Xuebin greeted everyone. After a turn, he went straight to the office of the director to find Liang Chengpeng. The newspaper has arrived, and the second is to implement the third-class work that has been put together.
In the office, Liang Chengpeng is giving a paper.
Dong Xuebin closed the door and smiled: "Director Liang, I will report it."
Liang Chengpeng looked up at the gauze on the hand of Dong Xuebin, and his brow immediately wrinkled. "I will go home and rest immediately and give you a five-day holiday. How can you come back to work with this injury? I know that work is tight, but my body is not good. It’s no good to say anything, look at you like this, I have a sweat in my heart.

Dong Xuebin smiled and moved his arm. "Look, you see, it's okay."
Liang Chengpeng said: "Then you took the gauze apart and I looked at it"
"Cough, tell you the truth, I am bothered with my family, what is the case in the bureau? You have to arrange one for me."
Liang Chengpeng was so angry and funny: "How do you like this, how do you let me arrange work for you?"
"Oh, I..."
"You, don't say anything, if you insist on going to work, go back to the office and do the liaison work at the Huitian Township Police Station. When you are completely hurt, when you are busy, now, your task is to The body is well raised, don't give me reluctance. Finally, Liang Chengpeng also told Dong Xuebin that the weather in Yantai County has been bad these days. I will officially open a commendation meeting next week and issue his third-class certificate and medal.
Back to his office, Dong Xuebin was bored to drink tea.
At the end, Dong Xuebin called the police station. "Hey, Lao Liu, I Dong Xuebin."
Liu Daodao at the end of the phone: "Director Dong, are you in the bureau? Is the body okay?"
"Almost, how about the security situation in Huitian Township recently?"
"It's all right, it's just that the rain is too big. I haven't met it in ten years. There are two mountain roads in the town. There are problems in the mountain. If the problem is lighter, we will send people to set up warning signs. In some serious areas, the township is down. The order has already begun to join the relevant departments to take road closures. Hey, the rain is still going down, and it is getting bigger and bigger. It is estimated that it will not stop at night. If this continues, the problem will definitely increase."
Dong Xuebin frowned. "Do we have enough people?"
"If you do, you can barely do it."
"Well, you try to coordinate as much as you can, and I will drive right away."
"The Dong Bureau, the rain is so big, you must pay attention to safety."
"haha okay."
Dong Xuebin just looked at the heavy rain and it was a problem, so he came to work with a wound. So he didn’t listen to Liang’s request to let him sit in the office, and put the bag in his arms. When he went downstairs, he met. A deputy director of the office just called the office and said that he wanted to go to the countryside. Then he went to the compound of the Public Security Bureau to take the Mercedes-Benz business that stood out from the courtyard and drove to the village.
Under the pouring rain, the car pressed over the water.
Dong Xuebin's current state, driving is still no problem, that is, not too vigorous exercise.
ten minutes……
twenty minutes……
Yantai County, which had a good traffic condition, also blocked the car today. It took a long time for Dong Xuebin to drive the car out of the county seat. This time he grew a memory and chose a road with a relatively small traffic flow to Huitian. The township rushed, and after seven or eight bends, the car finally got on the mountain road. This road is not particularly good, the road is not very flat, plus the mountains, from time to time there are stones rolling from the hillside to the road.
Dong Xuebin concentrated his attention and slowed down the speed.
The raindrops of the beans are washed on the windshield, and the ripples are almost invisible to the road.
The bell rings, the bell rings, and the phone suddenly rings. Dong Xuebin didn't dare to distract himself. While looking at the front of the road, he reached out and touched the mobile phone. He touched it several times before he caught his hand. "...Hey, drive, who?"
"I am Liang Chengpeng, are you going to the village?"
"Well, I don't feel relieved, I have a look in the past."
Liang Chengpeng’s voice is a little urgent.
There is an accident at Qingnan Road. If you are nearby, you will rush to the past

Dong Xuebin glanced, "What is it? The road is collapsed?"
Nourish, the phone signal is a bit bad, "...mountain...had...I... immediately passed..." Dudu, the phone was disconnected. Dong Xuebin fed two songs. He heard that there was no sound, and he dialed back. The result was not enough to get out. Dong Xuebin’s heart is a little mention, Qingnan Road? My current position is the edge of Qingnan Road, what happened? What happened?
Just thinking about it, a loud noise, a sudden change
I saw a black road in front of me, rocks, sand, and rushed down from the mountain.
Dong Xuebin was scared to death, and looked at the side with the fastest speed. I saw a piece of sand rolling with gravel and rushing toward the Mercedes-Benz with lightning speed. In the blink of an eye, it was already six or seven meters. In addition, Dong Xuebin shook hands and hurriedly slammed the steering wheel to the left. Because the turn was too urgent, the tail of the car almost drifted, turning a hundred and eighty degrees on the slippery road.
哗 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥 泥
Dong Xuebin was shocked by a cold sweat, too dangerous.
He now understands that Director Liang said that there is something happening in Qingnan Road. It is just that the degree of landslide may be still slight. If the road is further forward, because the mountain is steep, and the gold mining in the mountain is long-term, it is very possible. A large area of ​​landslides and even mudslides occur. If there are cars or pedestrians passing by, the consequences are simply unimaginable. One has to die.
Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin’s face changed, and a heart also mentioned the blind eye.
How to do? Is there definitely a danger in the front to return or rush to the past?
After thinking for a few seconds, Dong Xuebin’s eyes gradually became certain. The more he was in this situation, the more he had to play the leading role. The more he had to rush to the front, the more he would return to the end as soon as he saw the danger, and he was also the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. It is. Ever since, Dong Xuebin immediately started the car, the tires swayed in the puddle, and got stuck in the mud pit on the side of the road. Dong Xuebin was anxious, took a steering wheel and continued to step on the gas pedal.
Five minutes passed
Ten minutes passed
Finally, under the efforts of Dong Xuebin, the car slowly walked out of the mud pit, and a dozen steering wheels, Dong Xuebin escaped the mud in front and drove all the way.
Hurry, I hope there are no casualties.
Because the car was trapped in the soil, and some time was delayed, when Dong Xuebin arrived at the scene, Director Liang had arrived, and they should be the other way to go. However, what surprised Dong Xuebin was that he actually saw the county magistrate Xie Huilan and the deputy secretary of the county party committee Cao Xupeng from a distance. Hu Silian gave an umbrella to the county magistrate in the heavy rain, just outside the car and several related officials anxiously said What is there, Liang Chengpeng is also on the side with several people to give full command, there are many people on the scene, there are fire brigade, there are police stations, there are local villagers.
At the sight of this battle, Dong Xuebin’s heart stunned and knew that the situation was very serious.
Further sweeping away, Dong Xuebin took a breath of air.
On the road below the hillside, a bus fell to the ground sideways. A huge stone stayed in the body not far away, as if it was rolling down from the mountain. The screams in the bus were overwhelming. Some people seemed to be uncomfortable. Because the glass may be thicker and not completely broken, the rescue team is quickly organizing people from the back to the door to rescue the trapped people.
"Xiao Dong" Liang Chengpeng saw his car and shouted.
This is the boundary of Huitian Township. Liu Haihai and Chen Fa also came.
Dong Xuebin saw that the situation was not good. Even the umbrella did not hit. When he opened the door, he ran over. "Director Liang, what can I help?"
Liang Chengpeng wiped the rain on his face. "You haven't hurt yet, don't mess around, go wear a raincoat, then you are responsible for directing the police station to rescue the trapped people. The rescue speed is too slow, fast, be careful with the glass. Crushing, several windows save people in batches, and must save everyone in three minutes. If you are late, no one knows how serious the mountain landslide will be."
Dong Xuebin promised to organize the man immediately.
Liang Chengpeng’s face is heavy, and Xie Huilan’s Cao Xupeng is not far away.
Before they came, they didn't expect things to become like this. The information that was feedback from the beginning was that a tourist bus was trapped on Qingnan Road, and thirty or forty people were trapped, considering many places near Yantai County. There was a slight landslide. Some leaders, such as Xie Huilan and Cao Xupeng, were afraid of the deterioration of the situation. They immediately rushed to the scene to direct the rescue. But what did not expect was that when everyone arrived at the scene, they just saw the rolling down from the mountain. A boulder and some silt gave birth to the bus, and the scene was shocking.
The county magistrate immediately ordered the rescue, and heard the news, the county party secretary to Daofa is also on the way.
When Dong Xuebin came, it was just a few minutes after the incident. It was the most urgent moment. Now he does not care about the injury in his hand. He took the raincoat handed by Liu Dahai quickly and shouted a few words. Take things and glass, and grab all the time to rescue the trapped. Several rescued women and old people were sent to a rescue bus, remembering the scene of the shock, and several of them cried out.
"Quickly hurry up"
"There is a person here to pick it up."
"Don't squeeze and squeeze one by one."
At this time, Xie Huilan finally saw Dong Xuebin, who was being commanded there. The eyelids suddenly jumped and blinked at Hu Silin: "Let people ask Director Dong to return to the car. How did he come to make a fuss?" Cao Xupeng and others also glimpsed. The director’s gauze was wrapped around his hands, and he knew that his injury was not good.
Hu Silian hurriedly ran over, "Director Dong Dong"
"Remember to hide people with stones and glass", Dong Xuebin looked back, "Hu Secretary, what?"
Hu Silin quickly said: "Xie County Chief let you say back to the car that you are too angry."
Dong Xuebin said: "Where I am free, thank you for the care of the county magistrate, my injury is not in the way... Hey, don't mess with one by one, don't mess with the elderly women and children."
Hu Silian is anxious, "Director Dong"
Dong Xuebin waved his hand. "You hurry to go back here. I am fine."
In desperation, Hu Silin had to fold back.
Before she even reported to Xie County, Xie Huilan waved her hand. "I know."
Cao Xupeng sighed. "This little Dong doesn't care too much about his body."
Xie Huilan blinked his eyes. "No matter how he loves," it seems to be moving.
With a bang, a piece of glass near the front of the car was smashed, and there was another rescue exit. There were smashed out of the door and there were dozens of people trapped in the bus. Rescued, but for a moment, 30 people have come out, and some people are throwing them to climb slowly. Some may be injured. They can’t move in the bus, and they call for help.
Liang Chengpeng's grand voice: "Save people in the car"
Dong Xuebin added: "Prepare the stretcher faster"
If I didn’t know that my arm was not good, Dong Xuebin had already rushed up. There were always broken stones on the hillside rolling down, oh, oh, one by one on the bus, there were two rescues. The staff was also smashed into the thighs by the stone. At that time, they fell to the ground. Some rescue teams around them released their hands to save them. They carried the stretchers and transferred the wounded and trapped people to the county magistrate and the county leaders. The place - the mountain forest there is relatively dense, except for some rainwater rushing down the mountain, there is no landslide, it is safe.
The bus was rescued by three people.
The hearts of Xie Huilan and Cao Xupeng are slightly relaxed.
Dong Xuebin also wiped the face full of rain and gave a slight breath. Fortunately, Xie Huilan and Liang Chengpeng came in time. If these rescuers arrived later, they would not be able to transfer all the trapped people in a short time. Now it should be nothing. Then, there are three or four more people, and the trapped people in the bus can all be saved.
But when you see that there are still two minutes to save people, the accident happened.
The rumble of Longshan in the thunderstorm is not known to be thunder or what sound.
Then, under the gaze of everyone, the hillside on the side of the bus seemed to move slightly. The surface of the mountain became more and more trembled with the rumbling sound. Even Xie Huilan and Liang Chengpeng felt the shock of the soles of their feet. It seems that the earthquake is generally
Xie Huilan’s face changed.
Cao Xupeng and Dong Xuebin also had a white face, and the chest seemed to be hammered heavily.
Then, a large area of ​​landslides hit in an instant.
"The mountain collapsed"
"It’s downhill to be downhill."
"Niu Niu"
"Da Lei"
"Do not"
The thick sandstone rolled down from the hillside, almost blinking time, it was at the foot of the mountain.
Some of the people who are being rescued have been stupid, and those who are still far away are rushing to the direction of the county leaders. The people who are close to each other have a quick reaction to see the dodge and have no time to take the lead. The car glass jumped into the bus, and the latter person pondered over, followed by a head. Of course, the power of human beings can’t compete with nature. Only when you hide in the bus, there is hope for survival.
The sand is too thick
How thick is one person?
Half a second...
one second……
The huge landslide has already screamed, and the bus was swallowed up.
Dong Xuebin was still far away. As soon as he saw this scene, he stopped a stupid policeman next to him. He rushed to the county leader. The landslide was just the side of the bus. Other places were temporarily It’s still safe, and most people are not hurt.
However, after the landslide, everyone will look in the direction of the bus...
In the eye is a sly khaki
There are sand, mud, stone, and grass.
But the bus... but it’s gone.
There is only one layer of thick mud on the road a few hundred meters ahead, and you can no longer see the shadow of the bus.
In the sand, a young man from the rescue team who had not had time to escape, the body below had been swallowed up by the mud, only his head was exposed, and his eyes were horrified, and he died on the spot.
Liu Dahai and Chen Fa’s eyes are red,
Little Sun

The dead man is the police officer of Huitian Township Police Station.
A lot of trapped people who had just been rescued ran out of the bus and shouted the names of their loved ones.
"It's over"
"Niu Niu Niu Niu"
"Da Lei will save him. My son is still in the car. My son is still here."
Cry shouts, screams, and the sound of sand and stone converge, resounding in the sky
Liang Chengpeng suddenly slammed his fist, late? Still a step later?
The bus has been thoroughly covered by thick mud, and the aftermath of many sandstones is still sweeping the scene. The possibility of the people in the bus can survive, almost no longer exists.
That's too late
Everything is happening too fast
[At the annual meeting in Chengdu, the aircraft on the 28th, the update may be in the evening, just finished writing up late today, even more at night. 】
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