Chapter 376: [Appropriation is blocked]

Chapter 376 Funds are blocked
one day……
Two days...
Three days...
Tuesday, sunny.
Dong Xuebin was so tired in Beijing for three days that he was reluctant to say goodbye to her and drove back to Yantai County. These days, Dong Xuebin almost traveled around the big and small attractions in Beijing. They are both Beijingers. Those places have basically been there, but they are also very happy. Dong Xuebin has forgotten the time. I forgot all the other trivial things, and I was full of thoughts on the baby in her stomach, watching movies, hot springs, visiting the park, doing beauty, so she didn't feel tired of her life.
"When Dad..."
"The buddy wants to have a son..."
"Son, son, my daughter is the same, um..."
Along the way, Dong Xuebin was screaming at Xiaoqu, sings a sigh of relief, and changed the lyrics temporarily, and became a word like a father, daughter, son, and so on.
Yantai County.
Dong Xuebin first went back to the family committee of the county party committee and entered the house. He changed his clothes from beginning to end. Then he charged the mobile phone and went to the living room to pick up the microphone before the fixed telephone. He happily wondered who to share with the joy. The mood, I thought for a long time, Dong Xuebin was a bit sweaty, he really can't talk to others now, telling his mother that you can hold your grandson? Can you get married? Mom wants to ask when I am married? It is even more difficult to say with other people. It is still taboo in the officialdom.
Look at the table, ten o'clock in the morning.
Dong Xuebin is not prepared to take this out, sing a little song and drive down the stairs.
China Merchants Bank Courtyard. Mercedes-Benz business stopped at the office building, and when the door opened, Dong Xuebin got off the bus and stood up the collar jacket.
At the door of the building, Zhang Fan, who is in the business department, came out and saw Dong Xuebin. He gave a slight glimpse and cried out "Director Dong."
Dong Xuebin nodded with a smile. "Xiao Zhang, are you going out?"
Zhang Fanyi, "Lin Kechang asked me to see an investor."
"Yes, do it well." When he passed by, Dong Xuebin patted him on the shoulder, "pay attention to safety on the road."
Zhang Fan was frightened. I don’t know what happened to Secretary Dong. The reason why I was so careful was that it was mainly on the board of directors of Dong Xuebin’s family that it happened on Friday, and that I was flustered and left the China Merchants Bureau. I saw it on the office glass. Who would have thought that after a few days, Director Dong suddenly changed his appearance? Look at the expression, it seems to be very happy, and not a happy one and a half?
Everyone has a good spirit.
All the way upstairs, but the staff member Dong Xuebin who met met had to say a few words with enthusiasm, encourage two sentences, and make everyone feel a little confused.
In the secretary's office.
Opening the door, the room was bright, the table and the glass were wiped clean.
Dong Xuebin couldn't help but secretly nod and touched out the cigarette to take a few mouthfuls. He sat on the office chair with his legs crossed, and the calf was swaying and swaying. He began to ponder the name of his child. What is Dong? Are the two words still 仨? Hey, don't know men and women yet, start with two names? What is good? By the way, the birth of the eight characters must be counted in? It’s too early to name it, hey, he’s anxious.
Hey, someone knocked at the door.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Please come in."
The door opened, and Lin Pingping and Jiang Hailiang came in.
"It’s Xiaolin Xiaojiang." Dong Xuebin waved, "Sit down, sit down and say, huh, huh."
Lin Pingping and Jiang Hailiang looked at each other. The staff members said that they were right. Director Xiao Dong was in a good mood. What kind of happy event did he meet?
The two sat down but did not speak.
Dong Xuebin yelled at them, "What's wrong? Just say something."
Lin Pingping coughed. "Secretary, I heard that the financial allocation in the county has not arrived yet?"
"Is it?" Dong Xuebin said strangely: "I didn't ask, but it was said last week. When I left on Friday, I should have come down?"
Jiang Hailiang said: "Director Ke Luo said that he hasn't arrived yet, and the bonus has not been down. The staff at the bottom are very emotional. I think the enthusiasm of everyone in these two days is not so high." Jiang Hailiang's second division at the weekend. Also pulled a list, according to the documents that Dong Xuebin originally set, the bonus should go right away, but in the past two days, Dong Xuebin was not in the bureau, and the office did not give money, so Jiang Hailiang had to take advantage of Dong Xuebin. I am in a good mood to mention this, and those bonuses also have his own.
Dong Xuebin frowned at the first sight. "The following people are very emotional? Then how do you work as a leader?"
Jiang Hailiang slogs and shuts up.
Dong Xuebin said: "We are government departments. Everyone is also holding the county's salary. The purpose of raising the prize amount is to improve everyone's enthusiasm. What's the matter? If the bonus does not work in the next few days, it will not work. What is the place here? When is the China Merchants Group?
The tone of the meal, Dong Xuebin said:
I have promised the bonus, can I still? Do you say that the following is very emotional? You let him directly Look for me!" This Jiang Hailiang, too unsettled, the eyes are too short!
Jiang Hailiang is not good at his mouth, and he does not say anything.
When Lin Pingping saw Jiang Haiping stunned, he did not dare to scream.
Dong Xuebin looked at the two of them and immediately grabbed the phone and went to the office. "Hey, Director Luo, come to my office." Then I hung up.
In a short while, Luo Haiting, a fancy dress, pushed in and walked in.
Dong Xuebin asked: "The three million financial allocation has not yet arrived?"
Luo Haiting hesitated and sighed: "It should have been on our account last Friday, but I didn't arrive when I got off work. I called and asked. The Finance Bureau said that the county was financially tight recently. The appropriation should be slowed down. Later, I personally went to the Finance Bureau and ran two times. I asked when the specific time was. Their people only said that we would like to wait for the news. Nothing else was said. This is not the case. It’s a day, still no letter.

The Secretary of the Finance Bureau is Ding Li. It must be that this is a matter of hating the things at the ball before deliberately wanting to take the China Merchants.
Dong Xuebin is no longer in a good mood. The funds decided by the Standing Committee will you dare to card? He didn't expect Ding Li to be so bold, he touched the floor and patted the table. "What do you do!"
Luo Haiting bowed her head. "Secretary, I am not doing things well." She also understood what was going on in her heart and was very angry with Ding Li's means.
"Do not blame you." Dong Xuebin waved his hand and said: "The money that can be moved on our account is enough to open this month's bonus?"
Luo Haiting looked at Jiang Hailiang and Lin Pingping. "Not enough, the gap is very big."
Hey, knocking on the door again, this time the deputy director Sun Shuli entered the house.
When Sun Shuli came in, he said: "Secretary, I just ran a finance bureau with Director Luo in the morning. They still don't give money. I don't understand what they mean. Now we can't pay the bonus, and the problem of the car can't be improved. How does this work? The county has given us five hundred million tasks, which is enough to suppress people. How can we not even give money now? Is this the light that allows the horses to run without letting the horses graze?"
Three million people have to be dialed out in the county. Everyone has been staring at it, but now they suddenly tell them that they don’t know when they can come down. What is this thing?
Sun Shuli was not a small temper. He was stunned with them in the morning at the Finance Bureau. But the other party laughed and tai chi, and did not give money, causing Sun Shuli to have a stomach.
Luo Haiting licked her lower lip and observed the expression of Dong Xuebin. "Secretary, would you like me to run again?"
Shaking his hand, Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief. "No, I will solve this problem. Go back." Look at Lin Pingping and Jiang Hailiang, "...Lin Kechang, Chief Jiang, pay attention to the work of the people underneath, tell everyone The bonus will definitely go on this week." Although he criticized Jiang Hailiang just now, he also knows that the bonus is imminent. Otherwise, his prestige will also be affected.
Lin Pingping and Jiang Hailiang immediately agreed.
When they all left, Dong Xuebin called the deputy magistrate of Zhao Xinglong.
"Hey, Zhao County magistrate, the county promised the funds to be given to the card owner by the Finance Bureau, do not give us, what does this mean? This is to break the back of our China Merchants Bureau?" Dong Xuebin annoyed: "Do not say Cars and other, now even the most basic bonuses are gone, which makes us how to get 500 million investment? The money was approved by the Standing Committee, I don’t understand, when did Ding Li become the superior leader of the county party committee? ?"
Zhao Xinglong frowned. "...the phone hangs first, I will ask you."
Hanging the line, Dong Xuebin took a cigarette and waited.
Soon, the telephone rang, Zhao Xinglong said: "The recent urban construction project in the county has caused some problems, and a large amount of funds have been used to save the fire. This is the key project in the It can't be delayed, so the finances are a bit tight, and the funding for many departments has not arrived in time."
Dong Xuebin said: "But is there still a department?"
"The Water Resources Bureau and other departments have arrived." Zhao Xinglong's voice also revealed a anger.

Zhao County Magistrate, isn’t the county’s key focus on attracting investment work this year? We have given us five hundred million instructions! How can the water conservancy bureau’s allocation be more preferential than our China Merchants Group?

Zhao Xinglong knew that Dong Xuebin was confused. At that dance, he gave Ding Li such a big embarrassment. Ding Li didn’t want to report it back. It’s strange.
That’s it, I will help you remind me, and I will try to get the funds in place as soon as possible.
Ding Li The little tricks also annoyed Zhao Xinglong.
However, Ding Li is a person who is going to the Tao. He will not easily sell Zhao Xinglong's face, and he is targeting Dong Xuebin, and it is even more impossible to call the money in a short time. Dong Xuebin naturally knows that after hanging up the phone, he wants to call Xie Huilan to ask her to help sign it, but after thinking about it, she put the phone down. This little thing does not need to bother Xie, he has to go in person.趟Financial Bureau.
The good mood all let Ding Li ruin, Dong Xuebin's face is getting more and more yin! ! ~!
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