Chapter 263: 【new task】

After ten days of recuperation, Dong Xuebin was finally discharged.
These days, with the company and care of Xie Hui and Xie Huilan, Dong Xuebin’s mental state has been greatly relaxed, and his looks are much better. Even if he moves around, there will be no breathing difficulties or premature beats. However, Dong Xuebin’s chief physician, Yang, is not so optimistic. He said that this mental illness is not good for one day or two. Dong Xuebin should pay more attention to rest, so as not to recover.
The outside is close to the winter, the air is cold, Xie Huilan and both of them wear windbreakers.
In the hospital compound, he gave Dong Xuebin a tight collar with a leather jacket. "Where will you return to Beijing?"
"Well, don't delay the right thing, this autumn shoot should also be done." Dong Xuebin said: "Xie sister, you also go to work, these two days have worked hard for you." Xie Huilan hooked his mouth, "a little county police The bureau has your commendation meeting, and you are ready to prepare a speech."
Ruan said: "Remember to relax, don't fight too hard, wait until you come to see you."
Dong Xuebin promised one by one, and after talking for a while, they were all running things.
Look at the table, there are still some time, Dong Xuebin first went home and simply wrote the words, because there was experience before, this time is very smooth, about five minutes, ng is good, then Dong Xuebin goes downstairs to drive The car wash car washes the car and fills it up with oil. It is not too slow to drive to the county public security bureau compound. "Hey, Director Dong!"
"The Board of Directors, are you discharged from the hospital?"
Dong Xuebin smiled happily with everyone, entered the office building, and went to the top and the colleagues and other greetings. After finishing the office of Secretary Cheng Chengpeng, political commissar Liu Weiye, deputy director Qin Yong, etc., Dong Xuebin returned to his office and began to pick up the phone to call old friends and leaders, such as Hu Silin, for example. The Political and Legal Committee 〗 〖Books Huang Li Na, this is the person who always calls or visits during the hospitalization of Dong Xuebin, Dong Xuebin naturally wants to thank him and said that he will visit in person.
The office of the office has been done, just wait for more than ten minutes of recognition.
Dong Xuebin is full of enthusiasm, rested for too long, and finally returned to work.
u got this empty, Dong Xuebin produced a pen and a book, wrote and painted on it for a few months this year. This is the date of Dong Xuebin’s entry into the civil servant and the deputy department. He feels that it is necessary to sketch the future. The goal is. Emotionally, Xie Huilan and Yan did not let him rush to decide, they are also estimated that their value is not worthy of their like, everything is still uncertain, maybe one day Xie sister imagined, and other men also I can't say it, so now I am so good, I don't want to, I don't want to give it a chance to breathe. I also give Xie and I a time to think.
Dong Xuebin’s main consideration now is the career goal.
He decided a few months ago, the next goal is to mention the Department, and now it is also planned.
He has been in Yantai County for more than half a year. The total achievements in the past six months are almost all great achievements. Counting the first-class merits and third-class merits to be awarded today, Dong Xuebin got a total of one. Third-class merit, two second-class merits and one first-class merit, it is simply the credit that others can't get for more than ten years. The foundation is very solid and the resume is getting thicker and thicker. Those who have been in the position for three years, with these achievements enough to cross the sub-discipline, jumped up to Zhengke, but Dong Xuebin was only a cadre who had been in the system for more than a year, and the difficulty was too great. .
The downtime of the subfamily is one year. He hasn’t even passed this year, let alone the correction.
It’s not so easy to promote it. It’s got to have political achievements. Second, there are people.
In these two aspects, Dong Xuebin has it, but he can make God without saying it. Xie Huilan came to the first place and was the second-in-command. The Standing Committee is almost on the road, so even if Xie Jie fully supports herself, "I hope is not big, then talk about political achievements." The fact that Dong Xuebin had arrived was enough for a cadre who had been in office for two years to be promoted, but it was not enough for a cadre who had worked for less than a year and had no trial period to promote it.
It’s hard to be like the sky!
I turned over some files and recalled the information of the leaders of the county bureau. Hu Yiguo, the deputy director of the county, has been in the past two years, and has made two second-class merits and four third-class merits. The deputy director Gong Zongwen is similar to Hu Yiguo, but it is less. A second-class merit, even Qin Yong, who is not highly qualified, plus the qualifications in the provincial public security department, now has four third-class merits, and many merits, not only Dong Xuebin is the leader. He objectively analyzed it, and now he is trying his best to use all the power that can be used. It is not realistic to mention the Zhengke.
Just give up? Let it be natural?
This is certainly impossible! Dong Xuebin has a plan in a blink of an eye!
Until the net festival next year, the trial period of Dong Xuebin's deputy division will be over. At that time, he will be able to make the name of the gods upright enough, and the difficulty of promotion will be much more difficult than if the trial period was not used. I have won some political achievements in this year. At that time, the capital was even bigger. The hope of being promoted to Zhengke is even greater. It is not entirely impossible. This merit, third-class merit is obviously not good. I am afraid that the merits are not enough. Only one first class, Dong Xuebin still needs to set a first-class merit!
Think about it, two first-class merits, two second-class merits.
At that time, even Cheng Chengpeng’s political achievements were afraid to go without Dong Xuebin’s high!
Dong Xuebin secretly nodded, so I decided, I must get a first-class merit in these few months, Zhengke, he can't wait!
More than ten o'clock, the commendation meeting will begin.
Dong Xuebin was sitting in front of the venue in a spirited manner. Not only did he have the leadership of the county public security bureau and the county leaders, but also the leaders from the city. After all, there was a merit award, and it was not possible to award several times a year. People from the Provincial Public Security Department will come. Ten minutes later, the meeting began. The provincial leaders personally gave Dong Xuebin a first-class gong and a third-class ng chapter. They also joked that it was the first in the country to be one or two. All the people who took the package, after Dong Xuebin gave a speech, the applause was underneath.
Dong Xuebin is very satisfied, these medals can all be put together.
After the meeting, many people gave Dong Xuebin a joy, and Xie Huilan, who was present, also took a smile on the shoulder of Dong Xuebin. "Don't be proud, keep up the good work."
Dong Xuebin respectfully said: "Thank you thank the county magistrate, I will definitely."
"Oh............... Xie Huilan smiled and said: "Then I will see you show.

There are so many people in the side. "Dong Xuebin is naturally not good at saying anything. He said in your heart what kind of government you are playing with me. The mouth is still attached again and again. After a while, Dong Xuebin went to say hello to the city leaders and provincial leaders. Although Dong Xuebin has made some famous names in Yantai County, he is still not a leader in the city's leadership. The people just nodded politely. After playing a few words than Xie Huilan's official officials, they did not say anything. The next step is to have a meal.
According to the past situation, the leading metropolis in the provincial capital has eaten here. However, a phone call suddenly rang.
A leader of the Provincial Public Security Department is talking with Qin Yong, and Deputy Director Qin is seconded from the Provincial Public Security Department. The person may be his old leader, but after receiving the call, the leader of the Public Security Department The face is a change. "You say it again... How do you do it! The alarm didn't ring... I know! Control the scene right away!" He seemed angry and hanged up on the phone.
Qin Yong’s glimpse,
Huo Hall is coming...,...

The man waved his hand and didn't say anything more." The man left immediately!
The leaders of the county public security bureaus such as Qi Chengpeng and Liu Weiye face each other, and everyone with a clear eye sees it. This is an accident in the province, and it will not be a thing! Dong Xuebin also wondered, what happened to the people in the provincial halls to change their faces? Have you escaped from prison? What is the big case?
In the afternoon, Dong Xuebin returned to the office and ringed the bell. The desk phone rang.
He reached out and said, "Hey, Dong Xuebin."
Calling Qin Yong, "Dong Dongdi, watching TV" midday news!

Dong Xuebin stunned, flew out of the remote control and pressed the rarely abandoned TV on the office wall. He dialed several stations and finally found the provincial news station. There is a provincial museum on the screen. There is nothing in the distance. When the camera turns to a corner in the museum, Dong Xuebin has a slight glimpse. Several protective glasses on the booth have been broken a few ng. The cultural relics are missing!
Listening to the commentary on the news again, Dong Xuebin understands that the provincial museum has been stolen!
Dong Xuebin looked tight and said to the phone: "Qin, what's the matter?" Should the protection measures at the museum be done very tightly? How did people get in?

Qin Yong sighed: "The Forbidden City can be stolen, let alone the provincial museum."
Dong Xuebin thought too, "Is people caught?"
"I just knew the news. I haven't caught it yet. I don't even know what the stolen goods have been stolen. Anyway, I heard that the provincial leaders are furious and have already spilled half of the police force. They are also required to solve the case within three days. It is a cultural relic of more than two levels." Qin Yong is in the provincial hall, and the news is quite well-informed.
Dong Xuebin’s heart said that it’s no wonder that Director Huo’s hurriedly led the team away. Is such a big case really rare, the theft museum? Still successful? How many people’s faces have you played this time? Moreover, if the case has been dragged on for a long time, and if theft is transferred to someone who even sneaked out of the country, the loss is simply immeasurable. The cultural relics above the second level, unless ancestral, will not even allow legal eligibility. It is said that it is precious, it is a cultural heritage, it is a huge historical wealth! This gang t丫ng! How can I steal anything!
The impact of this matter is too great, even the 〗 〖Central TV station has been broadcast!
All over the country was in turmoil. Under this time, Beihe Province immediately became the focus of the country and its eyes gathered. There were buzzing and accusations, and the province suddenly faced a lot of pressure. Especially the public security system, almost launched a search for the stalls, trying to find the stolen cultural relics.
Dong Xuebin is also very concerned about this. In the afternoon, he is watching the news online.
At three o'clock in the afternoon, the case did not seem to have any progress. Dong Xuebin did not look at it. He knew that this was a matter of the provincial public security department. He had nothing to do with himself. Even if he wanted to help, he could do nothing. He had to silently u. Again, consider where to go ng first class, first class is not so good, even if you have cracked a drug trafficking case, you can not give it to you.
Brush brush, Dong Xuebin page turned over the file.
But one time passed, and I still couldn't find a case that would give him first class.
Dong Xuebin exhaled a little, forget it, this is an urgent matter. Anyway, there are still months to the trial period of one year. The time is still rich. When you meet the opportunity, you can grab it again. So Dong Xuebin gave Huitian Township 〗 〖Publishing a phone call, let them fax some case files, he is ready to deal with the case of the township, and the case rate of Huitian Township is gone up.
The bell rings, the bell rings, and the phone rings again.
This time, it was called by Cheng Chengpeng. "Director Dong, come to my office."
"Yes." Dong Xuebin put down the phone and quickly went upstairs.
Hey, he knocked on the door and took a look at Yu Chengpeng behind the table. "Hey, Secretary, are you looking for me?"
Yan Chengpeng frowned and frowned, nodded, "Sit down, sit down and say." Turned over from his desk, he said: "Is the case of the Provincial Museum heard?"
"I heard that." Now hundreds of millions of people in the country know, Dong Xuebin will not know.
Yan Chengpeng, he pushed a document to him. "Look at this."
"This is..." Dong Xuebin stood up suspiciously and took the documents in his hand. There was no case written on it. There was only one picture and a few lines of text description. Liu Shengjin 缕 ù ,, Beicheng Jingcheng Wang Han, Zhongshan, Jing Wang, Liu Sheng Unearthed from the tomb, it is the earliest, highest-ranking and most complete y-shirt in the country. It is made of gold silk and y ù 而成 而成 ù , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Seeing this, Dong Xuebin’s eyes widened.
Golden 缕 ù ?? National treasure?

Qi Chengpeng accidentally saw that he did not expect that Director Dong’s knowledge was still tǐng wide.
It’s a national treasure, and it’s also ranked in the national treasure.

Dong Xuebin is also doing antique business. Of course, knowing this stuff, the first-class cultural relics are not the most precious. There is also a kind of national treasure-level cultural relics. This is the top of the cultural relics, and Liu Shengjin’s ù clothing has three
. The name of the word is obviously the value of the national treasure in the national treasure. It cannot be measured by money. It can be said that it is the most expensive and cherished historical relic of the entire Beihe Province!
What Dong Xuebin understood, "Golden 缕 ù clothing was stolen!?"
"Hey...", "粱成鹏 sighed and nodded. "In addition to this, there are a few very valuable artifacts, followed by a picture introduction.

Dong Xuebin is flying fast, and the more he looks at the more shocked, the more he looks and the more trembles, the things that are worth everything! !
Yan Chengpeng said: "It should be a gang to commit crimes, and it was premeditated. I even suspected that the theft plan was planned for at least a year. I sneaked into the museum, avoided the guards, avoided the alarm, and did not leak the leaks. I also drilled the museum. A few leaks of the anti-theft device, knowing that when the staff opened the pavilion in the morning, the staff routinely cleaned up the cash, and the other things were missing."
Dong Xuebin did not understand why the Secretary told him this.
Yan Chengpeng looked at him. "The province has issued a deadline to solve the case within a limited time. All counties and cities must cooperate fully, and even if necessary, set up a task force to investigate and search, and cooperate with the provincial public security department to solve the case. Dong, I will give you this case." In fact, Yan Chengpeng also responded to the call of the province, and walked through the scene. After a whole night, the other party can completely escape from the Beihe Province. Even if he stays here, it is unlikely to go to Yantai County. The necessary checkpoints still have to be set up, high toll gates, major intersections to be investigated, these have to be done, not afraid of 10,000, just in case.
This is the first time that Yan Xuebin has led such a heavy task from the bureau, and he is very busy. "Yes, make sure it is done!"
Yan Chengpeng nodded slightly and pushed the remaining documents to him. "This is the detailed information of the case. If you go back to study and research, what is the current situation or situation, report directly to me."
Dong Xuebin took the information very seriously and read it slowly.
In fact, Qi Chengpeng did not intend that Yantai County could break the case. It is basically impossible. As long as Dong Xuebin can do his job well, he will do nothing, but he will not seek merit but seek nothing.
However, Dong Xuebin didn't think so. He didn't take it seriously because the name was not right. Now the director ordered him to be responsible for the investigation and arrest of Yantai County. Dong Xuebin could take this matter to heart. I also want to recover those pieces of cultural relics for the country. This kind of thing can never be lost overseas. Secondly, this is a good opportunity for meritorious service. Things are so hot, if Dong Xuebin can To recover the cultural relics, it goes without saying that a first-class merit can never run. This is an event that provincial leaders and even the central and middle-level leaders attach importance to!
It is it!
Can not set up Zhengke here in one fell swoop!
Before leaving work, Dong Xuebin began to set up electric drills. The police patrols were dispatched. The checkpoints were arranged at the main intersections. On the other side of the criminal police team, Dong Xuebin also gave a mobile phone to Vice Captain Feng to help him investigate the case.
Dong Xuebin does not take charge of these departments. However, with the Secretary of the Party’s Shang Fang Bao, he can now command a certain department. Although Hu Yiguo and Zhao Jinsong said that Dong Xuebin was not pleasing to the eye, this matter will still not be against him. The stolen provincial museum has become a major case of concern to the whole country. Who dares to make a blind man at this time? How many lives are not enough!
The search was in full swing.
After work, Dong Xuebin, who returned to the Family Office of the Public Security Bureau, was not idle. He took the information and repeatedly pondered it. Even if the thief would not hide in Yantai County, there would be no path, but Dong Xuebin also made a decision. The idea is to seize this group of people, even if it is cross-city and cross-province, he has to find a way to win this feat! ! .
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