Chapter 500: 【came back! 】

in the morning.
The sky is slightly bright, and the warm sunshine slowly whitens the sky.
Outside the Tokyo International Airport, Dong Xuebin tightened his suit collar and walked slowly around the circle. He looked up at the hall from time to time. The airport guards had more people, and several criminal police officers who were armed with guns patrolled there. The walkie-talkie is screaming. When Dong Xuebin saw it, he deliberately let go of the collar and walked up abruptly. He deliberately passed several criminal police officers.
A few of the police officers raided him and took his eyes back.
Dong Xuebin’s heart is certain, and sure enough, his face has not been seen clearly.
Then there is no problem, let's go!
Dong Xuebin has been a public security officer for a year. He is familiar with the way the police handle the case. The more you are careful to hide, the more people look for you, so Dong Xuebin swayed into the airport hall, and left and right. Running a big screen, standing under the smashing plane flight schedule, NG...NG..., with, J311, boarding at six o'clock, from Tokyo to Beijing!
Look at the watch, five to fifty!
You are the one!
Dong Xuebin is now without a ticket and has no ticket. If he goes to normal procedures, don't say that he is boarding. He can't even go to the terminal.
As soon as the eyeballs turned, Dong Xuebin flashed his body into a dead corner that no one noticed.
One P!
Time is faint, and it stops at this moment.
Walking sideways, Dong Xuebin smashed the crowd in the hall, speeded up the pace and went straight to the escalator. There were too many people, the crowded ladder was full, and there was no space for Dong Xuebin to pass. He jumped on his feet and stepped on it. On the elevator handrail, swaying and swaying down, several times almost lost balance and fell to the ground, waiting to go near the customs, Dong Xuebin's footsteps "directly with the security personnel passed by here, four next After watching it, Dong Xuebin found a bathroom near the door to push in.
One P is lifted!
Time has suddenly recovered!
There are a few young people in the toilet, talking about the Northeast.
"I heard that more than 200 people died in the last air crash? No one lived?" "Isn't it, I didn't dare to fly. Didn't the flight fly from Tokyo to Beijing half a month ago?"

"It seems that I met the birds that time. Wouldn't it be so clever that we can catch up?"
"Who is this good? In general, be careful, don't jump."
"Haha, don't be so evil."
Listening to the sound coming from outside, Dong Xuebin exhaled. He leaned on the partition door and squeezed his chin to ponder. The customs passed, and where did the ticket get?
I thought about the process of boarding the plane. If Dong Xuebin used P to force the machine, it would not be impossible. As long as the check-in at the boarding gate and the second ticket-checking process of the aircraft entrance directly enter the plane, there is no ticket behind. However, Dong Xuebin can sneak into it without knowing it, but it is not feasible to think about it, the plane can be on, but the seat? Where do you hide after you go up? This kind of aircraft generally does not have vacant seats. Even if there is a refund on the day, it is estimated that it can make up before taking off. Can he not hide in the toilet all the time? How many small toilets does the whole plane have? If the toilet is always lit with lights People will also find out.
Grab three tickets?
Stun a person to grab a piece?
No, if the other party wakes up to the police, they will be violent, and there may be security personnel on the plane to take them down. At that time, even if there is a P, there is nowhere to run.
Yes, go to the warehouse!
There are no people there. All are checked in luggage!
With the idea, Dong Xuebin pushed the door out of the bathroom, and the boarding time was almost reached. Although the checked-in baggage time was usually after the passenger boarded the plane, it was not guaranteed ahead of time. So Dong Xuebin had to hurry up, in case the cargo door was closed. He just has to work harder and can't get in.
J311 entrance...
311 entrance...
found it!
The passenger has already started the registration entrance and someone is checking the ticket.
Avoiding the direct shooting of the camera, Dong Xuebin meditation P, striding through the check-in entrance into the passage, and lifting at a corner P "followed many passengers to the plane. One minute later, a long ladder leading to the aircraft cabin entered the line of sight, here also There is a ticket checking procedure. "Dong Xuebin certainly didn't prepare for the past, and he squatted." Just as the checked baggage compartment was already open, a car was parked there, and one suitcase was sent by the airport staff to raise the track. Entered the warehouse, one by one.
Dong Xuebin immediately bowed his head and pretended to tie the laces.
After waiting for the passengers to walk past, see no one around to pay attention, Dong Xuebin now read P, and pacing in the direction of the warehouse.
Five meters...
Ten meters...
Twenty meters...
Stepping on the track that has been fixed by time, he entered the warehouse.
Here Dong Xuebin still saw for the first time that the cabin is full of slide rails and locks. There is only one staff member. Compared with the passenger cabin, there are no seats, no toilets, no carpets, and two rows of windows are smaller than the windows in the cabin. To be taller, like a big warehouse. The checked baggage was piled up from the inside out. When Dong Xuebin came in, the warehouse was filled with one third.
The remaining time is nearing the exhausted edge.
Dong Xuebin ran quickly and ran in his hand. The body turned over on the pile of luggage wrapped in the net, jumped into the gap between the two piles of luggage and hid it.
P is released!
Hey, la la la, the crawler continues to work.
Dong Xuebin behind the baggage couldn't see anything. He could only hear the sound of some machines and the voice of the staff. This situation lasted for more than ten minutes.
Not much time, hey, touch!
After a few sounds, the cabin suddenly turned black!
Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes and looked out of the neck. The cargo door was closed. In addition to the half of the suitcase, Dong Xuebin was alone. At this time, there was some vibration from the foot. The plane was moving. Dong Xuebin knew This is already ready to take off to the runway and is expected to take off. Nowadays, Dong Xuebin, who is eager to return to China, is also a bit vague. The last crash has had a great impact on him. Don’t you play this all the time?
probably not.
Even if the buddy is unlucky, it is unlikely that he will encounter two crashes in a row.
In the Qing dynasty, Dong Xuebin stabilized his body in the gap between the two luggage piles, grabbed the dark green sè wrapped in the luggage, and made a good impact.
Five minutes later, under the rumbling sound, the plane rushed into the sky.
The reason why the warehouse is called the warehouse is that it is used for the cargo. Of course, it is not comparable to the comfort in the cabin. Dong Xuebin felt a huge shock after the plane took off. The luggage pile was fixed with a net pocket and a slide lock. There is not too much shaking, but Dong Xuebin can only rely on the two hands to fix, up and down, front and back, just so tens of seconds to almost toss him, his has been numb.
The more sinful is still behind.
It is already at the end of May, and it has entered the summer. It is said that the temperature should be warm and warm.
The temperature of the airflow at high altitude can obviously not be calculated according to the season on the land. It is extremely cold here, and Dong Xuebin is frozen.
I hope that the air conditioner will be nonsense, who will give you air conditioning?
And the most uncomfortable thing is that here the oxygen is thin and thin to what extent. Anyway, Dong Xuebin feels that breathing is very difficult, and it is even more difficult than the high altitude feeling on the plateau.
Dong Xuebin bit his teeth, paralyzed, and the big winds and big waves of the buddies have come alive. Can this small disaster still stump the buddies? Forbearance!
One hour……
Two hours...
Three hours……
Finally, the plane trembled and began to land!
Five minutes later, when the plane stopped on the runway, Dong Xuebin finally breathed a sigh of relief.
time to go. He stood up and walked to the front of the sub-cabin, waiting patiently, nourishing, when the door was opened, Dong Xuebin called P... a squat, rolled out from the gap of the hatch, Dong Xuebin On the track, the plane was taken down the track, the P was released, and the passengers who got into a group of passengers entered the terminal building. They walked to the security checkpoint with the bō, and once again, they had to go through the customs once, and check the ID card and photos. some type of.
Upon seeing it, Dong Xuebin had to use the last P time, hiding in a corner where no one noticed, hiding the body shape, and using P to go out of customs. When the last second, Dong Xuebin quickly pushed Open a bathroom door and rush in!
P is automatically released!
"Hey, scare me!"
Two people who are going to the toilet look at Dong Xuebin in amazement. They are all jī spirits, and they almost urinate on the k-hand. They only saw this person suddenly appearing more, and I don’t know when I came in. Why didn’t I have a voice? Didn't the door look open?
Dong Xuebin smiled at them with embarrassment.
Out of the toilet, Dong Xuebin now has no more time left for a second, so it is good to arrive at the destination.
Next, a few passengers walked and chatted about the free This plane made me frightened. "I am also, I am afraid that I will crash with the flight half a month ago. Where do you cry?" There is no parachute on the plane. I really can't live without this kind of thing.

"Yeah, isn't that flight all killed? I heard that one didn't run out."
"Don't say it, hey, think about it, more than two hundred people."
"Don't talk about it, let's go, go out."
"Let's go." Dong Xuebin also followed the crowd and walked out of the terminal complexly, and walked down the hall to the outside of the Capital Airport.
Calling... Listening to the familiar Chinese in the ear, looking at the blue sky, looking at a taxi with the words "Zhongguo", carrying a yellow-skinned black hair, Dong Xuebin knows that he has arrived in Beijing. Yang Tian took a deep breath and couldn’t wait to yell at the scorpion.
came back!
My buddy is finally coming back! ! @.
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