Chapter 288: [Out of control elevator! 】

Chapter 288 [Uncontrolled Elevator! 】
That night.
Mr. Sakamoto knew that the news was a little late. He was resting in the presidential suite of the hotel. After listening to the secretary’s report, he was immediately furious. Zhang Zhifeng was arrested. The two accompanying personnel were also arrested. The police were also arrested in public. A meal, this is equivalent to fanning Mr. Sakamoto's face, the face is too ugly, he immediately angered to protest against the Yantai County government, and called to find a way to let him give himself a statement In his tone, he expressed his serious dissatisfaction with the police in Yantai County.
Sending the road to the road immediately let Zhou Secretary go to the county public security bureau to arrange.
After a series of rounds, the two Japanese were finally released.
However, because Dong Xuebin was on the way from the hotel, he contacted the Citroen driver who was beaten in the evening, letting the young couple go to the Public Security Bureau to record the confession, and when they were with the hotel, the two Japanese first contacted the police. Pushing the surveillance video, this case that has been quickly filed by Dong Xuebin is not as simple as before. The two Japanese people paid a lot of fines before they were released.
Only the driver Zhang Zhifeng is not so lucky.
Knowing that Dong Xuebin’s mother was dying, she was still undergoing surgery in the hospital, and no one would mention anything else.
Undoubtedly, although Xiao Xiaoping’s sudden myocardial infarction may have been caused by Meng Xianglin’s threat to her, she was scared by the students, but in the end it was because the car of the delegation had been hit and was shocked before. This is The direct cause, Zhang Zhifeng hit people, escaping, the patient is operating, can not survive is still unknown, who would dare to let people release? No one can afford this responsibility!
One o'clock.
County People's Hospital, Dong Xuebin anxiously paced back and forth outside the operating room.
It’s all an hour! Why are you still not finished?
Five minutes passed. Ten minutes passed.
Dong Xuebin couldn't wait any longer. After twisting the door of the operating room, I wanted to go inside and look at the situation of my mother from the glass. I just touched it, but I heard some movements and footsteps. The closeness of the sparse pull, Dong Xuebin's eyes tightened, stepping back to open the door, hey, saw the door open and left, several directors and hospital leaders wearing white coats came out from inside.
Dong Xuebin took a breath and said in a tone: "My mother..."
The vice president of the county hospital squeezed a smile. "Reassured, the operation was very successful."
"Thank you, thank you." Dong Xuebin moved, and went up to shake hands with them one by one. "Working hard, hard work."
Inside, lying on the bed, Xiao Xiaoping was pushed out by two nurses.
"Mom!" Dong Xuebin stepped over in the past. "How do you feel?"
Xiaoping Xiaoping was awake. This kind of interventional surgery would not be anesthetized. When she saw her son's worries, she smiled. "Mom is fine, I am worried."
"Call, nothing is fine." Dong Xuebin's eyes were red.
Next to a doctor said: "Let the patient rest first."
Although the operation was successful, it is not necessarily a problem. There is still a dangerous period in the days after surgery. It is really safe to pass the peace and stability, so Dong Xuebin immediately pushes the bed with the nurse and takes the elevator upstairs. After changing a single-person ward upstairs and cleaning up the equipment, Dong Xuebin sat on the edge of the bed, took the mother's hand and kissed her, let her sleep, and she was watching.
After the mother fell asleep, Dong Xuebin was tired this night.
Soon, his head went to bed and unknowingly entered a dream.
the next morning.
The sound of the phone bell ringing in the ear.
Dong Xuebin slammed his eyes and found that the sky was already bright. My mother, Xiaoping Xiaoping, was sleeping peacefully with her bed. A glare of light was shot from outside into the ward. Dong Xuebin was afraid of waking her mother and hurriedly Holding the position of the speaker, it seems that Xie Huilan came, and stood up and pulled out the door to the corridor. Looking at the busy little nurse, Dong Xuebin picked up the phone on the wall.
"Hey, thank you."
"Well, is the aunt okay?"
"The doctor said that the operation was a success and it should be no danger now."
"That's good." Xie Huilan said: "I just got the news in the morning. Mr. Sakamoto has given up his investment in Yantai County. He seems to have contacted other counties. He will go there for inspection in the afternoon and he seems to be angry with the secretary. The way, Hu secretary just told me that it seems that with the county party committee, Zhou’s secretary threw a TV remote that was broken into several halves and threw the garbage bin, probably to the secretary. Oh, you, this time you can Many people have offended."
Dong Xuebin apologized: "Xie sister, I can't help it."
"What do you apologize to me? You are doing the right thing."
"...thank you." After two sentences, I hung up the line.
With Xie Huilan’s affirmation, Dong Xuebin’s heart was a lot more comfortable. He didn’t think that he had done something wrong. He should have paid legal responsibility for escaping. He couldn’t be held for this reason. The law is not a family, not You have made a decision to the Dao, Dong Xuebin is a law enforcement law enforcement, even if he offended many people in the department, he also has a clear conscience.
Mr. Sakamoto canceled the investment, and the matter here has come to an end.
Without this thought, the Public Security Bureau and the procuratorate would believe that Zhang Zhifeng would not be let go. What sin is what sin, and ultimately, his. However, Dong Xuebin did not come to an end, he did not forget, the reason why the mother almost died, and has not yet passed the dangerous period, Meng Xianglin this old thing is the culprit, Dong Xuebin is a man who has a hatred, of course I have to calculate it with him!
Going back to the ward, my mom is already awake.
Yan Xiaoping smiled at his son. "Are you accompanying your mother all night?"
"Well, is it better?"
"Much better, right, the driver..."
"I have already taken it back. The life-long ban is affirmative. I still don't know the sentence that I can't judge."
Yan Xiaoping was eager, "Is that person not a delegation? You caught him, will you..."
Dong Xuebin gave her mother a cup of water to let her drink. "Nothing, your son, who am I, I am obedient to law enforcement, who dare to say?" When the mother drank the water, Dong Xuebin went to the table. On the last release, I was looking at her. "Mom, tell me about it. When you were sick, what did Meng Xianglin say to you, is it threatening you? If you pursue it, my position will not be saved." ?"
Xiaoping Xiaoping sighed, "I am almost."

Sure enough!
Dong Xuebin’s heart sighed.
This is a good old man!

"Xiao Bin, forget it, Mom is fine now." Xiao Xiaoping is afraid that he will get into trouble again.
Forget it? How could Dong Xuebin forget it, and almost killed his mother, this is a revenge for him!
Many people in the Public Security Bureau apparently also know Dong Xuebin’s instinct. After going to work in the morning, I heard that Dong’s mother was scared out by Meng Xianglin’s myocardial infarction, and several people familiar with Dong Xuebin called to ask questions. In the end, including Liang Chengpeng, the driver said that since the driver has already caught it, he should not be impulsive again. Director Liang is afraid that he will start with Meng Xianglin and destroy the person. Others who may have beaten the state cadres may not be able to do it, but everyone knows that Director Xiao Dong must do it.
Dong Xuebin promised, but he didn't think so.
At noon, after Dong Xuebin had a meal for his mother, he was ready to go downstairs to eat something.
The so-called Yujia Road is narrow. Just walking to the elevator at the other end of the corridor, I saw Meng Xianglin, the director of China Merchants.
Meng Xianglin is seeing a doctor today. He is a 50-year-old man. He can’t be healthy anywhere. He has a cerebral thrombosis when he is 40 years old. Every year, he comes to the hospital to fight a little bit, and through a blood vessel, when he was in the middle of the year. Just finished, but after hearing that Mr. Sakamoto canceled the investment, Meng Xianglin was shocked at the time. This investment investigation was a great effort. The result was that Dong Xuebin was destroyed and his performance was not obtained. Children can't rise, Meng Xianglin is so angry that his brain is almost blown up. As a result, the cerebral thrombosis had signs of seizures, and the dizziness was so severe that he took the leave to the hospital for examination.
Dong Xuebin saw Meng Xianglin.
Meng Xianglin also saw him, his face changed, and he hated him.
A look at Meng Xianglin's expression, Dong Xuebin was annoyed, paralyzed, I haven't found you yet, do you still blink at me?
"The name is Meng! What did you say to my mother yesterday?"
Meng Xianglin said with a face: "What do you mean?"
"What do you say?" Dong Xuebin stared at his eyes. "You are too wicked? My mom has been hit by a car! You to scare my mom! My mom almost killed you at night." Do you know? Ah? Don't pretend to be like nothing! I have seen the surveillance video of the hospital! When my mother was sick, it was when you were in the ward! When I saw my mother, you didn’t even turn the nurse. Go? Are you still a person? Ah?"
Many people have heard the quarrel, and everyone has been watching.
Meng Xianglin yīn said with a face: "Let's follow me here! Are you still a national cadre?"
"My mother wants to ask you! Frighten my mother! You not only see death, but the doctor does not cry! Are you a national cadre? Ah?"
"Don't push anything to me! I didn't say anything to your mother! It's her own..."
"You are your uncle!" Dong Xuebin said with anger: "If you didn't threaten my mother! Can my mother get a myocardial infarction?"
Meng Xiang was not too small, pointing to him: "You can tell me clearly! What threatened her?"
After a few quarrels, Meng Xianglin said, "I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you", I went there to check. Dong Xuebin knows that Meng Xianglin is not coming to the hospital, but the poor body came to the hospital. For a time, the fire is even bigger. Mom, my mother was killed by a myocardial infarction. You don’t know what to do, but don’t even mean the meaning of the disease? Don't you put me and my mom in the eye too?
"Director Dong, you are suffocating." A nurse said.
The head nurse also came over. "You haven't eaten yet? I am going downstairs to buy you?"
Dong Xuebin pressed the fire, "Thank you, no."
Looking at the direction of Meng Xianglin's departure, Dong Xuebin turned and pressed the elevator and began to figure out how to clean up this old thing. Beat him? This can be ventilated, but the consequences are too serious. This is not a criminal, but a national cadre. It is the leader in the organization. If he hits someone, he will be charged with a crime. By withdrawing himself, this is what he is willing to see.
But what should I do?
Hey, the elevator door is open, there is no one inside, Dong Xuebin walks in and presses the button on the first floor.
Is there a way to not be responsible and to clean up?
I want to think, think about it.
Fifth floor...
Fourth floor...
Third floor...
Call, the elevator slowed down and stopped at the third floor.
But before the elevator opened the door to pick up people, a loud roar, the elevator lights disappeared!
Dong Xuebin was shocked by a jī spirit. He just reacted to hold a metal armrest in the elevator. He jingled and his feet trembled. There were a few loud sounds on it. The next moment, Dong Xuebin only felt that he was in the air. A state of weightlessness, the body is dizzy!
not good!
Dong Xuebin snorted in his heart!
The elevator is falling! Falling at a fast speed!
paralysis! The elevator is broken? dying?
A second after the thought flashed, a loud blow came from Dong Xuebin’s feet. The elevator suddenly slammed into something below, and the stop was stopped, but the shock was absolutely not In a magnitude 10 earthquake, the lamp on the top of the head collapsed. The two thighs of Dong Xuebin were also shocked. When they fell down and sat down, they could not stand up.
It’s a terrible pain!
Dong Xuebin sucked his breath, rubbed his legs, and looked at the dark elevator in his heart. He could hear someone shouting something outside, and the voice was very subtle. He only sneaked in a little bit of noise. It seems that someone was aware. The elevator was out of control and fell.
one second……
Two seconds...
The elevator stopped there and there was no other change.
Dong Xuebin wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Rao was experienced in his life and death. He was scared enough at this time, and he did not know what to change.
Fortunately, the danger has passed, calling.
what! Wait a minute!
Dong Xuebin, who was waiting for the rescue in the elevator, suddenly saw a slap in the eye, and he suddenly felt a spirit!
It is it!
three minutes! !
The picture flashes!
The pain has disappeared in vain!
Dong Xuebin’s brain stunned and looked bright in the next line of sight. Several beams of light were hitting the hallway from the perimeter. He was in front of a window on the fifth floor of the hospital, opposite the elevator, and there were many nurses next to it. And the patient is watching him.
"Director Dong, you are suffocating."
"You haven't eaten yet? I am going downstairs to buy you?"
The nurse and the head nurse stood next to Dong Xuebin and spoke to him.
Dong Xuebin’s fist slammed and the time came back.
No, thank you.

His eyes must be, turned his head, reached out and pressed the elevator button, the elevator was still on the first floor. According to the memory, it seems that the elevator stopped on the second and fourth floors. It takes about a minute or so to get up. He was afraid of any changes. After pressing the elevator, he said to the little nurse: "Trouble you, if the elevator arrives later, if you come to help me stay, I will come back."
The nurse nodded. "I know."
"Thank you!" Dong Xuebin turned his head and ran to the west.
When the corridor turned round, Dong Xuebin saw Meng Xianglin walking in front of him. This is the time period when he just quarreled with Dong Xuebin.
"Wait!" Dong Xuebin shouted.
Meng Xianglin is discussing the condition with a doctor, and he hears it back. "What?"
Dong Xuebin pressed his heart to dislike him, and said quickly: "I will tell you something, go, talk about it."
"I didn't tell you!" Meng Xianglin did not give him a face.
Dong Xuebin sneered, "What? Don't even talk to me?"
Meng Xianglin's face was angry. He looked at the doctor next to his eyes and walked over to Dong Xuebin with a calm face. He was not afraid of Dong Xuebin, and he was not afraid that he dared to do it with himself. He did not have the courage. Upon seeing it, Dong Xuebin turned around and took him back to the elevator. He was far away. Dong Xuebin saw that the little nurse was rubbing the elevator door with his hand, and the elevator that had just closed was opened again.
"Where are you going?" Meng Xianglin looked at him. "I still have something!"
Dong Xuebin said: "We said in the elevator that there are too many people here and it is not convenient."
Meng Xianglin couldn't understand what he was going to do, his brow wrinkled. "If it's about your mother, don't say it, I don't have time!"
"It's not that. You will know when you come in."
The little nurse glared at the elevator door. "Director Dong, the elevator is here."
"Thank you." Dong Xuebin smiled at her and first entered the elevator.
Meng Xianglin hesitated for a moment, left and right to see, and also followed in, there are surveillance cameras in the elevator, so Meng Xianglin is very relieved, know that Dong Xuebin does not dare to come.
Hey, Dong Xuebin pressed a button on the first floor.
At this time, the elevator doors slowly closed inward and closed.
Suddenly, Dong Xuebin took a big step and even got out of the elevator.
Meng Xianglin said, "You..."
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Think about things, you should go down the first floor and wait for me."
After the words were finished, the elevator door was also slammed. The Meng Xianglin who wanted to come out did not have time, and was almost caught in the nose. Meng Xianglin suddenly became angry. This is the name of Dong who is playing with him!
This little rabbit scorpion!
Meng Xianglin hit the ground and hammered the elevator, watching the elevator descending layer by layer.
Five floors...
Four layers...
Three layers...
Just when Meng Xianglin was still in his heart, Dong unexpectedly raised, the elevator lights suddenly went out, calling, as if the cable or other connecting equipment on the elevator was broken, or what happened to the device below The problem, the elevator suddenly fell without warning!
Eight meters...
Six meters...
Four meters...
It's like the feeling of falling off a cliff!
Meng Xianglin's face is green, and for a time the soul flies, and the yīn shadow of death is covered!
Finished - this is the only sentence in Meng Xianglin's mind!
The elevator is underneath! !
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