Chapter 310: [Kicking Pavilion! 】

Chapter [Kicking Pavilion! 】
This morning. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)
More than eight o'clock, Dong Xuebin got up from the bed, took a hot bath at the hotel, and warmed the hot water on his face. He gently rubbed his face and kept thinking about the recent continuous birth. The Chinese were hurt by the personal injury of the Taekwondo students. Their eyes gradually cooled down. Now those who are in the Taekwondo Hall are too arrogant, refuse to apologize, and also join the trainees of various pavilions to attack the Chinese. This has already caused Dong Xuebin’s anger to burn. Over the top of the head, I thought for a long time, and he did not come up with a solution.
Out of the bathroom, Dong Xuebin turned on the computer and went to the domestic website with an agent.
The hacking stopped, but the voice was getting worse.
"My brother is playing in Er! I am a grandfather!"

My parents went to visit the city and let the two taekwondos out of the airport kick the suitcase. My parents want to call the police. The language is unreasonable and the alarms are not reported!

"Don't let me see this gang! Look at one of my ng and die!"
"This dog-day! It’s not finished with them!"
"What are you doing outside! So many people have been beaten! Nothing is moving!"
The domestic situation can only be described by the anger of the group. The arrogance of the Korean side has gradually escalated the contradictions. From the Tianma Taekwondo Hall, it has been transferred to the entire Korean Taekwondo community, asking them to apologize to these things in public. The student's student pays the mental damage fee and the lost time fee.
The Korean Taekwondo Association did not respond at all. The persecution incidents in various parts of Korea were still frequent. Even if the South Korean police arrested many people, they did not stop the momentum. Many students in the Taekwondo Hall believed that the cause of this incident was in the Chinese side. The people were beaten, and they also encouraged people to attack them. They also smashed several Taekwondo halls. Is this a provocation against them and an apology? Go dreaming!
There are also two or thirty homes in the Taekwondo Hall.
More and more Taekwondo students have come in and the police can't catch it!
Seeing the martial arts community made such a tough answer, the Chinese students did not do it, some classes collectively went to class, involving five or six high schools, and some university students were blind at the teacher’s eyes. Under the acquiescence, a demonstration was held with the school.
This is what happened yesterday.
Dong Xuebin turned off the webpage and took a sip of it. He knew that things were going to happen now. The upper level would not sit on the scene and it would definitely take action. But this action is definitely just to control the situation. Forced to push the contradictions down, there will be no problem with the medical expenses of 80%. If you want to apologize to the Taekwondo Association, it would be impossible to apologize to those Taekwondo students who beat people. Because there are too many people involved, it is equal to Even if things are solved, it is only a superficial phenomenon.
Dong Xuebin felt a sullen sigh in his mind when he thought of this hatred.
Back to the hospital, Yan Meixia has already started, sitting on the bed holding a small mirror to shine on the gauze on her face.
"Hey sister, wake up?" Dong Xuebin walked over. "How was you sleeping yesterday?"
Yan Meixia put down the mirror and gently, "... Xiaobin, when can gauze be removed?"
Smile, Dong Xuebin looked down at her face. "Don't worry, you have to do a treatment in the afternoon, and then you have to go twice, and the day after tomorrow is estimated to be able to reveal the effect of gauze."
She is upset: "In case... in case..."
"If you don't, you can definitely heal, trust me."
"... um!" She took the mirror and took it.
In fact, Dong Xuebin has seen photos of Zhai Dajie’s treatment from Zhang Jingjing. The skin with scratches has been taken away. The skin on tún is naturally scar free, but the skin is a little red and swollen. There is a small place in one place. Blisters, fortunately, Zhang Jingjing said that this is a normal phenomenon. The medical language Dong Xuebin also does not understand. Simply speaking, it takes a certain time for new skin to adapt to the state of the face. This is a necessary process. After that, considering the mentality of Yan Meixia, Dong Xuebin and Zhang Jingjing simply did not let her see the face after treatment. After the swelling, the healing of the knife edge, the treatment of desalination and other treatments were completed and then she was ready to look in the mirror.
"Xiao Bin, have you had a recent concern?" Yan Meixia was not cold.
Dong Xuebin hesitated, slightly nodded, "Well."
Big sister is concerned: "Looking at what you have been sullen, is it for those students? Are they hurt better?"
"There are a hundred days of injury and bones, and a few are still not good."
She said: "The Kyrgyz people have their own natural world, don't worry."
Dong Xuebin waved his hand. "Not for this. Now many students in the Taekwondo Hall and even the coaches are all Chinese.... Hey, why don't you say this, what do you want to eat at noon?"
"All right."
"Know that you are not used to the food here, or do you want to go out and find a Chinese restaurant?"
"Good is good, can... can I be discharged?"
"Oh, you are not hurting your leg, what can't be done, the doctor said that you have been in the ward recently, too lack of exercise, let me take you out to breathe."
After cleaning up, Dong Xuebin and Yan Meixia went downstairs to the hospital.
Taking a breath of fresh air outside, Mei Meixia reveals a faint smile.
Suddenly, Dong Xuebin’s eyes inadvertently swept to a parking lot not far from the hospital entrance. I saw that Li An Chen Dahui and two Chinese students who had recovered were talking loudly with them. There were also several people on the opposite side. Xue Bin actually saw it. It was the young man who had seen the taekwondo with the joke-like eyes on the plane. At that time, Dong Xuebin had a lot of conflict with him. Since the coach Han Shangyu on the plane was the Tianma Taekwondo Hall, this person is also 80%.
Dong Xuebin walked over, "Go, go see!"
There seems to be arguing over there.
For Jin Jinzhen, he threw an envelope on the floor and sneered: "This is a medical fee. Let's go to see a doctor. Be careful when you talk next time, or see you once and beat you once!"
Chen Dahui angered: "You say it again!"
Li Anzhen said: "The loss is over? Apologize to my classmates!"
The Koreans at the Ma Dao Pavilion on the following day shouted: "Give you money to see you! Apologize? Beautiful!"
Jin Xizhen smiled a little. "You know the rules of the Daoguan. We are normal discussions. It is because some of your skills are not as good as talents. Who are you blaming? Go home and practice!"
A few Koreans sneered and seemed to be the Tianma Road Museum.
Chen Dahui said: "You dozens of people are playing us! The shit!"
A Chinese student with gauze on his face also said: "There is one-on-one!"
"I don't bother to care about you. (Look at the novels and go to the leaves. You ~ M) "Jin Xizhen smiled, "A group of men will be defeated, you will also swear a few words, one-on-one? OK, want to singled out Come to me at any time! Don't die for you!"
After that, a few people got on a car and blew away while driving away.
"Wang Ba! Eggs! Wait for me!" Chen Dahui pointed at them.
At this time, Dong Xuebin also walked over quickly. When he asked, he knew that he was called Jin Xizhen. At that time, he also participated in the Tianma Club. When Sun Zhi’s injury was Jin Xizhen’s injury, if it was not timely, Sun The ambition is a bit of a life, and now I can’t get out of bed.
"Let's settle with them sooner or later!" Li An and others can't swallow this breath.
A foreign student bent over and picked up the money on the ground. "I don't know what to say. It's still a matter of course. Their Taekwondo Hall is almost all Korean. There are so many people, let's... oh..."
When Chen Dahui heard it, he sighed with anger and anger, and he could not understand.
Dong Xuebin patted him on the shoulder. "Go first medical fees, and cure the wounds."
When they left, Dong Xuebin was in a very bad mood. He went to a Chinese restaurant with a big sister and ate, and then strolled on the street while smoking.
Yan Meixia said: "Xiao Bin, are you in charge of this matter?"
Dong Xuebin threw the cigarette butt. "I am a small cadre in a county. I have this right, and the outside is going backwards."
"Then they beat the people and they played white? When I was eating, I heard the boss say that there are many other international students and Chinese tourists who have been injured. Is this thing unintentional?" Yan Meixia is very soft. She was very uncomfortable to see that her compatriots were bullied one by one.
Dong Xuebin did not say anything.
Just walking, suddenly three people came in front.
One of them wore a Taekwondo GI, the other two were dyed yellow, one was red, and several people seemed to be near the Taekwondo Hall, just after eating.
Red low smiled: "I just like the Chinese who said that Chinese?"
"I listened like it." Huang looked at Dong Xuebin, "Well, it looks like it."
Another person coldly said: "What else to say, seeing this Chinese people early is not pleasing to the eye!"
Dong Xuebin was thinking about things. He didn't care about the front. He walked slowly and walked toward the distant intersection with Yan Meixia. He slammed the ground and flashed a black shadow. A tall tall Huang Teng hit the body of Dong Xuebin. Dong Xuebin I walked back a few steps to stabilize my body shape, and then look at the other side, the red also swayed and slammed into the ground with a shoulder and smashed toward the beautiful Meixia, and the big sister screamed and fell to the ground!
Huang shouted: "What to look at! Don't walk long eyes?"
Red sneered and said: "My clothes are dirty, lose money."
Seeing the last person in a Taekwondo suit, Dong Xuebin understood, and then saw that her sister was hit by a head, and her head almost slammed into the wall. Dong Xuebin rushed up. "Is it a death?"
No one else can understand who is talking.
Huang cold eyes glared at them, pointing to Dong Xuebin and Yan Meixia respectively. "You, and you, apologize to us, this is all over, hurry up!" He has been scornful of the Chinese apology on the Internet for the Taekwondo Association. So this is simply used on them.
Dong Xuebin looked at their blind eyes. "Bunny rabbit, don't die!"
Huang looked at his companions. "What did he say? Apologize?"
"I don't know, but shouldn't I?" Red Road: "This kid is quite flat!"
Dong Xuebin walked a few steps to the front of the big sister, and kept her behind her, and did not rush to do it. These three people may not be in the eyes of Dong Xuebin. If they fight, he can also make it clear, but the older sister is still there. Dong Xuebin can't help her while protecting her from the enemy. It is really necessary to lose money. Therefore, in order to keep the sister's safety, Dong Xuebin can't take this risk.
The two sides were deadlocked for a moment, and Huang finally couldn’t help it.
Huang Qi kicked a kick to Dong Xuebin, and Red and another person also came up.
Dong Xuebin shunned sideways. Suddenly, the whistle of the police car rang.
Huang Qiren stunned and turned and left. They also had severe attacks on this side. No one wanted to trouble themselves. However, Dong Xuebin's cold eyes made Huang a little annoyed, sneer, he waved the other two to go first, then took the initiative to find a patrol police car.
The police car stopped and the two policemen came down.
Huang pointed to Dong Xuebin and said: "My mobile phone was lost. These two people just walked next to me, they must have stolen."
The police frowned. "What model?"
Huang said a few words.
Over there, Dong Xuebin saw the police coming, and he vomited and bent down to help Mei Meixia. "Is it hurt?"
"I'm fine." Yan Meixia had an active ankle, still a little pain.
But before they said what Dong Xuebin said, the two police officers walked up toward them, their faces were not good-looking, and they said with a slap in the face: "Take out the stolen mobile phone!" Huang smiled at the police car and looked at them.
Dong Xuebin could not understand.
The policeman frowned: "Speak to you! Can't hear? Mobile phone?"
Dong Xuebin looked at him. "What are you shouting! That yellow is nothing to find! Don't catch him, what are you looking for?"
After talking for a long time, there was no communication. The older policeman waved his hand and "take it away!" Another policeman came up to arrest the people, pressing Dong Xuebin and Yan Meixia to get on the bus.
Dong Xuebin was annoyed. "What the do you mean?"
"Less nonsense! Go with us!"
Even if the language doesn't work, Dong Xuebin understood it at this time. It was absolutely what the yellow had said to the police and framed both of them. Otherwise, the police would never have this attitude, paralyzed, and Dong Xuebin brushed to look at the smiling yellow. After a few policemen who forced him to press his arm and comforted the big sister, Dong Xuebin called and then the two policemen got on the bus. Huang also got a police car at the request of the police. Several people Go back to the game.
"Xiao Bin, what are they doing?" Yan Meixia is very nervous.
Dong Xuebin said with no expression: "Nothing, rest assured."
After entering the police station, Dong Xuebin’s face has been cold and cold. He adjusted the rhythm of breathing and looked very calm. After a while, a male police officer searched Dong Xuebin's body. A policewoman searched the body of Yan Meixia. As a result, nothing happened. After another ten minutes, Li An and Chen Dahui and others rushed in. They picked up. Dong Xuebin’s phone call came as an interpreter.
One p.m.
A small-eyed policeman waved his hand at Dong Xuebin and Yan Meixia. "Okay, you can go."
Li An translated it for Dong Xuebin.
"Would you like to leave and go?" Dong Xuebin looked at the policeman. "The yellow report faked us! You have nothing to say about this matter?"
The police said: "He may have read it wrong. After all, you are next to him. It is normal to misunderstand you."
Li An angered: "What is normal! Will you investigate the case? Ah? This is a fall! Can you even see this and be a policeman?"
The policeman said with a sullen face: "How do we handle the case without teaching you!"
Out of the police station, several foreign students waiting outside asked questions quickly.
Dong Xuebin said: "I am fine, go back, thank you."
A few international students, such as Ang Lee and Chen Dahui, have a good impression on Dong Xuebin. The most crucial time is that Dong Xuebin is responsible for their medical expenses of more than 100,000 yuan. They still don’t know when they can cure the disease. So, the gangs who saw the Taekwondo Hall bullied the head of Dong Xuebin, and all of them got angry and looked for beatings. Afterwards, they reported false cases. Is this a human thing?
Opposite the road, the yellow taekwondo pavilion of the early morning, they stepped out of the police station, saw a few people Dong Xuebin, Huang and red three people smiled coldly, turned and left.
"Mom! The clothes of the man are the water source pavilion!"
Chen Dahui will rush to a few people.
Dong Xuebin stopped them. "A few brothers, I have received it, and you don't care about it." After that, Dong Xuebin pointed to Yan Meixia next to him. "Trouble, find someone to help send my big sister back to the hospital. She I don't trust a person to go back." A student immediately agreed.
Yan Meixia hurriedly said: "You don't go back?"
"I still have things, you should go first." Dong Xuebin patted her hand.
Li An is not clear, so: "Dong Ge, you..."
"Do you know the water source pavilion? There is also the Taekwondo Hall that has beaten Chinese people. Do you have statistics? The address of the pavilion can be found?" Dong Xuebin asked.
Li Andao: "There are statistics, I know a few Taekwondo halls, what happened?"
Dong Xuebin nodded. "That's it, Li An, give me a day to translate."
From the beginning to the end, Dong Xuebin was extremely calm, but Li An and Chen Dahui saw a horrible battle. "Dong Ge, when the translation is no problem, you first tell me what you are doing?"
Dong Xuebin’s heart has been filled with anger.
This thing should be broken, insulting the incident, beating the Chinese incident, okay, no one is in charge? OK! I’m damn! They are not giving us a Say it? OK! Then I will give them a saying!"
I can't bear No need to bear it!
Image? influences? Go to your mother!
Taekwondo Hall? If my mother doesn't give you a mess! My mother is not surnamed Dong! !
Bullying on my head? You ungrateful animal! Can't you fight? Are you not a cow? Ok! I am to see who is better than who! !
"Ang! Go!" Dong Xuebin strode up in the direction of Huang's departure.
Li Anyi said, "What is this?"
Dong Xuebin said with a black face: "Do you still use it? Go to the pavilion!"
‘Kicking! ? ‘
Several Chinese students are stunned!

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