Chapter 927: [Search and rescue! 】

problem occurs?
What happened?
Xie Hao’s shouting made a few people somewhat inexplicable.
Xie Jing and Sun Hao Xie Ran looked at each other and brushed into the cabin. Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan also followed suit.
"What happened to Xiaohao?"
"You are listening."
"What are you listening to?"
"Listen to the radio, fast!"
In the cabin, the radio broadcasts came out.
Just listen to the radio host's tone and say: "It has been confirmed now that about six people are from the big
The citizens of Lu and Twan were trapped in the sea of ​​D. The fishing boats they took were repeatedly hit by the destroyers of the illegal immigration of R. The hulls were damaged and could not sail. The six people were also trapped in the D sea.
I couldn’t move, and at the last moment, the land side also received their distress signal, but then
The signal disappeared and they could no longer be contacted. Now the specific situation of D Hai has not been updated.
Interest, the situation is temporarily unknown.

Xie Jingyi said, "Is the warship of R this ship hitting our fishing boats?"
Xie Ran sullenly said: "They don't mean to start at night? It is also the night there.

Xie Huilan squinted: "Before the night was released, it was to hide people’s eyes and ears.
It is to prevent the R side from dispatching the warship in advance, but now it seems that the other party has already arranged the blockade line.
It is.

Long also called: "Blocking? Isn't that their territorial water, what rights do they have to block?"
Wu Er slammed his fist and hammered it, "The bastard!"
Xie Hao also called: "Mahjong! This group of small R is too jerk!"
Dong Xuebin is also a face down and sinking. When watching the news on the plane, he has already heard that there are people in the country who are going to go fishing in D. Fishing is not an end. The biggest purpose is for R.
Sending officials to patrol D Hai to make a strong response and counterattack · swearing the Republic in D Sea
Sovereignty, telling everyone that it is the territorial sea and territory of their republic.
Fish, but Dong Xuebin never imagined that R is actually so face, not only once again
I illegally entered the territorial waters of the Republic. I also blatantly expelled our fishing boats and hit our ships to the point where they could not sail. This is a serious provocation!
If we go fishing in your country, that's it.
But now we are fishing with the waters of our own country, you dare to dare to our ship.
Only impact and destruction? Still in the case of illegal entry?
You are going crazy!
Out of this kind of thing, everyone is not in the mood to play.
The yacht returned under the control of Wu Er and returned to the small port.
Outside the port.
Several middle-aged men and women are frowning and talking on the beach.
Dong Xuebin, after they got out of the boat, they saw several middle-aged people waving at Wu.
"Old Wu, long time is also ah? I heard that?" One humanity.
Wu Erdao: "How come you are here? What have you heard?"
The man said: "The ship of the small R is driving into our waters again! This is a gang! See if we are bullying?"
Wu Er cold said: "I just listened to the radio and said that the warships hit our fishing boats. Now our people still don't know whether they are born or dead!"
"It’s too much to deceive!"
"I just inquired about it, the rescue boat has passed."
"Hey? Have you found someone?"
"Just started, I haven't found it yet."
These people are also the residents of the beach villas here. They look like they are old acquaintances.
It is.
They chatted. Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan and others also sat on the beach bench next to them, one
Everyone is not very good-looking, and they are all worried.
Sun Hao is most excited. The teeth are crunching. "You can't just forget it!"
Xie Hao also kicked the sand with a kick and vented his anger. "It’s a matter of time.
Can be three times four times five times. Who is this fuck? What are they doing?

Dong Xuebin touched the phone and said: "I am going to make a call."
Xie Huilan yelled at him and said: "No need to fight, useless." Seems to know who he wants to give.
Dong Xuebin did not listen, or walked away with a mobile phone. On the far coast, dialed the number of Huilan Ershu Xie Guojian, toot and pass.
"Hey, my uncle, my little Dong."
"I know, what happened?"
"Do you know anything about D Hai?"
"I just heard that this group of R himself is not lawless!"
Dong Xuebin was indulged and said: "It is most important to save people now. The sea area is very big, the contact signal.
Broken again, I am afraid that I can't search for them. Can you see if you can find a warship to help you find it? Otherwise
If they are killed, we can’t explain to the people, the life is off, and the warships are dispatched.
If you can, you can also expel the small R books and give them some lessons!

Xie Guojian paused. "Things are not that simple."
"I know it's not easy, so I have to..."
"The decision here is not that I have done the Lord, and that it belongs to the sea of ​​T Bay, 咱
Our warships are also not suitable for intervention.

"But now our citizens are dying of life and death. Just look at those R who jumped up and down. They ruined our ships, maybe killed our people, and then let them go back to China? Next time
Continue illegal entry? Where is the reason!

"The T-Bay has sent a search and rescue team."
"But that's not enough. If you can't find it?"
"It should be no problem. The person on the fishing boat before the disappearance has already sent it back. Look for it first.
Let's talk to people.

When I said a few words, it was fruitless. Dong Xuebin had to put down the phone and looked coldly at the distant waters.
Xie Huilan yelled at him and patted her husband's hand gently. "You should calm down first, don't meet things."
Children are hot, wait and see, wait for the search and rescue team to find someone to say.

Dong Xuebin did not speak, and it can only be like this.
Seven o'clock in the evening.
As the sun sets, the sky is getting darker.
Wu Er and Xie Huilan Xie Ran and others are sitting in the villa living room, TV news is on, everyone
The light is concentrated and the atmosphere is somewhat silent.
No news.
Still no news.
Everyone waited for a long time and couldn’t help but be impatient.
"How come you still haven't believed? Is this all for a long time?"
"It’s still far from there, and the rescue boat may not be so fast.

"I heard that some rescue boats are organized by nearby fishing boats. The fishing boats are not yet fast. They can't be reached for a while. I hope there are boats nearby. It is definitely better than the past from the nearby seas."
The departure is much faster.
Suddenly, the TV screen flashed.
An advertisement was interrupted, and the host appeared on the TV. "Insert a news, D Hai
A working fishing boat near the sea has already rushed to the rescue and found a collision with the R side warship in the D sea.
Hit the damaged fishing boat, but when they want to save people, the R side warship suddenly made a disaster, claiming that the D sea is their sea. After the warning, they attacked the local fishing boat in Twan, chasing all the way.
After rushing, the hull of the ship was seriously damaged. After ten minutes of entanglement, the fishing boat escaped.
Now, there is more water in the boat. Fortunately, there is a rescue team nearby to get the crew to be saved. The people on board are temporarily suspended.
No casualties were reported, but now the rescue team is in a region of D Sea and the R side warship.
Right, the R side pulled up a sea blockade line and did not allow the rescue boat to save people.
Let's take a look at the video footage sent back by the first rescue ship at the time...·...
There was a vast expanse of video in the video.
The picture was taken on a rescue boat and the lens was a little swaying.
Opposite, R Fang warships shouted the horn of the horn. "This is our sea! Warn again! This is our sea! Please leave now!"
Someone on the rescue boat shouted: "We are here to save people!"
"You give me away! Save the people and let us go!" The horn passed.
But the R side warships were ignored, and one of the two warships immediately rushed to them.
Fishing boat, a murderous!
"Hurry to hide!"
Someone shouted a few on the rescue boat, but it was too late.
With a bang, the warship slammed into the bow of the rescue ship, and the head of the ship was deformed!
The video is also broken, and the picture is back to the news studio. "In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already
Severe condemnation and protest to the R side!

After reading this news, several people in the villa exploded at the time!
The R side not only ignored the stranded fishing boat, but now it was damaged by a R-class warship. Still not let them go in to save people?
This is a gang!
Even the minimum humanity is gone!
This time, even Xie Huilan, who has been calm, has slightly pulled her face down.
Sun Hao is even more angry: "Illegal entry, blockade of the sea, hitting our ships, this is to open

Wu Eryin said: "I bumped into our ship and still did not let us rescue. This is what it is."
I want to stand up and demonstrate that our ship will not dare to approach D Sea in the future!

The development of things is beyond the expectations of everyone!
R's vicious face is also beyond everyone's estimate!
If this continues, what about the fishing boat that the Republic has broken down? Can only watch
Did it sink and everyone died there? Or the last R Fang warship came out to "rescue"
Some people are handcuffed and grabbed? Retrieving their R domestic? Take them to stand up? ?
Which situation is not what they are willing to see!
Xie Hao said: "What should I do now? The fishing boat that died in the eye will not be able to see it! The rescue boat will not enter! They will not last long!"
Xie Jing inhaled the airway: "I don't know if there is no leaking ship is anchored, and it must be leaking!" Xie Haodao.
If the water leaks, the fishing boat will definitely not be able to hold it, and the situation has already taken place.
Dong Xuebin suddenly looked at Wu Er. "Wu Wuer, can you borrow the yacht for me?"
Wu Erzhen, "This is no problem, what do you do with the yacht?"
Dong Xuebin slowly stood up. "Or I will go and save the people of our Republic.
Come back, by the way, tell the little R this, who is the sea!

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