Chapter 279: 【toss】

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This article by ``Chapter 279 [toss]
Peace Street North Exit.
This morning, the cold wind, Dong Xuebin drove Mercedes-Benz business into the district, opened mén to get off, he hit a squat, and he turned his hand on the heat, and quickly tightened his leather jacket on the fast pace. Upstairs, the key to open mén into the house, I only feel a yīn cold air blowing, this Dong Xuebin has been renting the house since leaving the capital seems to be cooler than the outside. The temperature in November is close to zero. Every year is the coldest time in the family, because the heating in Beijing is usually around the 15th.
it's too cold!
call! air conditioning! air conditioning!
Dong Xuebin, who was not able to freeze, quickly turned on the air conditioner and warmed it up for a while, and the warm air was blown out.
Dong Xuebin leaned against the sand and comfortably lifted tuǐ.
He sneaked back to the capital, and no one told him. The main reason was that he was too busy with Yantai County in the past few days. One was to crack the museum’s cultural relics and the other was that he was locked up by the Zhangze City Public Security Bureau. Child, the third is that he was awarded a first-class merit, and one of them was enough for him to live for a while, let alone three things mixed together, the phone was almost called from morning till night. The family has also been knocked out by mén, friends and family, colleagues and subordinates, all come to come, congratulations, Dao Xi, continually. Dong Xuebin has been busy with socializing. Later, he was really unable to stand up. He simply fled back to the capital on Saturday and wanted to have a leisurely weekend with him.
I can finally rest for two days.
Call, people are light and light.
Dong Xuebin's beautiful scented from the kù pocket out of the package jīng loaded Furong Wang, point on the fire, 狠狠u two. This undercover operation, Dong Xuebin's harvest is great, not only won the case and won the first class, but also in front of the provincial leaders and ordinary people, Zhang Zhang City Public Security Bureau Sun Hai and Xu Ge and other people were punished. The matter also made Dong Xuebin sullen, and once again fame and fortune.
After a while, Dong Xuebin was exhausted from driving all the way.
What are you doing? Well, let me ask where you are.
Dong Xuebin took out his cell phone and beat the past, beeping, beeping, beeping, and the phone rang seven or eight times. "Oh, it is me, where are you?"
"...姨Follow your home."
"Hey, why didn't you go to work?"
"It's not for you to give your breath, to die."
Dong Xuebin knew what she was talking about. When I called two days ago, I had already counted my own meal. "Oh, I am not sure if I am wrong. It has been several days. How are you still angry?" Didn't you say it? At the time of undercover, they took all the people's calls away. I couldn't contact the outside. Later, I let the Zhangze City Public Security Bureau take it away. No, I didn't give it to you that day. Calling, the situation is bī, guarantee that there is no next time." He knows that when he is missing, he is sure that he is not in a hurry.
He said: "If you don't want to play the next time, don't you believe that you are dead?"
Dong Xuebin laughed and said: "I believe, can I not believe it?"
"Laughter, look for it!"
"Well, let me give you a sigh of relief later."
"Smelly things, you can now have the ability, so the big case is broken. In the past few days, the news broadcast said that this thing, my parents also watched."
"Oh, my uncle and aunt praise me?"
"Well, you are, stupid." At the end, he smiled.
Dong Xuebin was also in a good mood and smiled. "You said at home, is the North Gate of Heping Street? What are you doing with your family?"
"... um, 姨ng computer." The sound is a bit strange.
"Oh, this way."
"Is there anything else? Nothing is hanged first. There is something wrong here."
Dong Xuebin heard that his tone was not right, but he didn't care too much. He said that after a few gossips, he put down his mobile phone, turned off the air conditioner, and finished the whole clothes. He took the bag and opened the mén and went out from the bag. The key to the family, smile, and key the net, and then another key cha into the keyhole inside, slowly unscrew, try not to make a sound, he wants to give a surprise.
Mén was opened, and Dong Xuebin walked into the house with a light hand and closed mén with his backhand.
Oh, the slight lock is not loud.
Dong Xuebin listened to his ears, bent over and put on slippers, and walked quietly along the mén hall to the living room. The living room was clean and almost spotless. The nv people who were stunned by this virtuous collection were very clean, even if they were There is a sleet in the sky, and the glass that should have some watermarks is also as clean as new, transparent and bright. Dong Xuebin looked around and twisted his head, and finally locked his eyes on the tightly closed bedroom mén, stepping on tiptoe step by step, and smiling at mén.
However, what made Dong Xuebin angry was born!
Behind mén came a man’s thick gasping, oh, but also the sound of the collision between u and u. Then, the sound of a nv person’s 呻yín in his throat slowly rose up. The sounds are mixed together, rushing and tight. Dong Xuebin has known him for four years. What is the yawning of yawning? What is the sneezing? Dong Xuebin is clear, but he also heard it. The vyín of the nv person inside is actually 瞿芸萱of!
I wanted to give you a surprise. I didn’t expect Dong Xuebin to be shocked!
by! Dong Xuebin's face is green, how is it going? What are you doing? How come there is a man? This is... Is there an affair? No, people are still not married, and the word affair is even more difficult. Is there any other good? Dong Xuebin was attacked at once, and his face was stunned to stand outside the mén. Was it because of her own incident with Xie Jie, she was... impossible! impossible!
Dong Xuebin is so angry that he will push mén away!
"Hey!" He rushed in.
Looking back at him, his face slammed, "Bin?"
"Hey you..."
The air conditioner in the house is very warm. At this time, the upper part of the squat is wearing a three-warm autumn vest of usè, but there is nothing to wear on the big tu ,, and the plump beauty plum ǐ ǐ ǐ 暴 暴 暴 暴 旖旎 旖旎 旖旎 旖旎 旖旎 旖旎 旖旎 旖旎 旖旎 旖旎 旖旎. Seeing that Dong Xuebin suddenly came in, the face of the face was red, and she hurriedly sneaked down and sneaked into the netg and sneaked into the bed. She sneaked and sneaked in, and even the head was méng!
"You... how come you!"
"Hey, I just arrived in Beijing, don't you want to surprise you?"
"Amazing! You will be mad at you sooner or later!"
Dong Xuebin looked at the room and looked for it. Khan, there is a man, but there is a film in the storm video player on the computer screen. Inside, a man and a nv are the ones, the sound is from time to time. It was this that floated out of the man’s breathing. Dong Xuebin really took a long sigh of relief, sweat was down, he raised his hand and rubbed his brain, and said that you almost scared me.


"..." There was nothing in the bed.
Dong Xuebin laughed. "That, I am here at the time."
"........." Still don't talk.
Going over, Dong Xuebin sat on the net. "Come out, both old wives and old wives, shy, not seen."
Silent for a few seconds, bite his teeth: "Turn off the computer! Hurry!"
Dong Xuebin was busy, went up and turned off the player, and turned off the computer. "Okay."
Two seconds later, the quilt pulled the quilt slightly, and took his head out of the red neck and glanced at him. He saw Dong Xuebin laughing at himself, squinting his head, subconsciously holding his hand and rubbing his face. Road: "Dead ghost! You give it over!" When Dong Xuebin came over and sat down, he suddenly raised his hand and slaped a few slaps on his ass. "Look at you, don't kill you! Let you not mén Come in! Let you sneak a sneak peek! Look for it! Look for it!"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Where do I know you are busy?"
"Are you stinky again?" He yelled at his arm in angrily. "Death, this old face is lost!"
Dong Xuebin said: "What is old, how old is your face."
After hitting him a few times, he squinted and put the quilt méng over his head.
Dong Xuebin knew that she had a thin face and coughed: "In fact, I didn't even see it, really."
Hey: "........."
"Come out, I am so hard to come back and chat."
Seeing how the bed was not moved, Dong Xuebin couldn’t help but squint at the computer and glanced at the computer. He also licked the two pieces of the netg that were taken off the warmth of the autumn and the white sè, the heart of Dong Xuebin. Suddenly, I just took off my clothes in the next three places, and the cold hands were cold. He climbed the netg slightly coldly, and quickly opened the hot bed and drilled in.
"You dry up!" I didn't have a good air.
Dong Xuebin squinted: "It’s cold outside, hey, give me a shit."
"Don't make trouble! Hey you?" Suddenly, screaming and shouting, "Oh! Don't be jealous! You are cool! Hey! Cool!"
"Hey, you are really warm."
"Smelly stuff! It will bully! You hate it!"
Under the dark quilt, Dong Xuebin found the big tu 萱姨u toot, and it was hot and soft on the top. It was so good to feel good. He closed his eyes and slightly When I found the location, I put my face in the long scent of the musk, while sucking the smell of her body, while she was on her body, here, a moment, "I miss me?"
"If you want, you wanted to hit."
"Oh, I am thinking about that."
"... don't want to."
"Don't want me to do it?"
The arm was twisted a little, "Do you say it again?"
"Don't be embarrassed, don't say it, don't say it." Dong Xuebin happily, gently slamming her, "Your skin is really tender, you can see that you are thirty years old, and you said that you are 17 or 18 years old. "Now every time I meet, Dong Xuebin has to say something nice, whether to praise her beautiful, or to praise her young, he knows that he likes to listen."
"You can do it with a poor mouth." He scratched his nose and said, "I will be happy."
"Happy, what are you doing with me? Well, give me a pinch. I have been tired for a few days."
"Yeah." Both hands went to Dong Xuebin's head, and the finger cha entered his head, slowly pinching his head. "Don't forget the doctor's words, work can be done at any time, but the body is stunned. You can't do anything you want to do, don't you know? Don't take any more risks in the future. You are going to do undercover this time. You are afraid to listen. Don't worry about it, you forgot your heart has stopped briefly. What happened?" The head was finished, and he gently applied his hand on his shoulders and back, very gentle.
Dong Xuebin, "I will try my best to relax later."
"You will be ugly, when you really have something, are you still rushing up?"
"No, I will pretend not to see it in the future, huh, huh, is this not the case?"
The hand on his back was slightly stunned. "Hey, tell you what you are serious, don't be a poor mouth. You have made such a big effort this time. Is there a hope in Zhengke?"
"Hey, who knows."
"If you do, you should not do it with the public security system, the Finance Bureau, the Industry and Commerce Bureau, where these places can't work, at least safe and secure."
Dong Xuebin thought for a moment, "Well, I listen to you."
He smiled a little and squeezed his face. "True."
"Don't pinch your face, give me utou, open the car for a few hours, tu is sour."
"Is it so addictive to the caller?" It is said that, but he is still moving toward the tail of the netg, and holding the tulip of Dong Xuebin slowly, pinch, two, three, and finally Dong Xuebin said After the trip, he took the initiative to give him a press on his feet. "Look at Yangshengtang, what is the anti-shè area on the feet? It’s good to have more pinch. When you have nothing to do, you can press it yourself. ""
"Is it comfortable?"
"Comfortable, hey, you are so good."
"Now I know what is good? Stinky things."
"Oh, I used to know it before."
"You can say it, don't know if it is true or not."
After doing a full body massage, Dong Xuebin was very light and light, and he had to go in the footsteps: "I haven't eaten breakfast yet, give me a bowl of noodles."
I am so angry and funny: "You don't feel bad."
Dong Xuebin snorted. "I just said this, forget it, I am not hungry."
"Honestly lying down." A quilt climbed out of the bed, under the sun, two large ǐ ǐ hua hua huahua, see Dong Xuebin staring at the eye and looking at it, his face was hot, and remembered In the previous scene, the face flashed a trace of shackles, hurriedly grabbed the autumn kù that the netg tail took off, and did not wear the inner kù, directly placed the warm autumn kù on the tuǐ, and the netg stepped on the slippers out of the house.
Soon, the smell of the scent in the kitchen.
"The hot noodle soup is good." He took a bowl and walked in quickly.
Dong Xuebin is together. "Working hard, thank you."
"Pretend, I am still thankful?" He gently put the noodle bowl on the netg head cabinet and handed him the chopsticks. "Hey, eat hot, and give you a nest of eggs."
Dong Xuebin was really hungry, grabbed the chopsticks and sucked up and ate.
He pulled out a napkin and looked at him beside him. From time to time, he picked up the paper and gave him a smudge. "Slowly eat, no one grabs you."
"...not incense?"
"Sweet, the rice you make is incense."
瞿芸萱 Hook the corner of the mouth, "The mouth is smooth, eat it."
A bowl of hot noodle soup quickly went to the stomach, Dong Xuebin squatted on the netg, this happiness, don't mention it.
After brushing the bowl, I walked back and sat down on the netg, reaching out and stroking his head, slamming.
The so-called warm thinking yínyù, looking at the look and body of the 萱姨u people, Dong Xuebin suddenly a little stunned, swallowing, he slowly will be in doubt, holding her on the netg, one will be covered on.
The police shouted: "Is it bad idea? Is it not?"
"No, just hold you for a while, come."
"Don't hate it, I have to go to the auction house later, don't make trouble."
"I really lie down for a while, no trouble."
"...then you lick your ass? Go! Don't be jealous! I'm so angry!"
Before the Xie sister's story, Dong Xuebin didn't have any interest, and after all, there was a big quarrel in the past few days. It was a bit too open, but now it is more than 20 minutes. See you or the original virtuous. When I got to the shape of the bones, Dong Xuebin was sure to let go, and after she got into the bed, she pulled the sly autumn k ù down, and then, two times, finally reached the knee.
"Rogue!" beat him all at once.
Dong Xuebin was tempted by her gentle gentleness, and her mouth began to lick her mouth.
His face was hot and screaming at him. "Hey, I have to go to work, it will take ten minutes."
"Khan, what class, don't go."
"You can't go if you can't say it? It's a real thing today."
"That half of the time."
"fifteen minutes."
"Twenty-five minutes."
"18 minutes."
After some bargaining, the scheduled time was finally fixed in twenty minutes.
Dong Xuebin no longer missed the time, took off his clothes, and slammed into the sly body, causing her to harm her.瞿芸萱大tu ǐ around his waist, his right hand clenched his mouth, biting his teeth, tightening his eyebrows, and his fingers sewed from time to time to suppress the light yín.
ten minutes……
twenty minutes……
thirty minutes……
At the end of Dong Xuebin was full of tossing one time, the two talents embraced together on the netg, screaming and gasping.
The white and tender body printed a fine sweat, and it was too tired. She wiped the sweat and forced her body to look up at the watch. When she hit Dong Xuebin, she slaps back and said: "I have two." Ten minutes, you are a bad guy, you bully it!"
Dong Xuebin stared at her: "You didn't stop."
"Screaming, you have to listen, dead ghosts, you will be tossed to death sooner or later."
Dong Xuebin knows that 瞿芸萱 has always been a misconception. Looking at her stretched eyebrows, the slightly reddish skin, 80% is also very satisfying.
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