Chapter 797: [New Day 1 of the wedding]

Chapter 797 First day of the wedding
The next morning.
It was dawn, and there was light running into the bedroom.
Dong Xuebin first woke up, his backache and his eyes open and yawned. The first thing he saw was a graceful face, which was Xie Huilan’s sleeping face. At this time, Xie Jie was lying beside him, facing his face, breathing and exhaling evenly, sleeping very fragrant. Dong Xuebin róu took the róu eyeball and began to stare at Huilan. He looked more and more into the gods. He couldn’t think that Xie’s sister was so beautiful when she slept, and she couldn’t help but love it. She reached out and squeezed the corner of Xie Huilan’s forehead. A long black hair, take it on the nose and sniff.
Really fragrant.
After that, I am 媳fù儿!
If you have a wife, what do you want to ask your buddy?
Dong Xuebin’s heart was full of love, thinking of Hu Tianhai, who was with Xie’s sister last night, Dong Xuebin felt that his heart was very fulfilling and very satisfying.
I am really a smoker on my grave.
There is such a beautiful big wife, Dong Xuebin thinks that he has lived for more than ten years and is too eye-catching.
Dong Xuebin wanted to be more happy, and couldn't help but carefully open the quilt. Suddenly, Xie Huilan's slick curve was violently smashed out. When he saw it, Dong Xuebin’s eyes were dry, and he immediately reached for mō, like heō A piece of ceramic art is generally mōmō Xie's big tuǐ, feeling the hot and graceful curvature above, slowly moving up the arc, Dong Xuebin with one hand holding Xie Huilan's ròutún, the palm of his hand is delicate The touch, tún is white and soft and tough, it feels great.
At this time, Xie Huilan's long eyelashes máo children moved slightly.
Dong Xuebin was busy with his hands, and his loving eyes looked at her straight, "Wu Lan, wake up?"
Xie Huilan didn't blink, with a sleepy sigh, "What time is it?"
"Probably..." Dong Xuebin looked up at the watch. "Not at seven o'clock, it is still early."
Moved to the body, Xie Huilan opened his eyes and opened a gap, and looked at him lazily. "I haven’t arrived at seven, so what did you wake up so early?"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I didn't want to call you, I just couldn't help but think about you, who made you too beautiful."
Xie Huilan's beautiful voice is even thinner. "Is your boy yesterday cool? Have you been addicted?"
This is a post-it account. Dong Xuebin immediately coughed: "No, cough..."
"No?" Xie Huilan chún corner raised a smile, "Let me squat, squat, squatting tún, and your Xie sister is as bad as a dog, this is not fun? Then how do you want to be addicted?"
Dong Xuebin screamed, blushing: "Hey, you are yelling at you, it’s too hard to say, what kind of dog is the normal xìng-life, I can’t insult you anymore, I don’t know you. Do you understand? I have always respected you very much, and I admire your old man. I don’t have time to hurt you. I dare to bully you. Really, really, that’s right, right, what happened yesterday?
When Dong Xuebin couldn’t escape, he began to stupid.
I drank a little more wine, I don’t remember clearly. I’m starting

"Installed tǐng like."
"What do I pretend? I really can't remember."
Xie Huilan smiled and said, "I can't remember it. I can't remember the wedding. Are you married? Hey, it seems that you haven't got a marriage certificate anyway? It's not legally married."
Dong Xuebin was shocked. "Don't talk, you don't want to get a license?"
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "You Xie sister also drank a little more wine, can't remember, why do you want to get a license? Who are you?"
"Which one do you say I am?"
"Oh, your sister Xie really doesn't know, tell me tell me?"
Dong Xuebin surrendered. "Well, I know that I said but you. I solemnly apologize for the matter yesterday. I am jealous of you without your consent. It is my fault. I will ask you when I am in the future." Old opinions, strictly enforce your old policy, unite around you, keep up with your old pace, do you?" Dong Xuebin went up and licked her waist. "Don't be angry, the wedding is done, so much. The guests have all been invited, as well as the General Secretary and the Prime Minister’s wife. I can’t regret it at this time. After two days of marriage certificate, I will go to the collar.

Xie Huilan smiled and said: "It depends on your Xie sister's mood."
Dong Xuebin knew that she was a joke and she was happy. "What is Laughing Lafay?"
"I ah..." Xie Huilan closed her eyes and turned over. "I want to sleep a little longer now. Some people didn't know how important it was yesterday. I have lost all my old bones."
"Well, then let's go to sleep."
"Can you give Xie sister a cover quilt?"
"Well, I am going to cook, I will call you when I eat."
"nòng some I love to eat."
"I understand that this is still used by you."
Dong Xuebin sat up from chuáng and bowed his head in love. He bowed on Xie Huilan's smooth forehead and gave her a lick of her hair. She then tightened the quilt to Xie, and then she wore shoes and chuáng. Disturbing her rest, Dong Xuebin went to the bathroom in the living room to wash his teeth and change clothes. Xie Huilan said that Dong Xuebin was really cool last night. He can use that posture to harm Xie Jie. It has always been Dong Xuebin’s dreams. After finally fulfilling his wish, he feels refreshed and also feels Huilan. Last night, I really didn't respect her. I couldn't hang on my face. I still forcibly toss her for half an hour. This is really not a thing.
Impulse is the devil.
However, it is so cool for Xie Jie, Dong Xuebin does not regret it.
Washed out from the bathroom, Dong Xuebin had a lazy feeling, his eyes must be, began to churn up the refrigerator to prepare breakfast.
The steaming breakfast was taken to the table by Dong Xuebin.
Unloading the apron and throwing it in the kitchen, Dong Xuebin came out and looked at the table. He nodded with satisfaction. This table thing was a lot of thoughts. In addition to giving his mother, Dong Xuebin had not given such care to others. I have done breakfast once and it is very rich.
"Hui Lan!" Dong Xuebin shouted upstairs.
"I heard it." The nv sounded upstairs.
"Let's eat down, it's all good."
"Well, come."
Dong Xuebin was prepared to put on the tableware and put it on the table one by one.
Just after a nòng, the elegant footsteps were heard on the stairs. Xie Huilan, who had a lot of charm, took the light steps and slowly went downstairs. Her hair was wet. Obviously she hadn’t had time to dry before she took a shower. Lan Shang half wore a long-sleeved nv shirt with white sè, and the neckline was wrapped around the white sèhuā side. The silk underwear with black bottom red huā was looming on the shirt ōng mouth, nothing was worn underneath, bare tuǐ, no k ù子, just when Xie Jiemai tu ǐ 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔 偶尔
Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly: "I said it yesterday, don't you wear clothes?"
"Get used to it, huh, huh." Xie Huilan did not feel embarrassed.
"When you are in Yantai County, this is the case. If you come to the individual, if someone on the window takes a telescope or something, you are still not stunned?"
Xie Huilan smiled. "Others are willing to see, and your Xie sister can't control it."
Dong Xuebin blinked. "What do you say, then I am not suffering?"
"Just kidding with your kid, at home, your sister Xie is also hanging curtains, and your Xie sister is just like this when you are with you."
Dong Xuebin’s heart is hot,

"...false, hehe."
"I said that you believe in a fake? You Xie sister can not be violent."
Dong Xuebin said with anger: "I am serious, real, easy to believe in people. Don't let me play this joke with me. I am really serious."
"Okay, don't tease my little husband."
"I see that you are now tossing me and still enjoy it."
Xie Huilan smiled. "Do you see the kid?" Suddenly, Xie Huilan, who came down, snorted and looked at the breakfast at a table. There were poached eggs, fried sausages, and hot bread. There are beans and porridge, as well as a stack of ketchup ròu and a plate of pickles. "Breakfast is so rich? It doesn't look much, but it's all huā thoughts, huh, my husband has worked hard."
This time, there is no small, but a husband who is called directly.
This is the first time Xie Huilan called Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin is a very easy person to meet. He heard that the heart is huh, and he is busy with a big morning. He feels a little tired and can’t feel it.
Nothing is ok, polite, what is it for you to have breakfast? Let's eat it quickly, hot and hot."
"You are also sitting."
Both of them sat at the table and picked up chopsticks.
Dong Xuebin first gave the opposite side of Huilan a piece of bread and handed it to her. She saw her not eating but looked at herself. Dong Xuebin asked: "What's wrong? Not hungry?"
Xie Huilan laughed. "What are you doing so far away from your sister?"
"Khan, face to face, is this far? Well, the table is a bit big."
Xie Huilan patted next to it, "Sit here, the first day of the wedding, Xie Jie wants to eat you, okay?"
Dong Xuebin warmly smiled and said: "When did you become so tired and screaming? I still want to eat with me? Let's go, my wife and adults are all open, I used to go to past.
Xie Huilan Wei Weiyi, this is how you pick up the knife and fork, like a Western food, cut bread and sausage bit by bit, very graceful.
Dong Xuebin was not so squeaky. He grabbed the bread with one hand and snorted. When he was drinking porridge, he also made a sound of sucking and sucking.
Xie Huilan smiled. "I said you last time. Can you talk about rules when you eat?"
Dong Xuebin didn't think so. "Hey, it's all two, what's hidden?" I just can't change it."
One in his early thirties, one twenty-four.
One is a country, one looks down.
A dignified and beautiful, a big sly.
This picture looks very unharmonious and there are too many conflicts.
But the two people in the house got married and became a couple. I have to say that life is full of drama xìng!
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