Chapter 666: [Crash! 】

on Saturday.
Early in the morning, the air after the rain brought the smell of grass seeds and floated into the living room along the window, which was very cool.
On the sofa, Dong Xuebin woke up from the dream with a quilt, mímí looked around, and then he blinked and snorted, and he felt a burning, and his body was in good condition.
The sound of running water in the room is screaming.
Dong Xuebin looked up at the bathroom and saw that he was awakened by this voice. It seems that the head of the Yuehua District was washing, and then went to the coffee table. There was a body scent on it. When I took it, it was thirty-seven degrees. The miscellaneousness, under the thermometer is still holding a newspaper, it may seem that in the morning, the head of the Yuehua District gave him a test while he was sleeping. The basics of burning have already receded. Well, when the head of the house was so worried about himself, Dong Xuebin was moved for a while, and he regretted getting the new branch to the party school.
Yuehua District Mayor is so particular about doing things, and he seems to be a little bit awkward.
Or do you say something to Yang Shuer and get back to Xinke?
No, isn't this more tossing people? Besides, the order of the organization can play? Where can I go to the party school and go, if I don’t go, I won’t go?
Suddenly, the bathroom door opened.
Dong Xuebin was busy pulling the quilt and sitting up. "Are you up?"
"... Yuehua quickly made a slap when he came out and got a vow.
Dong Xuebin said thank you: "Thanks to you last night, I feel much better, and it will be fine."
Hao Yuehua Yi, not very human: "If you have nothing to go back, I have something during the day." Very strong.
"Yu Xuebin wanted to wear shoes to the ground, but only remembered that he didn't wear anything on his body. This only took a look at "Yuehua District Mayor, I am..." clothes."
Hao Yuehua indifferent road: "Bathroom, not doing."
Dong Xuebin is sweating, how can you go out without a buddy? Can't you just be naked?
"Then, are you able to make up the clothes that you can cover? Can you?" Dong Xuebin asked.
Hao Yuehua ignored him, pulled the curtains open, poured the huā at a very fast speed, then turned back to turn on the TV and dialed to the news station. Finally, he looked at Dong Xuebin with a cold and hot look, and turned around. The bedroom, 咚, the door opened, after the election, Hao Yuehua came out with a suit, raised his hand and threw the handrail soil at the end of the sofa, stepped into the kitchen.
Dong Xuebin’s glimpse, thrown at the foot is the clothes of Hao Yuehua, a black and white kù, and a more orthodox white shirt, not pure lady, the collar is not huā.
Life is amazing.
Last time, the head of the Yuehua District went to his home for the night, and he gave her cooking and clothes for her. Now it is the other way around.
Dong Xuebin went to the kitchen to look at it. He quickly pulled the western kù under the quilt and put it on the tuǐ, then put on his shirt and walked to the front of the mirror. Dong Xuebin's did not grow up in Yuehua District, so the k-small is somewhat loose, the shirt is similar, the overall is still appropriate, but ōng. The location may be the relationship between the head of the Yuehua District, and she has some bulging curvature, slightly fat, but it can be worn. Smell the smell, the mature taste of Hao Yuehua seems to remain on the clothes, if nothing.
Dong Xuebin relished the film and went into the bathroom to wash his face.
When I came out, I looked at the watch and it was nine o'clock in the morning.
On the other hand, Hao Yuehua also stepped out of the kitchen, holding two porridge bowls in his hand, as if it was the Xiaomi porridge left to Dong Xuebin yesterday, and he was braving the heat.
"Hot, let me come, let me come." Dong Xuebin quickly gotten to pick it up.
Qi Yuehua handed him one of the bowls, the other did not, but he sat down in front of the table, did not speak, quickly picked up the spoon and began to drink porridge.
Dong Xuebin saw it and knew that this bowl of porridge was for himself, so he was welcome, sit down and drink with her.
The speed of eating at Yue Yuehua is as fast as that of her bathing. Dong Xuebin just took a spoon and drank three. The head of Yuehua has already drunk cleanly, throwing the bowl into the kitchen, and then sitting on the sofa while watching the news, while taking I started calling a few people by phone and started working.
"Pony, have you been to the provincial capital?" "Well, pick up as soon as possible!"

"Director Liu, yesterday's report was taken to the government office immediately, I will see it before noon!"
"Old Sun, that plan you to attack, I saw it yesterday, no, the problem is very dog." You don't have to borrow from me. ! If you don't put it in your heart, that line, change people's regrets, is there still a problem? No, just give me the book before the afternoon!"
Dong Xuebin wanted to say a word, but when she saw her so busy, she didn't bother to disturb. After drinking the porridge, she went to the kitchen with the bowl, and even the bowl that the Yuehua District Chief had just used was brushed together. By the way, simply give it again. She packed up the kitchen and wiped the hood, which is still human.
After a short time, Dong Xuebin went to the living room and saw that Yue Yuehua looked down at the paper with a notepad and said: "Yuehua District Mayor, if it’s okay, I Chu" bells, the phone again It rang.
"Let's wait!" Hao Yuehua went to get the call.
Dong Xuebin snorted and stood next to him.
It seems that Yuehua is talking to anyone who is in a subtle mood. "What?"
At the end of the phone, the voice of the secretary Ma recommended was low. "The mayor, there is a problem here!"


"The aircraft of the Japanese investor was changed yesterday. We didn't inform us that we had to work for the provincial capital that took about an hour. I and Pan, they also know now that the people have gone."
"This time I came here with a large number of investors. There are some areas in our area that were contacted by the Merchants Association in Tokyo. I also contacted Dafeng County. I also heard that after a group of people got off the plane, the investment promotion office of Dafeng County. The county leaders took the people directly from the provincial capital airport, including the investment group that we contacted. It took about half an hour. I am now returning to the city with Director Pan."
Rumors, Haoyuehua noodles sè sinking and shouted: "What do you want to do! Noisy!"
Mas carefully said: "Yuehua District Mayor, what do you think now?"
"You don't have to come back! Lie to chase me! Go to Dafeng County and pick up the people!" Hao Yuehua's eyebrows are cold. "Go and wait for me! I will be there soon!"
The phone was very loud, and Dong Xuebin next to it heard it.
Dafeng County has robbed their investors in Nanshan District halfway? Is Dafeng County? This kind of thing Dong Xuebin has met once, it seems that this Dafeng County is really a master who remembers to eat and remember, doing this kind of thing is still addictive! It is the county of Lizhou City! This is the corner of the wall! Too grandson!
Qiu Yuehua immediately stood up and wore a small jacket. While taking the bag, he called the driver. "Hey! I am Yuehua! I will pick you up after ten minutes! Guangming Street Hostel! Where are you? Going to Xiping District? What is not? Said noon at noon? Is it your ear or I didn't make it clear? How long can you come over? Half an hour?" 耿月华火道: "You are not used!" Hang up the phone!
Hao Yuehua holding a mobile phone and calling the government to call the car.
Dong Xuebin saw her temper and couldn't help but cough. He tried to test: "The head of the Yuehua, I am fine today, or else I will give you a day driver?"
Yan Yuehua took a look at him and said, "Do you have a car key?"
"The car key has not been lost, that is, the key to the house has been lost." Dong Xuebin m took out the key of Porsche to "to Dafeng County, the fastest half an hour is enough, you see?"
Hao Yuehua walked to the shoe cabinet and quickly stepped on a pair of women's flat shoes "..." Go!

"Noise!" Dong Xuebin didn't take anything, and there was nothing. He went downstairs with Qi Yuehua and opened the rear door for her to let her get the car.
Then, Cayenne roared out of the gate of the community.
Qi Yuehua is a person who has to do what he has to do in the next second. He can't wait for a second. It's not that the head of the Yuehua District is unsettled, but the big things are all the same. She is this one-on-one work style. Dong Xuebin’s temper was also similar to her. Dafeng’s county magistrate Li Feng and former investment bureau director Pan Zhou had once tossed him once. This time, he came again and made Dong Xuebin somewhat annoyed. Investigating the investment, but doing two or three months of preparation work, can you say no?
"Come on!" Yan Yuehua called in the back seat and took time to speak to Dong Xuebin.
"Yes, then you are seated." Dong Xuebin stepped on the gas pedal and immediately lifted the speed.
The road to Dafeng County is not too flat, there are not many cars, but the road conditions are not good, there is still water on the road. If it is Audi or Passat of Haoyuehua, it’s good to be able to get an hour, and the car’s xìng can be placed there. However, Dong Xuebin is now opening a Cayenne, top-level configuration, the speed on the road can be destroyed with the sports car, the off-road xìng can not be compared to other cars, even if some mountain roads are also Flat land, one penny and one million, the value of two million cars is reflected here.
It took only half an hour for the Cayenne to enter Dafeng County.
Dong Xuebin, who is open on this road, is very I don’t think it is normal, but when I see something urgent, the car’s xìng can make him feel that this money is not white.
"We are here." Dong Xuebin reminded: "Where to go?"
Hao Yuehua Shen Sheng: "Send me to the county party committee! You go to the investment street in the back street! Ma Feipan just they are there! You meet with me and wait for me!"
"……"it is good.

Qi Yuehua apparently came here and pointed to the road, let him drive to the door of a spacious courtyard. When the car just stopped, Hao Yuehua pushed the door down and went straight to the courtyard!
The guard reached out and stopped. "Who are you looking for?"

Haoyue Huali ignored him and stepped forward.
"Hey! You stand!" The doorman blinked.
But inside, several government-run people who have already received the news have already greeted the squad from the office building. .
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