Chapter 312: [Dong Ge! 】

Chapter 312 [Dong Ge! 】
Three o'clock in the afternoon.
Tianma Taekwondo Hall.
Looking across the road to see the sign of the opposite pavilion, Dong Xuebin’s eyes fixed and decided the second goal. The cause of all the incidents started from this Tianma pavilion, if their students did not beat people. Well, if their coaches don’t condone, if they lose money early, things won’t happen, so since Dong Xuebin’s hands are gone, they will naturally not let go.
"Dong Ge, go in?" asked Li An.
Chen Dahui said: "Stay for a while, otherwise physical strength..."
"Early rest is enough." Dong Xuebin finished the whole collar, "...go!"
After seeing Dong Xuebin’s heroic stance, Chen Dahui and Li An were all very excited. They followed Dong Xuebin and crossed the road to the opposite side.
Suddenly, the two cars slammed on the side of the road.
There were a few reporters in the car, there were recording pens, and there were cameras. After getting off the train, several people saw Dong Xuebin and others, and they all came up and asked what, Dong Xuebin understood that 80% was The water source pavilion was kicked out, which led to the media reporter, but he did not intend to answer anything. So Dong Xuebin is also a national cadre. Some words are not good to say from his mouth, so one Looking at this battle, Dong Xuebin took Li An Chen Dahui and they stepped through the Tianma Road Museum.
There were several staff members on the first floor who were talking, and when they saw so many people, they all stunned.
Dong Xuebin opened the door and saw the mountain road: "Look what! Look at the pavilion!"
A few people groaned again, and they looked at each other in a weird look.
Suddenly, many people came in at the entrance of the pavilion. "Li An, Dahui, we are here!"
"Ha ha ha, do you really want to play the museum?" It seems that all the students who come in are Chinese students, and they speak Chinese.
"I heard that the Waterway Museum was kicked? Happy! Who is Dong Ge? Where is Dong Ge?" Everyone is more excited than one.
66 continued to come to a lot of people, Li An will quickly introduce them to them, these are mostly Chinese students from some universities in South Korea, Li An Chen Dahui is afraid that the people will be besieged by the Tianmadao Pavilion, they will call the classmates, who knows There are only a dozen of them here, and the remaining 20 or 30 people don’t know where they came from. There are students, older people, and a few Chinese tourists who come to visit. After one pass and ten hundred pass, after Li An called, the international students also called and called all the Chinese they knew.
There are dozens of people coming, and the battle is very big.
When the people at the Tianma Road Museum saw it, they quickly stopped the media reporters, closed the door and did not let them in, and immediately informed the coach and the person in charge.
Dong Xuebin went to the training ground with a team of dozens of people.
A training field of about 100 square meters, many Korean students have been waiting there, the line is very neat, standing four or five rows, there are also dozens of people, they are mostly tied with green belt and blue belt, are middle-level students Jin Xizhen also stood at the forefront of the team, followed by Dong Xuebin and Han Shangyu and Park Enzhi who met on the plane. There were also two coaches tied with black belts.
Dong Xuebin look at them, three black belts?
Park Enzhi is the head coach of the Tianma Road Museum. He is also the highest person in charge. He looked at Dong Xuebin and his brow wrinkled inadvertently. "Is it? You are the water source pavilion?"
Li An whispered a translation to Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said, "The Tianma Road Museum will also be."
"Young people, don't say too much." Park En-chih smiled. "Don't think that if you practice your fists, you will be the best in the world."
Dong Xuebin is happy. "Old things, this is what I intend to educate you. You said it for me."
The Korean students did not do it, and they screamed in unison. "Isn't it a Chinese? What is it!"
"The coach of the Waterway Museum is not here today? Or can you play the museum?"
"Go home for a few more years! It’s not long!"
The Chinese students from the Chinese side also listened and yelled back. The scene was full of fire, and both sides of you waved against each other.
Dong Xuebin took off his coat and threw it on the ground. "Come on!"
Park Enzhi yelled at him. "Hi, really, try him."
"Yes!" Jin Xizhen immediately stepped forward and sneered and made preparations.
The other looked at the blue ribbon around the waist, Dongxue Bin can not help but shook his head, knowing that they would like to test the waters own actual situation, but did not say anything, really hope this gold, Dongxue Bin earlier wanted to hit him, whether it is an insult to the plane The elder sister’s business was still a matter of beating students abroad. Dong Xuebin did not want to let him go. Step forward, Dong Xuebin moved his wrists and wrists and the activities were completed.
"Dong Ge cheers!"
"Give them a look!"
The discussion began.
Jin Xizhen clenched his fists with confidence and walked slowly to Dong Xuebin with a basic footwork of Taekwondo. He was able to retreat and behave steadily. He did not rush.
Dong Xuebin did not even plan the strokes. He used a very common standing position to lie there, his hands were not lifted, his feet were not moved, and his eyes looked at his opponent without hesitation. Dong Xuebin’s flawed posture has caused many people’s contempt. Compared with the pace of Jin Xizhen’s attack and defense, Dong Xuebin’s posture is too awkward. However, Dong Xuebin is not deliberately not posing, mainly because he is really not practicing. What kind of effort?
"Oh!" A light drink, Jin Xi really made a move.
The foot is rushing forward, it is a move similar to a chain leg, the first foot is virtual, and the second foot is the killing!
But Dong Xuebin’s feet are not hiding.
Jin Xizhen snorted, almost all the strength of the whole body was poured on this foot!
Winning - the Korean students are happy.
Generally, this kind of kicking technique is very powerful. In actual combat, it is also good in the Taekwondo competition. The only way is to hide, or to shun back, or to dodge sideways, few people will hardly pick it up, because even if it is caught. This foot, there will still be a poster after the move, the next move can not take two strokes, dodge is the best choice, but Dong Xuebin did not hide, not only did not hide, but suddenly suddenly turned to the side A punch!
The fist is connected to the leg!
As the saying goes, the arm is not twisted on the thigh, the strength on the leg is always bigger, not to mention Jin Xizhen, who has been practicing Taekwondo for three or four years. Most of the effort is on the leg. This is hard to catch Dong Xuebin, certainly not It will be very good, even if it is really blocked, then the third consecutive leg skills Dong Xuebin will certainly not be able to block, even avoiding it is difficult, because the two people have been separated by only one meter.
But no one thought that after the fists and feet collided, a cry of screams suddenly collapsed!
Actually, Jin Xizhen was calling, and even after the move did not come out, it was actually pulling his legs softened!
Hit it on the ribs!
Dong Xuebin’s fist was too clever. With Jin Xi’s leg strength, he directly knocked on the most vulnerable part of the other’s thigh with his fist, but the simple punch stopped the killing of Jin Xizhen. Immediately, Dong Xuebin’s right leg went up and kicked. Jin Xizhen’s left leg temporarily lost control. He just recovered and could not attack and move. He could only bite his teeth and fly sideways.
However, Dong Xuebin seems to have known his direction of avoidance. His right foot has changed slightly in the air without any warning. At the same time, Jin Xizhen’s head has also moved to the same direction. It’s like Jin Xizhen’s face squinting. I mentioned his face on one foot!
"Ah!" Jin Xizhen flew out and fell to the ground, his face swollen!
one move!
One stroke will defeat the opponent!
The Chinese students suddenly burst out with cheers, good applause, applause applause!
Dong Xuebin went up and grabbed Jin Xizhen, who was lying there. "Young man, first learn how to be a person, even people will not do it, but also practice a fart, don't be embarrassed."
Jin Xi was so angry that he suddenly attacked and punched his face against Dong Xuebin!
Dong Xuebin cold and cold side to the side of the arm, hey, u and u collided with the muffled sound, Jin Xi really screams once again screamed, once again hit the ribs, this time is the arm!
"Stop!" Park Enzhi stared at Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin stood up. "Who is next? Hurry up!"
Both black belt masters look to Park Enzhi, "Head coach, let me go!"
Park Enzhi shook his head, pulled the pull suit, and went up in person. Just a few shots, Pu Enzhi, can see that the Chinese youth is not able to deal with a few black belt coaches. It is just a matter of hitting the ribs. This requires not only eyesight, but also responsiveness. Actual experience, even Pu Enzhi did not have the confidence to judge the position of the other side in the hands of both sides, and also accurately hit the other side of the ribs. What is this genre? Specially playing with numbness? How have you not heard of it before?
This is actually what Dong Xuebin had pondered before when he started playing with the Water Source Museum. It is also a suitable bsp. Compared with the real master, Dong Xuebin is still a lot worse, experience, strength, degree, and explosiveness. Yesterday, I talked with the coach of the black belt. If Dong Xuebin spent more than ten times, three seconds and two seconds of infinite reversal time, he had already suffered a big loss, let alone today’s Park Enzhi. He is a master of the black belt five-segment, and he is a number one in the entire Korean Taekwondo world.
So Dong Xuebin tailored a set of very insidious and shameful tricks for himself.
Play with numbness! Hit acupuncture points! Anyway, where are you soft, you will hit you!
Dong Xuebin has k in his body, he can make God's repeated attempts. If he doesn't hit the position, he will go back in time, so there is no more suitable for Dong Xuebin than this set of insidious kungfu.
"Come on!" Dong Xuebin is ready, and plans to try this new move with Park Enzhi.
Park Enzhi stepped on a high step and met Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin did not sit still this time, and stepped forward cautiously. Everyone held his breath. The Korean students, the Chinese students and tourists all looked at the center of the training ground with a squint. I am afraid of missing a key shot.
Daddy, Park Enzhi first shot!
He has his right ankle, his center of gravity moved to his left foot, his right foot is bent on his knees, his fists are placed on his chest, his left foot is in front of his forefoot, the hip is turned left, the left knee is buckled, and then the left foot continues. Rotation degree, the right knee joint is lifted to the horizontal state, and the calf is quickly kicked out to the left front. It is a basic Taekwondo cross kick, which makes Park Enzhi play very exquisite, strength, angle, degree, and impeccable.
Dong Xuebin also moved, his right foot kicked forward, with feet to feet!
bump! The two played together!
Pu Enzhi only felt that the complex taste of soreness and pain spread instantly on his feet, and even stung the lumbar vertebrae. It felt like a cat with a tail stepped on it, and the leg was so uncomfortable, then stop It was mentioned that the cross kick that was so fast and thundering was mentioned by Dong Xuebin, and the whole leg was stiff.
Dong Xuebin was also uncomfortable. When he was against the enemy of Jin Xizhen, his strength was far worse. When he hit his weakness, his strength was slowed down. Dong Xuebin was not hurt, but Park Enzhi was different. With five sections, it is really a black belt with five sections. This foot is too big. Even if you hit the other side, the strength does not converge much. Dong Xuebin’s right leg also hurts. This is the result of hard hit!
After a blow, both of them stopped the attack.
Look at me, I look at you, it is more cautious.
Park Enzhi is a master of Taekwondo. After a short trial, he understands that Dong Xuebin’s kicking himself is definitely not an accident. Once there were two times, there were three times. He knew that he could no longer be caught by the other party. Breaking down, thinking about it, Park Enzhi did not go out again, and the numbness of his legs gradually disappeared. He moved around Dong Xuebin and repeatedly searched for opportunities.
Suddenly, Park Enzhi stepped up and punched it, straight into the face of Dong Xuebin!
Dong Xuebin raised his hand and used the most prominent piece of bone on his fist to directly meet the other's fist. The two fists met. Hey, Dong Xuebin’s hand was beaten, and he felt a deep force. The hand pressed over, as if hit on the iron plate, but Park Enzhi was also uncomfortable. At the moment of his hand, his fist was topped up by the bones of Dong Xuebin’s hand, and then Park Enzhi right. The gap between the ring finger and the middle finger, the feeling of soreness and grief once again hit the whole body, this time even the head slammed!
It is not a numb, but an acupuncture point!
Park Enzhi was so painful that his brain was exposed and his body was shaken!
Afterwards, under the gaze of the crowd, the hard-to-hard contest began. Once, twice, three times, Park Enzhi gave a punch, Dong Xuebin also punched, Park Enzhi kicked, and Dong Xuebin kicked. Coincidentally, Dong Xuebin’s every hit can be played on the soft ribs of Park Enzhi, not the acupuncture points on the gap of the fist, or the fragile ribs on the arm. After a few hands, Park Enzhi has sweated down!
What the is this trick?
Too sinister!
Park Enzhi hates being crazy. After playing for so many years, he has never met such a shameless opponent. The other party seems to know his body structure better than himself. The tricks are in the most uncomfortable place, even if he endures. The second time of the attack on the sesame and sophistication was the third time. There was no exception. The numbness and acupuncture points on the arms, fists, thighs and even the back were almost all played by Dong Xuebin.
Breathing and gasping, Park Enzhi was a little stiff all over the body.
He received it once and received twice, but he couldn’t stand it a few times a few times!
The Korean students next to them don’t understand what the head coach is doing today. Why not continue to attack? Take a break after playing it. After you finish it, look at it. What is this?
Dong Xuebin is a little better than him. He only has a little pain in his hands. When he sees that Park Enzhi’s brain is sweating, Dong Xuebin knows that his tricks have played a great role. The second initiative took the offensive, a straight punch hit!
Before the collision ng, Pu Enzhi did not dare to make a move. See Dong Xuebin’s initiative to attack. The heart is a joy. My heart said that this is your first out punch. I don’t know where I am going to fight? Can't you hit my weakness? So Park Enzhi gave a low voice and wanted to use his own way to give him another body. He also pointed to the angle and punched Dong Xuebin’s elbow, trying to attack his numbness, but the moment when Park Enzhi punched, Dong Xuebin Without a warning, suddenly a change of angle, Park Enzhi has not reacted, Dong Xuebin's fist is hammered on his arm!
It is a numb!
Park Enzhi’s arm was stiff at the time!
opportunity! Dong Xuebin raised his right foot with a leg and squatted on a point on the right leg of Park En-chi. Seeing that the other’s foot was soft, Dong Xuebin attacked again and escaped the fist that Park Enzhi greeted. His abdomen, hey, one hit, Dong Xuebin's momentum is not diminished, his head is also topped up, a neck and a hoe, a slamming slap on Pu Enzhi's chin, then a top of the knee is a heavy blow !
Park Enzhi fell to the ground, sucking his stomach and sucking in the air!
The whole scene is silent!
One second...two seconds...
Calling, the Chinese students are suddenly violent!
"Win! Win!"
"Dong Ge! You are too bully!"
Screaming cheering, screaming, one by one, overwhelming!
Chen Dahui almost fell into tears, blood boiling, can only use blood and boiling words to describe his current mood, too enjoyable, actually won!
Dong Xuebin was also too tired to wipe the sweat of his head. He pointed to Park Enzhi on the ground: "Your words are returned to you as they are, don't think that after practicing a few days, the world is the first, go to you. Grandpa, let me listen, our people are being beaten in your hall. Don't think that this is over. I will give you a day to consider. If you can't see you and your people in the pavilion publicly apologize, I am him. Mom will come to Korea once a week, and I will kick you once a week. If you don’t believe us, let’s go and see who the mother has consumed!

Korean students are glaring at each other, and humiliation is at its peak!
"Dong Ge! Good!"
"Dong Ge! Dong Ge! Dong Ge! Dong Ge!"
Chinese students yelled at the name of Dong Xuebin, again and again!
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