Chapter 530: [Beauty District Chief! 】

the next day.
on Saturday.
It’s yīn, there is some wind outside the window, it’s going to rain.
In the morning, Dong Xuebin, who was drilled from the bed, looked at the watch and decided to take a day off. The street office was not open for the weekend, but there were also people on duty. If there is an emergency, someone will inform him.
If it was changed yesterday, it was a weekend. Dong Xuebin definitely had to take a break. But now it doesn't matter. After two or three days of work, the Guangming Street Office has a certain cohesiveness and combat effectiveness under his leadership. Although there are still many internal contradictions, such as the Xinke and the squad, such as the party committee members who have not communicated before, such as the collective silence of the communities, but fortunately, it is also preliminary. As a result, Dong Xuebin also erected his prestige in the street office. With the cadres who are leaning against themselves, the rest will come slowly. It is impossible to do anything. He only took office for less than three days, and now it is beyond the expectation of Dong Xuebin. It is very smooth.
After washing, Dong Xuebin opened the empty dàngdàng refrigerator and wanted to find something to eat. When he saw nothing, he lazily called his mother.
Dudu, the phone is connected.
"Mom, I am resting today, are you coming? If you come, bring me some breakfast, hungry."
Yan Xiaoping said helplessly: "Mom has a cram school, the first class is about to open."
"Yes, that's it." Dong Xuebin said: "I will go downstairs to eat, it's going to rain, I don't know if the stalls are open before the floor."
"It should be open."
"Then I went?"
"Right, Mom heard that Meixia and Hey are coming to the city? Is Meixia selling the house?"
"Dong Xuebin is guilty of guilty." "The big sister thought of the community neighborhood committee to go to work. It has already been registered. The exam is next month. It seems that I have to work on the TV station. When is it still not fixed, but I guess I have to give birth to the child and say it again. Her due date is October.

Yan Xiaoping said: "If they are coming, you should take care of others."
"Do you still use this? I know.
"Okay, go eat soon, son, don't catch the rain."
Hanging the line, Dong Xuebin took the wallet and the mobile phone and went out to go out. After thinking about it, he took a blue sè from the cabinet in the foyer and put it into the bag. Then he opened the door. However, just after a bunch of doors opened, Dong Xuebin smelled a faint gas smell. He frowned and saw that the house opposite his house was actually opening the door and looking to the opposite living room. The window at the end was also wide open. Some subtle sounds are heard, and I don’t know what it is.
Leaking gas?
Who lives in this family?
Dong Xuebin knows that the residents in this building are all cadres and workers of the street office, but they have never asked Zhou Yanru. He has never seen this house open for the past three days. If you follow the position, live here. It should be Xinke, but when he got off work, he saw that Xinxin entered the fifth floor. He lived under Dong Xuebin’s downstairs. As for other street office cadres, they all seemed to be concentrated below the fifth floor.
Dong Xuebin pondered that since he saw it, he couldn't help but ask. Seeing this battle is really a leak of gas, so he went over and knocked on the door.
"anyone there?"
"……Come in."
It is a Chinese voice, very low-lying, but also very nice.
When the door was open, Dong Xuebin went straight into the house and did not change shoes. He covered his nose and walked in. The gas smell in the house was bigger than the outside, but with the convection of the air in the window and the door, the smell slowly It is estimated that there will be no danger if you dissipate it.
Finally, Dong Xuebin saw the owner of the voice in the kitchen. It seemed that she was only one of her family. She was bowing her head on the gas rubber tube of the stove. The woman is about thirty years old, a very serious white shirt and gray west kù, long hair scattered in the back of the body slightly to fullness, and then see the side face of less fù, Dong Xuebin pupils involuntarily shrink A beautiful and amazing appearance suddenly caught in the eye.
Everything can describe the glamorous enchanting vocabulary used in the beauty of fù is not an exaggeration!
Dong Xuebin secretly took a breath and said which family of the cadres? So bright? The face of this kind of dumping country, Dong Xuebin, was only seen on the faces of Xie Huilan and Yan Meixia!
At this time, the beautiful fù board looked at the side of the face, looking at him from above and below, and there was some taste in the eyes.
Dong Xuebin put away his mind and asked: "Is leaking gas? Is it so delicious?"
The US slave gave a cry.
"Is the gas all over?"
Mei fù nodded with a sullen face, picked up the phone and dialed a number, it seems to be called to the property, but after a while she put down the phone, it seems no one answered.
Dong Xuebin said: "You just took a lot of gas and breathed it through the window. I will show you."
"There is no need to express your hand." "No, do you have a property phone here?"

"I don't know this." Dong Xuebin felt that her tone was a bit strong, but she didn't say anything to go into the kitchen to see the stove, and she smashed it back and grabbed a soap to open the faucet. I dipped some soapy liquid on it and immediately put it on the gas tank interface. I opened the main gate and unscrewed the gas. I observed it carefully, screaming, screaming, the soap on the top of the soap bubble, and then immediately shutting off the main gate. "It’s really leaking."
Looking for it, Dong Xuebin saw a green gas pipe on the cabinet, so he took it and looked at it. He pulled out the old pipe in three places and five places. "Big sister, give me a scissors."

Mei fù瞅瞅 him, paused for a while before turning to the living room, and soon handed him a small red scissors to hand him.
Dong Xuebin took over and cut the new gas pipe into a suitable length, and then changed it to the stove. Then he tried it with soapy liquid and there was no air leak. This kind of pipe Dong Xuebin had changed himself before when he was in Beijing. His family used to be very poor. Many things were brought by Dong Xuebin himself. This kind of thing to change the gas pipe is naturally difficult to come.
"Become, this time is no problem." Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief.
Beauty fù looked there, "..."... Thank you.

"You are welcome."
There is no expression on the face of the beautiful fù, and it has always been very serious. "When you wash your hands first, what kind of tea do you drink?"
"Don't bother, I am leaving."
Dong Xuebin reached out to the faucet and washed his hands. He felt that it was dangerous. If the family’s building was really human, his director could not blame him. He said that he could not wait for him to dry his hands and then use her kitchen to give Zhou Yanru A phone call "Hello, Director Zhou, at home or in the unit?

Zhou Yanru’s voice is a bit mí,
I am at home.

"Excuse you to rest? Sorry?"
"Oh, no, I am waking up."
"This is the case. Just a family member on the sixth floor of our family's building leaked gas. It is the aging of the rubber tube. It is very dangerous. Fortunately, it was discovered in time.
Zhou Yanru’s voice was shocked.
Leaking gas?

"When you go to work on Monday, don't go Monday. You will contact the gas company today, let them do a pipeline maintenance for all the residents on the sixth floor. The safety issue cannot be ignored. Isn't the former nephew Beijing out of the gas pipeline explosion accident? This must be taken seriously. Start with the family building. After checking this out, you can communicate with the gas company to see if you can check all the residents in the street."
"Okay, I will contact you right away."
"Well, then?"
"Right." Zhou Yanru suddenly said: "You said "the sixth floor?" 601?

"Yes, how is the nose?" Looking out, the beauty seems to be in the tea.
Hey, Zhou Yanru at the other end seems to have taken a picture of her head. She only listened to her: "Look at my brain. The older the more confused, the more I have forgotten to report to you. The 601 opposite your dormitory is the former party of Guangming Street. The committee 〗 〖Book, and the house has not been moved, these years are all in the system is very common in the system, the level of transfer does not say, generally from the department's high-ranking cadres, if the leader did not take the initiative to return the key, others can not 腆Faces go to people, people want to move, so the house will remain.
Dong Xuebin blinked, "Which?"
"Cough, is the mayor of Yuehua."
Yuehua District Chief? Hao Yuehua? Nanshan District second hand?
Dong Xuebin glanced, "I know!" Hanging down the phone slightly.
Just beautiful and less fù is 耿月华?亲新科's sister? Is she the leader of Guangming Street?
When Dong Xuebin stunned his head, he was really shocked. He thought at first that this beautiful family member was a relative of the cadre. No wonder she was just the strong attitude. The level was there~www.mtlnovel. Com~ Why does Yue Yuehua live here? It’s not surprising to think about it. The district governor and the district committee’s family have definitely had a dormitory, but her parents and younger brothers are living under the Dong Xuebin’s downstairs.
It’s definitely the head of the district’s parents who came here yesterday, so I’m here. Stayed.
Dong Xuebin’s mood is a bit complicated, and I really didn’t expect that Hao Yuehua was such a living beauty, which is totally different from the photo!
Before he took office, he naturally viewed the photos of the relevant leaders from the district government website. He also paid close attention to Qi Yuehua’s. This is a must-do homework. Now recall that the photos and I can be right, but the difference is a bit too big. Some, even more than Xie Huilan and Yan’s ID card photos, can’t be said to be ugly. The photo of Hao Yuehua can only be said to be too ordinary, and it is more prominent when compared with real people.
But also, think about the ID card photos of the beauty stars he has seen online. How many of them are good-looking? not a single one!
This is Hao Yuehua?
The beauty of the Nanshan District?
Dong Xuebin found a message in his mind, Qi Yuehua, female, in his early thirties, unmarried, strong, unsmiling, I heard that it is a very inhuman leadership. @.
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