Chapter 471: [The Merchants Association has an accident! 】

Two days have passed.
Just when May Day was in sight, the Merchants Association had an accident, and one was the waist.
Even three!
In the small meeting room of China Merchants Group, Jia Yan and Sun Shuli Luo Haiting and other cadres held an emergency
At the meeting, everyone looked bad, especially Jia Yan, and his face was black.

Is the number of investment businessmen counted?

It is estimated that the investment promotion will come to 17 people.

"Seventeen? Old Sun! How do you do the contact work? Ah? Why are you so few! You tell
Tell me! "Jia Yan is simply mad.
Sun Shuli said: "I have already said that Yantai County is different from other counties!"
Jia Yan patted the table, "You are shirking responsibility!"
No one can listen to this.
Shirk responsibility? You are the person in charge of the China Merchants Association! We are all doing what you want.
Work! How do you cooperate with us? Ok, now that you have a problem, you are responsible.
Pushed down? Why didn't you say this when you first came over to grab the political achievements? Seeing political achievements
On the jealousy, when you see something bad, shirk your responsibility to the following? Is there any responsibility?
It is.
"Director Jia, you are not interested in this?" Sun Shuli also heard a fire, "You originally
When I said that I would like to pull a hundred investors, I said that this is unrealistic. I also suggest that you contact the county.
Let the county leaders come forward to contact the investment group. This is not my ability, nor is it my responsibility.
Ren, the situation in our county is so severe, the number of investment businessmen present at each investment promotion meeting in previous years
Have you known? An average of twenty people! Every year is like this! So our county has not done for two years.
After the Merchants Conference! It is because of this!

Luo Haiting and Jia Yan ", one hundred people are impossible. When Director Dong was in the office, he set it.
The plan is also thirty or forty people.

Jiang Hailiang said: "It is these seventeen people who also want to make a discount, according to the past
From experience, there must be someone who will not come over.

Are busy people, who has nothing to do?
In case the company has something or changed its mind, it’s not surprising that only seven or eight people will come in seventeen.
Among the seventeen people, ten people are brought by the China Merchants Group, and five of them are Zhao.
The county magistrate Xie County magistrate and other county leaders came forward to come, and the remaining two were contacted by Jia Yan.
Jia Yanzhen did not expect that this would be the result. He did not expect that the investment environment in Yantai County was poor.
At this point, when I was in the city, where did I ask for someone to come over? One said that there is investment
Yes, many investors are consciously coming and looking for a suitable project.
However, Jia Yan now understands that Yantai County is not the same. What is there is nothing here, investors
They simply don't look up. When I contacted two days ago yesterday, Jia Yan heard the most words.
"There is no time for May Day," he knows more than twenty investors, and the names of Yantai County are all in one.
Shaking his head, even if they walked away, they wouldn’t want to come and take care of them. You are not fart in Yantai County.
Yes, it is not a place to travel. What do people come over for? Are businessmen, time is precious, nor
Care about your meal. Only two investors who have a good relationship with Jia Yan said they would come over
In the field, this time, Jia Yan was caught off guard.
How could this be?
No one is willing to come over?
The China Merchants Association is about to open, and even the number of investors has not been enough, not only Jia Yan,
Sun Cunli and Luo Haiting could not hang their faces.
At this time, even Sun Shuli also remembered the goodness of Dong Xuebin. Director Dong is a magnifying voice.
On the first day of the post, I released the "other counties can pull hundreds of millions, why don't we do it?"
Estimate, but the director Xiao Dong actually has this ability. Now, the five thousand that have been settled.
Nearly 100 million projects signed by 10,000 projects and yeah will be brought by Dong Xuebin, and people can not only put
Big words, I really have this skill.
Can you be strict?
Open mouth is a hundred investors, how many can you come now?
Seventeen! This is still empty! In the end, there are ten at the top!
Ten people! Before Jia Yan, but the increase in funds to be carried out, not to mention
The hotel's venue can accommodate two hundred people, and now only ten people, even the county government and
China Merchants is expected to host more than 20 people at the opening of the China Merchants Association, and the empty seats will be
Ten people sitting alone in the middle? Not to mention the China Merchants Bureau, the county leaders can not afford this.
Another small investment camp with thunder and heavy rain?
Money has gone out so much, and no one has ever endured this result!
For the first time, Jia Yan realized that this investment conference was not as simple as he thought, and he shouted.
Gas, he immediately let Sun Shuli them to pull the investors, and everyone in the overall situation should also be the number of people as soon as possible.
Put it in place. After they left, Jia Yan thought about it and did not dare to report to the road.
Instead, he contacted Park Yong-hsi once again and asked him to eat at noon.
Jia Yan thought very simple, his money is also ready to go out, the specifications have also become bigger, the momentum
It’s also made, if it’s only a dozen or twenty people,
He did not explain to the county at all, so at least the amount of the contract should be dismissed. Park Yong
Hi's investment plan has been basically finalized, and the contract is signed, but the investment scale and signing details are still available.
Something to be discussed, such as the 60 million to one hundred million projects in Park’s mouth, this float is better than
Larger, 60 million and 100 million are two concepts, if Jia Yan can squeeze to the largest scale of 100 million
Even more, this can make God relieve the pressure on the other side.
But this meal has eaten big things!
At noon, Jia Yan went to the banquet with the deputy director of the China Merchants Office, Shan Enguo.
It was Lu’s confidant, Jia Yan took over the class, and the single deputy director was the first to rely on it. He felt that
There is a county party secretary behind Jia Yan, followed by Secretary Jia is not wrong.
Park Yongxi didn't come, just sent a company executive to talk to them about the project details.
Jia Yanben wanted to talk to Mr. Park personally, but if he didn’t come, he couldn’t say anything, he was responsible.
People are responsible for it, anyway, they can manage things, so Jia Yan opens the door and sees it.
My own planning here, I also took out the project budget made by the business department, and increased some
The scope of land planning, in short, is to make Park Yongxi pay a little more money and invest in one hundred million.
The person in charge is very happy, "One hundred million we can make a promise, this time the company discussed, plan
The highest amount of investment can also make the gods float upwards by 10%.

readily! Jia Yan smiled slightly.
But before he was happy, the person in charge said: "But we also have a condition."
"You speak." Jia Yandao: "As long as it is allowed, our county will give your company
Wide policy.

The person in charge nodded: "This is the case, Park always let me convey, our company is against your county.
The listed policies are very satisfactory, but the income tax is only..."
"Tax?" Jia Yan screwed his brow.
"Yes, your preferential policy is to exempt corporate income tax for three years, but considering our public
The company’s large-scale Kenken Pavilion project has a long construction time, slow profit and other reasons, this three-year
Tax exemption is a bit """ Can you think about giving us five years of exemption?
Can it be increased by one year on the basis of the original?

Jia Yanyi changed his face and changed his face. "This is impossible!"
The person in charge calmly said: "I heard that your county also has a precedent for reducing the five-year income tax."

That is an environmental protection project and some special projects.
Jia Yan explained:
This kind of body is willing to
The museum, three-year income tax exemption is already the highest concession, and it is impossible for more than half a year, let alone
After adding it for two years, hasn’t this talked with Mr. Park before?

This is the big opening of the lion!
Five years tax free? They are not open to the west in Yantai County. This project is not an environmental festival.
A special type of business like "three and a half in two years", this is the bottom line, but also a move
Can't turn the standard, five years free? Even if Yantai County can promise, the city can't promise, this
The precedent can never be opened, and it can't be opened at all. If this part is gone, the damage is old.
The rights of the people, who can not afford this responsibility!
The person in charge said slowly: "I don't ask how you talked to you about Park, but what Mr. Park gave me.
The trick is to have a five-year tax exemption. Let me discuss with you based on this standard, less than this.
I am afraid I can't invest with your county. Can we not make a sale?

Don’t invest?
Shan’s account has been booked.
Director Dong did not negotiate with you.

Jia Yan said with anger: "What do you mean by this? Are you playing people?"
The person in charge said faintly: "Director Dong just concluded the investment with Mr. Park, but with
The details of the body have not been discussed yet, the letter of intent has been signed, but it is not a formal contract, we
There is no obligation to invest in your county. You must understand this. "It was basically basic."
Set the investment, and suddenly suddenly change, they really do not pay attention to this hand, but carefully
There is no problem in getting up, the money is in their hands, the contract is not signed, investment is not investment or Park Yong
I like to have the final say, the Detectives have taken the cypress, and others can’t stop.
This sentence, Jia Jian poured a cold water from head to toe!
The reason why the secretary is so hearty Jia Yan is so jealous, everyone is looking at it
This nearly 100 million sports hall project, I thought it was quite good, it is 100% will fall in Yantai County.
I have confirmed this to the secretary and the county magistrate in person, but I have...
Park has changed?
Do not invest! ?
Jia Yan does not have to ask the county to know that this five-year tax exemption is impossible.
Sound, your face will be white!
Nearly 100 million projects have to be ruined? This is the oil on the fire! The problem of investing in the number of businessmen
Haven't had time to solve it yet! The investment association is only two days away!
Bad things
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