Chapter 492: [Crash! 】

Three o'clock in the afternoon.
At Tokyo International Airport, Dong Xuebin, who took the boarding pass, boarded Flight 736.
Looking at the seat number, Dong Xuebin walked away and found his seat against the window. Put the luggage up and sit on the seat belt.
Soon after, the present-day middle-aged man sat next to him.
The cabin is also full of Japanese, and most people are already on the plane.
This flight is a ticket that Liu Chenglong helped Dong Xuebin to book in Tokyo. It is the airline of Japan. Tokyo is flying to Beijing. It is not a return flight of Air China. Most of the planes are 〖days of the country or business trips. 〗 I, there are some blacks and Westerners, anyway, Dong Xuebin is not able to understand the words in the mouth of the passengers next to him, and suddenly feel bored, Dong Xuebin holds his shoulders and closes his eyes.
The bell ringing, the phone in the pocket rang.
By the way, I slammed my phone.
Although the plane has not yet taken off, but the call with the above is not very good, Dong Xuebin did not intend to pick up, but the above is Xie Huilan's number, he hesitated, or quietly picked up.
"Hey, Huilan." "Where?"
"Oh, just got on the plane, I guess I can get there at night."
"You always give me specialization. People from the China Merchants Bureau are off the plane. Are you still there?"
"Hey, at noon, it’s not a bit of a mistake. I want to go back early. It’s faster. I will definitely be back in the county before 8 pm."
"Well, come back to me directly after coming back."
"Hey, what's wrong?" "Why are you pregnant, when are you going to tell me? Um?"
I go! What else do I tell you? You don't know it! Dong Xuebin was shocked and warned: "How do you know? Who told you?" Although it was clear that this kind of thing could not help Xie Jie, Dong Xuebin always thought that he could fool the day, even though the monks had already reached it. The agreement, can be pregnant or a little sensitive, Dong Xuebin really do not know how to open with Huilan, afraid of another accident.
Xie Huilan said faintly: "You wait, change people."
After a few seconds, the sound of the cockroach actually appeared on the phone. "Xiao Bin, pick up."
Dong Xuebin is sweating, "Hey? Are you with Huilan?"
"Well, I arrived yesterday. Who wants you to go to the 〗 〖Day, I don't know what to say to you, you, look for you, huh, huh, I am with Huilan at home."
"Cough, what are you doing?"
"Look at the TV, listen to music, and don't do it."
"How is your baby?"
"tǐng is good, huh, huh, already kicking people."
At this time, a flight attendant said something to Dong Xuebin in English, saying it was too fast to understand, but he wanted to come and let him not call. Dong Xuebin said to the mobile phone: "The plane is taking off quickly, let alone I will look for you later when I go back."
"Well, come back soon, I will wait for you."
Hanging the line, Dong Xuebin turned off the phone, and the flight attendant left him.
He and Xie sister are together. Although they haven’t heard anything, Dong Xuebin is a bit uneasy and arrogant.
five minutes……
ten minutes……
twenty minutes……
The plane is ready to take off. The flight attendant reminds everyone to fasten their seat belts in Japanese and English.
Soon, in a violent sway, the plane jumped into the sky. On the outside of the airport runway, Dong Xuebin’s eyes closed and he planned to sleep. The things of Yan Meixia's parents and Xie Huilan's things, the things that they work to mobilize, can be busy after going back.
I don't know how long it has been.
Dong Xuebin woke up, opened his eyes and looked at the window. Below the wing was a vast ocean. He had left the 〗 〖Local area to look at the table, just an hour later.
Only this time, sleep again?
I was thinking about the sudden shaking in the cabin, very urgent!
Dong Xuebin’s frowning is not too serious. Generally, when a small plane sails, it will always be swaying and shaking. A little airflow will affect the navigation. It’s not a big deal. It’s not from the head to the end, so it’s not shaking. After stopping, Dong Xuebin is ready to continue to sleep.
However, another violent shock followed!
In addition to taking off and landing, the aircraft often bumps up and down during the flight, but this time it is shaking back and forth. Dong Xuebin is shaking in vain. If he is not wearing a seat belt, he almost flies out of the seat. This time, not only did Dong Xuebin's face change, but the surrounding passengers also moved up. Many 〗 〖I asked the flight attendant how to go. In the plane broadcast, I used the Japanese and English to play back and forth. Don't worry, but Dong Xuebin looked at the anxious figure of the flight attendants who were rushing around, but felt that things might not be that simple.
Don't you fly into the engine?
If it wasn’t a long time missing parts failure?
Do not blame Dong Xuebin think so, have there been fewer accidents in the past two years?
It is said that the plane is the safest means of transportation for the world's ping-pong, but what is really going to happen, the plane is definitely the most dangerous, running without running!
The bumps are still going on, a bō is more fierce than a b!
The passengers hurriedly grabbed the handrails, and the expressions of each one were tight, and the cabin was caught in a flying mouth to give a strange silence, which was extremely suppressed!
one second……
Five seconds...
Ten seconds...
boom! There was a loud noise at the right wing!
Almost blink of an eye, the wing engine suddenly fired!
broken! Seeing this scene, Dong Xuebin’s heart is cold, and the engine is on fire? The plane started to fall?
Screams and crying are overwhelming!
A few flight attendants also changed their faces and hurriedly shouted loudly at the passengers, as if they were saying something like a seat belt!
Oh! The oxygen mask fell from above!
In general, before the plane takes off, some safety matters and escape rules will be broadcast on CCTV. Even if you don’t pay attention, have you not seen it in the movie? Everyone took a sigh of relief, and Dong Xuebin’s first thought was not to reach out to grab the oxygen mask, but the two words were over! The oxygen masks are all down, and this thing is almost equal to the "all deaths."
The plane started to fall!
Dong Xuebin can take care of others, grab an oxygen mask and put it on his head, and take out the floating life jacket under the seat and wear it!
I am grassing you!
How did his mother catch up with this!
There was a mess in the cabin, and there was a constant voice in the broadcast, so that everyone wore a life jacket with an oxygen mask. Dong Xuebin vaguely heard an English, the aircraft engine failed, and seemed to be ready to make an emergency landing. However, from the perspective of the driving state of the aircraft, the driver seems to be unable to control the direction of the aircraft. It is almost a 45-degree angle. Can this situation be forced to succeed? Underneath is the sea!
two thousand……
One thousand six hundred meters...
One thousand three hundred meters...
The height of the aircraft is getting lower and lower!
Looking from the window, there seems to be a footprint of a small island below. It is an island. There is no tree above. I can’t see it clearly. I think it should be just a big reef. The plane hovering and falling, seems to be ready. Forced to land on the island, or intend to land on the sea around the reef. However, the probability of success in this situation is almost zero, not only the surrounding passengers did not report any hope, but also Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin's hand is getting colder, but his expression is still calm.
dead? Dong Xuebin has experienced a lot. The number of times he was killed by bullets is more than dozens of times, but this time... It seems that he is really dead and forced to land? Not likely to succeed! Jumping into the sea? Not to mention how much time alone can stay in the big waves, it is said that now jumping from the plane, fell and fell, this is not a few hundred meters a hundred meters, this is hundreds of kilometers! And even
Also returned less than an hour to fight, his remaining time is only ten minutes, regardless of whether it is a dead!
At a critical juncture, someone has untied the seat belt and left the seat. It ran straight to the emergency escape door. It may not work now. But when the plane is about to land, it will jump again. The hope of surviving should be increased. Many people think so.
Hey! Five or six people began to hit hard! I want to escape from here!
A flight attendant was missing, and another flight attendant hurriedly stopped them, screaming in his mouth and not letting them open the door. In the current situation, waiting for a forced landing is the safest way. If you jump from the life-saving door, the airflow alone can kill people, and there is no fire in the cabin. You can never open it when you have no choice but to open the door. The people in the cabin will also be greatly affected, and the pressure difference between inside and outside is too great.
Airplane broadcasts keep everyone calm again and again!
Can you die, how many people can calm down? This is not to talk about it!
"The plane is about to die! There will be nothing! Please rest assured! Please rest assured!" The flight attendant said in Japanese.
A 〗 〖Day of the present, the old man said: "Do not worry! The engine is on fire!"
"Quickly abandon the door! Hit it! Otherwise it will be over!" "The door won't open! What's the matter?" "The door is broken!"
"What about the life-saving door over there?"
"That can't be opened!"
A foreigner and five-day 〖day〗 The young man slammed in the rescue door for a long time and failed to open the door, as if the life-saving door had a problem!
This time, everyone is even more panicked!
Jumping machines can't jump? Even if there is little hope of jumping back and surviving? So what can they do? Can only sit here waiting for the crash?
The body is shaking again!
The flight attendant was shaken with a A lot of people standing still fell.
The stewardess yelled at the scorpion: "Please come back to your seat and fasten your seat belt! Don't panic! Go back to your seat!"
Seeing this, Dong Xuebin smiled dumbly and smiled very hard.
Can't you go back?
Dong Xuebin did not live enough! He has not seen his child born yet! I haven't married Hui Lanlan yet!
I haven't seen my mom in the house yet! I haven't seen my sister and my biological parents meeting! Haven't mentioned the level! not yet……
However, now there is no chance?
How many minutes do you have? ? @.
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