Chapter 544:

in the afternoon.
Nanshan District Commission for Discipline Inspection.
Dong Xuebin said that the passing of the man and Wu Liangyuan had been said locally.
After listening, Wu Liang looked up at him and said, "How many of them have moved their weapons?"
Dong Xuebin said: "There are about thirty people who besieged our staff. They all took weapons. A dozen of them took sticks, one took a knife, and the rest of them were also pots and pans. At a point, I will submit a detailed report to the district. The specific situation can also be investigated. At that time, a small group of 100 people were clearly seen. I would not take this foolish area.
Wu Liang nodded, and his face was slightly relieved. "Even if it is a last resort, even to protect the safety of our public servants, it is most clear that you are a cadre because of the impact of local residents. Why didn't you do a good job before? Why do you want to demolish it? If you don’t mobilize your ideas, you can implement them rashly. This is the root cause of those merchants who are angry with you! Your Guangming Street Office has great problems in this regard!"
When I said that Dong Xuebin was coming to the air, "Wu 〗 〖Book, there is one more thing I want to report to you."
Just... said.

The reason why those merchants do it, the responsibility is not with us!

"Not you?"
Dong Xuebin inhales: "At that time, we thought about mobilizing us. We have already done a good job! Those merchants and a few residents have been shocked by us! Only a few diehards are still resisting! But three or two people! We 〗 〖Spread The police can control the situation! It will not trigger the conflict at the end! But at this time, the Minister of the Organization Department of the District Committee, Peng Kun, drove over! When he got off the bus, he commanded us to let us wait! Let us not Demolition! I don't understand! When did the organization department violate the illegal building? I know that one of the people who took the lead in inciting the masses was the cousin of the Minister of the Ministry of Organization!" He dared to say anything!
Wu Liang frowned, "Peng Kun?"
Dong Xuebin said: "This action is led by the street office. I am responsible. After Peng Kun came, I will tell you what to do. I don't listen. As a result, what do you guess? Minister Peng actually yelled at the conflict with the residents if the demolitions were broken. The district will not let me go, it will let the street office take responsibility, this will let those merchants know that we are afraid of conflict with them and we do not want to conflict, so their emotions will burst open, and there is no fear, it will lead to The big fight behind! I want to ask! What does Peng Kun do!?"
Wu Liang’s brow is even tighter.
What did Peng Minister say?

"Yes, one word is not bad, the mood of the residents is all he provoked!" Dong Xuebin said: "And after the incident, the residents were besieged, we wiped the in front of Peng Kun, Peng Kun actually ran, driving When the car was thrown, we ran Wu’s book, can you imagine that this is what a national cadre did?

Of course, Wu Liang will not only listen to Dong Xuebin's words. He also needs to know more about it. He also wants to report to the district. However, after listening to Dong Xuebin, Wu Liang also knows that it should be eighty-nine. As long as you go down and ask, you will know that Dong Xuebin does not need to be sloppy. This Peng Kun, what? You are a cadre of the organization department, and you are going to go to the streets of other people to do three things? Also inciting the masses to face the local streets? This is really not like it!
However, this matter involved the organization department, which is more sensitive. According to Wu Liang, the minister, Peng Kun, will go to the city party school next month to study. According to the procedure, it is necessary to promote to Xiping District to fight for a deficiency. Upgraded, so this must be cautious.
"Director Dong, you should go back first." Wu Liang said.
Dong Xuebin asked: "Wu 〗 〖Book, you and me through the bottom of this matter ..."
Wu Liang yelled at him. "The specific discussion in the district will be done. You should handle the follow-up work properly."

What about those merchants who have hit people?

Before Wu Liang didn't know it, now that he knows the details, he also has a fire in his heart. "The detention should be detained! It is impossible to deal with such illegal elements! It cannot help this kind of atmosphere!" Dong Xuebin entered the house today. The attitude is not very good, but Wu Liang still basically agrees with it. If they treat ordinary people, they can not fight back and not pay back their mouths, but they can’t pay attention to criminals, otherwise they will encourage the law enforcement in the whole region. How is the work going? Everyone will pick up a knife against the law enforcement officers when they meet something. Isn't it a mess?
Going back to the street office, I met Zhou Yanru in the courtyard.
Zhou Yanru immediately worried: "Director's Commission for Discipline..."
Dong Xuebin said faintly: "Things have been reported to Wu 〗 〖Book, it should be okay."
Zhou Yanru is aloof. "Right, I heard that Minister Peng will go to the party school cadre training class at the beginning of next month. It seems that he is going to be promoted."
Dong Xuebin looked at her, "Is it true?"
Brother...should be.

Dong Xuebin nodded and went back to his office. He smoked a few cigarettes and Peng Kun was going up. If there is no such thing, he estimates that he can go to the party school smoothly, but since things have become too big, even the leaders of the district have attracted attention. Peng Kun’s promotion is probably a big question mark. Tǐng, I see you still go to the streets with our hands! I don't know what is good!
The bell rings and the phone rings.
A look at the number, actually the phone of Yantai County, the book〗 〖Cao Xupeng.
Dong Xuebin smiled and picked it up. "Cao〗 〖Book, hello."
"Oh ~ Cao Xupeng said: "You kid, have trouble?

Dong Xuebin is a face-to-face, coughing and coughing, and denying it: "No."
"A person has played more than twenty people, and you still have no trouble?" Cao Xupeng said helplessly: "You kid is stinky, and wherever you go, you can't stop!"
Dong Xuebin was depressed: "I said Cao〗 〖Book, how do you know?"
Cao Xupeng shook his head and said: "I am in a meeting in the city. I just met the Anshi 〗 〖Book of the Nanshan District Committee. The King 〖Book〗 saw me. When I came up, I asked a word. He said, "Your Yantai County. What kind of cadre did you recommend to us? I will know when I hear this, and your kid must have made trouble again.

"Oh, this is not the situation."
Dong Xuebin is a little embarrassed, he can't do anything, but if there are other solutions, Dong Xuebin does not want to do it. However, now that the illegal merchants have been cleaned up and the illegal buildings have been reorganized, Peng Kun’s promotion has to be ruined. Dong Xuebin has nothing to regret. If he wants to do things, then he must not be afraid of things. @.
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