Chapter 579: [Amazing photos of Xu Dajie in her 30s! 】

in the afternoon.
Xu Jia, there is a sound of water in the bathroom.
Because there are a few pieces of frosted glass on the bathroom, so the back of the glass can be blurred, you can see a black shadow shaking slightly, sometimes lifting tuǐ, sometimes squinting, the imagination is always rich Dong Xuebin probably Can also guess the bathroom in the bathroom, Xu Dajie taking a shower, the heartbeat can not help but speed up a little, the brain, immediately diverted attention to grab the remote control to watch TV.
On the TV, a Korean soap opera is being played. A beautiful woman’s half-masked face suddenly appears in front of Dong Xuebin.
This is not to let the buddies think about it!
Change the stage quickly!
One minute……
Feng minutes...
twenty minutes……
Dong Xuebin looked bored, put down the remote control, smashed the waist that had just been sore by Xu Yan, stood up on the sofa, and slid his hand in the bathroom with the sound of the water in the bathroom. Right, finally, went to the balcony and shook the clothes that I had just washed. The summer sun is very hot. This is the sun-facing side. It’s estimated that it’s almost dry when it’s dry, so I open the window and lie on it. On the window sill, a cigarette was smoked to the outside of the hot air, and at the end, the cigarette was pulled out of the balcony.
Hey, is this?
Dong Xuebin, standing in the master bedroom, suddenly found a frame, blinked his eyes, and went up very curiously, looking down at the photo on the head of Xu Yanchuáng.
The photo background seems to be Beijing, behind the scenes, Bacheng is Jingshan Park, Dong Xuebin small
I went there many times and recognized it at a glance, but the people in the photo made him look suspicious and gave him a fascinating heart. There are two people on the photo. On the right is a little boy. He is six or seven years old. He smiles very sweetly. On the left is a little fù. In his thirties, she is holding a little boy with a loving face. The smile, from the photo, the body is not only the standard to the extreme, the face is also the kind of beautiful and flustered face, very bright.
Who is this?
Is it as beautiful as the Mayor of the Moon? ?
Dong Xuebin, but rarely seen such a woman in the Peugeot, can not help but look carefully and look, but I think the woman above is very familiar, much like Xu Yan.
This is Xu’s sister? relative?
But what about the photos of her relatives in her house?
Just thinking about it." The back door bathroom door opened, a mist and scent suddenly sprayed out of the bathroom, and dàng was in the house for a moment.
Dong Xuebin quickly put down the photo, "Sister Xu, have you finished washing?"
"Well? In the back room?" Slippers gradually progressed, Xu Yan walked in slowly, "Don't watch TV?"

Looking for a while
didn’t mean anything, so I’m strolling around.

Xu Yan also changed her clothes. At this moment, she wore a very loose casual long kù. The usual style of dancing, the short-sleeved shirt was hung on the upper body, and the buttons were tied together. Very conservative dress, but the charm is also full, "What are you looking at?"
"Look at the photos." Dong Xuebin only thought about asking, "To the big sister Xu" Who is this?

Xu Yan went to the chuáng headgear and smiled. "Who are you talking about?"
Dong Xuebin, oh? What do you mean? You mean...
Sure enough, Xu Yan smiled and said: "The right side is my son. When I was young, I took him to Jingshan Park to take photos. The one on the left is when you were younger Xu."
I rely on! Really you?
Even though I have already thought of this possibility, Dong Xuebin is still somewhat unimaginable!
Nothing else, Xu Yan, who is in his forties, and Xu Yan, who is in his thirties, are a bit big!
Although Xu Dajie is also good now, but it is only Dong Xuebin who is familiar with it. It is a bit of a feeling of Xi Shi in the blink of an eye. Well I think she looks good, but she is not like a bright person. At most, Xu Yan will use the vocabulary such as
following charm
to evaluate it. It can only be regarded as a kind of grower. But Xu Yan was a little different ten years ago. And the face, I am afraid that anyone who has seen it will be shocked to be a man of heaven, and admire the words "true and bright" that is the same beauty with the district governor and Huilan standing together!
The change is too big!
Just ten years ago and ten years later, is this really so embarrassing?
Dong Xuebin can't help but say that the old saying goes true. There are thirty-one women in the huā, and women in the forty-six tofu. These thirty and forty are really two people.
Xu Yan sat on the chuáng and took the photo in her hand in a nostalgic way. She smiled and said, "What happened?
Even your eldest sister Xu can't recognize it?

Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly: "The main thing is that you are too bright when you are young."
"Is it?" Xu Yan shook her head and smiled.
"No, it is bright and bright now." Dong Xuebin was busy looking for a sentence, this is the truth, even if Xu Yanzi is far better than fighting, Dong Xuebin really thinks she is good-looking.
"You kid, don't shoot your big sister." Xu Yan put the photo on. "I was bright when I was young. I admit it, but when I was in my thirties, my family and my work were not very smooth. Divorced, the child followed his father, huh, this decade is also the biggest change of your eldest sister Xu, old is very fast, do not blame you can not recognize, you have said so many friends Xu Sister.

Dong Xuebin said with a distressed heart: "No, you are now bright."
Xu Yan waved her hand and smiled and pointed at her own bags and eye corners. "I don't know how many there are? I have counted before, but I didn't have any thoughts yet, and here." The little freckles at the moment This spot is bigger every day, day by day, deeper, older, not acknowledging, not convinced, old, this thing, no one can change.

Dong Xuebin looked at it. "You don't have much wrinkles, it's much less than the same age female, and this spot is not deep, don't look carefully."
"That's your makeup for Xu Dajie." Xu Yan smiled. "The shower was just covered with a frost."
She said it was very calm, but Dong Xuebin was a little uncomfortable listening. Which woman does not love beauty? It’s a very painful thing to look at a face that was so bright and shiny all day long.
Xu Yan’s words made Dong Xuebin’s mind suddenly flash, and there seemed to be a flash of light!
Wrinkled? freckle? age?
correct! Dong Xuebin had a whimsy. Before he used REVERSE to test the "dead" and had not tried other things. If REVERSE can really retreat all the time for setting goals, then can the real-life REVERSE with flesh and blood also back? ? .
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