Chapter 366: [County Party Dance Club]

Thursday, morning.
Bell, bell, bell...
Dong Xuebin, who brushed his teeth in the bathroom, took a call. It was called by Zhao Xinglong, deputy magistrate.
"Xiao Dong, this evening, the county party dance party will be reopened." Do you know? Zhao Xinglong said.
Dong Xuebin threw the toothbrush into the jar. "Dance? I haven't heard that, I have run the business with the following two days."
"It is a dance party held every month, proposed to the book, in order to strengthen the cultural life of the cadres, increase communication and communication between comrades." Zhao Xinglong knows that Dong Xuebin just came to the county for just one year" explained: "I used to remember to stop the dance when I was in office. I proposed to reopen it after the year of the year. This evening is the first one. It is relatively grand. I will go to the county magistrate and many leaders of various departments. Your unit will be fine. At night, it also means that the China Merchants Group has passed, and it is also in contact with the leaders of various departments, which is also conducive to your work.

Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly: "Zhao County Chief" How can I dance?

"Oh, you don't have to dance, you can't jump without jumping."
Dong Xuebin said that it is so simple. In case anyone who invited me to dance, the buddy said that he would not jump. That is not a face of people, this can offend people. Hanging the line, Dong Xuebin had no choice but to return to the house to change clothes, and took the bag out of the door. To the Tao can really toss. "The cadre Spring Festival party is also good, this dance is worth mentioning, he really cares about this kind of activity, there is that leisure time, do you do more things to do?
eight thirty.
When he came to work at the China Merchants Group, Dong Xuebin and Lin Pingping met the Pingyuan.
When they entered the unit together, Dong Xuebin asked the chicken manure treatment project casually.
Lin Pingping's pretty face burst into a smile. "That said: "Unexpectedly smooth. After I came out from Peng's house yesterday, I called another phone at night. As a result, Mr. Peng actually canceled the visit to the neighboring county. It seems that Xiaohuer said a lot of good things for us. I spoke on the phone and explored his words. Now Peng is not as strong as before. Let me take him to see the site of the chicken manure treatment plant today. I think that Peng’s total 80% is an investment intention, and we should have a great chance of retaining him.

Dong Xuebin nodded with a smile. "That's good, you should take a good grasp."
"Yes." Lin Pingping does not understand why Xiao Huer suddenly became so irony with Dong Xuebin.
"To Lin Jie." No one around, Dong Xuebin's name is a little more casual.
Lin Pingping listened and said: "You call me Xiaolin."
"I haven't been at work yet, so much is paying attention to it." Dong Xuebin is very respectful to people, especially to those who respect him. Generally, he is older than him. It doesn't matter how he works when he works. But privately, Dong Xuebin will still Feel free to ask her, Lin Jie, called Luo Haiting Luo Sister, this will also help to close the relationship. After all, Lin Pingping is even older than Dong Xuebin, "..." Can you dance?"
Lin Pingping hesitated, "It will be a little bit, you?"
Dong Xuebin said: "At night, there is a dance party in the county and the county party guest house. Do you participate in the China Merchants Group?"
Lin Pingping was a little apologetic. He smiled and said: "I told my son yesterday that he took him to the movies at night." The ticket was also bought. This is..." And her level is not enough. How dare to represent China Merchants.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "It is important to accompany the child, nothing."
Luo Haiting, who has a long skirt on the side, seems to have just taken an electric car and is coming out of the bicycle parking shed.
Lin Pingping’s eyes glimpsed, and Director
Luo should dance well.

"Oh? Is it?" Dong Xuebin was a little surprised, he really didn't see it. Back to the office, Dong Xuebin sat in a chair and ordered a cigarette. He had already passed the cadres of the China Merchants Group in his mind. He now knows their understanding only on the surface. For example, Lin Pingping just started to contact, this woman gave His impression is that he has the ability to have a very real woman, but who can think of her unmarried, she has a four-and-five-year-old son? And Luo Haiting. When I first came, I thought that Luo Dahai and his mother. The character is almost very conservative and very virtuous and very stable. The more you contact Dong Xuebin, the more Luo Haiting is. This person has nothing to do. "The work is basically given to the following people. In addition to the work arranged by the leader, she is too lazy to manage, but also special love. Dressing up, the impression I just met was all she had put it out.
Dong Xuebin couldn’t help but think about it. Why didn’t he have a fake in front of them?
In the dining hall.
After taking a meal and sitting on a table by the window, Dong Xuebin looked at it not far away and called out: "Director Luo."
When Luo Haiting looked at it, she walked over to the dinner and sat opposite the director, knowing that she was looking for something. Today's Luo Haiting is very beautifully dressed, plates, embroidered knit sweaters, long skirts, cosmetics on the face also cover a small freckle in the corner of the eye to cover seven or eight points, lips shining brightly touch the lipstick" the whole person added A little mature and flattering, not like the forty-year-old, it will be thirty-five and six years old when you look at it.
Upon seeing it, Dong Xuebin said that you can dress up day by day.
Dong Xuebin looked a bit strange. But other staff members and cadres have long been used to it. In fact, the two days that Dong Xuebin had just arrived, Luo Haiting dressed in a business suit and the like, so that the staff members felt weird. The main ones have long been accustomed to Director Luo’s enthusiasm to recruit Baidu’s wealth. On this day, it is estimated that Director Luo feels that Director Dong is quite good at speaking, and then slowly let go, and restored the original character.
Luo Haiting handed him a smile. "Director, are you looking for me?"

It was the same kind of smile, but with her current dress, the charm of the charm still has a clear view.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Luo Sister, I heard that you danced well?"
"..., um, it will be a little bit." Luo Haiting suspicion.
"At night, the county party dance party is going to open. The first game is special. It is not appropriate to go without it. The monthly dance party does not matter. Well, I want you to participate."
Luo Haiting's eyes moved, "I am your partner?"
"I don't have to say that."
Dong Xuebin said: "I will not go? It is not very likely to jump. You can participate on behalf of China Merchants."
"...that line." Luo Haiting also likes to participate in such activities.
"How is your lover dancing? Going with your family."
Wen Yan, Luo Haiting's voice is hard, "No, he won't jump." Speaking of this, it seems that the mood is not very good.
"Hey..." When he talked about his family, Dong Xuebin remembered Xie Huilan. He thought that Xie Jie would go too. He might also dance with others. Dong Xuebin’s eyes jumped and added, "I don't I must not go, if I am busy, I will see it in the past." He had always considered that he could not be embarrassed, but he forgot the Xie sister. Dong Xuebin can protect his future daughter-in-law. Of course, I don't want Xie Huilan to be hugs.
After a few more words, the two talents began to eat face to face.
Luo Haiting is in a very bad mood today. The smile on his face is also strong.
She is a woman. There is no such thing as a man who is in charge of power. Luo Haiting went to Dong Xuebin and fully cooperated with his work. In the final analysis, it is also to save the present position. The idea of ​​progress is yes, but not strong. Luo Haiting has always been like this. "I feel that life is very good now, but the quarrel with her husband this morning has broken her long-standing mood. Her husband did not know from whom he heard that Director Dong likes to be sexual." This time, I didn't do it. When Luo Haiting got up and dressed in the mirror, her husband yelled at her. "No, what happened to her and Dong Xuebin? Luo Haiting explained that he didn't listen, so Luo Haiting also The temper, the two of them had a big fight.
Everyone in the unit knows that Luo Haiting's husband and wife relationship is excellent. It is a model couple. But the model couples have not abandoned or quarreled, not to mention that their husband and wife life is not as good as others think.
This quarrel made Luo Haiting very chilly. Dong Xuebin is only a young man in his twenties. He is a 40-year-old woman. How could he see something unpleasant with Dong Xuebin? At the time, Luo Haiting also misunderstood that Dong Xuebin had thoughts about her. But she did not want to hear from her husband. She felt that her husband was too distrustful of her.
Luo Haiting is an old comrade after all, and the emotions are well concealed. Dong Xuebin did not see it.
I am off work.
Luo Haiting cleaned up her mood and came to Dong Xuebin's office to ask him not to go to the dance.
Dong Xuebin thought for a moment. "Let her go He hasn't thought about it yet.
At this time, "Ring Bell" Luo Haiting’s cell phone rang. She appeared to be her husband’s call. Luo Haiting knew that he must have urged himself to go home, not letting himself have extra time to do anything with anyone. I thought of it here, "Luo Haiting was annoyed, and the connection was not answered. I hang up the phone of Baidu." She looked down to Dong Xuebin for a while, and she was not prepared to talk to her husband about the dance. You are not skeptical. ? Go to your own doubts!
Dong Xuebin also saw some, "Luo Sister, what's the matter at home?"
Luo Haiting immediately put away me and would not go back to dinner. I will fight again later, um, Secretary, then I will go first?

Dong Xuebin nodded, "Yes."
A light-colored dress to Luo Haiting turned and opened the door, very feminine twisted sideways out.
This action made Dong Xuebin's gaze subconsciously fall on her plump beauty rate. With lightning, she took back her eyes and coughed. "Thinking about Xie Huilan, Dong Xuebin couldn't sit still, just went to a restaurant downstairs. "Supper" immediately drove to the ball, even if it would not dance, Dong Xuebin did not want Xie Huilan to be cheap. ! !
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