Chapter 274: [Detected stolen cultural relics! 】

Chapter 274 [Detecting stolen artifacts! 】
The sea breeze, a few seagulls across the sky, the sound of screaming.
Several gold cup cars and trucks were horizontal and vertical, and one body fell to the ground. Behind a gold cup car, the boss said with a sullen face, anger has burned to the ng mouth, looking at the only three men around him, his heart is getting more and more yin, a few drops of sweat are also printed from the forehead. . The three hands were facing each other, and I heard the footsteps behind the truck not far away. They all swallowed their mouths and spit. Rao had more than one life in their hands. At this moment, a few people still emerged from the bones. chill.
A couple of dozens are still so relaxed, this person is not what they can deal with!
The men in their hands are tightening their pistols, and the alert is extremely extreme!
Leaning behind the truck, Dong Xuebin calculated that there were not many people left in the other side, and he said loudly: "The people on the beach have listened, you have been surrounded, you can't escape, if you want to live, immediately put down your arms and come out. I held my head on the floor and heard it? I repeat it. If you want to live, immediately put down your weapon, throw the gun on the ground, and walk your head out!"
Surrounded by so many people?
They must have been funny before, but now, no one can laugh.
One of the men retired, "Boss, this..."
Hey, the boss slammed the gun, "Give me ng to die him! Who dares to run me first!"
"The other party is alone! Don't be afraid!" A loyal and ambitious man said: "One person and one shot also killed him! This time I am aiming!"
In desperation, several people were daringly licking their guns.
After waiting for about half a minute, the other party did not move. Dong Xuebin knew that they would not surrender. One step was preparing to rush from behind the truck. Suddenly, a gunshot broke the silent sky. Dong Xuebin’s eyes were tight. Almost half an second ahead of time, the right foot was lifted. Hey, a bullet flying from under the car almost hit his tuǐ and rubbed Dong Xuebin’s shoes and flew out!
Hou Yu in the distance shouted: "Heart! Below!"
Don't remind him that Dong Xuebin also knows that his body is slanting and he is lying on the ground. When Dong Xuebin just landed for the first second, his arm suddenly suddenly slammed and pushed the ground and pushed it up. At the same time, at the same time, the gun rang, and a bullet ran across the gap between Dong Xuebin’s mouth and the ground. The danger was dangerous. Dong Xuebin’s eyes slammed and the arm was loose again and he was lying on the ground and raised his gun. Under the truck, he saw the big man under the gold car in front of him, lying on the ground and aiming at him with a gun!
Two guns rang!
On the scalp of Dahan, there was already a blood ng, and Dong Xuebin climbed up safely.
The ninth person!
On the surface, Dong Xuebin looked very relaxed, shimmering, waved, and the enemy fell to the ground. Actually, it was not so simple. People with poor shooting methods were fine. Bullets couldn’t beat him. Dong Xuebin couldn’t take any crimes. At most, my heart was a little bit stunned, but the bullet hit him was not so beautiful. He had to use k to return back and forth again and again. When he was lucky, he had to hide two or three times to completely avoid the bullet. The touch and pain of these bullets on the body are real, and the mental torture has gone far beyond the body!
Let's fight!
It’s bad to let them run!
Dong Xuebin tightened his hand and bent down under the car. He observed the position of several people on the other side, but they may consciously hide it. It is possible that the foot is behind the tire. This angle is invisible. Dong Xuebin has been waisting. The footsteps were pressed to the lowest, and the direction was changed. From the front of the truck, the neck was explored. No one, even a little voice could not be heard. Dong Xuebin went out and the gun in his hand was aiming.
"just now!"
A shout is killing!
At this moment, several figures suddenly came out from the front and rear ends of a gold cup car, and the three muzzles were aligned with Dong Xuebin!
However, Dong Xuebin seemed to have expected the position at the moment before the shouting appeared. The muzzle raised a few tens of centimeters on the side of the gold cup car. When the shouting sounded, Dong Xuebin hesitated and hesitated. The ground pulled the trigger, hehe, the Hou Yu Wang in the distance, they looked a bit stunned, I saw a suit man who had just swung his head and planned to sneak Dong Xuebin to learn the blood flow in the next second, and fell to the ground!
Hou Yi Xu Ge and others were shocked. They just saw the criminals suddenly smashed out. They also planned to shout a reminder to Dong Xuebin. Whoever thought of the words had not shouted, and the person fell one. How did he know that the criminals would appear? there? This reaction is too fast, right?
The tenth person is also dead!
The boss swears and swears!
Hey! Gunshots continue!
The other man also smashed his eyes and poured all the bullets toward each other!
After Dong Xuebin killed one, his body retraced. The two bullets flew over his two left and right shoulders. The bullet on the right side was slightly lower, and the clothes of Dong Xuebin were rubbed. Then, on the side of Dong Xuebin’s head. The body was short, and the big tu was smashed. The three bullets ran along the back of his ears and the head, and fluttered away. For another second, the two bullets from the boss and the guns were simultaneously Flying to Dong Xuebin's ng mouth, Dong Xuebin twisted in advance, using the maximum extent to the side of the body, 啪, a button on the top of the ng mouth was beaten and broken in the air, but Dong Xuebin turned around. But it is no harm.
Under the hand, I took a breath of air and felt that I was watching "The Matrix"!
why? Why can't bullets hit him? So close to the distance can not hit? ?
Seeing him go away, the boss angered: "Shooting! What do you think!" After that, he hid behind the gold cup and hurriedly changed bullets.
The men also returned to God and quickly continued to shoot.
But nothing is late, Dong Xuebin’s wrist is slightly lifted, hey, a shot.
The eleventh person! Plus the basement's flat head and old black two, in just three minutes, Dong Xuebin has killed 13 criminals! Looking at the Jinbei car, I don’t think there are any other men in the suit. Dong Xuebin held the gun and said: "Wu boss, you are alone. You can see the situation. I don’t want to talk about unnecessary nonsense. Put down the gun and surrender, you can live a few more days, if you resolutely resist, don't blame me for not being ugly, you think about it yourself."
There is no movement after the Golden Cup.
Dong Xuebin is not in a hurry. This person is the principal offender. It is useful to keep him.
At this time, seeing the situation is clear, Hou Han and Wang Xuge three people came out of the building, very vigilantly left to look at the right, before going to several bodies, they also shot the gun, they are equipped After getting on the weapon, Dong Xuebin slowly approached the past.
"Dong..." Hou Hao called him, but he didn't know what to say.
Dong Xuebin said to the side: "Hou Dajie, you have to see the fish around you."
Hou Yiyi, together with the king, took a gun and circled around. He opened a car door and there was no one inside. He had already kicked the body on the ground, fearing that there was something to die. The man hún is inside, but Hou Hao has waved his hand to stop his useless work. The face of the king is red, too, but anyone who lay down has no gun in the stomach or a big tu in the arm, all hit the head. I just want to pretend that I can’t install it.
After some inspections, Hou Hao breathed a sigh of relief. "No one is there."
Xu Ge is a little excited, he thinks this beating is so beautiful!
Dong Xuebin also made a smile. "Bo boss, what's the matter?" Still didn't move, the sound was a meal, Dong Xuebin said: "I will give you three seconds, after three seconds, if you don't answer again, the consequences Conceited." A gesture was made to signal Hou Yi that they were on guard.
Hou Yudao: "Go to it, you can't run!"
Wang helped countdown: "One..."
Dong Xuebin frowned, just want to wrap it around the car!
However, the accident was born!
A slamming sound, as if something was being pulled, then I saw a dark thing flying from behind the gold cup car, one meter, two meters, three meters, crossed a parabola, straight down To the direction of Dong Xuebin and Hou Yu and others, three meters, two meters, one meter, this moment, Dong Xuebin saw a few talents, what is round, black, actually a grenade!
Dong Xuebin was shocked by several people! Grenade? How is this stuff?
Everyone cares about it, and no one expected that there was such a dangerous weapon in the other hand!
"Hurry down!" Hou Hao screamed palely, Dong Xuebin and Wang Xuge were lying down to the ground!
The grenade fell to the ground and bounced twice, playing twice!
Bang! Just blow it up!
Dong Xuebin and Hou Yuwang were suddenly exploded and were torn apart!
When the eyes are black, Dong Xuebin knows that he is dead, paralyzed, all the way to kill, but turned over the ship with the gutter, they even have a grenade? This kind of thing has a wide range of explosions. Even if you use k to return, if you have a short time, you can't avoid it. After all, your degree is there, you can't run tens of meters in a second, even if you can run. Off, Hou Hao, they can't hide, their own k is not much! It’s been a long time to go back! How to do? How to do?
Dong Xuebin’s thinking at a critical juncture is always very fast, and there is an idea in the blink of an eye!
The picture turns!
"Surrender, you can't run!"
Dong Xuebin suddenly drank, "Hurry down!"
Hou Han and Wang were slightly stunned, but when they saw the things flying from behind the Jinbei car, they all stunned and hurried to the ground!
It is a grenade! !
Hou Han shouted: "Dong! Your Majesty!"
Dong Xuebin did not squat, but suddenly took a step forward, and quickly remembered the landing position of the grenade in his mind. He stopped at the foot and made a movement when the football player shot. The right foot was later turned back, called, and down. At one moment, the grenade also flew down, just falling in front of Dong Xuebin's position of tens of centimeters. Dong Xuebin said nothing, and when he rounded his foot, he gently kicked it up!
A clear sound, the direction of the grenade suddenly changed, and slammed into the sky!
Dong Xuebin hurried to the ground!
Bang! The grenade exploded! A huge gas 1ang pressed down from the top of the head!
The debris is splashing all over the sky! But the main direction is still above, the people below did not receive any harm!
Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief and took the dust from the and stood up from the ground. Hou Han and Xu Ge, they all look at it, kicking the thunder? Did he actually kick the thunder? I am going! How much courage is this? How quick is my reaction? What awkward person? ? Dong Xuebin’s fierce performance has somewhat subverted the professional knowledge that Hou Yuwang had studied before. This kind of combat mode, they have never heard of it! Too bad!
The boss of Wu behind the Jinbei car also witnessed everything, and the body was shocked, and the pistol was thrown on the ground by him!
"I surrender."
The guns are not dead, the grenade is not dead, how can this be played?
Boss Wu has never seen such a sly policeman and is completely desperate.
Dong Xuebin was afraid of any backhands on his body, or there was a second grenade. He waved to Hou Yuwang that they retreated a bit and was alert. He himself walked over the Jinbei car with a gun and saw it. Wu boss, who was sitting on the floor and sighing, turned up and turned over his body. Seeing that there were no grenades and firearms, the nerves were slightly loose. "How good is this early, let's say, which car is the artifacts in?"

Boss Wu did not say anything.
Dong Xuebin did not say much, put the gun on his head.
Wu boss squatted, but sighed, pointing to the Guangben Accord.
At this time, Wang came up with a very eye-catching look and held the gun at Wu’s boss.
Dong Xuebin took the gun and went to the Accord with Hou Wei. He looked through the window. There was nothing in the back seat. Under the seat, there was a big box about one person high. Dong Xuebin opened the door and the door was heavy. When the box was taken out, Hou Wei pressed the trunk. The scepter of the Liao Dynasty, the white glaze of the Song Dynasty, hua 钵, the cultural relics that Dong Xuebin had seen were laid here, without damage, very intact, which made Dong Xuebin and Hou Yu both sigh, they were afraid The gun battle and the explosion just injured the cultural relics.
What is left now is the most crucial Liu Shengjin 缕 ù 了!
Dong Xuebin's eyes fell on the long box that was moved out, and the hand was explored, and the box was gently opened!
The y ù ù 灰 灰 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成 构成Upon seeing it, Xu Ge glanced, "Is this... fake?"
Hou Han is also somewhat uncertain.
Dong Xuebin shook his head. "Things of the last millennium, where can the color and y enamel of the modern y 保存 be preserved? Gold is also, I don’t know what it is like to be corroded. It is not easy to save it. , Huh, finally found, is really right." For antiques, Dong Xuebin's research is naturally much deeper than the two of them, at a glance, it is impossible to be fake.
You're done!
The stolen cultural relics have been found!
Dong Xuebin and Hou Yu looked at each other and saw each other sigh of relief.
Back to the Jinbei car, Dong Xuebin pulled a handcuff from a corpse. It may be that Wang Xuge and his two men were captured when they were arrested. They copied the boss Wu and waited. The boat was still not picked up. At that time, Dong Xuebin did not know whether the other party had used the telescope to appear on the shore, or did not receive the secret number of Mr. Wu’s phone. Anyway, it seems that the ship that picks up will not come.
Xu Ge asked, "Call the call."
Wang took the phone from Wu Boss and dialed a number. He said a few words. Both Dong Xuebin and Hou Yu shook their heads secretly. Although there was no one living in this remote place, but the grenade explosion was also a bullet flying, and the police did not react. Also work too badly? Wang saw the thoughts of Dong Xuebin and said: "The West District has had a car accident and has been stuck in traffic."
Xu Ge screamed: "This time thanks to Comrade Dong, good gunfare."
Hou Yu also looked at Dong Xuebin, "You are... armed police?"
Dong Xuebin shook his head. "It is the Public Security Bureau."
public security bureau? Can the people in the Public Security Bureau have such a strong fighting power? Of course, there is no possibility in the armed police!
When the matter was over, everyone also put aside their vigilance. They began to look at Dong Xuebin again. The previous scene, now think about it as a dream!
"Ah!" Wang suddenly shouted. "I remembered! Dong Xuebin? You are the director of Yantai County?" Xu Gemu 1ùmí茫, obviously did not hear, Hou Yi frowned and thought, Wang Yi Look, jī moved: "The jailbreak case ran ten prisoners, and nine people have come to Yantai County. I heard that I have also enrolled a school and hijacked several students and teachers? You are handcuffed. Going into the hostage, and then killing all nine people?"
Listening to him saying this, Hou Yi also thought about it and said: "Is it you? The county magistrate was held hostage by the gangsters a few days ago. I also pressed the time bomb. Did you remove the bomb? And that mountain landslide I heard that Director Dong of the county of Yantai County did not care for the masses. The result was buried under the landslide. After luck, I was lucky enough to be killed. You are the director of the board?? Many things, ordinary people may not be very clear. But a system of comrades can still know what to ask.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Look at Really you?" Wang eyes are very bright.
Hou Han looked at him. "The newspaper said... Are you not hurt?"
Dong Xuebin, ah, "just out of the hospital, it is a big life."
Xu Ge was dumbfounded when he heard it. He just called Dong Dong’s name. He thought it was an ordinary policeman, Director Dong? Secretary? That can be much higher than his level! Then I heard the story of Wang and Hou Yu, Xu Ge took a moment, the time bomb can be removed? Can you kill nine gangsters? Are landslides dying? In addition, this time Xu Ge saw his picture with the bullets and the rain, and he couldn’t help but scream! The heart said that this man! Are you playing with iron?
When I think of the basement, Xu Ge sees Dong Xuebin who wants to rush up. I still feel that he doesn't know what to do.
But now, it seems that there are a dozen gangsters, that is, there are more than a dozen people who are not here!
Fighting power is not a level! !
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