Chapter 686: [New instruction FORWARD! 】

one day.
Five days.
Ten days.
A little half a month has passed.
Under the auspices of Dong Xuebin, the work of Guangming Street Office was carried out in an orderly manner. There was nothing to do. After the previous model unit was settled, the office had nothing to do after that. The small party affairs party and several deputy directors can handle it well. The only task of Dong Xuebin these days is to listen to the report, open a meeting, sign the signature, and then sit down from the early morning to the evening with the secretary office. Sitting at work to get off work, as for the time after returning home, Dong Xuebin is still doing nothing, because the district party secretary is still asking for sick leave, the work in the district is temporarily acting as a temporary agent, and the two large stalls of the district committee and district government can think about it. How many, anyway, since that day, the mayor of Yuehua has not returned to the street dormitory. It seems that he has been living in the district committee. Dong Xuebin is not good to go to her, and the texting party does not return, so he is more relaxed.
This afternoon.
Office, secretary office.
Dong Xuebin, who went to the cafeteria for lunch, went back to the house and lit a cigarette at the back of his desk. He played with the mouse and went online with others to fight the landlord.
The bell rings and the phone rings.
As soon as I saw the electric number, Dong Xuebin smiled a little. It was Yan Meixia.
"Hey, big sister."
"Xiao Bin, it is me, you, are you busy?" The voice was very careful.
Dong Xuebin looked at the landlord's screen and smiled bitterly: "Yeah, too busy, this is not the case, playing the game is right."
Yan Meixia listened, and said in a hurry: "Then you are busy, you are busy, I have nothing else, do not bother you."
"Khan." Dong Xuebin rolled his eyes and laughed and said: "I said, sir, you can't even hear jokes? I am really busy, can I play games?"
The voice was suspicious. "You are not busy?"
"Not busy, something you said." The big sister's temper is too good, and she said what she believes, Dong Xuebin does not dare to make fun of her. If you say something messy, people will really be a big sister. Really, there is no joke in the 虞美霞 dictionary.
The voice of the mobile phone is low. "I am fine, I miss you."
Dong Xuebin said: "What about you, miss me?"
I can almost see her blushing, "... um."
"What is it? Do you want to?"
"...what is it." Obviously speaking is not convenient.
"How is the little guy? I haven't seen it for two months, I really miss her." Dong Xuebin was very happy, hehe smiled: "So what, you are asking about the high school in the city? Rest assured, If I don’t care about the embarrassing thing, what kind of thing do I still care about? I’ve done it well, I asked my mom to say hello to the school, the city’s key high school, when it’s time to report directly, right? Now, when you come to the community neighborhood committee, I haven’t thought about where you are going. When you come over, I will arrange it later."
Big sister sighed, "I listen to you."
"Oh, what do you listen to me?"
"Yeah!" The tone is very positive.
Dong Xuebin has some emotions. "It’s still my sister, my sister."
"It's quite modest."
瞧瞧 瞧瞧 虞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Dong Xuebin smiled and suddenly remembered something. His face was positive. "Is it the last time you thought about it?"
"what's up?"
"Your biological parents."
There was a moment of silence at the end, and at the end I said, "I, I still..."
Dong Xuebin reluctantly said: "How is it still dragging? Parent-child identification we have done, certainly not wrong, Liu Shuer and Qian Ayi are not too young, if you consume it again... Do you understand what I mean? I know you are a little nervous The things that can be solved are always solved, and this is a good thing, family reunion, big things, what else is there to ponder? Well, anyway, you can take your own ideas, I can’t control it. You can only give advice to you. You should also communicate with Xiaoxie first. Don't let the little guy not be mentally prepared. She is the granddaughter of Liu Shu'er, and also has the right to know about it. Anyway, you should consider it yourself."
"...well, I said to you."
"Well, if you want to come and recognize your family, feel free to call me, I will contact you."
Hanging the line, Dong Xuebin touched the mouse and continued to play with the landlord, one game after another.
Not long after, Dong Xuebin lost four in a row, and the points fell in the same way. He was annoyed when he played, and he quit the game and leaned back on the back of the chair.
Dong Xuebin! Can you be bored again?
Director of the Street Office! Also mind the Internet to fight the landlord? You can do it!
Dong Xuebin feels that he has to find something to do. Since there is nothing in the work, then study and study his biggest card. K, P, REVERSE, in addition to these already discovered, will there be other orders that I have not found? Dong Xuebin remembered very clearly that he once read the dictionary from front to back from back to front, but when he found REVERSE, he read it for the second time. That is to say, Dong Xuebin did not read REVERSE for the first time. I noticed that it was not until a long time later that I read from the back to the second time that I found out that the order came into effect. Dong Xuebin thought about it, maybe it was because she was distracted for the first time. In that case, Dong Xuebin is holding English and Chinese. The dictionary has been read through, but it is inevitable that there may be a fish missing.
But how do you find them out?
Read the dictionary again with all your attention?
When Dong Xuebin thought of it, he was hairy and nonsense. He believed that no one in the world could concentrate on reading a thick dictionary and not worrying about it. This is really a boring job, unless you read a little every day, but I am afraid that I have to go out for two months. Where does Dong Xuebin have that leisure time? Moreover, he has read the dictionary over and over again, and he is annoyed early.
Still have to use the old method to choose some words that may give birth to instructions.
Dong Xuebin thought for a moment, this time he decided to be more elaborate than the last time, simply try the words related to time, try your luck.
P is time still, K is time back, then...
Start? Static antonyms? No, no response.
n? Still not, no movement.
? The antisense of back? Not a success.
A while ago, in order to study this, Dong Xuebin’s English level has advanced by leaps and bounds, which is much better than when he was in college. Most of the vocabulary has not been used in the dictionary, and he has to go to the office to test it. With.
An hour has passed.
Nothing at all, I tried hundreds of words and could not do it.
Dong Xuebin took a small half-pack of cigarettes, oh, mainly because he didn't know if there were any new instructions, so he couldn't lift his heart, but what if he didn't? Suddenly, Dong Xuebin’s eyes fell on the empty remote control. I don’t know how. He suddenly thought of a word often written on the DVD remote control, FF. This is the meaning of fast forward. As for the full name of English... is Fast-rward .
This is also time related, just the opposite of REVERSE.
Dong Xuebin held the test and thought, concentrated his attention, and slammed the RWARD with the cigarette on the point!
No warning!
Almost a blink of an eye, the cigarette on the hand seems to have become a lead, burned out, and then burned to the hands of Dong Xuebin!
Dong Xuebin sighed with pain and hurriedly read RWARD!
This scene really took Dong Xuebin into a spirit. If this cigarette does not care about it, at least it will burn for ten or twenty minutes. As a result, it will burn out. This is contrary to the logic phenomenon, Dong Xuebin has been able to affirm, RWARD is in effect, and sure enough, a read MENU check the remaining time, a second less than the time recorded beforehand! Is this the opposite of REVERSE? REVERSE is the time to retreat the specified object, and RWARD is the time to advance the specified object! ?
Must try!
Dong Xuebin suddenly came to the spirit, stood up and looked for it in the house, and finally got the clock with the calendar in his hand, set the god, mind concentrated on the clock, immediately ordered!
In an instant, the second hand in the clock ran wildly at a speed that was difficult to capture with the naked eye. The minute hand also went very fast, but the hour hand was relatively flat.
This scene made Dong Xuebin look awkward and unhappy?
But he did not hesitate, or he was honestly focused.
Ten seconds...
Thirty seconds...
A minute is coming soon!
RWARD is lifted!
Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief Suddenly holding the clock to see the date, RWARD spent the rest of the minute, the clock just went forward one day, and advanced for twenty-four hours, equal to REVERSE One second is equal to a day of retreat. RWARD's time advances are not so great, and are sixty times worse, but they work on a single object, but they take much longer than K.
What does it mean?
Consume the same energy and remaining time, why are the times of retreating and advancing individual objects not equal?
Is there a trajectory in the past, so the energy required to retreat the object is less? The future is unknowable, so the energy required for the object to advance is greater than the retreat?
Or is there any function calculation?
What other unclear reasons? ?
Dong Xuebin really can't understand, but he only understands that he found a new instruction - RWARD!
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