Chapter 277: 【disturb! 】

Chapter 277 [Amazing! 】
Dong Xuebin hangs Xie Huilan's phone and threw the phone to them.
The old criminal police yelled at him. "Director Dong, you didn't eat at noon. Let's go out and eat something?"
"Let's go." The thin-faced policeman loves to go up unreasonably. "I will give you a handcuff."
Dong Xuebin leaned against the wall and said coldly: "Where? Where are you going? Didn't you hear me before? I won't give me a statement today! Don't go anywhere! Grab me? Give me a donkey? Before the account is not clear, I will live here. I want the provincial leaders to see what you are!" At the beginning, Dong Xuebin planned to make a noise, and now she has the support of Xie Huilan. If there is a leader, he will be more emboldened.
The old criminal police browed, "Director Dong, you..."
"Don't talk nonsense with him!" The face-lifting police stepped forward and took the key from the old criminal police. "Love can't go! Let's open his throat!"
Dong Xuebin smiled and looked at him. "It is easy to open the scorpion. It is difficult to open it."
The face-lifting policeman’s face slammed,
Less nonsense! Reaching out!
Then, grabbing Dong Xuebin’s hand and trying to force him to squat.
"Hey, dare to come hard?" Dong Xuebin jumped his brow, his wrist suddenly slammed up, touched it, and hit a thin-faced policeman's chin on a fist!
The thin-faced criminal police licked his chin and grinned. "Mom! Do you dare to attack the police?"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said, "Don't give me a slap, this is all I have to play, right, isn't it that you told me to reach out? I reached out and dried up? Let me get something done?"
The old criminal police caught the face-lifting criminal police, "Don't do it! Go back to the report!"
Dong Xuebin said: "Give me a pillow and a quilt. To be thicker, I will spend the winter here."
In the office of the director, the two criminal police reported the situation with Sun Hai.
However, Sun Hai just received a phone call. The leaders and experts of the Provincial Public Security Department arrived in a few minutes. Now he has not been able to deal with Dong Xuebin's affairs. After thinking about it, let the thin-faced criminals put the black house door. Lock, since he does not come out, then shut it down for the time being, wait for the provincial leaders to go and say, otherwise, if a reporter comes, Dong Xuebin suddenly ran out and yelled and yelled, and this would not end. .捂 cover - this is the means used by Sun Hai, he is prepared to not do it.
A few minutes later, provincial leaders and expert groups came.
The reporters who heard the news also swarmed, and Sun Hai and several city leaders greeted here.
Inside the dark house.
The door slammed shut, and he was locked from the outside.
Dong Xuebin sneered at the window with the railing, and sat down on the ground, his head resting on the wall and waiting quietly.
five minutes……
ten minutes……
twenty minutes……
There were two policemen passing by at the door and talking in their mouths.
"Experts seem to have finished the appraisal, and the artifacts are real."
"Is it? Oh, this time, the city can be a show."
"Isn't it, go, go to the East Building and see that the deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department has also come."
I heard that the Zhangze City Public Security Bureau is full of joy, Dong Xuebin’s heart is getting cold, this is what he deserves, now it’s good, and it’s taken away by the Zhangshi City’s robbers, and they are rightly pressed by them. On your own body, paralyzed, no one can swallow this breath!
Soon after, a black shadow suddenly flashed past the window.
After a second, the shadows came back, and sneaked into the window and sneaked in.
Dong Xuebin frowned and looked up. He could only see a man's face, but he didn't know who it was. He thought it was a policeman. He was going to let them prepare a few quilts. Suddenly, a camera appeared on the window. Directly aligned with Dong Xuebin, slightly moving, seems to be still adjusting the position, want to take pictures. Dong Xuebin was furious and said that his buddies were locked up. Do you dare to follow me? What do you want to do? But then, Dong Xuebin’s heart was awkward and he felt that it was not right. If the people of the Zhangze City Public Security Bureau could take pictures of themselves? How could it be so sneaky?
It is a reporter! !
Dong Xuebin’s spirit is strong. Although he does not understand that all journalists should pay attention to the fact that the provincial cultural relics have been recovered, how can they come here to take photos of themselves, but there are only a few possibilities to think about it. The biggest possibility is that the other party got the news and knows. In my own position, I want to draw a big news. Second, Xie Huilan used to be the leader of the Central Propaganda Department. The relationship is not comparable to that of the average person. Maybe it is the person Xie Jie is looking for!
do not care!
Anyway, good things!
Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin immediately changed his expression and fell to his head in a decadent manner. His face made a look of grief and indignation.
Take it! fast!
Take a quick look at the buddies!
Hey, hey, the flash illuminates for a few times, and then the black shadow on the window disappears after it flashes.
At the same time, Dong Xuebin’s expression of grief and anger was stunned and sneered.
Yantai County.
County magistrate's office.
"The county magistrate, the photo was received." Hu Silin in front of the computer closed the keyboard.
Xie Huilan nodded slightly, "Open it."
Hu Silian opened the e-mail and saw that Dong Xuebin, who was locked in the dark house through the iron railing, should have been a very serious picture. Handcuffs, a strict black house, you can see the expression of Dong Xuebin. Afterwards, Hu Silin couldn't help but sigh and laughed. She realized that it was not good. She quickly shut up and noticed the expression of Xie County.
Xie Huilan laughed and said: "This Dong!"
Hu Silin knew why the county magistrate laughed, and changed someone who was not familiar with Dong Xuebin. He must have thought that he had been wronged by Tianda. Otherwise, he could not come out with this expression, but he knew Dong Xuebin’s face clearly. His expression was too exaggerated. The pretend is loaded out.
Then, I saw Xie Huilan smiled again. "Tǐng is good, but I also took my hand, and I am a prisoner."
Hu Silin shuddered and heard the cold meaning in the tone of Xie County. "Look at this photo..."
"Let's keep the bottom." After that, Xie Huilan made a phone call from the mobile phone. "Hey, it's me... well, I saw the photo, I used it, the lyric effect is enough... well, hard work, Can you see the afternoon newspaper in the afternoon... Well, I know that you are under pressure too. If you blame it and hold it down, you don’t have to worry about it. I will transfer it to the Central Propaganda Department."
Hu Silin’s wrist trembled, and she quickly pretended not to hear it. She had been the secretary of Xie Huilan for some time, but the more she contacted the county magistrate, the more I felt that this person was unfathomable. What is the Central Propaganda Department? That is the central real power department, not the Communist Youth League or the Ministry of Science and Technology. But the county magistrate said that he wants to adjust it. Even if she worked in the Central Propaganda Department, she couldn’t say it!
After a long time.
In the Zhangze City Public Security Bureau, the scattered people were scattered, leaving only some people in the public security system.
In an office, the deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department, Huo, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of Zhangze City, "grabbed the leader and recovered the cultural relics. This beating was beautiful."
Sun Hai smiled and said: "This is our business."
Deputy Director Huo nodded. "We have taken over the boss of Wu and the recovered cultural relics. The follow-up incident was investigated by the provincial government. Right, let me tell you about the case, and then report the detailed case to the province tomorrow. Hall.
The first time I received the news, Deputy Director Huo came over from the province with an expert. He only knew that the case had been broken, but the specific process had not yet had time to ask. He also heard some rumors. Also a little bit of skin with Yantai County.
Several chapters of the Municipal Public Security Bureau looked at each other.
Sun Haiyi hesitated and smiled: "In this case, two comrades from Yantai County and Lu'an City also participated in the case, which played a key role in the investigation of the case. Later, when the criminal wanted to sneak into the boat, we were The two criminal policemen in Zhangze City are now, and they are prevented in time, so that the criminals are not allowed to escape." He only said the general direction, but did not mention the details. This sounds really true, but it is also very big. Does not match.
Deputy Director Huo said: "Where is the person?"
"The two comrades are." Sun Haiyi looked at Xu Ge and Wang next to him.
Wang was very nervous. He called Huo’s director and said nothing. Xu Ge was so sullen, and he sang with the deputy director Huo.
Sun Hai explained: "Xu was also injured when the criminal prisoner fired."
Deputy Director Huo said: "Good, I heard that there are more than a dozen criminals, and they still have guns? Comrade, huh, I was afraid of it?"
Xu Ge was nervous and said: "I am not afraid, I have never thought about it. When I knew that the cultural relics were in their hands, I thought that I would have to recover the things of the country and never let them transport overseas. Otherwise, I am the sinner of the country and the sinner of the people."
"Speak well!" Deputy Director Huo looked at him with satisfaction. "Reparate your injuries and ask for your help!"
Wang is the most aware of the situation. At that time, Xu and Xu were both retreating. If Hou Hao said that they would not go upstairs at the moment, now I’m listening to Xu Ge’s saying that it’s not the same thing, and my heart is more awkward. More awkward, his face is red, but things have already been done like this, Sun has just deliberately smashed them, and the king will not dare to say anything.
In the end, Deputy Director Huo encouraged a few words from the Zhangze City Public Security Bureau and took the person away.
Sun Hai and several other bureau leaders looked at each other and smiled. The performance was counted.
At the same time, local newspapers have been put on the shelves, although the general report will be finalized in the morning or the first day, and only the printing and delivery in the afternoon, but the museum’s stolen large-scale national case will not be dragged to tomorrow. Re-reporting, it must be the cha team, in the Beijing dialect called "plus three children", many newspapers have temporarily added a front or deputy class, the Zhangze City police broke the case simply said.
Jiang Posters, this is a newspaper that has a large influence in the province and is definitely not counted. Because such newspapers are all under the local propaganda, they generally do not report any negative news across the border. Jiang Posters is The best of them are known for their rules and regulations. Any sensitive news related to politics has never been seen, and often reports are a group of amiable things.
But today, a piece of news in the Jiang Posters newspaper has made everyone stunned.
"Hero has become a heavy criminal? 》
- This is the title, the title that people can't help but read at a glance!
This report almost took up a whole page. At the beginning, it did not write the suspense of the "heavy criminals", but repeatedly repeated the image of the director of the Yantai County Public Security Bureau. The above mentioned that Dong Xuebin seized the black power gamble. The gang’s case mentioned Dong Xuebin’s use of the body of the body to catch the man who jumped from the building. He mentioned that he ignored the danger of being rescued by the landslide in his own danger. He also mentioned that he was willing to be a hostage and then sneaked into the school to rescue him. The teachers and students, and so on, everything is shocking!
Some people have heard of it before, and some people have seen it for the first time.
But without exception, all the people I have seen can't help but take a breath!
The report of ordinary songs and merits, everyone sees a lot, basically who is who and how to dedication, how to focus on the people, how to work overtime and do not sleep, are some official words, there are not many specific examples It can describe Dong Xuebin's report. There is no official bureaucracy. It is just a matter of facts. All the things that Dong Xuebin has done are put up, there are photos, words, and evidence.
Finally, the pen turned around and mentioned the case of the provincial museum being stolen.
To everyone’s surprise, the person who wrote the case in the newspaper was Dong Xuebin from Yantai County. This can be different from what other newspapers just did, and then look back. A photo is awesome. The window, the dark black house, the cold handcuffs, and the angry and sad face, whoever looked at the first sight will involuntarily wrinkle, this is not the treatment of heavy criminals?
What happened? Doesn't it mean that people have broken the case? How can I still catch it?
There is no clear answer in the newspaper.
The last paragraph of the article is a rhetorical question:
Why did the crime-solving hero become a heavy criminal?
Why did the case solve the police in Zhangshi City?
At the end, there is still a line of words. According to our reporter, now Comrade Dong Xuebin is still being held in the Zhangze City Public Security Bureau and is secretly guarded.
Still being held?
Also secretly detained?
Although not explicitly stated, the hidden words made many people understand!
When this report came out, it suddenly took a while, and there was nothing in other counties and cities. However, in Yantai County, many people saw this report, and they just blew up the nest. Dong Xuebin may not know it himself. It is said that Yantai County has the best reputation in the hearts of ordinary people. It is not the director of Dong. It is a few times to save lives. Several times, the people are watching, and now the people are watching. Now one Seeing that Director Dong was arrested by Zhangze City, many people were angry and angry. The idea of ​​exclusion was in every province and city, and the emotions of short-term protection were naturally the same.
The phone call of Zhangze City is full of fun.
Some people in Yantai County directly hit the office phone of Zhangshi Municipality, and they came up.
Some people called the Zhangze City Public Security Bureau, the Bureau, the police station, and regardless of the three seven twenty-one, even shouting to let them immediately release!
There are also many people who have been rescued by Dong Xuebin, such as the teacher of Nanliuxue, the parents of the students, and the people who have escaped from the landslide. When they heard the news that Dong Xuebin was locked up, everyone has started to contact themselves. Prepare to go directly to the Zhangze City Public Security Bureau!
On the Internet, the voice of voice is one after another.
What kind of attack means can ordinary people have? Nothing is just a word - hehe!
I don't know who organized it, but every important website in Zhangshi City was swallowed by instant spitting!
"Grass! Hurry and let go!"
"This is a bastard! Who gives you the right to arrest people?"
"Let Dong Jun out! The case is our Yantai County!"
"This gang t丫ng! Grab the grab on our head?"
Others said, "Is that person really guilty? Or what is he doing?"
Someone shouted underneath: "Let your fart!"
The following is attached: "Don't care about that stupid b, you must be the chapter of the Public Security Bureau!"
The voice of the condemnation is not just the people in Yantai County. Many websites also have similar articles about "Heroes have become heavy criminals." The number of hits is extremely high, and every minute is growing at an alarming rate. Sound, anger, one by one, Zhangshi City Public Security Bureau attacked.
No one thought that there would be such a big move, and Jiang Posters did not think of it.
Jiang Hai’s person in charge led a phone call in the office. He was a bitter smile in his heart. He could be miserable by the county magistrate. He listened to the angry voice of the propaganda department leaders, as if he wanted to withdraw his position now.
Bells and bells ring in a car.
The deputy director of Huo, who was sitting in the back seat, was enjoying the scenery outside the window. He heard the sound and he looked at his mobile phone and immediately picked it up: "Director."
"Old Huo, are you still in Zhangshi?"
"Almost, out of the city."
"You don't come back first, go to the Zhangze City Public Security Bureau!"
The length of the listening hall is not very Deputy Director Huo stunned, "This is..." Is there a case?
The voice at the end is heavy. "You still don't know about the Jianghai Evening News? You buy a look, and then investigate this matter immediately! What are you talking about! Before Yantai County and Zhangzhou Several leaders of the city have reflected this with me. I thought it was a misunderstanding. I haven’t taken it seriously. How can I arrest myself? Probably not sure about each other’s identity, but now it’s been a while, several times. Is the person still locked? I still gave it a handcuffs? What is this? What do you want to ask me? Sun Hai, what exactly do he want to do! The case is broken, the cultural relics are found, but you can’t do a good thing. Check it out! Check it from start to finish!"
Deputy Director Huo knew that things had changed. After hanging up the phone, he asked people to get off the bus to buy newspapers.
When I saw Dong Xuebin in the newspaper being handcuffed in the black house, Huo’s deputy director’s face changed!
"Driving!" Deputy Director Huo said: "Return to the City Public Security Bureau!"
Things are finally getting bigger!
Even the provincial leaders have been alarmed! !
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