Chapter 261: [1 disease can not afford! 】

Late, eight o'clock.
County People's Hospital, a doctor who was on duty late and several nurses ran into the ward of Dong Xuebin with equipment. A pale face of Dong Xuebin is lying on the ground, and he has long been unconscious. Xie Huilan squats aside his face, his face is very unsightly, his fists are slightly squinting, and he can't say a word. He also held a hand of Dong Xuebin with a horrible face, and kept talking to him on his mouth. He comforted him and said nothing, he will definitely get better.
"Family let one let!"
The doctor smashed the past and said: "Heartbeat, blood pressure!"
A nurse said: "Blood pressure -.", another person wearing a white coat: "Heartbeat 45, weak breathing."
The doctor immediately broke the line: "Upper ventilator, first send the rescue room, call the director directly, fast!", hurriedly said: "Congfu, Bin will not have anything? Nothing?", the doctor has no time to follow He said too much, while commanding people to take Dong to the bed and take temporary first aid measures, then he turned back and said: "Blood pressure and heart rate are too low, the situation is not optimistic, you should inform the patient's family as soon as possible, we Will try to rescue." After all, he ignored the white face, the doctor and several nurses pushed the bed out and entered the rescue room. I hurried to keep up, Xie Huilan followed.
five minutes……
ten minutes……
fifteen minutes……
Rescue outdoor.
He was so anxious that he was sitting in a plastic chair. "Bin is fine, it must be fine."
"The life of that child is bigger than anyone else!" Xie Huilan of Fang Fang’s eyes closed slightly. "There will be no problem!"
Ruan said: "Yes, yes, there will be nothing." But everyone can hear that both of them have some comfort to themselves. As the rescue time gets longer, Yan and Xie Huilan’s face becomes more and more annoying. Xie Huilan stood up from the chair. He stepped on the high heels and walked back and forth in the hallway. He licked his hand in the head, and then shed a few tears. After a while, he ran to the rescue room door and squatted outside the door that was completely opaque. Look at it.
Oops, the door suddenly opened, and a doctor came out!
Xie Huilan and Yan immediately greeted him. "How is the doctor, bin?" Xie Huilan said: "Dong Dong is not awake?" The doctor knew the county magistrate and sighed. "Not yet."
"Not yet? You show me the table yourself! How long has this been?", Xie Huilan fired.
The doctor daringly said: "Xie County Chief" Director Dong, although there is no obvious trauma, blood tests are not too abnormal, but the situation is still very dangerous. A few minutes ago, the patient's heart had briefly stopped a beat, so..." Director Yang is doing his best to rescue, and we will do our best to rescue Director Dong."
After listening to this, "Hey and Xie Huilan are all swaying!"
heart? Stop beating? How could this be? ?
Then, the doctor sighed and took out a list, "Who is the patient's family?", said: "Bin mother is not good, we did not dare to inform her." What are you talking to me?

The doctor handed over a critically ill notice, "I still want to inform the family of Director Dong, you need to sign the word.", see the words of the critically ill notice, you will be stupid, and your feet will be swaying, almost slanting I fell over, but Xie Huilan helped her from the side.
He licked his lips and shook his lips. "Bin him......... No?

"Calm down." Xie Huilan took a breath. "The next critical notice does not mean that you will die!"
At this time, the old dean of the County People's Hospital and a deputy director, a director hurriedly ran from the corridor, heard that Director Dong suddenly fainted, and heard that Xie County Chief is also in the hospital. The old dean who had already slept early had just rushed over. Director Dong had just made great achievements in the morning. If something happened in their hospital, they would not blame.
"Xie County Chief!"
"The county magistrate!"
Several hospital leaders stood beside Xie Huilan with respect and respect.
The old dean immediately asked the doctor on duty about the situation of Director Dong. After listening to him, his face changed and his heart was anxious.
He was already mad, and he pushed the doctor to run in the rescue room. But he was stopped outside. Xie Huilan was a little calmer than her, and threw the critical notice to the old dean. Let me see this thing again! I don't care what you use! No matter how much hua costs! I have to save the director Dong back! Did you hear it? Continue to rescue! Add people! Immediately!", "Understand!", old The dean and a director personally went into battle and stepped into the rescue room.
The word of the rescue outdoor is getting more and more solid, no one speaks, and the hallway is silent.
A minute passed.
Five minutes passed.
Ten minutes passed.
Daddy, the rescue room door opened, the old dean and the director Yang all came out.
Xie Huilan’s eyes were tight, and her heart suddenly came up with a fear of hearing what we
do as much as we can
The director in his early forties turned his breath and said: "Director Dong woke up and was temporarily out of danger."
I heard that everyone was relieved, fortunately, fortunate. When Dong Xuebin was introduced, it seemed to be tired and asleep, but his face was a little more than before. Tears and tears fell, and I licked my mouth, and I was so weeping, but I was scared. Xie Huilan is also a long-suffering, the whole person is a lot easier.
The hospital recommended that Director Dong should rest well and not be disturbed. Xie Huilan ordered the people to disperse, and a few people who came to visit the disease were also beaten by her.
In a short while, the chief physician, Yang, came out of the office with a slap in the face. "Who is the patient's family, come with me." Then he turned back and went into the house without turning back. When I was trying to understand Bin’s condition, I quickly followed in. Xie Huilan saw it and casually said something to the old dean, and followed the first few steps to close the office door. There are only them in the house.
Director Yang looked at you, "Are you a family member?"
"Yes." He worried: ": What happened to Bu Bin this time? Why is it so serious?"
Director Yang is not giving her a good face. "I want to ask you again! In the afternoon, when Director Dong was sent to the hospital, there was nothing wrong with it! How suddenly collapsed?" He... is very anxious and angry.", Director Yang’s eyes stunned. "Is angry? Are you angry with him?", no words. Xie Huilan was frowning. "Just angry, it will cause difficulty breathing? The heart stops briefly?"
Director Yang affirmed: "Of course, and this may be the main cause. You should know that Director Dong is more enthusiastic, kind, and upright. When the people are in danger for a few times, aren’t Dong Directors coming forward? This kind of person is often very heavy, and it is very important to do things. If you meet something that you can't think of." When you meet something that is bothersome, you will always be very tight. If you can't figure it out, you will continue to think. Uncomfortable will continue to think. This kind of emotion often leads to a lot of acute illness, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage. "Many patients are angry and born!", Xie Huilan's face changed slightly, "so serious?"
Ruan said: "Is there any sequelae left? Bin did not have this before!", Director Yang said with anger: "I didn't mean that I didn't mean it in the future. I don't understand how your family is doing it, ah? The patient is hospitalized. You said that you are not taking good care of it. What are you doing with him?" In that landslide, one of the girls trapped in the tourist bus was the niece of the director, director Dong. Director Yang is very grateful, and it is also a matter of his own affairs, so the temper is coming up!
Biting the teeth, there is no sound of loss.
Just Xie Huilan also stepped on Dong Xuebin's step by step, and this is also a sound.
Director Yang said: "How many major things Director Dong has done in the past few months, everyone knows that he is willing to enter the school as a hostage, rescue the detained students and teachers, and use the body of blood to catch the jumping man. When the mountain is landslide, he ignores his own safety. Fighting to rescue the trapped people, they almost died, and in the morning to remove the bombs, and finally escaped, the aftermath of the bomb was almost killed, and at the end of the car to catch the gangsters, "crash with the gangsters, let alone so many things piled up Together, "the spirit of ordinary people can't be digested even with one thing. This is not a simple mental pressure. How many times, Director Dong has almost lost his life? How many times have you escaped? Is this a pressure that can be described? Obviously impossible, accumulated over and over again, this deformed mental pressure can completely make a person completely crushed. "Xie Huilan Shen yín for a moment, "Is this a psychological disease?" "Yes, not all." Director Yang sighed: "Dong Yichang is too laborious and has not healed. From that time, the soft tissue of the hands was severely contused, and the legs were broken. Later, the director of the three months was almost hospitalized. He may not feel anything about himself, and outsiders may not see anything, but this injury is real. In fact, in my opinion, under the dual pressure of physical and mental, it is not always good to be in a state of calm for half a year. But you are a family member who is still angry with him? ? ", repentant said: "Is Bin still sick after that?" "Director Yang shook his head. "I can't say it, let's observe it. Fortunately, there is no lesion in the heart." "Xie Huilan said: "How to treat the follow-up? ", "Retirement, Director Dong needs all the rest, can't worry, can't be angry, let him easily raise a year, so those negative mental pressures may be able to calm down, um, I am not a psychiatrist, specific The treatment plan is also open to Director Liu. "It has already been twelve o'clock in the evening. After Xie Huilan took the people away, the dangdang was empty in the corridor.
In the ward, a lot of instruments were placed around, ticking and ticking. Dong Xuebin closed his eyes and was lying on the bed, falling asleep heavily, and the body was heavily attached to many lines, as well as the monitor attached to the finger. Xie Huilan and Yan stood in the ward and looked at the bed without saying a word.
Suddenly, Dong Xuebin’s eyelids moved, and then he opened.
Xie Huilan stepped forward, "Wake up?", hurriedly rushed together. "How do you feel? Where is it uncomfortable?"
Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes, weak and weak: "How is this, what?", I have no strength in my body, and I am very tired in spirit. This feeling is very bad, it seems to be dying. Dong Xuebin’s heart sank, and it was still good before Ming Ming.
He touched his hand: "Nothing is fine, nothing is fine."
Dong Xuebin's eyebrows fluttered, pale and powerless: "Is it a terminal illness?", "No." Xie Huilan also bent over and patted his back. "Don't think about it, you are too tired to take care of you. The doctor said that it would be fine for a while.

Dong Xuebin does not believe, "Is there really no cancer?"
The nose is a bit sour, "Oh, I really don't." She told the doctor's words again.
After listening to it, Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart suddenly became bitter. Perhaps the director of the foreign director said it was right. But how is his mental stimulation just a few times? When he rescued teachers and students at school, he The pistol that was jailed off did not know how many times he had killed it. Once and for all, he watched the bullets hit his body. Although he knew that he would not die, the horror and powerlessness were not affordable to the average person. Watching his arm break again and again, "After the landslide event, the time bomb incident, Dong Xuebin also experienced countless deaths and changed others." I am afraid that I will fall ill soon, that is, Dong Xuebin relies on a strong struggle. The child stayed up.
But to put it bluntly, it is still the biggest blow to him this time.
With Xie Jie and the troubled things, Dong Xuebin’s spirit has been greatly stimulated, and the accumulation of evils in the past has exploded. It seems that the dominoes have collapsed in an instant.
Even Dong Xuebin himself was a little unprepared. I didn’t expect that the deaths of the time and time had already mixed my spirits.
Dong Xuebin frequently sighed.
瞿芸萱 softly and comfortably said: "Don't think about it, the doctor said that this is a good thing. Instead of leaving a time bomb that I didn't know when to do it, it will not be able to withstand the end of it." After going to the root of the disease, it will be fine. "Dong Xuebin, ah, "Don't tell my mom, I am afraid she is in a hurry.

"I know." He touched his face with sorrow. "You can do it with peace of mind." Nothing else is needed.
Xie Huilan asked, "How are you feeling now?"
Dong Xuebin said: "It's just boring, the head is a little dizzy, a bit 1uan." At this time, Dong Xuebin remembered the scene before he fainted. "In the heart, the emotion immediately became very bad, and the breathing was also a little faster. He Strong self-pressed the discomfort of the head and dizziness, look at Xie Huilan and the two people, "You go back, I will do it alone." ", my face is stagnation. "You can't do it alone." "Dong Xuebin is sick and said: "I am fine, are you not going back to Beijing?" "," I won't leave, I will stay with you here. "Oh, hold his hand and tighten it." "The words in the evening are all swearing. You are alone in your heart. How can you give up on you? Hey, the doctor said that you can’t be anxious again." Don't think so much, don't you go, you are guarding you in this life, protecting you, even if you have done something sorry, you are not angry, hehe. "Dong Xuebin reluctantly said: "What are you blaming me?

瞿芸萱 Gentle and gentle: "I didn't marry you, this is the truth, I really didn't make you angry." After that, she looked at Xie Huilan. "Xie, I have it here. You are busy with work, go back." "Xie Huilan yelled at her, "Why am I going?", said: "There is nothing else here. I will take care of Bin."
Xie Huilan blinked his eyes. "Sister Sister, I think you still go back. Bin was injured for me several times, and I should have left him to look after him, okay?" The two of them were a bit of a tit-for-tat.
Seeing that they have to squat, Dong Xuebin is uncomfortable, and it is difficult to breathe.
He was shocked. He hurriedly stroked Dong Xuebin’s chest and helped him to sigh. "Is it not okay to talk? Don't worry, nothing, hey, nothing.", Xie Huilan also sat over, gentle. "We both talked and didn't quarrel." Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Really, go back, don't worry about me, I am sorry for you, I haven't seen you before." Both."
Xie Huilan gave Dong Xuebin a 1uan before the forehead. "What do you say stupid? Isn’t it good to say things emotionally? I won’t be j你 with you in the future. When I get there, I will say it later, you The task now is to give me a good illness. Don't worry, there is no hurricane under the sun. Do you not say this often? You, now, when you have two girlfriends, don't think about it. It’s up."
Dong Xuebin hurriedly shook his Which line, I can't match it, let alone two.

Xie Huilan gently touched the shoes with high heels.
As soon as he was hesitant, "Don't say that you can't match it, what Xie Jie said......... I also agree, you should have two girlfriends first, and other things will be said later." Now, think about it, there is still a bitter and scary war. She is really afraid that Dong Xuebin can't think of another disease, so now I can only do this.
Dong Xuebin: "How can I do that, I..."
Xie Huilan interrupted: "Don't say this, can't you succeed? Let's just do it."
瞿芸萱 一 一 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我Don't hold on, don't you hear it?"
Dong Xuebin knows that the two people are trying to make themselves happy and happy. They don’t want to worry about their own urgency. Otherwise, it’s impossible to say what two girlfriends are when they are killed. Think of it here, Dong Xuebin’s heart. Moved very much
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